
Our School

Yancheng Yandu Experimental School was established in September, 2002. Our school is well equipped with hardware facilities, neat and nice environment as well as rich scholarly atmosphere. Adhering to the educational concept of “three years ’ study impacts one’s life while personal quality determines one’s future”, our school is dedicated to cultivate well-educated Chinese students with global vision, making sure that every student chases his dream, every teacher enjoys the happiness of teaching and every parent shares the joy of success. With grand new educational philosophy, first-class faculty, modern education system, precise management, the pursuit of high efficiency and harmony, our school finally achieved the leaping development of a new departure.

Every class of our school employs multimedia-assisted teaching, making information technology well integrated into course instruction. Our school is one of the first to implement small-sized class system, which greatly promotes the learning initiative of students and maximally taps the inherent potential of each student. As the initiative classroom teaching mode has been carried out, teaching reform proves effective and teaching quality gains steady improvement, the school has won the comprehensive teaching assessment medals awarded by the Bureau of Education for several years. Moreover, humanistic and moral education, English education, art and physical education in the school are booming. Our school has earned dozens of titles of honour including Jiangsu Provincial Model School for Running according to law, Provincial Standard Education Modernization Qualified School, Yancheng Municipal Moral Education Advanced School, Advanced Educational and Scientific Research Unit, etc.

Our School

Yancheng Yandu Experimental School was established in September, 2002. Our school is well equipped with hardware facilities, neat and nice environment as well as rich scholarly atmosphere. Adhering to the educational concept of “three years ’ study impacts one’s life while personal quality determines one’s future”, our school is dedicated to cultivate well-educated Chinese students with global vision, making sure that every student chases his dream, every teacher enjoys the happiness of teaching and every parent shares the joy of success. With grand new educational philosophy, first-class faculty, modern education system, precise management, the pursuit of high efficiency and harmony, our school finally achieved the leaping development of a new departure.

Every class of our school employs multimedia-assisted teaching, making information technology well integrated into course instruction. Our school is one of the first to implement small-sized class system, which greatly promotes the learning initiative of students and maximally taps the inherent potential of each student. As the initiative classroom teaching mode has been carried out, teaching reform proves effective and teaching quality gains steady improvement, the school has won the comprehensive teaching assessment medals awarded by the Bureau of Education for several years. Moreover, humanistic and moral education, English education, art and physical education in the school are booming. Our school has earned dozens of titles of honour including Jiangsu Provincial Model School for Running according to law, Provincial Standard Education Modernization Qualified School, Yancheng Municipal Moral Education Advanced School, Advanced Educational and Scientific Research Unit, etc.


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