

关于家乡类的雅思口语话题的常见题型:Where do you come from ?Can you tell me something about your hometown? Do you think your hometown a good place for young people to live? How can you make comparison between Beijing and your hometown?这种雅思口语话题类型的考题我们在回答的时候应该根据考生各自的背景准备一些关于自己家乡的特色,美食或是景点的语料。家乡特色可以着眼于家乡的文化,如entertainment娱乐,high-rise building高建筑,infrastructure基础设施建设,transportation system交通系统,educational situation教育现状等入手。进而积累一些表达be famous for„;„ is unique in ...;„ is special for its „;„ is well-known for its „因„而著名„

My hometown is a coastal city, which offers some of the best beaches in China. 我的家是沿海城市拥有中国最美丽的海滩。

My hometown is an inland city best-known for the gentle, rolling hills surrounding it. 我家是内陆城市,群山环绕。

My hometown is the one, which steeped in time-honored traditions.我家是历史古都,有着久远的历史。


1. What changes have taken place in your city in recent years?

当然你家乡近几年的变化一定有很多,但大家尽量不要试图把所有的变化都说出来,最好只挑出一个最重要的,然后使用我们之前讲过的第二种方法compare & contrast来进行对过去和现在的对比。

Example:I think one of the most important changes that has taken place in my hometown in recent years might be the tall buildings. I remember 20 years ago, my city was just like a small village with small houses everywhere. However, the city now has evolved into a modern metropolis where numbers of skyscrapers have gone up, such as shopping malls, office buildings and apartment buildings.

2. Is there something that still needs to be developed in your hometown? (why not?) “有什么东西在你的家乡仍需要改进的地方”相当于“你对你的家乡还有什么不满意的地方”。对于此题大家可以围绕一个点来谈(cause & effect)或从多个点切入(examples)。

A1: Well, one thing I am not happy about my city is the transportation. There are too many people traveling back and from work or school every day, so in rush hours, buses and subway trains are crowded with commuters. Consequently, daily travel round the city becomes a nuisance! A2: There are actually quite a few things that I’d like to mention: the heavy traffic, the housing price that is unaffordable to ordinary people, the pollution and poor education. I think the government has a lot to improve!



关于家乡类的雅思口语话题的常见题型:Where do you come from ?Can you tell me something about your hometown? Do you think your hometown a good place for young people to live? How can you make comparison between Beijing and your hometown?这种雅思口语话题类型的考题我们在回答的时候应该根据考生各自的背景准备一些关于自己家乡的特色,美食或是景点的语料。家乡特色可以着眼于家乡的文化,如entertainment娱乐,high-rise building高建筑,infrastructure基础设施建设,transportation system交通系统,educational situation教育现状等入手。进而积累一些表达be famous for„;„ is unique in ...;„ is special for its „;„ is well-known for its „因„而著名„

My hometown is a coastal city, which offers some of the best beaches in China. 我的家是沿海城市拥有中国最美丽的海滩。

My hometown is an inland city best-known for the gentle, rolling hills surrounding it. 我家是内陆城市,群山环绕。

My hometown is the one, which steeped in time-honored traditions.我家是历史古都,有着久远的历史。


1. What changes have taken place in your city in recent years?

当然你家乡近几年的变化一定有很多,但大家尽量不要试图把所有的变化都说出来,最好只挑出一个最重要的,然后使用我们之前讲过的第二种方法compare & contrast来进行对过去和现在的对比。

Example:I think one of the most important changes that has taken place in my hometown in recent years might be the tall buildings. I remember 20 years ago, my city was just like a small village with small houses everywhere. However, the city now has evolved into a modern metropolis where numbers of skyscrapers have gone up, such as shopping malls, office buildings and apartment buildings.

2. Is there something that still needs to be developed in your hometown? (why not?) “有什么东西在你的家乡仍需要改进的地方”相当于“你对你的家乡还有什么不满意的地方”。对于此题大家可以围绕一个点来谈(cause & effect)或从多个点切入(examples)。

A1: Well, one thing I am not happy about my city is the transportation. There are too many people traveling back and from work or school every day, so in rush hours, buses and subway trains are crowded with commuters. Consequently, daily travel round the city becomes a nuisance! A2: There are actually quite a few things that I’d like to mention: the heavy traffic, the housing price that is unaffordable to ordinary people, the pollution and poor education. I think the government has a lot to improve!



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