Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Nice to meet you. I ’m Lisa. Mothers ’ day is coming. So I’m going to talk about my dear mummy today.
My mother is a beautiful lady. She has short hair, big eyes and small mouth. She is thin and tall,too. My mother is also a gentle woman. She likes smile. When I did a good job, she will clap hands for me and give me a big hug. What ’s more, my mummy and I are good friends. So we often share our secrets with each other. I love my mummy so much. I hope she can Happy Mother’s Day and happy everyday.
That ’s all, thank you!
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Nice to meet you. I ’m Lisa. Mothers ’ day is coming. So I’m going to talk about my dear mummy today.
My mother is a beautiful lady. She has short hair, big eyes and small mouth. She is thin and tall,too. My mother is also a gentle woman. She likes smile. When I did a good job, she will clap hands for me and give me a big hug. What ’s more, my mummy and I are good friends. So we often share our secrets with each other. I love my mummy so much. I hope she can Happy Mother’s Day and happy everyday.
That ’s all, thank you!
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