



A Traveler in Italy

An English man was once traveling in Italy. One day he went into a small restaurant to order dinner. He understood very little Italian and was unable to read the menu (菜单) . He knew the word egg, and so he ordered eggs. Italy is famous, however, for its mushrooms (蘑菇) ,and the man wanted to try some mushrooms. The waiter did not speak a word of English and therefore could not help him. At last, the man took out of his pocket a pencil and a piece of paper. The waiter looked at the picture of the mushroom for a long while. He did not understand very well, but at last he left. He was gone a long time. After about half an hour he returned. But instead of mushrooms, he brought the man a large black umbrella.



②traveler和waiter不能相互交流思想。 英语文章阅读 http://www.en369.cn/read/





(2)短文的开头已写在下面,不计入总词数内。 I had a funny experience in Italy when I was traveling there„


My Experience in Italy

I had a funny experience in Italy when I was traveling there.

One day I went into a small restaurant to have dinner. I knew very little Italian, so I could not read the menu. I wanted to order some mushrooms, as Italy is famous for this food. However, I did not know the word for mushrooms. I called the waiter to help, but he did not know English at all.

I took out a pencil and a piece of paper, and drew a picture of a mushroom. The waiter seemed to understand and left immediately. About half an hour later he returned with a large black umbrella. I was greatly disappointed. However, I paid for the umbrella and got it back to my hotel. (113 words)


复述故事一般都有词数限制。有时,可能会让你把几页甚至几十页的一篇故事用一、二百词复述出来。这样,作者就要对原文内容作出取舍,保留主要情节,删去枝节问题。例如本篇就只保留了与“mushroom”有关的情节,而把无关的“ordered eggs”的情节删掉了。




A Traveler in Italy

An English man was once traveling in Italy. One day he went into a small restaurant to order dinner. He understood very little Italian and was unable to read the menu (菜单) . He knew the word egg, and so he ordered eggs. Italy is famous, however, for its mushrooms (蘑菇) ,and the man wanted to try some mushrooms. The waiter did not speak a word of English and therefore could not help him. At last, the man took out of his pocket a pencil and a piece of paper. The waiter looked at the picture of the mushroom for a long while. He did not understand very well, but at last he left. He was gone a long time. After about half an hour he returned. But instead of mushrooms, he brought the man a large black umbrella.



②traveler和waiter不能相互交流思想。 英语文章阅读 http://www.en369.cn/read/





(2)短文的开头已写在下面,不计入总词数内。 I had a funny experience in Italy when I was traveling there„


My Experience in Italy

I had a funny experience in Italy when I was traveling there.

One day I went into a small restaurant to have dinner. I knew very little Italian, so I could not read the menu. I wanted to order some mushrooms, as Italy is famous for this food. However, I did not know the word for mushrooms. I called the waiter to help, but he did not know English at all.

I took out a pencil and a piece of paper, and drew a picture of a mushroom. The waiter seemed to understand and left immediately. About half an hour later he returned with a large black umbrella. I was greatly disappointed. However, I paid for the umbrella and got it back to my hotel. (113 words)


复述故事一般都有词数限制。有时,可能会让你把几页甚至几十页的一篇故事用一、二百词复述出来。这样,作者就要对原文内容作出取舍,保留主要情节,删去枝节问题。例如本篇就只保留了与“mushroom”有关的情节,而把无关的“ordered eggs”的情节删掉了。


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