大家早上好! 同学们,当文明学生,做守法公民,接受健康的思想,并时刻以法律为准绳,规范自己的言行,监督自己的行为,严格要求自己,使自己健康成长。这是我们学会做人的前提。
还有一些同学与社会上的一些青年交往密切,时常出入网吧、电子游戏厅、酒吧、ktv 等场所,对你们的成长就极为不利,你们也知道有多少人因此而荒废学业,甚至犯罪埃因此我们要尽量禁止去这些营业性场所,来尽量减少直至完全避免犯罪现象的发生,同时在上网时一定要注意交友安全。
同学们:勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。 任何丑恶的、不良的行为和习惯,我们都应坚决制止,决不含糊。让我们携起手来,认真学习、严格遵守各项法律、法规,自觉抵制各种不良现象,一起学法、知法、守法。用我们美好的心灵去净化身边的丑恶,用我们灵巧的双手共建人类的文明,共创和-谐校园。
good morning everybody. my name is stephen. i am honoured to be standing here in front of you all.
i have been living in nanjing for 5 years. i have worked at many different schools and taught many students of many ages. but standing here in front of you in dong shan foreign language school (dong shan wai guo yu xue xiao) i feel like i am part of a big family. as a foreigner i love my life living in china and i love travelling. i have travelled to many countries. but china is my home. my mother and father visited me and my brother now lives in hangzhou. i like living in china as every single day is interesting and like a small adventure. i do love living in china but sometimes i miss my family and best friends in england.
but working at dong wai is a very important experience for me. i feel like part of a big family. all of you are part of this special family. not all schools have this atmosphere. sometimes in life we get tired and feel we work too much. but your school years are very important years. some of the most important years of your life. you can make many friends. and some friends will be more like family to you and maybe some teachers too. you work hard but you are studying and learning. all of the students here are part of the future. some of you may go to study abroad. many of you will stay in china. but one day we will all go to different places. but our lives are these
moments we are living right now. right here and now.
so everybody in dong wai. my message is this: do not regret the past or worry about the future, but live for today.
i do not cut my life up into days but my days into lives: each day, each hour, an entire life..
so i wish you all have good health in 2014 as good health helps you to live a good life. remember to rest well when you can. and this will help you to study well and keep a clear mind.
thank you!
大家早上好! 同学们,当文明学生,做守法公民,接受健康的思想,并时刻以法律为准绳,规范自己的言行,监督自己的行为,严格要求自己,使自己健康成长。这是我们学会做人的前提。
还有一些同学与社会上的一些青年交往密切,时常出入网吧、电子游戏厅、酒吧、ktv 等场所,对你们的成长就极为不利,你们也知道有多少人因此而荒废学业,甚至犯罪埃因此我们要尽量禁止去这些营业性场所,来尽量减少直至完全避免犯罪现象的发生,同时在上网时一定要注意交友安全。
同学们:勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。 任何丑恶的、不良的行为和习惯,我们都应坚决制止,决不含糊。让我们携起手来,认真学习、严格遵守各项法律、法规,自觉抵制各种不良现象,一起学法、知法、守法。用我们美好的心灵去净化身边的丑恶,用我们灵巧的双手共建人类的文明,共创和-谐校园。
good morning everybody. my name is stephen. i am honoured to be standing here in front of you all.
i have been living in nanjing for 5 years. i have worked at many different schools and taught many students of many ages. but standing here in front of you in dong shan foreign language school (dong shan wai guo yu xue xiao) i feel like i am part of a big family. as a foreigner i love my life living in china and i love travelling. i have travelled to many countries. but china is my home. my mother and father visited me and my brother now lives in hangzhou. i like living in china as every single day is interesting and like a small adventure. i do love living in china but sometimes i miss my family and best friends in england.
but working at dong wai is a very important experience for me. i feel like part of a big family. all of you are part of this special family. not all schools have this atmosphere. sometimes in life we get tired and feel we work too much. but your school years are very important years. some of the most important years of your life. you can make many friends. and some friends will be more like family to you and maybe some teachers too. you work hard but you are studying and learning. all of the students here are part of the future. some of you may go to study abroad. many of you will stay in china. but one day we will all go to different places. but our lives are these
moments we are living right now. right here and now.
so everybody in dong wai. my message is this: do not regret the past or worry about the future, but live for today.
i do not cut my life up into days but my days into lives: each day, each hour, an entire life..
so i wish you all have good health in 2014 as good health helps you to live a good life. remember to rest well when you can. and this will help you to study well and keep a clear mind.
thank you!