
说明文:在四级作文中,实际上细化为原因类作文,最明显的原因类 作文,如 My Favorite Programme, My Ideal Job, The Career I Pursue, 再就是 Why I Take the College English Test Band 6。

模板一: Why Are There so Many Rural Laborers in Big Cities? 1. 近来来越来越多的民工涌入大城市。 2. 产生这一社会现象的原因。 For a number of years, there has been a steady rise in the number of rural laborers who flood into big cities. Many men work on construction sites, while many women work as dishwashers in restaurants or babysitters for city dwellers. Three reasons, in my mind, can account for this social phenomenon. First and Foremost, the limited land can no longer produce enough crops for an ever-increasing rural population. In the second place, there are far more opportunities in big cities----rural laborers dream of earning money through hard work. Last but by no means the least, many of them want to live permanently in big cities, because they admire the way of living there, and wish their children to receive good education. I firmly believe that if we try our best to create a healthy social atmosphere, rural laborers will make greater contribution to our nation. 结构点评

这篇作文谈论的是一种社会现象。第一段分三句,首句引入大量 农民工进入大城市这一现象,第二句举例子进行说明,第三句是个过 渡,引起解释原因的段落。第二段分三个方面来解释原因。第三段是 乘法的结束语。这是我们大家熟悉的结构。 妙笔生花 第一段首句是个经典句型,大家应熟记。第二句是举例说明, construction site 表示 “建筑工地” babysitter 表示 , “帮人看孩子的人” 。 第三句使用了插入语,强调了句子主语。 第二段分三个方面来解释这一社会现象。第一点中 no longer 和 ever-increasing 的使用突显了矛盾,其中 rural 指“乡村的” 。第二点 中的 far more 亦可用 much more, 后使用破折号, 引出进一步的说明。 第三点中 permanently 和 admire 分别指“永久地”和“羡慕” ,接受 教育是“receive education” 。 第三段非常简洁,是宾语从句嵌套条件状语从句的情形。条件状 语从句的语气平和舒缓,显得非常客观。

模板二: 还有些题目也是原因类题型,像 It Pays to Be Honest, Harmfulness of Fake Commodities, Don’t Hesitate to Say “NO”. 这些都是从写现象 -----原因------后果的三段论式。 今天我们练习写,主题句已经给出:It Pays to Be Honest 1 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象

2 诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实 Nowadays, every one of us has been confronted with too many instances of dishonesty either through the mass media or in daily life………….We can’t help asking ourselves: What is wrong with our society? Is honesty going out of style? Honest should and would never go out

of style. For any individual, honesty …… All that has been discussed above points out an undeniable fact that it pays to be honest. Honesty ……..

模板三 Video Games The recent years have witnessed 表明,目击 an unfavorable social phenomenon—more and more college students become indulged 迷恋 in video games. Some of them play video games overnight, which will inevitably hinder 妨碍 their study. Others even play truant 逃避 to enjoy themselves. After contemplating 沉思 and meditation 沉思, we can find three possible reasons to account for this trend. First of all, the information technology is developing at a fantastic speed and video games become more and more advanced and attractive. What’s more, many students lack self-control to such an extent that they play for long hours even if

they know it is harmful to both their mental and physical health. In the third place, the university authority and the teachers are too lenient 仁慈 with the students—they attach great importance to imparting 传 递 knowledge and more or less overlook students’ personality development. The solutions to this problem seem more than clear on this occasion. By creating a favorable environment, university authority can help students enjoy learning in and after class. Moreover, university teachers should teach students how to make best use of their time and energy to realize their dreams. Last but by no means least, the mass media should also play a positive role in conveying the message that it is not wise at all for college students to play video games, especially for long hours. It is quite natural that we meet such problems among college students. As long as the government, universities and students make joint efforts, a sound solution is not far away.

第一段引入了越来越多的学生沉迷于电子游戏这一社会现象。 第二段从三个方面阐述了此现象的原因。 (注意三个方面的英语表 达) 第三段从学校、老师和媒体三个角度(注意另外三种英语表达) 来阐述解决问题的办法。未段包含两句,第一句说问题常见,第二句 说只要大家同心协力,必能找到解决问题的办法。

请仿照上篇文章,写一篇作文:Internet Chat 红色的加粗词句全部可以照搬照套,换内容即可。

模板四: Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus 1. 大学生了解社会的必要性 2. 了解社会的途径(大众媒体、社会服务等) 3. 我打算怎么做 It is necessary that university students get to know the world outside the campus. (为什么)On the one hand, only when they combine book knowledge with real social life can university education makes sense. On the other hand, the society is developing at a fantastic speed and university students should acquaint themselves with it, otherwise they can hardly keep pace with it after graduation. There are many ways to know the outside world better, among which the mass

media is the easiest one. By listening to the radio, watching TV news and reading newspapers college students can know daily happenings at home and abroad. In addition, voluntary social service is also a good choice. Through various activities, the students will not only learn to perform different tasks but also

become more responsible and considerate. As far as I am concerned, I will combine the two methods mentioned above. I enjoy listening to English news and surfing on the Internet----I can get to know the society and learn English at the same time. Moreover, I will take an active part in social practice---- I know clearly that first—hand information and experience are most valuable. 结构点评 模板紧扣大学生生活, 最大的特点是文中包括了自己的做法, 这是由提纲决定的。第一段中从两方面说做某事的必要性,第二段从 两方面提出具体的做法。第三段讲自己的做法,即结合第二段中的两 个方面。这里应写得很具体,这样才能体现出个人的本色,处理好第 二段与第三段之间的关系, 避免重复, 体现由抽象到具体的写作理念。 妙笔生花 第一段共三句:第一句直截了当地用了 It is necessary that…这一 句型, 并直接扣题。 以下以 on the one hand (the 不可省)和 on the other hand 引出两个方面:第一方面使用 only 引起的倒闭句,说只有将书 本知识(book knowledge)与真实的社会生活(real social life)结合起来 才有意义(make sense) ;第二方面说社会飞速发展,大学生庆熟悉它 (acquaint themselves with it ) 。第二段中按提纲提示展开两点,并着 意建立与第一段的联系。首先写的是大人媒体,共用了两句话,第一 句这一句型我们已有提及,请大家注意这样说的好处;第二句中有平

行的动词词组, 句中 daily happenings 和 at home and abroad 分别指 “每 日发生的事件”和“国内外” 。这一点呼应了第一段中的第二方面。 第二点以 in addition 引起,说睡在愿意的(voluntary)社会服务也是 个很好的选择。句中用 not only…but also…引出两个方面是常见的写 法,并有形容词的平等使用。这一点呼应了第一段的第一方面。最后 一段写自己的做法。第一句使用 combine (使结合) 一词,非常简洁。 第三段中以下两点与上文一脉相承而又非常具体。 第一点中使用了破 折号表解释说明,其中 surf on the Internet 意即“网上冲浪” ,而因特 网要大写。第二点中也用了破折号,这样就与上句保持了平行,其中 first-hand 表示“第一手的、直接的” ,此句中还注意 most 的用法。

模板五: Unemployment upon Graduation 1. 许多大学生毕业后找不到工作 2. 这一现象的原因是… 3. 解决问题的办法是…. The recent years have witnessed an unfavorable social phenomenon----more and mor

e college students become unemployed as soon as they graduate. After contemplation and meditation, we can find three possible reasons to account for this trend. First of all, the expansion and amalgamation of universities provide chances for more students to

receive higher education, but the job market cannot develop at the same speed. What’s more, the situation is even worse with those students who unanimously chose the “hot” majors such as economics and accounting. In the third place, many students think too highly of themselves----they choose not to work at all if they are not satisfied with the jobs. They may think the pay is not satisfactory or the job is not decent at all. The solutions to this problem seem more than clear on this occasion. To create more job opportunities, the government should gradually optimize the industrial structure, putting more emphasis on the service industry. Moreover, university authority should be extremely careful in enrolling new students, taking into consideration of the job market. Students also should think twice before making the decision. Last but by no means least, college graduates should shift their view upon many new occupations----any job is a good one as long as it brings job satisfaction and a bright future. It is quite natural that we meet such problems along the route of social and economic development. As long as the government, universities and students make joint efforts, a sound solution is not far away. 结构点评 模 板 探 讨 的 是 与 大 学 生 有 关 的 问 题 , 如 Unemplyment upon

Graduation 和 Internet Chat.结构与模板十相仿,也包括阐述原因的段 落(第二段) 。模板的第三段是从政府、学校、学生三方来阐述,结 构非常清晰。最后一段说此问题常见(第一句) ,只要三方合力,必 能解决好此问题(第二句) 。 妙笔生花 第一段只有一句话用了破折号。第二段叙述三个原因。注意第二 点中介词 with 的用法。第三点中 think too highly of 和 decent 分别表 示 “看得太高” “体面的” 第三段第一句引起全段, 和 。 注意 more than 的用法,而后分三个方面来说。第一点中的 optimize 和 the service industry 分别指“优化”和“服务行业” 。第二点中的 enroll,take…into consideration, job market 和 think twice 分别指“招收”“考虑进来”“就业市场”和“仔细 、 、 考虑” 。结尾段落中第一句说碰到这种问题不足为奇;第二句使用条 件状语从句,将三方包括进来,呼应上段。大家应比较 as long as 与 if 的用法,学习 sound----词和 make joint efforts 这一词组,并体会 a solution is not far away 的妙处。

模板六: How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities 1. 住房问题是个严重的问题 2. 要解决这一问题,必须…… With the fast development of national economy, more and more

people flood into big ci

ties, which causes serious housing problems. If we ever want to solve this problem, the careful planning of the government and the cooperation of all the citizens are both needed. On the one hand, the government should have an overall planning of urban development so that the reasonable and scientific disposition of every inch of land is at hand. Through turning the backward areas into advanced theme communities, we can significantly elevate the potential value of our land. On the other hand, the citizens should make great efforts to cooperate with the government by moving according to the overall planning, raising constructive suggestions or taking part in the actual construction. All in all, only when the government and the citizens join their hands in the efforts, can we hope to solve the housing problem satisfactorily. 结构点评 模板是定社会生活中的重要问题,用的是一种很工整也很方便的 写法,从政府和群众之两方面来阐述。第一段引出该现象后立即跟过 渡性话语(比较模板一至三,其中此句都用在第二段段首) ,解决此 问题需要政府与群众双方的努力。 而后第二段用 on the on hand 和 on the other hand 引出这两个方面。最后一段是简明的结论。 妙笔生花 第一段第一句使用了非限制性定语从句,引出所谈主题,其中

which 代替前面整句的情形;注意此句中 with the development of 与 flood into 的用法。第二句是个条件状语从句,注意 ever 和平行的名 词词组。第二段分两方面说。前两句说政府:第一句包含目的状语从 句;从句中使用了平行的形容词,disposition 表示“支配、安排” ,at hand 表示“即将发生” 。第二句中的 theme community 表示“主题社 区” 是近年来非常流行的说法, , significantly elevate the potential value 表示“显著提升潜在价值” 。后一句说市民,列举做法时用的是动词 词组的平行;此句中的 cooperate with 表示“与…合作” 。最后一段做 结,又重申了政府与市民携手合作,这使文章的三个段落上下贯通, 一气呵成。

说明文:在四级作文中,实际上细化为原因类作文,最明显的原因类 作文,如 My Favorite Programme, My Ideal Job, The Career I Pursue, 再就是 Why I Take the College English Test Band 6。

模板一: Why Are There so Many Rural Laborers in Big Cities? 1. 近来来越来越多的民工涌入大城市。 2. 产生这一社会现象的原因。 For a number of years, there has been a steady rise in the number of rural laborers who flood into big cities. Many men work on construction sites, while many women work as dishwashers in restaurants or babysitters for city dwellers. Three reasons, in my mind, can account for this social phenomenon. First and Foremost, the limited land can no longer produce enough crops for an ever-increasing rural population. In the second place, there are far more opportunities in big cities----rural laborers dream of earning money through hard work. Last but by no means the least, many of them want to live permanently in big cities, because they admire the way of living there, and wish their children to receive good education. I firmly believe that if we try our best to create a healthy social atmosphere, rural laborers will make greater contribution to our nation. 结构点评

这篇作文谈论的是一种社会现象。第一段分三句,首句引入大量 农民工进入大城市这一现象,第二句举例子进行说明,第三句是个过 渡,引起解释原因的段落。第二段分三个方面来解释原因。第三段是 乘法的结束语。这是我们大家熟悉的结构。 妙笔生花 第一段首句是个经典句型,大家应熟记。第二句是举例说明, construction site 表示 “建筑工地” babysitter 表示 , “帮人看孩子的人” 。 第三句使用了插入语,强调了句子主语。 第二段分三个方面来解释这一社会现象。第一点中 no longer 和 ever-increasing 的使用突显了矛盾,其中 rural 指“乡村的” 。第二点 中的 far more 亦可用 much more, 后使用破折号, 引出进一步的说明。 第三点中 permanently 和 admire 分别指“永久地”和“羡慕” ,接受 教育是“receive education” 。 第三段非常简洁,是宾语从句嵌套条件状语从句的情形。条件状 语从句的语气平和舒缓,显得非常客观。

模板二: 还有些题目也是原因类题型,像 It Pays to Be Honest, Harmfulness of Fake Commodities, Don’t Hesitate to Say “NO”. 这些都是从写现象 -----原因------后果的三段论式。 今天我们练习写,主题句已经给出:It Pays to Be Honest 1 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象

2 诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实 Nowadays, every one of us has been confronted with too many instances of dishonesty either through the mass media or in daily life………….We can’t help asking ourselves: What is wrong with our society? Is honesty going out of style? Honest should and would never go out

of style. For any individual, honesty …… All that has been discussed above points out an undeniable fact that it pays to be honest. Honesty ……..

模板三 Video Games The recent years have witnessed 表明,目击 an unfavorable social phenomenon—more and more college students become indulged 迷恋 in video games. Some of them play video games overnight, which will inevitably hinder 妨碍 their study. Others even play truant 逃避 to enjoy themselves. After contemplating 沉思 and meditation 沉思, we can find three possible reasons to account for this trend. First of all, the information technology is developing at a fantastic speed and video games become more and more advanced and attractive. What’s more, many students lack self-control to such an extent that they play for long hours even if

they know it is harmful to both their mental and physical health. In the third place, the university authority and the teachers are too lenient 仁慈 with the students—they attach great importance to imparting 传 递 knowledge and more or less overlook students’ personality development. The solutions to this problem seem more than clear on this occasion. By creating a favorable environment, university authority can help students enjoy learning in and after class. Moreover, university teachers should teach students how to make best use of their time and energy to realize their dreams. Last but by no means least, the mass media should also play a positive role in conveying the message that it is not wise at all for college students to play video games, especially for long hours. It is quite natural that we meet such problems among college students. As long as the government, universities and students make joint efforts, a sound solution is not far away.

第一段引入了越来越多的学生沉迷于电子游戏这一社会现象。 第二段从三个方面阐述了此现象的原因。 (注意三个方面的英语表 达) 第三段从学校、老师和媒体三个角度(注意另外三种英语表达) 来阐述解决问题的办法。未段包含两句,第一句说问题常见,第二句 说只要大家同心协力,必能找到解决问题的办法。

请仿照上篇文章,写一篇作文:Internet Chat 红色的加粗词句全部可以照搬照套,换内容即可。

模板四: Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus 1. 大学生了解社会的必要性 2. 了解社会的途径(大众媒体、社会服务等) 3. 我打算怎么做 It is necessary that university students get to know the world outside the campus. (为什么)On the one hand, only when they combine book knowledge with real social life can university education makes sense. On the other hand, the society is developing at a fantastic speed and university students should acquaint themselves with it, otherwise they can hardly keep pace with it after graduation. There are many ways to know the outside world better, among which the mass

media is the easiest one. By listening to the radio, watching TV news and reading newspapers college students can know daily happenings at home and abroad. In addition, voluntary social service is also a good choice. Through various activities, the students will not only learn to perform different tasks but also

become more responsible and considerate. As far as I am concerned, I will combine the two methods mentioned above. I enjoy listening to English news and surfing on the Internet----I can get to know the society and learn English at the same time. Moreover, I will take an active part in social practice---- I know clearly that first—hand information and experience are most valuable. 结构点评 模板紧扣大学生生活, 最大的特点是文中包括了自己的做法, 这是由提纲决定的。第一段中从两方面说做某事的必要性,第二段从 两方面提出具体的做法。第三段讲自己的做法,即结合第二段中的两 个方面。这里应写得很具体,这样才能体现出个人的本色,处理好第 二段与第三段之间的关系, 避免重复, 体现由抽象到具体的写作理念。 妙笔生花 第一段共三句:第一句直截了当地用了 It is necessary that…这一 句型, 并直接扣题。 以下以 on the one hand (the 不可省)和 on the other hand 引出两个方面:第一方面使用 only 引起的倒闭句,说只有将书 本知识(book knowledge)与真实的社会生活(real social life)结合起来 才有意义(make sense) ;第二方面说社会飞速发展,大学生庆熟悉它 (acquaint themselves with it ) 。第二段中按提纲提示展开两点,并着 意建立与第一段的联系。首先写的是大人媒体,共用了两句话,第一 句这一句型我们已有提及,请大家注意这样说的好处;第二句中有平

行的动词词组, 句中 daily happenings 和 at home and abroad 分别指 “每 日发生的事件”和“国内外” 。这一点呼应了第一段中的第二方面。 第二点以 in addition 引起,说睡在愿意的(voluntary)社会服务也是 个很好的选择。句中用 not only…but also…引出两个方面是常见的写 法,并有形容词的平等使用。这一点呼应了第一段的第一方面。最后 一段写自己的做法。第一句使用 combine (使结合) 一词,非常简洁。 第三段中以下两点与上文一脉相承而又非常具体。 第一点中使用了破 折号表解释说明,其中 surf on the Internet 意即“网上冲浪” ,而因特 网要大写。第二点中也用了破折号,这样就与上句保持了平行,其中 first-hand 表示“第一手的、直接的” ,此句中还注意 most 的用法。

模板五: Unemployment upon Graduation 1. 许多大学生毕业后找不到工作 2. 这一现象的原因是… 3. 解决问题的办法是…. The recent years have witnessed an unfavorable social phenomenon----more and mor

e college students become unemployed as soon as they graduate. After contemplation and meditation, we can find three possible reasons to account for this trend. First of all, the expansion and amalgamation of universities provide chances for more students to

receive higher education, but the job market cannot develop at the same speed. What’s more, the situation is even worse with those students who unanimously chose the “hot” majors such as economics and accounting. In the third place, many students think too highly of themselves----they choose not to work at all if they are not satisfied with the jobs. They may think the pay is not satisfactory or the job is not decent at all. The solutions to this problem seem more than clear on this occasion. To create more job opportunities, the government should gradually optimize the industrial structure, putting more emphasis on the service industry. Moreover, university authority should be extremely careful in enrolling new students, taking into consideration of the job market. Students also should think twice before making the decision. Last but by no means least, college graduates should shift their view upon many new occupations----any job is a good one as long as it brings job satisfaction and a bright future. It is quite natural that we meet such problems along the route of social and economic development. As long as the government, universities and students make joint efforts, a sound solution is not far away. 结构点评 模 板 探 讨 的 是 与 大 学 生 有 关 的 问 题 , 如 Unemplyment upon

Graduation 和 Internet Chat.结构与模板十相仿,也包括阐述原因的段 落(第二段) 。模板的第三段是从政府、学校、学生三方来阐述,结 构非常清晰。最后一段说此问题常见(第一句) ,只要三方合力,必 能解决好此问题(第二句) 。 妙笔生花 第一段只有一句话用了破折号。第二段叙述三个原因。注意第二 点中介词 with 的用法。第三点中 think too highly of 和 decent 分别表 示 “看得太高” “体面的” 第三段第一句引起全段, 和 。 注意 more than 的用法,而后分三个方面来说。第一点中的 optimize 和 the service industry 分别指“优化”和“服务行业” 。第二点中的 enroll,take…into consideration, job market 和 think twice 分别指“招收”“考虑进来”“就业市场”和“仔细 、 、 考虑” 。结尾段落中第一句说碰到这种问题不足为奇;第二句使用条 件状语从句,将三方包括进来,呼应上段。大家应比较 as long as 与 if 的用法,学习 sound----词和 make joint efforts 这一词组,并体会 a solution is not far away 的妙处。

模板六: How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities 1. 住房问题是个严重的问题 2. 要解决这一问题,必须…… With the fast development of national economy, more and more

people flood into big ci

ties, which causes serious housing problems. If we ever want to solve this problem, the careful planning of the government and the cooperation of all the citizens are both needed. On the one hand, the government should have an overall planning of urban development so that the reasonable and scientific disposition of every inch of land is at hand. Through turning the backward areas into advanced theme communities, we can significantly elevate the potential value of our land. On the other hand, the citizens should make great efforts to cooperate with the government by moving according to the overall planning, raising constructive suggestions or taking part in the actual construction. All in all, only when the government and the citizens join their hands in the efforts, can we hope to solve the housing problem satisfactorily. 结构点评 模板是定社会生活中的重要问题,用的是一种很工整也很方便的 写法,从政府和群众之两方面来阐述。第一段引出该现象后立即跟过 渡性话语(比较模板一至三,其中此句都用在第二段段首) ,解决此 问题需要政府与群众双方的努力。 而后第二段用 on the on hand 和 on the other hand 引出这两个方面。最后一段是简明的结论。 妙笔生花 第一段第一句使用了非限制性定语从句,引出所谈主题,其中

which 代替前面整句的情形;注意此句中 with the development of 与 flood into 的用法。第二句是个条件状语从句,注意 ever 和平行的名 词词组。第二段分两方面说。前两句说政府:第一句包含目的状语从 句;从句中使用了平行的形容词,disposition 表示“支配、安排” ,at hand 表示“即将发生” 。第二句中的 theme community 表示“主题社 区” 是近年来非常流行的说法, , significantly elevate the potential value 表示“显著提升潜在价值” 。后一句说市民,列举做法时用的是动词 词组的平行;此句中的 cooperate with 表示“与…合作” 。最后一段做 结,又重申了政府与市民携手合作,这使文章的三个段落上下贯通, 一气呵成。


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