高中牛津英语Module 11 Unit 1 短语和佳句

Module 11 Unit 1 Careers and skills

P 1-5

I. 短语集合

1.sth. be best suited to/for sb. /sth. = sth. be best suitable for sb./sth. …非常适合某人/某物

2.in reality = in fact = in effect = in practice = in actual fact = as a matter of fact = actually

3.relax on cushions in private jets or helicopters


4.have painful operations 接受痛苦的手术

5.have ambitions to become successful as a lawyer雄心勃勃想要成为成功的律师

6.sb. face sth. = sb. be faced with sth. 某人面临某事

7.taste beer at brewery 在酿酒厂品啤酒

8.consume one litre of beer a week 一周品一升的啤酒

9.go through =① experience; ②仔细检查;③用光

10.transport sb. around the city 把某人运送到城市各处

11.clear up the rubbish 清理垃圾

12.perform such ordinary but vital tasks 作者普通却又重要的工作

13.go about 忙于某事;继续做某事

14.sth. be aimed at doing = sth. be intended to do = sth. be meant to do = aim to do

15.consider all the aspects of a job 考虑工作的各个方面

II. 佳句背诵

1.The last year of high school is a time for hard work and also a time to reflect.


2.It does not seem that glamorous now, does it?

3.Many people have ambitions to become successful as a lawyer or business person, but they do not consider the stress and pressure that come with these jobs.很多人雄心勃勃要成为成功的律师或商界人士,却没有考虑到这些工作带来的紧张和压力。

4.On the other hand, some people find more unusual jobs that are better suited to their talents and interests. 另一方面,有些人找到了更适合他们的天赋和兴趣的与众不同的工作。

5.All these people love their jobs, which might not be popular, but are interesting regardless. 所有这些人都热爱他们的工作,这些工作可能并不那么受人青睐,却同样有趣。

6.He was living by a stream in a tent surrounded by technical equipment, and his only neighbours were the birds and squirrels in the nearby trees.


7.This job seems a bit plain, so I don’t really fancy it.



I 短语集合

1.care for ① take care of = look after = attend (to) = tend to; ②愿意,想要

2.do a job in the entertainment industry 在娱乐行业做份工作

3.apart from = aside from

4.be quite knowledgeable about sth. =have a good knowledge of sth. 精通…,了解…

5.be very quick-witted 机智的

6.be a weed = be weak and not brave 怯弱胆小

7.as hungry as a lion = wanting something very much

8.as sharp as a spear = clever at tricking others

9.Black is white and white is black 混淆黑白

10.have cast-iron nerves = have a strong will

11.as sly as a fox = very clever

12.eat like a bird = eat very little

13.as tall as a tree = very tall

14.see things from a different angle 从另一个角度看问题

15.create a fun atmosphere 创设一个有趣的氛围

II. 佳句背诵

1.Included in this category are singers, actors and musicians.(P6)

2.There is also a new category of jobs that are based on information technology, such as computer software engineers.(P6)

3.Over the last few years, I have found that having male nurses is a real bonus.(P11) 在过去几年里,我发现雇佣男性护士会带来很大的好处。


I. 短语集合

1.correspond with /to … 和…一致

correspond to … = be similar to ….

correspond with …= write to sb.

2.take great pleasure in doing 以做某事为乐

3.be good at administration 擅长管理

4.follow sb’s instructions 遵循某人的指令

Module 11 Unit 1 Careers and skills

P 1-5

I. 短语集合

1.sth. be best suited to/for sb. /sth. = sth. be best suitable for sb./sth. …非常适合某人/某物

2.in reality = in fact = in effect = in practice = in actual fact = as a matter of fact = actually

3.relax on cushions in private jets or helicopters


4.have painful operations 接受痛苦的手术

5.have ambitions to become successful as a lawyer雄心勃勃想要成为成功的律师

6.sb. face sth. = sb. be faced with sth. 某人面临某事

7.taste beer at brewery 在酿酒厂品啤酒

8.consume one litre of beer a week 一周品一升的啤酒

9.go through =① experience; ②仔细检查;③用光

10.transport sb. around the city 把某人运送到城市各处

11.clear up the rubbish 清理垃圾

12.perform such ordinary but vital tasks 作者普通却又重要的工作

13.go about 忙于某事;继续做某事

14.sth. be aimed at doing = sth. be intended to do = sth. be meant to do = aim to do

15.consider all the aspects of a job 考虑工作的各个方面

II. 佳句背诵

1.The last year of high school is a time for hard work and also a time to reflect.


2.It does not seem that glamorous now, does it?

3.Many people have ambitions to become successful as a lawyer or business person, but they do not consider the stress and pressure that come with these jobs.很多人雄心勃勃要成为成功的律师或商界人士,却没有考虑到这些工作带来的紧张和压力。

4.On the other hand, some people find more unusual jobs that are better suited to their talents and interests. 另一方面,有些人找到了更适合他们的天赋和兴趣的与众不同的工作。

5.All these people love their jobs, which might not be popular, but are interesting regardless. 所有这些人都热爱他们的工作,这些工作可能并不那么受人青睐,却同样有趣。

6.He was living by a stream in a tent surrounded by technical equipment, and his only neighbours were the birds and squirrels in the nearby trees.


7.This job seems a bit plain, so I don’t really fancy it.



I 短语集合

1.care for ① take care of = look after = attend (to) = tend to; ②愿意,想要

2.do a job in the entertainment industry 在娱乐行业做份工作

3.apart from = aside from

4.be quite knowledgeable about sth. =have a good knowledge of sth. 精通…,了解…

5.be very quick-witted 机智的

6.be a weed = be weak and not brave 怯弱胆小

7.as hungry as a lion = wanting something very much

8.as sharp as a spear = clever at tricking others

9.Black is white and white is black 混淆黑白

10.have cast-iron nerves = have a strong will

11.as sly as a fox = very clever

12.eat like a bird = eat very little

13.as tall as a tree = very tall

14.see things from a different angle 从另一个角度看问题

15.create a fun atmosphere 创设一个有趣的氛围

II. 佳句背诵

1.Included in this category are singers, actors and musicians.(P6)

2.There is also a new category of jobs that are based on information technology, such as computer software engineers.(P6)

3.Over the last few years, I have found that having male nurses is a real bonus.(P11) 在过去几年里,我发现雇佣男性护士会带来很大的好处。


I. 短语集合

1.correspond with /to … 和…一致

correspond to … = be similar to ….

correspond with …= write to sb.

2.take great pleasure in doing 以做某事为乐

3.be good at administration 擅长管理

4.follow sb’s instructions 遵循某人的指令

