

摘要: 委婉语的使用在商务英语中是一种普遍现象。它不仅是一种社会语言现象,更是一种文化现象。文中分析了委婉语与礼貌原则在商务谈判和商务函电中的委婉表达方式,从虚拟语气法、被动语态法、时态倒退法、否定法四个方面归纳分析了商务英语中的委婉表达法,从而使商务工作者 “深人字里行间”以求最充分理解和欣赏商务英语的委婉表达方式,从而在商界竞争获取成功。


Abstract: Euphemism expression are commonly used in business correspondences and business negotiation. which is not only a social language phenomenon, but it is also a cultural phenomenon. By making an analysis of euphemistic expressions and courtesy principle used in business correspondences and business negotiations,this paper mainly discusses the fulfillment of euphemistic expressions in business English through the following four ways: the subjunctive mood, passive voice, tense backward,negative. So the business personnel can fuuly undeerstand and appreciate the ephemistic expression and achieve a success in the competieions.

Key words:euphemistic expression; courtesy principle; business negotiation;


英语中的委婉语((Euphemism)一词来自希腊语的前缀eu=well和词根pheme=speaking,意思是说好听的话。根据英语委婉语详解词典的定义,委婉语是一种用无害的或悦耳的词语替代那些较直接的、唐突的言词,用善意的话语把事实掩盖起来的修饰手段。委婉语存在于各种语言中,是语言的一种普遍现象,很早就引起人们的注意和研究。人们对委婉语的研究主要集中在词汇层次,如用pass way来代替die。事实上,通过语法和语用手段也可以表达委婉的意思,而且这种手段在商务英语信函中应用极为广泛。人们常常借用委婉语,礼貌、委婉地陈述自己的观点和愿望,提出请求或建议,以利于创造良好的商务环境,达到双方各自预期的目的。


In English Euphemism ((Euphemism) The word comes from the Greek prefix eu = well, and root pheme = speaking, means that sounded good. Under the euphemism of English dictionary definition is a euphemism used harmless or sweet-sounding words to replace those more direct, blunt words, with good words to cover up the fact that the modification of the means. Euphemism exist in a variety of languages, is the language of a universal phenomenon, it has long been a cause for attention and study. Euphemism of people focused on vocabulary

level, such as with the pass way to replace the die. In fact, through the means of grammar and pragmatics can express the meaning of euphemism, and this means the application of Business Letters be very extensive. people often borrow a euphemism, politeness, euphemistically to state their views and wishes, requests or suggestions in order to facilitate the creation of a good


Business environment, each of the parties to achieve the intended purpose.

Business Negotiation refers to the negotiating parties in order to facilitate the sale of the transaction, or to resolve trade disputes or disputes and achieve their own economic interests of a method or means. It is both an important business activities, but also the necessary means business. With economic development, especially in the join the World Trade Organization (WTO), China's external business activities have become increasingly frequent, rapid increase in foreign business negotiations. English as an international language, is an important tool for foreign business negotiation. Even the two non-English speaking countries for business negotiations, in order to avoid the use of the language of their own misunderstanding or mistaken, the two sides are negotiating the use of English as a carrier and adjudication standards. Therefore, in the intense negotiations to win or achieve a "win-win" result, in addition to the negotiations, the negotiator's ability and other factors, we also must pay attention to the negotiation of English expression and skill. Among them, tactful expression is commonly used in the negotiation of a language skills.



英国作家George Blunt 在十六世纪八十年代给委婉语下的定义是:“Euphemism is a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word”.斯托克和哈特曼编著的《语言与语言学词典》给委婉语下的定义是:“Euphemism:用一种不能明说的,能够使人感到愉快的或含糊的说法,代替具有令人不悦的含义或不够尊重的表达方法。” Euphemism and Politeness Principle:

1.1 Euphemisms

British writer George Blunt in the sixteenth century to the eighties Euphemism is defined as: "Euphemism is a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word". Stokes and Hartman compiled the "Language and Linguistics Dictionary" to the Euphemism is defined as: "Euphemism: with a not-ming, and be able to make people happy, or ambiguous statement, instead of with the unpleasant meaning or lack of respect for the way of expression."

Euphemism 一词源于希腊语的前缀eu(=good,sounding well)和词根pheme(=speech or saying,)。Euphemism 字面上的意思就是“use of pleasant,mild or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct ones.”

Euphemism The term comes from the Greek prefix eu (= good, sounding well), and root pheme (= speech or saying,). Euphemism literally means "use of pleasant, mild or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct ones.

The Random House College Dictionary (1979)把euphemism定义为:the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt,美国学者Hugh Rawson 曾说:委婉语如此深深潜入我们语言,以至我们中间没有谁——即使那些自诩为直截了当的人——能够在不使用委婉语的情况下过完一天.

The Random House College Dictionary (1979) the euphemism is defined as: the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt, American scholar Hugh Rawson said: Euphemism so deeply

infiltrated our language , as well as no one among us - even those self-proclaimed straight people - can not use euphemisms the case had finished a day.

委婉语是人类使用语言过程中的一种普遍现象,它不仅是一种社会语言现象,更是一种文化现象。不管是在日常生活还是在涉外交际中,我们都要进行语言交流。由于某些生活习惯或习俗差异,以及不同文化背景的社会具有不同的忌讳,我们必须学会使用委婉语以避免尴尬或不愉快。所以只有了解委婉语在不同背景、不同环境下的使用方式,才能达到成功的交际目的。委婉语可以反映出各种各样的社会心理,从而也体现出了委婉语的各种社会交际功能。委婉语在各个领域都有广泛的应用,它对于我们学好英语,进行有效的跨文化交际有很大的帮助。 Euphemism is the use of language in the process of a universal phenomenon, it is not only a social linguistic phenomenon, but also a cultural phenomenon. Whether or foreign communication in daily life, we will have to be verbal communication. Because some differences in living habits or customs, as well as different cultural backgrounds have different taboos of society, we must learn to use euphemisms to avoid embarrassment or unpleasant. Therefore, only about euphemisms in different backgrounds, different environments using the method in order to achieve the purpose of successful communication. Euphemisms may reflect a variety of social psychology, which also reflects a variety of Euphemism of social communicative function. Euphemism in various fields have a wide range of applications, it is for us to learn English, carry out effective cross-cultural communication are of great help




.2 The causes Euphemism

1.2.1 As the fear of heaven and earth spirits and the use of euphemism

"Whether or primitive tribe is a highly civilized society, there is the phenomenon of euphemism; no matter how large or minority language languages, there are euphemisms. Euphemism used in the field of all sectors of society." Spirits of the

call is to generate pairs of euphemism The earliest one area. The people of early times, due to the level of productivity, scientific conditions, they believe that a natural god, superstition and those demons, gods, and many can not explain the mysterious phenomenon attributed to the gods of heaven and earth is everything, then produce a kind of supernatural worship as well as fear, taboo phenomenon for us. The name of the earliest human spirits became a taboo word, but refer to the gods and the first word is a euphemism.

在英美国家,人们普遍笃信上帝(God),出于对上帝的敬畏,他们不敢直称上帝耶和华(Jehoval)的名字,于是便产生了许多的委婉语。例如:“the Almighty,the Supreme Being,Holy One,the Eternal,the creator,the maker),the Savior,the Lord of Lords,the King of Kings等.”中国人禁忌、忌讳的地方恐怕不比西方国家少。“在我国,自古以来人们相信各种自然现象均由各种不同的自然之神所支配。为了求福避祸,他们也举行各种祭祀活动,并给它们以美称。由于宗教迷信的原因,人们还称各种神祗为“菩萨”、“大师”;美称“黄鼠狼”、“狐狸”为“黄仙”、“狐仙”;甚至村庄里头的大树也称为“树仙”,逢年过节总有农民前去祭拜。以农耕经济为主的中国,特别注重土地,有些农民经常会于开春播种之际,在水田田埂烧炷香,以孝敬土地公公,保佑稻谷丰收。

In the Anglo-Saxon countries, it is widely believe in God (God), out of fear of God, they dare not direct that the Lord God (Jehoval) the name, so they produced a lot of euphemisms. For example: "the Almighty, the Supreme Being, Holy One, the Eternal, the creator, the maker), the Savior, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings and so on." The Chinese taboo, taboo probably better than the western countries where fewer . "In China, people believe all kinds of natural phenomena since ancient times by a variety of nature dominated by God. Bihuo in order to seek happiness, they also held a variety of ritual

activities, and give them to laudatory. Because of religion, superstition reasons, It also said that a variety of gods as "Buddha", "Master"; laudatory "weasels", "fox" to "yellow Sin", "HUXIN"; and even the trees inside the village, also known as "tree immortal" every Total annual festivals, some farmers went to worship. to agrarian-based economy in China with special emphasis on land, some farmers are often the occasion of sowing in spring, in the paddy field ridge burning Zhu Xiang, to honor the land father, bless the rice harvest.


在东西方文化中,凡是与疾病、死亡、人体排泄、生体部位、性爱、体形等有关的犯禁忌的事物,常常被认为是粗俗、不雅、难登大雅之堂。因此人们将不忍或不便直接说出的禁忌事物,通过曲言、避讳等手法来美化或淡化它们,使之不那么粗俗,使之变得文雅一些。如把人体“thin”和“skinny”说成“slim”和“slender”;把身体“fat/corpulent”说成“plump”、“strong”和“stout”。中世纪的西方,人们认为leg,breast,thigh,pregnancy等词与“性”的关系太直接,因此就产生了以下一些委婉语:“piano’s limbs”(指 piano’s leg);“white meat”(指chicken breast);“dark meat”(指chicken thigh)。


1.2.2 In order to avoid vulgar, indecent use of euphemism

In the Eastern and Western culture, any and disease, death, human excretion, the Health and body parts, sex, body shape and other things related to taboo, are often considered to be vulgar, indecent, was difficult to convince something presentable and acceptable. So people will not bear or inconvenience taboo to say things directly, through the song words, taboo and other means to beautify or dilute them, so that not so vulgar, so that they are gentle some. If the human body "thin" and the "skinny" say "slim" and "slender"; to the body "fat / corpulent" say "plump", "strong" and "stout". Middle Ages in Europe, people think leg, breast, thigh, pregnancy and other words and "sexual" relationship too direct, and therefore produced the following euphemisms: "piano's limbs" (means the piano's leg); "white meat" (means the chicken breast); "dark meat" (means chicken thigh).

Proper use of euphemism to avoid embarrassing everybody's unhappy, recruit people dislike. Euphemism is used not only to the feet of each other's face, but also reflects the speaker's status, knowledge demeanor. The use of elegant, subtle language is a kind of aesthetic needs of the people as well as the civilization needs.


在交际场合,为礼貌起见,避免唐突无礼,人们常用委婉语来表示对他人的尊重,减少对他人的批评,将对方的反感情绪降到最低点。请看下面对话:“Don’t you think my cooking is wonderful?”The boyfriend responded, “Are you fishing for

compliment?”男孩明知道女孩煮的饭不好吃,却没有当面提出,而是用委婉含蓄的方式回答“你需要我表扬你吗?”这样的回答即不会打击女孩的自尊心,又不失幽默风趣。俗话说“良言一句三冬暖,恶话伤人六月寒”、“当着矮个不提高”,若在公众场合揭对方的短,伤了他的自尊,人家就会因受到刺激变得不客气起来。如果你对一个女孩说“你长的又矮又胖,简直就像个矮冬瓜”。 那么这个女孩会非常生气,最后友好的关系也会因此而分裂,甚至反目成仇。可见,恰当得体的话语有时比和煦的春风还让人轻爽。

1.2.3 In order to avoid abrupt discourteous use of euphemism

In the communication occasion, as a matter of courtesy, to avoid abrupt discourteous, it is often used euphemisms to express respect for others, to reduce other people's criticism, the other person's feeling of resentment to a minimum. See the following dialogue: "Don't you think my cooking is wonderful?" The boyfriend responded, "Are you fishing for compliment?" Is keenly aware that girls and boys cooked meals are not tasty, but not in person, but that implicitly use euphemism way to answering the question "Do you need me praise you?" This kind of response that will not strike a girl's self-esteem, yet humorous. As the saying goes, "remarks to a three Winter, evil assault in June, then cold," "in front of shorter people do not improve," if in public to expose each other's short, hurt his self-esteem, people will be stimulated due to become non - modest rise. If you are a girl said, "you have a long short and stout, almost like a Aidong Gua." Well, this girl will be very angry, the last and friendly relations will be split, or even against each other. Can be seen, proper and dignified than the genial words sometimes makes light of spring is also cool.

在交际过程中,尤其在某种特定的语境中,故意用一些礼貌用语或较为缓和的词语,一来可以顾全对方,二来不会因揭短而冒犯别人。比如明知有人在说谎,却不直说“He is a liar”,而说成“He often tells untruth”。从而有利保持人与人之间关系的融洽与和谐,消除抵触,促成合作。

In the communication process, especially in a particular context and deliberately with some polite terms or moderate words, firstly, to show consideration for each other, two years will not offend others Jieduan. For example knowing that someone is lying, does not directly say "He is a liar", and say "He often tells untruth". Thus contributing to maintain harmonious interpersonal relations and harmony, elimination of conflict and promoting cooperation.

1.3 礼貌原则

英国学者Leech提出了言语交际的礼貌原则,根据Leech的礼貌原则中的选择The Optional Scale。如果话语内容使听话人得益,说话人的话说得越直率,强求听话人接受的愿望就越明显,话语就越能显出热情内容;如果话语内容只使说话者得益则说话人的话就要说得间接一些,谨懊一些,要给听话人留有较大的自由选择余地,从而表现出话语的礼貌得体。 例如:

1.3 Politeness Principle

British scholar made verbal communication Leech's Politeness Principle, according to Leech's Politeness Principle in the choice of The Optional Scale. If the content of discourse to make obedient people benefit from the speaker's saying that the more outspoken desire to insist obedient acceptance of the more obvious, showing enthusiasm for the content of words the better; if the content of discourse is only to benefit the speaker while the speaker's words on the To say it indirectly, some, like annoyed some, give the listener a greater freedom of choice left, thus demonstrating courtesy of decent discourse. For example:

(I)Unfortunately we cannot meetyour needs because you failed to send yourcheck.

(2) We shall be glad to meet yourneeds as soon as we receive your check.

例(1)的语气很突兀,过于直接;而例(2)使用委婉语气,礼貌得多。此外,礼貌原则强调多为对方着想,要求从对方的角度考虑,顾及他人的要求、愿望和感情。采取 “对方”态度,即"you-attitude”的委婉表达,则充分体现了礼貌原则。如:

Cases (1) The tone is very abrupt, too direct; while cases

(2) The use of euphemistic tone is much more polite. In addition, the politeness principle emphasizes the sake of more for each other, calling each other's point of view, taking into consideration the requirements of others, aspirations and feelings. Adopt the "other side" attitude, that "you-attitude" of the euphemistic expression, while fully reflects the principles of politeness. Such as:

(3)We accept a 1.5% discount oncash payment. (we-attitude)

(4) You earn a 1.5% discount whenyou pay cash. (you-attitude)?


These cases (4) when the side from the point of view, even more commission bowl, embodies the principles of politeness.



2. Business negotiations Pragmatic Politeness Strategy

The famous French writer Victor Hugo once said: "Language is power." How to negotiate effectively in the business to play the role of language, to the negotiation purposes? This requires the use of a number of politeness strategies to pragmatic reality. Politeness strategy is, other things being equal, the expression of impolite beliefs decreased to a minimum. Courtesy is to establish good relationships and cooperation between the premise. The smooth development of business negotiation depends on good social relationship.



2.1. To avoid self-righteousness, belittle or blame the other's tone of voice

For example:

a. I found that there are 20 earphones missing in carton No.2.We cannot sell the radios without earphones.Please ship the goods to us as soon as possible.

b. You would of couse rather continue to do business with my company because ………

c. All wise companies would like to do business with us.


In the above three sentences, it is obvious. Sentence

explicitly stated that the other's loss, with the tone of a sentence gives the accused the self-righteous, look down on each other's feelings;. Sentence has to belittle someone else's tone. Tone of voice such as this it is difficult to make negotiations proceed smoothly, so in the actual negotiation process, we need your tone of voice when you deliberately avoid the resulting unnecessary troubles.



2.2. To play down the subjective attitude of the other side's position of zero re -

In business negotiations, not to say that overwhelm the other side won. Turning to the success of a fundamentally should be to achieve "win-win." This requires staff to talk about the negotiations to reduce the expression of self-interest point of view to minimize the benefits. In other words, is to take the attitude of (other-atitude), less use of

self-attitudes (self-atitude). Take me, we replaced, you have to make each other feel important. In order to get each other's goodwill, to promote trade. We compare the following groups of sentences:

Example 1

. a..we have a good selection of winter clothes at China’s Autumn Export

Commodities Fair.

b.You can choose from a very good selection of winter clothes at China’s Autumn Export Commodities Fair.

Example 2

a . We allow 1.5 percent discount for an order more than 2000 tons.

b. You can obtain 1.5 percent discount for an order more than 2000 tons.

以上两组句子中,a句和 b句的意思相同,但表达有所不同。a句是从我方角度出发,而b句是从对方的立场考虑,在谈话中礼貌地指出和强调对方可能获得的利益,


The above two sentences, a sentence, and b sentences the same meaning, but the expression is different. a sentence is from our point of view, while the b sentences from each other's position to consider, in the conversation and politely point out and emphasize the other potential benefits,

Dilute the benefits of their own embodied the principles of decent politeness norms.



2.3. Try to avoid using negative words, using complex sentences to express the differences

Liqi courtesy of the principle of consensus guidelines should be made to try to narrow the gap on the differences between themselves and others, try to exaggerate the

consistency of their own and others, in order to achieve the effect of courtesy. During the negotiations, both sides will inevitably create contradictions, conflicts, but the language used by the negotiators should not be negative or pessimistic, and this would cause frustration is not conducive to the smooth progress of the negotiations. To use more of the positive and optimistic statement to show our attitude so that the whole negotiation in a harmonious atmosphere. Comparison of the following sentence:

a . Since you didn’t comfirm the sample color, we can’t dye the bulk fabric.

b. We will dye the bulk fabric as soon as you confirm the sample color.

在这个例子中,a句采用的是消极否定的说法,语气生硬 听起来非常不舒服,使接下来的谈判也很难进行而 b句改用了积极肯定的语句,减少了与对方在感情上的对立,其效果与。句就截然不同了。



In this example, a sentence used in a passive negative to say, blunt tone sounds very uncomfortable, so that the next negotiations and the b sentence is difficult to switch to the positive affirmation of the statement, reducing the emotional with each other opposition, its effect is. Sentence of the picture.

If the negotiations on matters of principle or on important issues can not reach agreement with each other, we must express different views, in which case, we should avoid provoking each other, do not let the other side that would lose face. We can use complex sentence patterns to ease the mood. For example:

a.I can’t agree to such terms.

b.I’m sorry to say, Madam, I can hardly agree to such terms.


在实际的谈判中,我们还可以采用诸如“I understand your position,but„”,“I see what you mean, but„”,“You may be right, but„”等句型来缩小我方与对方在某个问题上的分歧,体现对他人的尊重。例如:

Both sentences have expressed disapproval of the speaker's attitude. Whether the sentence directly

Determined not to give each other leeway; b sentence with "I'm sorry" to ease the tone, expressing a more moderate, so obedient people emotionally accessible.

In the actual negotiations, we also can be used, such as "I understand your position, but ...", "I see what you mean, but ...", "You may be right, but ..." and so on to narrow our side with the other sentence differences on an issue, reflect respect for others. For example:

a.It is impossible to accept the price.

b. I understand your position,but it’s impossible to accept the price.


Comparing these two phrases, it is clear b sentence is better

than a sentence, b sentence not only shows the attitude of their own to avoid an explicit rejection of the other side. Using this gentle, tactful words in ways that favor the success of the negotiations.


在谈判中过多的析使句和肯定句会使表达生硬刻板。如果把祈使句和肯定句转变为间句形式 可以婉转而礼貌地表达自己的要求。例如,“Will you please hand that book to me?”就比“Please hand that book to me”礼貌客气。在商务谈判中,适时地运用疑问句避免过多地使用祈使句和肯定句会受到较好的效果。比较下面的句子:

2.4. Using interrogative type, the subjunctive mood, so that a more polite expression

Too much analysis in the negotiations to make sentences and sentences make sure that expression of blunt rigid. If the imperative sentence and affirmed sentences into sentence form between the mildly and politely express their demands. For example, "Will you please hand that book to me?" Than "Please hand that book to me" polite. In business negotiations, in a timely manner to avoid the excessive use of interrogative sentences and affirmed the use of imperative sentences will be good results. Comparison of the following sentence:

a. We want you to show us the sample first..

b. Will you please show us the sample first..

从这两句话可以看出,疑问句卜比肯定句 a更礼貌客气。利奇在礼貌原则中的得体准则中指出,疑问句比肯定句和祈使句留给听话人的余地更大,这样听话入受惠的可能性就越大。利奇还指出,在疑问句中虚拟疑问句是最为礼貌的句式。在谈判中,恰当地使用这一准则,就会使说话人语气显得礼貌委婉,有利于谈判的顺利进行。


As can be seen from these two sentences, interrogative sentence Bobby certainly a more polite. Leach courtesy principles of decency guidelines note that interrogative and imperative sentences than affirmative sentences leave the listener more room, so obedient into the possibility of benefit from the greater. Leach also pointed out that the virtual interrogative interrogative sentence is the most polite. In the negotiations, the proper use of this criterion

would make the speaker seem polite euphemism tone is conducive to the smooth progress of the negotiations.

For example:

a. We want to increase our supply by one shipload.

b. What would you say if we increase our supply by one shipload?

以上两句话尽管意思相同,但b句采用虚拟疑问句使表达更为委婉 显示出说话人的礼貌,使听话人更容易接受其请求。

Although the above two sentences mean the same, but b sentence used to express a more tactful virtual interrogative show the speaker's polite, so obedient people more receptive to their request.




3. Business English Euphemism and expression

China and countries in the world of international business activities, the English had become an important international business language tools to include Business English

Trade, business in the business language, contractual agreements in the legal language, commercial advertising promotional language, etc.. In terms of more general English, business English has its own unique style, usual format, the professional vocabulary and expressions, warm and friendly hospitality, tactful polite words, the wording of the letters and telegrams, as well as prudent close properly the terms of the formation of the distinct features of the business English.


In order to establish a good business environment, and better at the end of may customers, establish a perfect image of as much as possible to give customers satisfaction and confidence in each of the parties to achieve the intended purpose of trade. In international trade, from the beginning to establish trade relations inquiry, offer, but also plate, priced to shipping, insurance, credit investigation, loan payments, claims and other complaints, will use a lot of euphemism expression. Their expressions flexible, clever, diverse forms



4. Conclusion:

Euphemism for emotional communication is both a polite and elegant communicative strategies in international business negotiations played the role of lubricant greatly enhanced flexibility in the negotiations and the chances of success. However, excessive use of euphemism in negotiations tone, or speak too artificial, the wording jerky, the other side can not understand, and so will hinder the negotiation process. Courtesy is a sign of human civilization. In international business negotiations, the mastery of the language polite strategy is to negotiate with the key to the smooth conduct of the negotiations should play an active role as far as possible a good grasp of the language, in order to achieve the aim of negotiations.


摘要: 委婉语的使用在商务英语中是一种普遍现象。它不仅是一种社会语言现象,更是一种文化现象。文中分析了委婉语与礼貌原则在商务谈判和商务函电中的委婉表达方式,从虚拟语气法、被动语态法、时态倒退法、否定法四个方面归纳分析了商务英语中的委婉表达法,从而使商务工作者 “深人字里行间”以求最充分理解和欣赏商务英语的委婉表达方式,从而在商界竞争获取成功。


Abstract: Euphemism expression are commonly used in business correspondences and business negotiation. which is not only a social language phenomenon, but it is also a cultural phenomenon. By making an analysis of euphemistic expressions and courtesy principle used in business correspondences and business negotiations,this paper mainly discusses the fulfillment of euphemistic expressions in business English through the following four ways: the subjunctive mood, passive voice, tense backward,negative. So the business personnel can fuuly undeerstand and appreciate the ephemistic expression and achieve a success in the competieions.

Key words:euphemistic expression; courtesy principle; business negotiation;


英语中的委婉语((Euphemism)一词来自希腊语的前缀eu=well和词根pheme=speaking,意思是说好听的话。根据英语委婉语详解词典的定义,委婉语是一种用无害的或悦耳的词语替代那些较直接的、唐突的言词,用善意的话语把事实掩盖起来的修饰手段。委婉语存在于各种语言中,是语言的一种普遍现象,很早就引起人们的注意和研究。人们对委婉语的研究主要集中在词汇层次,如用pass way来代替die。事实上,通过语法和语用手段也可以表达委婉的意思,而且这种手段在商务英语信函中应用极为广泛。人们常常借用委婉语,礼貌、委婉地陈述自己的观点和愿望,提出请求或建议,以利于创造良好的商务环境,达到双方各自预期的目的。


In English Euphemism ((Euphemism) The word comes from the Greek prefix eu = well, and root pheme = speaking, means that sounded good. Under the euphemism of English dictionary definition is a euphemism used harmless or sweet-sounding words to replace those more direct, blunt words, with good words to cover up the fact that the modification of the means. Euphemism exist in a variety of languages, is the language of a universal phenomenon, it has long been a cause for attention and study. Euphemism of people focused on vocabulary

level, such as with the pass way to replace the die. In fact, through the means of grammar and pragmatics can express the meaning of euphemism, and this means the application of Business Letters be very extensive. people often borrow a euphemism, politeness, euphemistically to state their views and wishes, requests or suggestions in order to facilitate the creation of a good


Business environment, each of the parties to achieve the intended purpose.

Business Negotiation refers to the negotiating parties in order to facilitate the sale of the transaction, or to resolve trade disputes or disputes and achieve their own economic interests of a method or means. It is both an important business activities, but also the necessary means business. With economic development, especially in the join the World Trade Organization (WTO), China's external business activities have become increasingly frequent, rapid increase in foreign business negotiations. English as an international language, is an important tool for foreign business negotiation. Even the two non-English speaking countries for business negotiations, in order to avoid the use of the language of their own misunderstanding or mistaken, the two sides are negotiating the use of English as a carrier and adjudication standards. Therefore, in the intense negotiations to win or achieve a "win-win" result, in addition to the negotiations, the negotiator's ability and other factors, we also must pay attention to the negotiation of English expression and skill. Among them, tactful expression is commonly used in the negotiation of a language skills.



英国作家George Blunt 在十六世纪八十年代给委婉语下的定义是:“Euphemism is a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word”.斯托克和哈特曼编著的《语言与语言学词典》给委婉语下的定义是:“Euphemism:用一种不能明说的,能够使人感到愉快的或含糊的说法,代替具有令人不悦的含义或不够尊重的表达方法。” Euphemism and Politeness Principle:

1.1 Euphemisms

British writer George Blunt in the sixteenth century to the eighties Euphemism is defined as: "Euphemism is a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word". Stokes and Hartman compiled the "Language and Linguistics Dictionary" to the Euphemism is defined as: "Euphemism: with a not-ming, and be able to make people happy, or ambiguous statement, instead of with the unpleasant meaning or lack of respect for the way of expression."

Euphemism 一词源于希腊语的前缀eu(=good,sounding well)和词根pheme(=speech or saying,)。Euphemism 字面上的意思就是“use of pleasant,mild or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct ones.”

Euphemism The term comes from the Greek prefix eu (= good, sounding well), and root pheme (= speech or saying,). Euphemism literally means "use of pleasant, mild or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct ones.

The Random House College Dictionary (1979)把euphemism定义为:the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt,美国学者Hugh Rawson 曾说:委婉语如此深深潜入我们语言,以至我们中间没有谁——即使那些自诩为直截了当的人——能够在不使用委婉语的情况下过完一天.

The Random House College Dictionary (1979) the euphemism is defined as: the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt, American scholar Hugh Rawson said: Euphemism so deeply

infiltrated our language , as well as no one among us - even those self-proclaimed straight people - can not use euphemisms the case had finished a day.

委婉语是人类使用语言过程中的一种普遍现象,它不仅是一种社会语言现象,更是一种文化现象。不管是在日常生活还是在涉外交际中,我们都要进行语言交流。由于某些生活习惯或习俗差异,以及不同文化背景的社会具有不同的忌讳,我们必须学会使用委婉语以避免尴尬或不愉快。所以只有了解委婉语在不同背景、不同环境下的使用方式,才能达到成功的交际目的。委婉语可以反映出各种各样的社会心理,从而也体现出了委婉语的各种社会交际功能。委婉语在各个领域都有广泛的应用,它对于我们学好英语,进行有效的跨文化交际有很大的帮助。 Euphemism is the use of language in the process of a universal phenomenon, it is not only a social linguistic phenomenon, but also a cultural phenomenon. Whether or foreign communication in daily life, we will have to be verbal communication. Because some differences in living habits or customs, as well as different cultural backgrounds have different taboos of society, we must learn to use euphemisms to avoid embarrassment or unpleasant. Therefore, only about euphemisms in different backgrounds, different environments using the method in order to achieve the purpose of successful communication. Euphemisms may reflect a variety of social psychology, which also reflects a variety of Euphemism of social communicative function. Euphemism in various fields have a wide range of applications, it is for us to learn English, carry out effective cross-cultural communication are of great help




.2 The causes Euphemism

1.2.1 As the fear of heaven and earth spirits and the use of euphemism

"Whether or primitive tribe is a highly civilized society, there is the phenomenon of euphemism; no matter how large or minority language languages, there are euphemisms. Euphemism used in the field of all sectors of society." Spirits of the

call is to generate pairs of euphemism The earliest one area. The people of early times, due to the level of productivity, scientific conditions, they believe that a natural god, superstition and those demons, gods, and many can not explain the mysterious phenomenon attributed to the gods of heaven and earth is everything, then produce a kind of supernatural worship as well as fear, taboo phenomenon for us. The name of the earliest human spirits became a taboo word, but refer to the gods and the first word is a euphemism.

在英美国家,人们普遍笃信上帝(God),出于对上帝的敬畏,他们不敢直称上帝耶和华(Jehoval)的名字,于是便产生了许多的委婉语。例如:“the Almighty,the Supreme Being,Holy One,the Eternal,the creator,the maker),the Savior,the Lord of Lords,the King of Kings等.”中国人禁忌、忌讳的地方恐怕不比西方国家少。“在我国,自古以来人们相信各种自然现象均由各种不同的自然之神所支配。为了求福避祸,他们也举行各种祭祀活动,并给它们以美称。由于宗教迷信的原因,人们还称各种神祗为“菩萨”、“大师”;美称“黄鼠狼”、“狐狸”为“黄仙”、“狐仙”;甚至村庄里头的大树也称为“树仙”,逢年过节总有农民前去祭拜。以农耕经济为主的中国,特别注重土地,有些农民经常会于开春播种之际,在水田田埂烧炷香,以孝敬土地公公,保佑稻谷丰收。

In the Anglo-Saxon countries, it is widely believe in God (God), out of fear of God, they dare not direct that the Lord God (Jehoval) the name, so they produced a lot of euphemisms. For example: "the Almighty, the Supreme Being, Holy One, the Eternal, the creator, the maker), the Savior, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings and so on." The Chinese taboo, taboo probably better than the western countries where fewer . "In China, people believe all kinds of natural phenomena since ancient times by a variety of nature dominated by God. Bihuo in order to seek happiness, they also held a variety of ritual

activities, and give them to laudatory. Because of religion, superstition reasons, It also said that a variety of gods as "Buddha", "Master"; laudatory "weasels", "fox" to "yellow Sin", "HUXIN"; and even the trees inside the village, also known as "tree immortal" every Total annual festivals, some farmers went to worship. to agrarian-based economy in China with special emphasis on land, some farmers are often the occasion of sowing in spring, in the paddy field ridge burning Zhu Xiang, to honor the land father, bless the rice harvest.


在东西方文化中,凡是与疾病、死亡、人体排泄、生体部位、性爱、体形等有关的犯禁忌的事物,常常被认为是粗俗、不雅、难登大雅之堂。因此人们将不忍或不便直接说出的禁忌事物,通过曲言、避讳等手法来美化或淡化它们,使之不那么粗俗,使之变得文雅一些。如把人体“thin”和“skinny”说成“slim”和“slender”;把身体“fat/corpulent”说成“plump”、“strong”和“stout”。中世纪的西方,人们认为leg,breast,thigh,pregnancy等词与“性”的关系太直接,因此就产生了以下一些委婉语:“piano’s limbs”(指 piano’s leg);“white meat”(指chicken breast);“dark meat”(指chicken thigh)。


1.2.2 In order to avoid vulgar, indecent use of euphemism

In the Eastern and Western culture, any and disease, death, human excretion, the Health and body parts, sex, body shape and other things related to taboo, are often considered to be vulgar, indecent, was difficult to convince something presentable and acceptable. So people will not bear or inconvenience taboo to say things directly, through the song words, taboo and other means to beautify or dilute them, so that not so vulgar, so that they are gentle some. If the human body "thin" and the "skinny" say "slim" and "slender"; to the body "fat / corpulent" say "plump", "strong" and "stout". Middle Ages in Europe, people think leg, breast, thigh, pregnancy and other words and "sexual" relationship too direct, and therefore produced the following euphemisms: "piano's limbs" (means the piano's leg); "white meat" (means the chicken breast); "dark meat" (means chicken thigh).

Proper use of euphemism to avoid embarrassing everybody's unhappy, recruit people dislike. Euphemism is used not only to the feet of each other's face, but also reflects the speaker's status, knowledge demeanor. The use of elegant, subtle language is a kind of aesthetic needs of the people as well as the civilization needs.


在交际场合,为礼貌起见,避免唐突无礼,人们常用委婉语来表示对他人的尊重,减少对他人的批评,将对方的反感情绪降到最低点。请看下面对话:“Don’t you think my cooking is wonderful?”The boyfriend responded, “Are you fishing for

compliment?”男孩明知道女孩煮的饭不好吃,却没有当面提出,而是用委婉含蓄的方式回答“你需要我表扬你吗?”这样的回答即不会打击女孩的自尊心,又不失幽默风趣。俗话说“良言一句三冬暖,恶话伤人六月寒”、“当着矮个不提高”,若在公众场合揭对方的短,伤了他的自尊,人家就会因受到刺激变得不客气起来。如果你对一个女孩说“你长的又矮又胖,简直就像个矮冬瓜”。 那么这个女孩会非常生气,最后友好的关系也会因此而分裂,甚至反目成仇。可见,恰当得体的话语有时比和煦的春风还让人轻爽。

1.2.3 In order to avoid abrupt discourteous use of euphemism

In the communication occasion, as a matter of courtesy, to avoid abrupt discourteous, it is often used euphemisms to express respect for others, to reduce other people's criticism, the other person's feeling of resentment to a minimum. See the following dialogue: "Don't you think my cooking is wonderful?" The boyfriend responded, "Are you fishing for compliment?" Is keenly aware that girls and boys cooked meals are not tasty, but not in person, but that implicitly use euphemism way to answering the question "Do you need me praise you?" This kind of response that will not strike a girl's self-esteem, yet humorous. As the saying goes, "remarks to a three Winter, evil assault in June, then cold," "in front of shorter people do not improve," if in public to expose each other's short, hurt his self-esteem, people will be stimulated due to become non - modest rise. If you are a girl said, "you have a long short and stout, almost like a Aidong Gua." Well, this girl will be very angry, the last and friendly relations will be split, or even against each other. Can be seen, proper and dignified than the genial words sometimes makes light of spring is also cool.

在交际过程中,尤其在某种特定的语境中,故意用一些礼貌用语或较为缓和的词语,一来可以顾全对方,二来不会因揭短而冒犯别人。比如明知有人在说谎,却不直说“He is a liar”,而说成“He often tells untruth”。从而有利保持人与人之间关系的融洽与和谐,消除抵触,促成合作。

In the communication process, especially in a particular context and deliberately with some polite terms or moderate words, firstly, to show consideration for each other, two years will not offend others Jieduan. For example knowing that someone is lying, does not directly say "He is a liar", and say "He often tells untruth". Thus contributing to maintain harmonious interpersonal relations and harmony, elimination of conflict and promoting cooperation.

1.3 礼貌原则

英国学者Leech提出了言语交际的礼貌原则,根据Leech的礼貌原则中的选择The Optional Scale。如果话语内容使听话人得益,说话人的话说得越直率,强求听话人接受的愿望就越明显,话语就越能显出热情内容;如果话语内容只使说话者得益则说话人的话就要说得间接一些,谨懊一些,要给听话人留有较大的自由选择余地,从而表现出话语的礼貌得体。 例如:

1.3 Politeness Principle

British scholar made verbal communication Leech's Politeness Principle, according to Leech's Politeness Principle in the choice of The Optional Scale. If the content of discourse to make obedient people benefit from the speaker's saying that the more outspoken desire to insist obedient acceptance of the more obvious, showing enthusiasm for the content of words the better; if the content of discourse is only to benefit the speaker while the speaker's words on the To say it indirectly, some, like annoyed some, give the listener a greater freedom of choice left, thus demonstrating courtesy of decent discourse. For example:

(I)Unfortunately we cannot meetyour needs because you failed to send yourcheck.

(2) We shall be glad to meet yourneeds as soon as we receive your check.

例(1)的语气很突兀,过于直接;而例(2)使用委婉语气,礼貌得多。此外,礼貌原则强调多为对方着想,要求从对方的角度考虑,顾及他人的要求、愿望和感情。采取 “对方”态度,即"you-attitude”的委婉表达,则充分体现了礼貌原则。如:

Cases (1) The tone is very abrupt, too direct; while cases

(2) The use of euphemistic tone is much more polite. In addition, the politeness principle emphasizes the sake of more for each other, calling each other's point of view, taking into consideration the requirements of others, aspirations and feelings. Adopt the "other side" attitude, that "you-attitude" of the euphemistic expression, while fully reflects the principles of politeness. Such as:

(3)We accept a 1.5% discount oncash payment. (we-attitude)

(4) You earn a 1.5% discount whenyou pay cash. (you-attitude)?


These cases (4) when the side from the point of view, even more commission bowl, embodies the principles of politeness.



2. Business negotiations Pragmatic Politeness Strategy

The famous French writer Victor Hugo once said: "Language is power." How to negotiate effectively in the business to play the role of language, to the negotiation purposes? This requires the use of a number of politeness strategies to pragmatic reality. Politeness strategy is, other things being equal, the expression of impolite beliefs decreased to a minimum. Courtesy is to establish good relationships and cooperation between the premise. The smooth development of business negotiation depends on good social relationship.



2.1. To avoid self-righteousness, belittle or blame the other's tone of voice

For example:

a. I found that there are 20 earphones missing in carton No.2.We cannot sell the radios without earphones.Please ship the goods to us as soon as possible.

b. You would of couse rather continue to do business with my company because ………

c. All wise companies would like to do business with us.


In the above three sentences, it is obvious. Sentence

explicitly stated that the other's loss, with the tone of a sentence gives the accused the self-righteous, look down on each other's feelings;. Sentence has to belittle someone else's tone. Tone of voice such as this it is difficult to make negotiations proceed smoothly, so in the actual negotiation process, we need your tone of voice when you deliberately avoid the resulting unnecessary troubles.



2.2. To play down the subjective attitude of the other side's position of zero re -

In business negotiations, not to say that overwhelm the other side won. Turning to the success of a fundamentally should be to achieve "win-win." This requires staff to talk about the negotiations to reduce the expression of self-interest point of view to minimize the benefits. In other words, is to take the attitude of (other-atitude), less use of

self-attitudes (self-atitude). Take me, we replaced, you have to make each other feel important. In order to get each other's goodwill, to promote trade. We compare the following groups of sentences:

Example 1

. a..we have a good selection of winter clothes at China’s Autumn Export

Commodities Fair.

b.You can choose from a very good selection of winter clothes at China’s Autumn Export Commodities Fair.

Example 2

a . We allow 1.5 percent discount for an order more than 2000 tons.

b. You can obtain 1.5 percent discount for an order more than 2000 tons.

以上两组句子中,a句和 b句的意思相同,但表达有所不同。a句是从我方角度出发,而b句是从对方的立场考虑,在谈话中礼貌地指出和强调对方可能获得的利益,


The above two sentences, a sentence, and b sentences the same meaning, but the expression is different. a sentence is from our point of view, while the b sentences from each other's position to consider, in the conversation and politely point out and emphasize the other potential benefits,

Dilute the benefits of their own embodied the principles of decent politeness norms.



2.3. Try to avoid using negative words, using complex sentences to express the differences

Liqi courtesy of the principle of consensus guidelines should be made to try to narrow the gap on the differences between themselves and others, try to exaggerate the

consistency of their own and others, in order to achieve the effect of courtesy. During the negotiations, both sides will inevitably create contradictions, conflicts, but the language used by the negotiators should not be negative or pessimistic, and this would cause frustration is not conducive to the smooth progress of the negotiations. To use more of the positive and optimistic statement to show our attitude so that the whole negotiation in a harmonious atmosphere. Comparison of the following sentence:

a . Since you didn’t comfirm the sample color, we can’t dye the bulk fabric.

b. We will dye the bulk fabric as soon as you confirm the sample color.

在这个例子中,a句采用的是消极否定的说法,语气生硬 听起来非常不舒服,使接下来的谈判也很难进行而 b句改用了积极肯定的语句,减少了与对方在感情上的对立,其效果与。句就截然不同了。



In this example, a sentence used in a passive negative to say, blunt tone sounds very uncomfortable, so that the next negotiations and the b sentence is difficult to switch to the positive affirmation of the statement, reducing the emotional with each other opposition, its effect is. Sentence of the picture.

If the negotiations on matters of principle or on important issues can not reach agreement with each other, we must express different views, in which case, we should avoid provoking each other, do not let the other side that would lose face. We can use complex sentence patterns to ease the mood. For example:

a.I can’t agree to such terms.

b.I’m sorry to say, Madam, I can hardly agree to such terms.


在实际的谈判中,我们还可以采用诸如“I understand your position,but„”,“I see what you mean, but„”,“You may be right, but„”等句型来缩小我方与对方在某个问题上的分歧,体现对他人的尊重。例如:

Both sentences have expressed disapproval of the speaker's attitude. Whether the sentence directly

Determined not to give each other leeway; b sentence with "I'm sorry" to ease the tone, expressing a more moderate, so obedient people emotionally accessible.

In the actual negotiations, we also can be used, such as "I understand your position, but ...", "I see what you mean, but ...", "You may be right, but ..." and so on to narrow our side with the other sentence differences on an issue, reflect respect for others. For example:

a.It is impossible to accept the price.

b. I understand your position,but it’s impossible to accept the price.


Comparing these two phrases, it is clear b sentence is better

than a sentence, b sentence not only shows the attitude of their own to avoid an explicit rejection of the other side. Using this gentle, tactful words in ways that favor the success of the negotiations.


在谈判中过多的析使句和肯定句会使表达生硬刻板。如果把祈使句和肯定句转变为间句形式 可以婉转而礼貌地表达自己的要求。例如,“Will you please hand that book to me?”就比“Please hand that book to me”礼貌客气。在商务谈判中,适时地运用疑问句避免过多地使用祈使句和肯定句会受到较好的效果。比较下面的句子:

2.4. Using interrogative type, the subjunctive mood, so that a more polite expression

Too much analysis in the negotiations to make sentences and sentences make sure that expression of blunt rigid. If the imperative sentence and affirmed sentences into sentence form between the mildly and politely express their demands. For example, "Will you please hand that book to me?" Than "Please hand that book to me" polite. In business negotiations, in a timely manner to avoid the excessive use of interrogative sentences and affirmed the use of imperative sentences will be good results. Comparison of the following sentence:

a. We want you to show us the sample first..

b. Will you please show us the sample first..

从这两句话可以看出,疑问句卜比肯定句 a更礼貌客气。利奇在礼貌原则中的得体准则中指出,疑问句比肯定句和祈使句留给听话人的余地更大,这样听话入受惠的可能性就越大。利奇还指出,在疑问句中虚拟疑问句是最为礼貌的句式。在谈判中,恰当地使用这一准则,就会使说话人语气显得礼貌委婉,有利于谈判的顺利进行。


As can be seen from these two sentences, interrogative sentence Bobby certainly a more polite. Leach courtesy principles of decency guidelines note that interrogative and imperative sentences than affirmative sentences leave the listener more room, so obedient into the possibility of benefit from the greater. Leach also pointed out that the virtual interrogative interrogative sentence is the most polite. In the negotiations, the proper use of this criterion

would make the speaker seem polite euphemism tone is conducive to the smooth progress of the negotiations.

For example:

a. We want to increase our supply by one shipload.

b. What would you say if we increase our supply by one shipload?

以上两句话尽管意思相同,但b句采用虚拟疑问句使表达更为委婉 显示出说话人的礼貌,使听话人更容易接受其请求。

Although the above two sentences mean the same, but b sentence used to express a more tactful virtual interrogative show the speaker's polite, so obedient people more receptive to their request.




3. Business English Euphemism and expression

China and countries in the world of international business activities, the English had become an important international business language tools to include Business English

Trade, business in the business language, contractual agreements in the legal language, commercial advertising promotional language, etc.. In terms of more general English, business English has its own unique style, usual format, the professional vocabulary and expressions, warm and friendly hospitality, tactful polite words, the wording of the letters and telegrams, as well as prudent close properly the terms of the formation of the distinct features of the business English.


In order to establish a good business environment, and better at the end of may customers, establish a perfect image of as much as possible to give customers satisfaction and confidence in each of the parties to achieve the intended purpose of trade. In international trade, from the beginning to establish trade relations inquiry, offer, but also plate, priced to shipping, insurance, credit investigation, loan payments, claims and other complaints, will use a lot of euphemism expression. Their expressions flexible, clever, diverse forms



4. Conclusion:

Euphemism for emotional communication is both a polite and elegant communicative strategies in international business negotiations played the role of lubricant greatly enhanced flexibility in the negotiations and the chances of success. However, excessive use of euphemism in negotiations tone, or speak too artificial, the wording jerky, the other side can not understand, and so will hinder the negotiation process. Courtesy is a sign of human civilization. In international business negotiations, the mastery of the language polite strategy is to negotiate with the key to the smooth conduct of the negotiations should play an active role as far as possible a good grasp of the language, in order to achieve the aim of negotiations.


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