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Millions of people in Africa’s Sahel region still affected by drought are in need of assistance, according to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP ).

“This year, some nine million people across the Sahel will still require food assistance from WFP , through emergency food assistance, rural development, nutrition and education activities ,” said Ertharin Cousin, WFP Executive Director.

Last year, the international community provided $1.2 billion in assistance around 10 million people across eight countries in the Sahel, noted a news release issued by WFP.

“However, millions of people in the region are still affected by drought, with close to 1.5 million children under the age of five at risk of severe acute malnutrition,” said the agency.

龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn




Millions of people in Africa’s Sahel region still affected by drought are in need of assistance, according to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP ).

“This year, some nine million people across the Sahel will still require food assistance from WFP , through emergency food assistance, rural development, nutrition and education activities ,” said Ertharin Cousin, WFP Executive Director.

Last year, the international community provided $1.2 billion in assistance around 10 million people across eight countries in the Sahel, noted a news release issued by WFP.

“However, millions of people in the region are still affected by drought, with close to 1.5 million children under the age of five at risk of severe acute malnutrition,” said the agency.


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