








Hello,everyone.Welcome to Fairy Lake ,Xinyu City.

Today,with such great joy,I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.

My name is Phoebe. I am very honored to be your local guide.During your stay in Xinyu,We will be visiting some amazing sights and scenery, tasting some local delicacies and having fun bargaining while shopping. If you have any special interests,please let me know and I will try my best to accommodate your needs.Now I’d like to give you an introduction about the Fairy Lake.


Situated in the western part of Jiangxi province, Fairy Lake is a famous lake scenic resort in China. The surface of the lake covers 50 square kilometers and the scenic area involve 198 square kilometers. Islets are scattered on the lake like stars in the sky. The Creator present us such an amazing fairyland on earth.Isn’t it delightful for us to enjoy the beautiful scenery ?


Have you ever heard the story of the Seventh Fairy in ancient China? Today I’d like to give you an interpretation of the romantic story.


Xinyu is famous for the beautiful scenery and cultural sites of Fairy Lake. The legend of Dong Yong(董永) and the Seventh Fairy(七仙女) has been past down until now. Their love story took place at today’s Fairy Lake Region.

Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals, the mystery story series by Gan Bao from the Eastern Jin Dynasty (AD 317-420), recorded such a story: a long time ago, six or seven bird fairies in feather clothes were looking for their dreamed paradise. When they flew over Fairy Lake, they were

immediately drawn to the scenery and transformed into beautiful maids upon landing. Then they took off the feather clothes and a handsome young man caught sight of them. He was instantly attracted.

He quietly hid one of their feather suits and then went over to them fervor. Upon seeing him, the fairies quickly put on feather clothes and rose to the sky. Yet the one without the feather suit could not fly away. When she realized she was in a hopeless situation she also noticed the handsome boy – it was love at first sight. Afterwards they formed enchanted ties.What a

romantic story. (幻灯片5)

Xinyu people have always attached importance to the technological development of the agriculture and handicraft industry with particular focus on iron and steel smelting. Exploitation of the Works of Nature, which is an integrated work on agriculture and handicrafts, and one of the most important works on science and technology in the history of China, was written in the land of the Fairy Lake by Song Yingxing (1587-1661) in the Ming Dynasty.


The Fairy lake is located 16 kilometers southwest of the suburb of Xinyu city, Jiangxi province. It is a famous lake-type national scenic area and Asia's largest gene pool for subtropical varieties of trees.

It is a key scenic area which mixes lake sightseeing, entertainment, and relaxation together. (幻灯片7)

I think some of you must have heard about the TV series about the Fairy Lake and the seventh fairies.These TV series were shot in the Fairy Lake Region and CCTV broadcast hotly.

So what’s for entertainment? (幻灯片8)

Yes! Archery , Water Golf,Shooting,Fishing,such kinds of water sports could lift your burden and relax yourself. Come on,don’t be a couch potato,let’s go outside and kiss the sunshine.


You know the 3rd Tour of Poyang Lake cycling race was hold along the Fairy Lake region last year. (幻灯片10)

And there also had such kind of activities like The Fairy Lake beauty pageant& wedding ceremony on Chinese Valentine's Day.They were really exciting.


OK,now let’s take a rest and appreciate the Celestial Birds on the island.Peacocks,ostriches, egrets and parrots.Wow.It is really a feast of your eyes and ears. (幻灯片12)

Everybody,linger your steps.Let’s see the thrilling performance of the lisu boys.This is A mountain of swords and a sea of flame island.I hope you enjoy it.


And we also have the ladyboy’s performance, you can take photos with her if you wish it.


OK,I know some of you must hunger for foods now. The cooks on the island prepared delicious Chinese dishes for us.They are really nice people.Let’s go and see what kind of food will suit your appetite. Whole fish feast and the Spicy duck heads are the most typical and local dishes.You’ll like it.


OK,welcome to love island.The most typical features of this island is the wedding ceremony.


It has the professional wedding photography by Milan Wedding Studio of the Fairy Lake Region.Just take a look at the wedding photos. It is so romantic.


As the proverb goes: All shall be well,jack shall have jill.

I hope girls find their Mr. Right,and boys find their Ms. Right.and the one who’s already got Mr.Right or Ms. Right,Wish you’ll be nice couple for this life and afterlife.









Hello,everyone.Welcome to Fairy Lake ,Xinyu City.

Today,with such great joy,I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.

My name is Phoebe. I am very honored to be your local guide.During your stay in Xinyu,We will be visiting some amazing sights and scenery, tasting some local delicacies and having fun bargaining while shopping. If you have any special interests,please let me know and I will try my best to accommodate your needs.Now I’d like to give you an introduction about the Fairy Lake.


Situated in the western part of Jiangxi province, Fairy Lake is a famous lake scenic resort in China. The surface of the lake covers 50 square kilometers and the scenic area involve 198 square kilometers. Islets are scattered on the lake like stars in the sky. The Creator present us such an amazing fairyland on earth.Isn’t it delightful for us to enjoy the beautiful scenery ?


Have you ever heard the story of the Seventh Fairy in ancient China? Today I’d like to give you an interpretation of the romantic story.


Xinyu is famous for the beautiful scenery and cultural sites of Fairy Lake. The legend of Dong Yong(董永) and the Seventh Fairy(七仙女) has been past down until now. Their love story took place at today’s Fairy Lake Region.

Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals, the mystery story series by Gan Bao from the Eastern Jin Dynasty (AD 317-420), recorded such a story: a long time ago, six or seven bird fairies in feather clothes were looking for their dreamed paradise. When they flew over Fairy Lake, they were

immediately drawn to the scenery and transformed into beautiful maids upon landing. Then they took off the feather clothes and a handsome young man caught sight of them. He was instantly attracted.

He quietly hid one of their feather suits and then went over to them fervor. Upon seeing him, the fairies quickly put on feather clothes and rose to the sky. Yet the one without the feather suit could not fly away. When she realized she was in a hopeless situation she also noticed the handsome boy – it was love at first sight. Afterwards they formed enchanted ties.What a

romantic story. (幻灯片5)

Xinyu people have always attached importance to the technological development of the agriculture and handicraft industry with particular focus on iron and steel smelting. Exploitation of the Works of Nature, which is an integrated work on agriculture and handicrafts, and one of the most important works on science and technology in the history of China, was written in the land of the Fairy Lake by Song Yingxing (1587-1661) in the Ming Dynasty.


The Fairy lake is located 16 kilometers southwest of the suburb of Xinyu city, Jiangxi province. It is a famous lake-type national scenic area and Asia's largest gene pool for subtropical varieties of trees.

It is a key scenic area which mixes lake sightseeing, entertainment, and relaxation together. (幻灯片7)

I think some of you must have heard about the TV series about the Fairy Lake and the seventh fairies.These TV series were shot in the Fairy Lake Region and CCTV broadcast hotly.

So what’s for entertainment? (幻灯片8)

Yes! Archery , Water Golf,Shooting,Fishing,such kinds of water sports could lift your burden and relax yourself. Come on,don’t be a couch potato,let’s go outside and kiss the sunshine.


You know the 3rd Tour of Poyang Lake cycling race was hold along the Fairy Lake region last year. (幻灯片10)

And there also had such kind of activities like The Fairy Lake beauty pageant& wedding ceremony on Chinese Valentine's Day.They were really exciting.


OK,now let’s take a rest and appreciate the Celestial Birds on the island.Peacocks,ostriches, egrets and parrots.Wow.It is really a feast of your eyes and ears. (幻灯片12)

Everybody,linger your steps.Let’s see the thrilling performance of the lisu boys.This is A mountain of swords and a sea of flame island.I hope you enjoy it.


And we also have the ladyboy’s performance, you can take photos with her if you wish it.


OK,I know some of you must hunger for foods now. The cooks on the island prepared delicious Chinese dishes for us.They are really nice people.Let’s go and see what kind of food will suit your appetite. Whole fish feast and the Spicy duck heads are the most typical and local dishes.You’ll like it.


OK,welcome to love island.The most typical features of this island is the wedding ceremony.


It has the professional wedding photography by Milan Wedding Studio of the Fairy Lake Region.Just take a look at the wedding photos. It is so romantic.


As the proverb goes: All shall be well,jack shall have jill.

I hope girls find their Mr. Right,and boys find their Ms. Right.and the one who’s already got Mr.Right or Ms. Right,Wish you’ll be nice couple for this life and afterlife.


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