

阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共30小题, 计30分)

A) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B 、C 和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。


Howard begins to take out some bottles from the cardboard box and put them on the table.“No,not there,somewhere else,”says Barbara,“I'm occupying that space.”She puts some long pieces of French bread on the table,and begins cutting them,putting the cut pieces into a bas-ket.Howard stands by the kitchen,he begins opening bottles,one after another.The Kirks' party begins to make ready.

After a while,Howard leaves the kitchen and begins to go around the house.He is a party giver,the maker of a serious social theatre.Now he goes about,putting out ash trays(烟灰缸) and dishes,chairs.He moves furniture(家具),to make good talk areas and open action spaces.The children run around with him.“Who's coming,Howard?”asks Martin.“Many guests,”says Howard.“Who?”asks Martin.“He doesn't know,”says Celia.Now he goes upstairs(上楼) to pull beds against the walls,adjust(调试) lights,pull blinds(窗帘),open doors.It's a good idea to organize family parties from time to time.

21.What's the surname(姓) of the family?__________ .

A.Howard B.Kirk C.Barbara D.Celia

22.The word “occupy” here means “__________ ”.

A.to use B.to live C.to fill D.to work

23.What are they preparing for?__________ .

A.A meal B.A meeting C.A party D.A ball

24.Put Howard's actions in the right order according to the article __________ .

a.He left the kitchen. b.He moved the furniture.

c.He opened the bottles. d.He spoke to the children.

e.He made the rooms darker. f.He went upstairs.

g.He opened doors.

A.c,a,f,b,d,e,g B.a,f,b,d,g,e,c

C.c,a,b,d,f,e,g D.b,c,a,g,f,e,d

25.From the sentence:“Howard pulls beds against the walls,adjust lights,pull blinds,open

doors”,what can we know?__________

A.Howard takes parties seriously.

B.Howard expects that some of his guests will sit and talk.

C.Howard expects that some of his guests will dance.

D.Howard is less interested in the guests than in what they do.


注释: 1.court:球场 2.coach:训练

3.length:长度 4.tuition:讲授

5.book:预定 6.minimum:最小的

7.skiing:滑雪 8.slope:坡度

9.instructor:指导者 10.gymnastics:体操


26.This advertisement(广告) is taken from__________ .

A.a piece of paper with information

B.a newspaper C.a card in a shop window

D.a poster in a college

27.Which sport would be most suitable(适合) for a young married woman with a baby?She doesn't want too great exercises.

A.Daytime tennis. B.Tuesday evening swimming.

C.An afternoon golf lesson. D.Skiing at the weekend.

28.Which day and time would be best for a family with two children aged 6 and 8,who all want


A.Sunday afternoon._______ B.Saturday morning.

C.Friday evening. D.All day Saturday.

29.If you want to practise golf,you must__________ .

A.not be over nine B.practise in the daytime

C.make a booking D.have nine lessons

30.Which sport seems to be most suitable for young children under theage of 8?

A.Golf. B.Swimming. C.Gymnastics. D.Skiing.

B) 阅读下列短文, 然后回答问题或完成句子。


Thomas Jefferson's marriage to Martha brought him new properties(财产) —and also debts that never left him free from worry.Their hap-piness was clouded by Martha's illness;she died young.

His philosophy(哲学) was based on a deep promise to the rights of the common people.He believed that people can govern themselves wisely if only they are educated.

His tastes were simple but elegant(高雅的). He collected a great library.He often bought new

scientific tools.He was impatient(不耐烦的) with formality(礼节) but loved good talks about important ideas.He built and rebuilt his large classical home and filled it with his own in-ventions.

His public service began even before his writing of the Declaration of Independence(独立宣言) in 1776.During the Revolution he served as governor of Virginia.Afterwards he held the post of

ambassador(大使) to France;then he served as America's first Secretary of State(国务卿) under George Washington.Jefferson was elected vice-president under John Adams and in 1800 became president.

31.What did the marriage bring Thomas Jefferson?_______ __________

32.Did Thomas love Martha?__________ __________ __________ __________

33.What does the sentence “His tastes were simple but elegant” mean?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _______ __________

34.What was Thomas interested in?__________ __________ __________

35.Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?__________ __________

36.Who made Thomas the first Secretary of State of America?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

37.Thomas became American president after__________ .


The first newspapers were written by hand and put up on walls in public places.The earliest daily

newspaper was started in Rome in 59 B.C..In the 700's the world's first printed newspaper was published.Europe didn't have a regularly published newspaper until 1609,when one was started in Germany.

The first regularly published newspaper in the English language was printed in London and was published once a week.The first daily English newspaper was the Daily Courant(每日新闻). It came out in March 1702.

In 1690,Benjamin Harris printed the first American newspaper in Boston.But not long after it was first published,the government stopped the paper.In 1704,John Campbell started The Boston Newsletter,the first

newspaper published daily in the American colonies.By 1760,the colonies had more than thirty daily newspapers.There are now about 1,800 daily papers in the United States.

Today,as a group,English language newspapers have the largest circulation(发行额) in the world.But the largest circulation for a newspaper is that of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun.It sells more than eleven million copies every day.

38.The first daily newspaper came out in__________ .

39.The first regularly published newspaper in Europe was printed in__________ in 1609.

40.How often was the first English newspaper published?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

41.What was the first daily English newspaper called?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

42.When was the first newspaper published daily in American colonies?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

43.How many kinds of newspapers are there in the USA now?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

44.What's the newspaper that has the largest circulation in the world?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________


In America,where labor costs(费用) are so high,“do-it-yourself”is a way of life.Many people repair their own cars,build their own garages,even rebuild their own houses.Soon many of them will also be writing their own books.In Hollywood(好莱坞) there is a company(公司) that publishes children's books with the help of computers.Although other book companies also publish that way,this compan y is not like the

others.It allows the reader to become the leading character(主要人物) in the stories with the help of computers.Here is how they do it.Let us suppose the child is named Jenny.She lives in New York,and has a dog named Hody.The computer uses this information to make up a story with pictures.The story is then printed(印刷) up.A child who receives such a book might say,“This book is about me,”so the company calls itself the “Me-Books Publishing Company”.

Children like the me-books because they like to see in print their own names and the names of their friends and their pets(宠爱的动物). But more important,in this way,readers are much more interested in reading the stories.Me-books are helping a child to learn how to read.

45.Why do people do things by themselves in America?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

46.What's the difference between “me-books Publishing Company” and other book companies? __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

47.W ho named the company “me-books Publishing Company”?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

48.What are “me-books”?__________ __________ __________ __________

49.Why do children like“me-books”? __________ __________ _______

50.What's the most important about “me-books”?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________


A)21—25 BACCC 26—30 BBACC

B)31.Both properties and debts. 32.Yes,he did.

33.It means that his interests in spare time were not so many but very pleasing.

34.He was interested in science and inventions,good talks about important ideas and collecting books.

35.Thomas Jefferson. 36.George Washington.

37.John Adams. 38.Rome in 59 B.C. 39.Germany

40.Once a week. 41.Daily Courant. 42.In 1704.

43.About 1,800. 44.The Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun.

45.Because labor costs are high.

46.It allows the reader to become the leading character in the stories.

47.The company itself.

48.The books telling stories about the reader himself.

49.Because they like to see in print their own names and the names of their friends and their pets.

50.They help children to learn how to read.


阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共30小题, 计30分)

A) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B 、C 和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。


Howard begins to take out some bottles from the cardboard box and put them on the table.“No,not there,somewhere else,”says Barbara,“I'm occupying that space.”She puts some long pieces of French bread on the table,and begins cutting them,putting the cut pieces into a bas-ket.Howard stands by the kitchen,he begins opening bottles,one after another.The Kirks' party begins to make ready.

After a while,Howard leaves the kitchen and begins to go around the house.He is a party giver,the maker of a serious social theatre.Now he goes about,putting out ash trays(烟灰缸) and dishes,chairs.He moves furniture(家具),to make good talk areas and open action spaces.The children run around with him.“Who's coming,Howard?”asks Martin.“Many guests,”says Howard.“Who?”asks Martin.“He doesn't know,”says Celia.Now he goes upstairs(上楼) to pull beds against the walls,adjust(调试) lights,pull blinds(窗帘),open doors.It's a good idea to organize family parties from time to time.

21.What's the surname(姓) of the family?__________ .

A.Howard B.Kirk C.Barbara D.Celia

22.The word “occupy” here means “__________ ”.

A.to use B.to live C.to fill D.to work

23.What are they preparing for?__________ .

A.A meal B.A meeting C.A party D.A ball

24.Put Howard's actions in the right order according to the article __________ .

a.He left the kitchen. b.He moved the furniture.

c.He opened the bottles. d.He spoke to the children.

e.He made the rooms darker. f.He went upstairs.

g.He opened doors.

A.c,a,f,b,d,e,g B.a,f,b,d,g,e,c

C.c,a,b,d,f,e,g D.b,c,a,g,f,e,d

25.From the sentence:“Howard pulls beds against the walls,adjust lights,pull blinds,open

doors”,what can we know?__________

A.Howard takes parties seriously.

B.Howard expects that some of his guests will sit and talk.

C.Howard expects that some of his guests will dance.

D.Howard is less interested in the guests than in what they do.


注释: 1.court:球场 2.coach:训练

3.length:长度 4.tuition:讲授

5.book:预定 6.minimum:最小的

7.skiing:滑雪 8.slope:坡度

9.instructor:指导者 10.gymnastics:体操


26.This advertisement(广告) is taken from__________ .

A.a piece of paper with information

B.a newspaper C.a card in a shop window

D.a poster in a college

27.Which sport would be most suitable(适合) for a young married woman with a baby?She doesn't want too great exercises.

A.Daytime tennis. B.Tuesday evening swimming.

C.An afternoon golf lesson. D.Skiing at the weekend.

28.Which day and time would be best for a family with two children aged 6 and 8,who all want


A.Sunday afternoon._______ B.Saturday morning.

C.Friday evening. D.All day Saturday.

29.If you want to practise golf,you must__________ .

A.not be over nine B.practise in the daytime

C.make a booking D.have nine lessons

30.Which sport seems to be most suitable for young children under theage of 8?

A.Golf. B.Swimming. C.Gymnastics. D.Skiing.

B) 阅读下列短文, 然后回答问题或完成句子。


Thomas Jefferson's marriage to Martha brought him new properties(财产) —and also debts that never left him free from worry.Their hap-piness was clouded by Martha's illness;she died young.

His philosophy(哲学) was based on a deep promise to the rights of the common people.He believed that people can govern themselves wisely if only they are educated.

His tastes were simple but elegant(高雅的). He collected a great library.He often bought new

scientific tools.He was impatient(不耐烦的) with formality(礼节) but loved good talks about important ideas.He built and rebuilt his large classical home and filled it with his own in-ventions.

His public service began even before his writing of the Declaration of Independence(独立宣言) in 1776.During the Revolution he served as governor of Virginia.Afterwards he held the post of

ambassador(大使) to France;then he served as America's first Secretary of State(国务卿) under George Washington.Jefferson was elected vice-president under John Adams and in 1800 became president.

31.What did the marriage bring Thomas Jefferson?_______ __________

32.Did Thomas love Martha?__________ __________ __________ __________

33.What does the sentence “His tastes were simple but elegant” mean?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _______ __________

34.What was Thomas interested in?__________ __________ __________

35.Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?__________ __________

36.Who made Thomas the first Secretary of State of America?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

37.Thomas became American president after__________ .


The first newspapers were written by hand and put up on walls in public places.The earliest daily

newspaper was started in Rome in 59 B.C..In the 700's the world's first printed newspaper was published.Europe didn't have a regularly published newspaper until 1609,when one was started in Germany.

The first regularly published newspaper in the English language was printed in London and was published once a week.The first daily English newspaper was the Daily Courant(每日新闻). It came out in March 1702.

In 1690,Benjamin Harris printed the first American newspaper in Boston.But not long after it was first published,the government stopped the paper.In 1704,John Campbell started The Boston Newsletter,the first

newspaper published daily in the American colonies.By 1760,the colonies had more than thirty daily newspapers.There are now about 1,800 daily papers in the United States.

Today,as a group,English language newspapers have the largest circulation(发行额) in the world.But the largest circulation for a newspaper is that of the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun.It sells more than eleven million copies every day.

38.The first daily newspaper came out in__________ .

39.The first regularly published newspaper in Europe was printed in__________ in 1609.

40.How often was the first English newspaper published?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

41.What was the first daily English newspaper called?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

42.When was the first newspaper published daily in American colonies?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

43.How many kinds of newspapers are there in the USA now?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

44.What's the newspaper that has the largest circulation in the world?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________


In America,where labor costs(费用) are so high,“do-it-yourself”is a way of life.Many people repair their own cars,build their own garages,even rebuild their own houses.Soon many of them will also be writing their own books.In Hollywood(好莱坞) there is a company(公司) that publishes children's books with the help of computers.Although other book companies also publish that way,this compan y is not like the

others.It allows the reader to become the leading character(主要人物) in the stories with the help of computers.Here is how they do it.Let us suppose the child is named Jenny.She lives in New York,and has a dog named Hody.The computer uses this information to make up a story with pictures.The story is then printed(印刷) up.A child who receives such a book might say,“This book is about me,”so the company calls itself the “Me-Books Publishing Company”.

Children like the me-books because they like to see in print their own names and the names of their friends and their pets(宠爱的动物). But more important,in this way,readers are much more interested in reading the stories.Me-books are helping a child to learn how to read.

45.Why do people do things by themselves in America?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

46.What's the difference between “me-books Publishing Company” and other book companies? __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

47.W ho named the company “me-books Publishing Company”?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

48.What are “me-books”?__________ __________ __________ __________

49.Why do children like“me-books”? __________ __________ _______

50.What's the most important about “me-books”?

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________


A)21—25 BACCC 26—30 BBACC

B)31.Both properties and debts. 32.Yes,he did.

33.It means that his interests in spare time were not so many but very pleasing.

34.He was interested in science and inventions,good talks about important ideas and collecting books.

35.Thomas Jefferson. 36.George Washington.

37.John Adams. 38.Rome in 59 B.C. 39.Germany

40.Once a week. 41.Daily Courant. 42.In 1704.

43.About 1,800. 44.The Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun.

45.Because labor costs are high.

46.It allows the reader to become the leading character in the stories.

47.The company itself.

48.The books telling stories about the reader himself.

49.Because they like to see in print their own names and the names of their friends and their pets.

50.They help children to learn how to read.


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