

Net of business affairs of electron of interview of recreational originality character earns trends of home page news experience of dispatch promotion by-talk shares current position: Information home page > recreational originality > the antecedents of day of fire control of 119 whole nations the antecedents of day of fire control of 119 whole nations on October 22, 2012 14:11:00 origin: 0 people click time money net pay close attention to us: Time money net can offer all sorts of brand designs, VI design, product to pack originality of table of development of construction of design, application design, website, software, article, building to decorate for vast enterprise, businessman, the service such as sale of net inn promotion, network, want to carry the mission that the network can solve only, can be solved through time money net, a task clinchs a deal amount fixes a price freely by you. Needless ask full-time staff technically and need to pay many salary, and this this task is by the network power customer is finished, often a task can collect a lot of work, and the just chooses your satisfaction from inside numerous work work that you should do and pay work author to write cost. Release offer a reward instantly >> which is day of countrywide fire control a day? Annual November 19 is day of countrywide fire control. 1992, the Ministry of Public Security issues an announcement, will annual will be surely on November 9 “ 119 fire control publicize day “ . Begin the end of this one activity, because winter is season of fire much hair,be. To do well winter fire prevention works, with “ 119 fire control publicize day “ for chance, pull open a winter to prevent prelusive, concentration begins content for some time the propaganda of fire control safety of diversity of extensive, form, in order to raise consciousness of safety of fire control of the whole people, promote the process of socialization of fire control job. The antecedents of day of countrywide fire control the fire telephone that one our country goes is “ 09 “ , because be in 20 centuries before 70 time, our country special news report is “ 0 “ date. 20 centuries 70 time later period, our country communication serves number by “ 0 “ instead “ 11 “ , according to the requirement of standardization management, gather into one of fire telephone number is certainly “ 119 “ , it is Chinese “ should want to save “ homophonic. Because annual “ 119 “ the fire control that is our country publicizes day, actually this day already made the fire control part of our country. The antecedents of day of countrywide fire control the fire alarm number of 2 worlds each country is different, but every country chose the number that makes people the easiest remember to comprise fire alarm number. Number of American fire alarm is 911, number of our country fire alarm is 119, so, why is our country chosen “ 119 “ as fire alarm number? Original, “1 “ reading aloud in ancient time “ one “ (Y ā O) , it follows “ should “ the word is unisonant. “119 “ namely: “Should want to save “ . Additional, advisory committee of phone of cable of 70 time international standardizes administrative requirement according to international, fire telephone of proposal world each country is used “ 119 “ number. This is to avoid fire telephone to use “ 0 “ date begin and service of other news report affect; each other and fire has sudden characteristic, to make sure communication is straightway, should merge into its “ 11 “ go in the special service of date begin. every days of month number November 9 is right with fire telephone number 119 identical, and this day of around, during be worth airing content dry, fire to be sent more, countrywide each district begins work of winter fire prevention in intense ground. To raise the consciousness of fire control safety of the whole people, make “ 119 “ more thorough popular feeling, the Ministry of Public Security undertakes in city of a few provinces “ 119 “ on the foundation of fire control activity, initiated 1992, will annual will be the whole nation surely on November 9 “ fire control day “ . The antecedents of day of 119 fire control 3 on

November 9, 1990 this day, my school (Xi’an traffic university) the fire that administrative building produced to be caused by air conditioning together, the article such as burn down computer, cause pecuniary loss more than 10000 yuan. President Jiang Demin at that time indicates: A lot of universities of abroad have fire control day, this day undertakes fire drill, it is very good system. Ask public security place to drink do. Place of school public security had serious research to this, hind the will be my school on November 9 fire control day with school annual make choice of. Choosing this time is the course is cogitative. One of, this is the day that made conflagration happening 1990, the choice facilitates as fire control day hour reminds everybody to absorb homiletic; this day secondly, what everybody wants no less than, “119 “ with; of be identical of fire telephone photograph thirdly, winter is entered at the beginning of November, and impetuous of winter airing content, be period of time of fire much hair, fire control is held to teach conduct propaganda in this moment, can borrow this to enhance the fire prevention consciousness of people. 1991 then my school held the propaganda of day of first 119 fire control, xi’an city deputy mayor also visited mobile site at that time and publish an address, this caused the attention of Shaanxi province to report this the Ministry of Public Security. Subsequently, xi’an city also decides this day for fire control day. Arrange of this with one action caused each to just pay close attention to, 1992, the Ministry of Public Security sets from 1993, the day of countrywide fire control that will be our country surely on November 9.


Net of business affairs of electron of interview of recreational originality character earns trends of home page news experience of dispatch promotion by-talk shares current position: Information home page > recreational originality > the antecedents of day of fire control of 119 whole nations the antecedents of day of fire control of 119 whole nations on October 22, 2012 14:11:00 origin: 0 people click time money net pay close attention to us: Time money net can offer all sorts of brand designs, VI design, product to pack originality of table of development of construction of design, application design, website, software, article, building to decorate for vast enterprise, businessman, the service such as sale of net inn promotion, network, want to carry the mission that the network can solve only, can be solved through time money net, a task clinchs a deal amount fixes a price freely by you. Needless ask full-time staff technically and need to pay many salary, and this this task is by the network power customer is finished, often a task can collect a lot of work, and the just chooses your satisfaction from inside numerous work work that you should do and pay work author to write cost. Release offer a reward instantly >> which is day of countrywide fire control a day? Annual November 19 is day of countrywide fire control. 1992, the Ministry of Public Security issues an announcement, will annual will be surely on November 9 “ 119 fire control publicize day “ . Begin the end of this one activity, because winter is season of fire much hair,be. To do well winter fire prevention works, with “ 119 fire control publicize day “ for chance, pull open a winter to prevent prelusive, concentration begins content for some time the propaganda of fire control safety of diversity of extensive, form, in order to raise consciousness of safety of fire control of the whole people, promote the process of socialization of fire control job. The antecedents of day of countrywide fire control the fire telephone that one our country goes is “ 09 “ , because be in 20 centuries before 70 time, our country special news report is “ 0 “ date. 20 centuries 70 time later period, our country communication serves number by “ 0 “ instead “ 11 “ , according to the requirement of standardization management, gather into one of fire telephone number is certainly “ 119 “ , it is Chinese “ should want to save “ homophonic. Because annual “ 119 “ the fire control that is our country publicizes day, actually this day already made the fire control part of our country. The antecedents of day of countrywide fire control the fire alarm number of 2 worlds each country is different, but every country chose the number that makes people the easiest remember to comprise fire alarm number. Number of American fire alarm is 911, number of our country fire alarm is 119, so, why is our country chosen “ 119 “ as fire alarm number? Original, “1 “ reading aloud in ancient time “ one “ (Y ā O) , it follows “ should “ the word is unisonant. “119 “ namely: “Should want to save “ . Additional, advisory committee of phone of cable of 70 time international standardizes administrative requirement according to international, fire telephone of proposal world each country is used “ 119 “ number. This is to avoid fire telephone to use “ 0 “ date begin and service of other news report affect; each other and fire has sudden characteristic, to make sure communication is straightway, should merge into its “ 11 “ go in the special service of date begin. every days of month number November 9 is right with fire telephone number 119 identical, and this day of around, during be worth airing content dry, fire to be sent more, countrywide each district begins work of winter fire prevention in intense ground. To raise the consciousness of fire control safety of the whole people, make “ 119 “ more thorough popular feeling, the Ministry of Public Security undertakes in city of a few provinces “ 119 “ on the foundation of fire control activity, initiated 1992, will annual will be the whole nation surely on November 9 “ fire control day “ . The antecedents of day of 119 fire control 3 on

November 9, 1990 this day, my school (Xi’an traffic university) the fire that administrative building produced to be caused by air conditioning together, the article such as burn down computer, cause pecuniary loss more than 10000 yuan. President Jiang Demin at that time indicates: A lot of universities of abroad have fire control day, this day undertakes fire drill, it is very good system. Ask public security place to drink do. Place of school public security had serious research to this, hind the will be my school on November 9 fire control day with school annual make choice of. Choosing this time is the course is cogitative. One of, this is the day that made conflagration happening 1990, the choice facilitates as fire control day hour reminds everybody to absorb homiletic; this day secondly, what everybody wants no less than, “119 “ with; of be identical of fire telephone photograph thirdly, winter is entered at the beginning of November, and impetuous of winter airing content, be period of time of fire much hair, fire control is held to teach conduct propaganda in this moment, can borrow this to enhance the fire prevention consciousness of people. 1991 then my school held the propaganda of day of first 119 fire control, xi’an city deputy mayor also visited mobile site at that time and publish an address, this caused the attention of Shaanxi province to report this the Ministry of Public Security. Subsequently, xi’an city also decides this day for fire control day. Arrange of this with one action caused each to just pay close attention to, 1992, the Ministry of Public Security sets from 1993, the day of countrywide fire control that will be our country surely on November 9.


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