

一、句子汉译英 (Translate the following into English)

1. 有人担心过多货币供给会引起通货膨胀(contribute to)。

答:Some people are afraid that excessive money supply will contribute to inflation.

2. 在经济高速增长时期,资本流动性会不断增长。

答:In a period of high economic growth there will be growing capital flows.

3. 像其他国家一样中国已采取了强有力的财政和货币措施来确保中国在2008年有8%的GDP 增长。

答:Like other countries China has taken strong fiscal and monetary measures to ensure 8%GDP growth for 2008.

4. 据专家估计,在2009年上半年中国的国内生产总值将会持续下滑。

答:According to the estimate made by experts China’s GDP growth is likely to continue to fall during the first half of 2009.

5. 在中国,人们常常错误地假设,中国经济增长的衰退是由于对美国和其他发达国家的出口减少引起的,然而2008年净出口只占中国经济增长变慢的1/2还不到。

答:It ’s often wrongly assumed that the slump in China’s economic growth has been caused by a collapse in its exports to America and other developed countries. Yet in 2008 the fall in net exports accounted for less than half of its slowdown.

6. 国际收支,有时也称之为国际收支平衡表(balance of international payments),可反映一国在一定时期或一定日期内国际收支状况。

答:The balance of payments ,also called the balance of international payments can reflect a nation ’s international payments and receipts during a period of time or within certain dates.

7. 各国编制国际收支平衡表的方法尽管有差异,但其基本项目是大体相同的。凡支出项目均列入借方,凡收入项目列入贷方。

8.Although different countries have different ways of presenting the balance of international payments, the basic items entered are more or less the same. All the payment items ale entered as debits and all the receipt items are entered as credits.

9. 如果列入的收人大于支出,则称之为国际收支顺差,反之则称为逆差。

答:When receipts are in excess of payments there is a balance。of-payments deficit;conversely there is the balance of payments surplus.The balance of payments is negative when payments exceed receipts,and positive when the receipts exceed payments.

二、名词解释 (Define the following terms)


答:a period of widespread decreases in employment, income, and production throughout an economic system.

2.budget deficit

答: excess of expenditure over revenues.


答:a discount offered on the price of a good or service.

4.public house

答:a house built to benefit the public.

5.consortium 联合,合伙,联合企业

答:A grouping of corporations to fulfill a combined objective or project that usually requires inter-business cooperation and sharing resources

6.VER (Voluntry Export Restraints) 自愿出口限制

答:A tipical orderly marketing agreement involving limitations on export sales administered by one or more exporting nations or industries

7.trade investment

答:It refers to money that is invested by one company in another company in the same industry (by making a loan or buying shares in order to help its own business).

8.servicing a debt

答:to pay interest on a debt or to make interest payment for a debt.

9.oligopolistic market

答:a market to share in the profits, purchasing a promising foreign firm to avoid future competition and the possible loss of export markets.


答:basic structural foundations of a society including railways,express ways.airports ,harbours …

三、英语替换 (Paraphrase the following, esp. The underlined parts)

1.Policy-makers, regulators and supervisors did not 答:In some developed countries policy-makers ,regulators and supervisors failed to fully understand and make serious efforts to prevent the increasing risks on the financial markets. current difficult financial conditions.

答:We must help the newly-industrialized countries to get financial resources in current difficult situations. 5. 答:Very unkind governmental interference or intervention may be more effective than using tools based on market forces,in getting an economy out of slump. an end and the government’答:We have a good reason to hope that in the middle of 2009 China’s economy will pick up when the stock runs out and government’s extra financial resources are made available.

答:Some countries use policies to encourage their businesses to do international trade while some other countries try to prevent their firms from being engaged in international business. during which

producers ,especially those in the developed countries. 答:The reason for supporting protection (of a new industry) is that it can give an industry some time to modernize its production process and save more resources so that it can compete well with other producers in the same industry,especially those in the industrialized countries.

9.Free trade policy is of all trade with other countries. Governments pursuing this type of trade policy do not whatsoever to import and export trade.

答:The purpose of free trade policy is to get rid of all limitations on trade with other nations. Governments following this kind of trade policy do not try to prevent/restrict import and export trade at all. 答:Dumping is regarded as a way in which enterprises dispose of their excess products at lower prices in the markets of foreign countries than in the home market. or surplus of a given currency.

答:Flexible exchange rates react quickly to the ups and downs caused by the forces of demand and supply in the (foreign) exchange market. As a result,shortage or surplus of a given currency can be easily removed. China to 答:For the same reason the U.S. was active in cooperation with Japan inputting pressure on China to make its yuan rise in value. 答:The two major parts of the balance of payments are as follows. 答:A debit transaction is one that results in a payment to foreigners.

四、简答题 (Answer the following questions)

1.What is meant by international trade?

答:International trade, also called international business or foreign trade, we do not just mean selling and buying goods on an international scale but also some cross-border economic activities such as overseas investment and contracted projects.

2.What are the chief benefits from international trade?

答:1) Helping to raise the living standards of the people

2) Helping to upgrade a country’s modernization

3) Helping to solve a country's shortage of capital

4) Helping to solve unemployment problems

3.What are the political arguments for government intervention in international trade?

答:This category of arguments cover a range of issues including: protecting jobs and industries, national security, retaliation, protecting consumers, furthering foreign policy objectives and protecting human rights.

4.What are the economic arguments given in the text for government intervention in international trade?

答:1)Protecting infant industry;

2)Strategic trade policies argument.

5.What is trade policy? What are its component parts and objectives?


1) International trade policies mean those policies adopted by governments toward international trade that involve a number of different actions. International trade policy sometimes can also be defined as policy of important export toward other countries or regions.

2) Component Parts of International Trade Policies

a.General policies toward foreign trade which include general import policy and general export policy. Such policies are implemented during a longer period of time in consideration of the interests of a country’s whole national economy.

b.Import and export commodity policies which are policies formulated on the basis of a county’s general foreign trade policies, economic structure and domestic market conditions.

c.Foreign trade policies toward different countries and regions. These policies are made on the basis of a country's general trade policies, in the light of its economic, political and diplomatic ties with other countries and regions.

3)Objective of International Trade Policies

a.To protect a country’s domestic markets;

b.To protect a country’s domestic industries;

c.To expand a country’s export markets;

d.To promote the improvement of a country’s industrial structure;

e.To accumulate capital or funds;and

f. to maintain a country’s economic and political relations with other nations.

6. What are the commonly-used trade policy instruments at the disposal of governments?

答:Nations have the following tools at their disposal. In this section we review seven main instruments of trade policy :tariff, subsidies, import quotas, voluntary export restraints, local content requirements (domestic content requirements), anti-dumping policies, and administrative policies.

7.What are the chief MNCs’motives for FDI?

答:1) To earn high returuns or in anticipation of more future profit;

2) To enjoy more favorable tax treatment;

3) To utilize greater availability of infrastructure;

4) To diversify investment risks of various kind;

5) To obtain control of a need raw material in order to ensure an uninterrupted supply at the lowest possible cost;

6) To aviod trade restrictions, which include both traiff measures and non-traiff measures imposed on imports;

7) To take advantage of various government subsidies to encourage foreign direct


8.Why do MNCs want to operate abroad?

答:1) To secure suppies of raw materials;

2) To utilize cheap labot sources;

3) To service local markets;

4) To bypass protectionist barriers.


一、句子汉译英 (Translate the following into English)

1. 有人担心过多货币供给会引起通货膨胀(contribute to)。

答:Some people are afraid that excessive money supply will contribute to inflation.

2. 在经济高速增长时期,资本流动性会不断增长。

答:In a period of high economic growth there will be growing capital flows.

3. 像其他国家一样中国已采取了强有力的财政和货币措施来确保中国在2008年有8%的GDP 增长。

答:Like other countries China has taken strong fiscal and monetary measures to ensure 8%GDP growth for 2008.

4. 据专家估计,在2009年上半年中国的国内生产总值将会持续下滑。

答:According to the estimate made by experts China’s GDP growth is likely to continue to fall during the first half of 2009.

5. 在中国,人们常常错误地假设,中国经济增长的衰退是由于对美国和其他发达国家的出口减少引起的,然而2008年净出口只占中国经济增长变慢的1/2还不到。

答:It ’s often wrongly assumed that the slump in China’s economic growth has been caused by a collapse in its exports to America and other developed countries. Yet in 2008 the fall in net exports accounted for less than half of its slowdown.

6. 国际收支,有时也称之为国际收支平衡表(balance of international payments),可反映一国在一定时期或一定日期内国际收支状况。

答:The balance of payments ,also called the balance of international payments can reflect a nation ’s international payments and receipts during a period of time or within certain dates.

7. 各国编制国际收支平衡表的方法尽管有差异,但其基本项目是大体相同的。凡支出项目均列入借方,凡收入项目列入贷方。

8.Although different countries have different ways of presenting the balance of international payments, the basic items entered are more or less the same. All the payment items ale entered as debits and all the receipt items are entered as credits.

9. 如果列入的收人大于支出,则称之为国际收支顺差,反之则称为逆差。

答:When receipts are in excess of payments there is a balance。of-payments deficit;conversely there is the balance of payments surplus.The balance of payments is negative when payments exceed receipts,and positive when the receipts exceed payments.

二、名词解释 (Define the following terms)


答:a period of widespread decreases in employment, income, and production throughout an economic system.

2.budget deficit

答: excess of expenditure over revenues.


答:a discount offered on the price of a good or service.

4.public house

答:a house built to benefit the public.

5.consortium 联合,合伙,联合企业

答:A grouping of corporations to fulfill a combined objective or project that usually requires inter-business cooperation and sharing resources

6.VER (Voluntry Export Restraints) 自愿出口限制

答:A tipical orderly marketing agreement involving limitations on export sales administered by one or more exporting nations or industries

7.trade investment

答:It refers to money that is invested by one company in another company in the same industry (by making a loan or buying shares in order to help its own business).

8.servicing a debt

答:to pay interest on a debt or to make interest payment for a debt.

9.oligopolistic market

答:a market to share in the profits, purchasing a promising foreign firm to avoid future competition and the possible loss of export markets.


答:basic structural foundations of a society including railways,express ways.airports ,harbours …

三、英语替换 (Paraphrase the following, esp. The underlined parts)

1.Policy-makers, regulators and supervisors did not 答:In some developed countries policy-makers ,regulators and supervisors failed to fully understand and make serious efforts to prevent the increasing risks on the financial markets. current difficult financial conditions.

答:We must help the newly-industrialized countries to get financial resources in current difficult situations. 5. 答:Very unkind governmental interference or intervention may be more effective than using tools based on market forces,in getting an economy out of slump. an end and the government’答:We have a good reason to hope that in the middle of 2009 China’s economy will pick up when the stock runs out and government’s extra financial resources are made available.

答:Some countries use policies to encourage their businesses to do international trade while some other countries try to prevent their firms from being engaged in international business. during which

producers ,especially those in the developed countries. 答:The reason for supporting protection (of a new industry) is that it can give an industry some time to modernize its production process and save more resources so that it can compete well with other producers in the same industry,especially those in the industrialized countries.

9.Free trade policy is of all trade with other countries. Governments pursuing this type of trade policy do not whatsoever to import and export trade.

答:The purpose of free trade policy is to get rid of all limitations on trade with other nations. Governments following this kind of trade policy do not try to prevent/restrict import and export trade at all. 答:Dumping is regarded as a way in which enterprises dispose of their excess products at lower prices in the markets of foreign countries than in the home market. or surplus of a given currency.

答:Flexible exchange rates react quickly to the ups and downs caused by the forces of demand and supply in the (foreign) exchange market. As a result,shortage or surplus of a given currency can be easily removed. China to 答:For the same reason the U.S. was active in cooperation with Japan inputting pressure on China to make its yuan rise in value. 答:The two major parts of the balance of payments are as follows. 答:A debit transaction is one that results in a payment to foreigners.

四、简答题 (Answer the following questions)

1.What is meant by international trade?

答:International trade, also called international business or foreign trade, we do not just mean selling and buying goods on an international scale but also some cross-border economic activities such as overseas investment and contracted projects.

2.What are the chief benefits from international trade?

答:1) Helping to raise the living standards of the people

2) Helping to upgrade a country’s modernization

3) Helping to solve a country's shortage of capital

4) Helping to solve unemployment problems

3.What are the political arguments for government intervention in international trade?

答:This category of arguments cover a range of issues including: protecting jobs and industries, national security, retaliation, protecting consumers, furthering foreign policy objectives and protecting human rights.

4.What are the economic arguments given in the text for government intervention in international trade?

答:1)Protecting infant industry;

2)Strategic trade policies argument.

5.What is trade policy? What are its component parts and objectives?


1) International trade policies mean those policies adopted by governments toward international trade that involve a number of different actions. International trade policy sometimes can also be defined as policy of important export toward other countries or regions.

2) Component Parts of International Trade Policies

a.General policies toward foreign trade which include general import policy and general export policy. Such policies are implemented during a longer period of time in consideration of the interests of a country’s whole national economy.

b.Import and export commodity policies which are policies formulated on the basis of a county’s general foreign trade policies, economic structure and domestic market conditions.

c.Foreign trade policies toward different countries and regions. These policies are made on the basis of a country's general trade policies, in the light of its economic, political and diplomatic ties with other countries and regions.

3)Objective of International Trade Policies

a.To protect a country’s domestic markets;

b.To protect a country’s domestic industries;

c.To expand a country’s export markets;

d.To promote the improvement of a country’s industrial structure;

e.To accumulate capital or funds;and

f. to maintain a country’s economic and political relations with other nations.

6. What are the commonly-used trade policy instruments at the disposal of governments?

答:Nations have the following tools at their disposal. In this section we review seven main instruments of trade policy :tariff, subsidies, import quotas, voluntary export restraints, local content requirements (domestic content requirements), anti-dumping policies, and administrative policies.

7.What are the chief MNCs’motives for FDI?

答:1) To earn high returuns or in anticipation of more future profit;

2) To enjoy more favorable tax treatment;

3) To utilize greater availability of infrastructure;

4) To diversify investment risks of various kind;

5) To obtain control of a need raw material in order to ensure an uninterrupted supply at the lowest possible cost;

6) To aviod trade restrictions, which include both traiff measures and non-traiff measures imposed on imports;

7) To take advantage of various government subsidies to encourage foreign direct


8.Why do MNCs want to operate abroad?

答:1) To secure suppies of raw materials;

2) To utilize cheap labot sources;

3) To service local markets;

4) To bypass protectionist barriers.


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