

主格 I you he she it we they

宾格 me you him her it us them

形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our their


mine yours his hers its ours theirs

反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves themselves

一、用所给词义的适当形式填空: 1、is a teacher. (她) 2、is a good boy. (他) 3、is in the classroom (它) 4、 are very smart today. (你) 5、你们) are students.

6、can’t find my ruler? (我). Where is 它) 7、我) _______like English very much. (我们) 8、 is my brother. (他)

9、I like her pencil case. 它)

10、________ are playing ping-pong in the park.(他们) 二、用括号中人称代词的适当形式填空: 1.Her sister is helping _______(we).

2. John and I are in the same school._____(we)go to school together. 3. Everyone likes_____(she), do ______(you)? 4. Danny gives the book to ______ (you).

5.______ (I) have many friends. Some of_____(they)are good at English. 6. Jim is English. ________ (I) like playing with _______(he). 7.I love ________(they)very much. 8.Miss Li often looks after________(she). 9.They are waiting for__________(they).

10.Do you like Li Ming? No, ______(I) don’t like _____(he). 她) is a student. 我) am a student, too. (我你) to do it today.

(他)looks like (他) . 他们) are twins. 4. 你们我们) are from China. 5. Can 你我们)? 6. 他) is a student. 四、翻译:

1. 他们叫她无视它。 2. 他要求我打开电视。 3. 这是我第一次访问北京。 4. 我们命令你放下你的枪。

5. 你的老师建议我们好好利用我们的时间。



主格 I you he she it we they

宾格 me you him her it us them

形容词性物主代词 my your his her its our their


mine yours his hers its ours theirs

反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves themselves

一、用所给词义的适当形式填空: 1、is a teacher. (她) 2、is a good boy. (他) 3、is in the classroom (它) 4、 are very smart today. (你) 5、你们) are students.

6、can’t find my ruler? (我). Where is 它) 7、我) _______like English very much. (我们) 8、 is my brother. (他)

9、I like her pencil case. 它)

10、________ are playing ping-pong in the park.(他们) 二、用括号中人称代词的适当形式填空: 1.Her sister is helping _______(we).

2. John and I are in the same school._____(we)go to school together. 3. Everyone likes_____(she), do ______(you)? 4. Danny gives the book to ______ (you).

5.______ (I) have many friends. Some of_____(they)are good at English. 6. Jim is English. ________ (I) like playing with _______(he). 7.I love ________(they)very much. 8.Miss Li often looks after________(she). 9.They are waiting for__________(they).

10.Do you like Li Ming? No, ______(I) don’t like _____(he). 她) is a student. 我) am a student, too. (我你) to do it today.

(他)looks like (他) . 他们) are twins. 4. 你们我们) are from China. 5. Can 你我们)? 6. 他) is a student. 四、翻译:

1. 他们叫她无视它。 2. 他要求我打开电视。 3. 这是我第一次访问北京。 4. 我们命令你放下你的枪。

5. 你的老师建议我们好好利用我们的时间。



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