学术论文写作 Microsoft Word


学 年: 2011-2012第二学期

姓 名 班 级: 09 级 一 班 学 号: 090401125 任课教师:

王 炤

Abstract Due to different geographical environment, historical background and developing process, China and the W est have formed different “face” per spective. As an essential culture feature, “face” culture actually is a reflection of people’s attitude towards communication. It is also called human relations. This paper tends to interpret different human relations between China and the West from “face” perspective. China and the West have different definitions about human relation and it illustrates the different “face” perspective of China and the West. Chin ese “face” perspective is dominated by collectivism and emphasizes the maintenance of other-face. Western “face” per spective is dominated by individualism and emphasizes the maintenance of self-face. Different human relations are used to elaborate different “face” perspective between Chinese and western, with the knowledge of the real meaning of “face”; more and more people can act properly in intercultural communication.

Key Words: human relations, “face” perspective, individualism, collectivism

中文摘要 由于不同的地理环境、历史背景以及发展过程, 中国和西方形成了不同的“面子观”。作为重要的社会文化特征之一,面子文化背后实际体现的是一种为人处世的态度,或叫人际关系。本文试图从“面子观”解读中西方人际关系差异。中西方对于人际关系有不同的定义,这说明了中西方不同的“面子观”。受集体主义的影响,中国人的“面子观”强调保护别人的面子不受侵害;西方人的“面子观”受个人主义的影响,强调保护自我面子不受侵犯。不同的人际关系阐释了中西方不同的“面子观”,了解 “面子”的真正含义可以让越来越多的人在跨文化交际中采取适当的行为。



学 年: 2011-2012第二学期

姓 名 班 级: 09 级 一 班 学 号: 090401125 任课教师:

王 炤

Abstract Due to different geographical environment, historical background and developing process, China and the W est have formed different “face” per spective. As an essential culture feature, “face” culture actually is a reflection of people’s attitude towards communication. It is also called human relations. This paper tends to interpret different human relations between China and the West from “face” perspective. China and the West have different definitions about human relation and it illustrates the different “face” perspective of China and the West. Chin ese “face” perspective is dominated by collectivism and emphasizes the maintenance of other-face. Western “face” per spective is dominated by individualism and emphasizes the maintenance of self-face. Different human relations are used to elaborate different “face” perspective between Chinese and western, with the knowledge of the real meaning of “face”; more and more people can act properly in intercultural communication.

Key Words: human relations, “face” perspective, individualism, collectivism

中文摘要 由于不同的地理环境、历史背景以及发展过程, 中国和西方形成了不同的“面子观”。作为重要的社会文化特征之一,面子文化背后实际体现的是一种为人处世的态度,或叫人际关系。本文试图从“面子观”解读中西方人际关系差异。中西方对于人际关系有不同的定义,这说明了中西方不同的“面子观”。受集体主义的影响,中国人的“面子观”强调保护别人的面子不受侵害;西方人的“面子观”受个人主义的影响,强调保护自我面子不受侵犯。不同的人际关系阐释了中西方不同的“面子观”,了解 “面子”的真正含义可以让越来越多的人在跨文化交际中采取适当的行为。



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