


一、选出你听到的字母组合或单词(每小题1分 共10分)


( )2.A dbt B、ptd C、tpd D、tdp

( )3.A lake B、late C、leg D、left

( )4.A like B、kite C、bike D、right

( )5.A four B、forty C、fifteen D、fourteen

( )6.A hat B、cap C、cat D、map

( )7.A please B、present C、picture D、plane

( )8.A many B、money C、may D、me

( )9.A ship B、shirt C、sheep D、fish

( )10.A boat B、goat C、nose D、coat


( )1.A 5237 B、5327 C、5236 D、5326

( )2.A 405 B、307 C、609 D、103

( )3.A 8556023 B、8556013 C、8556213 D、8556253

( )4.A 930567 B、532036 C、930357 D、430926

( )5.A 1380932 B、1390952 C、1350261 D、1380993

三、听录音完成完成句子(每空一词,每空1分 共10分)

Waiter: Good ! Can I you?

Girl: yes . I want a ,please.

Waiter: Which one , pink or ?

Girl: A blue one ,please.

Waiter: Here are?

Girl: How is it ?

Waiter: yuan.

Girl: OK I’ll take it . Here is the money . Waiter: Girl:


一、按英文字母顺序默写Gg — Zz (10分)


1、two (同音词) 2、small(反义词)

3、number (缩略) 4、don’t(完整形式)

5、I (宾格) 6、box(复数形式)

7、sheep (复数形式) 8、new(反义词)

9、Let’s (完整形式) 10、What is (缩略)


1、How many 2、在家

3、look after 4、在左边

5、a clever girl 6、去学校

7、get up 8、那些书

9、my teacher 10、一张中国地图


( )1.These are Chinese_______ .

A 、 stamp B、stamps C、map

( )2.What’s _______time , please ?

A 、 it B、the

( )3.______- read in the sun .

A 、 Please B、Do

( )4. I go to bed _______ten.

A 、 in B、on

( )5. Can you spell__________ name ?

A 、 you B、your

( )6. Where_________ my shoes ?

A am B、is

( )7. I’m in___________ Class One ,Grade Six .

A a B、the

( )8. Are they . teachers ? ________,they are.

A Yes . B、No.

( )9. “How do you do ? ” “ ”

A I’m fine B、Hello C、How do you do?

( )10. Is that mother ? No ,she is mother .

C、this C、Don’t C、at C、he C、are C、x C、Sorry .

A my…your . B、your … his . C、you …your.

五、按要求完成句子(每空一词,缩略为词 10分)

1、How are you ?

I’m Thank you .

2、There are five birds in the sky ? (对划线部分提问)

birds are there in the sky ?

3、is , what ,it ,time . (连词成句) ?

4、Mike is twelve .

How is he ?

5、Can you speak English ? yes , .


My family

My name is Tom . I am an American boy .I am twelve .My father is a worker . My mother is an English teacher .She is a good teacher . The students all like her . My sister Linda and I are in the same school . We are good students.

( )1. My name is Tom .

( )2. I am English .

( )3. Linda is my sister

( )4. Tom and Linda are in the same class .

( )5. My mother is a Chinese teacher .


一、1、JIR 2、tpd 3、late 4、kite 5、four

6、cap 7、plane 8、many 9、ship 10、coat

二、1、5237 2、307 3、8556023 4、930357 5、1380993

三、Waiter: Good morning ! Can I help you?

Girl: yes . I want a shirt ,please.

Waiter: Which one , pink or yellow ?

Girl: A blue one ,please.

Waiter: Here you are?

Girl: How much is it ?

Waiter: Forty-five yuan.

Girl: OK ! I’ll take it . Here is the money .

Waiter: Thank you .

Girl: Goodbye .

2008小学升初中英语试题 (4)------经典推荐 (2008-06-25 22:19:44) 标签:杂谈 分类:能力英语(词汇,语法,套题)


( )1. What’s your favourite colour? A. By car. ( )2. What time is it? B. I like yellow best.

( )3. How do you go to school? C. It’s twelve o’clock.! ( )4. What are you doing? D. It’s Saturday. ( )5. What day is it? E. I’m drawing a picture.

三. 选择正确的答案补全对话,并将相应标号写在横线上(每空2分,共10分) (1).Zhang Hua: Hello!My name is Zhang Hua. Peter: Hello!______. '

A:I'm ten. B:My name is Peter. C:Goodbye! D:/ (2).Teacher :How old are you? Li Ming:________

A:How old are you? B:Glad to meet you ! C:I'm Li Ming. D:Eight. (3).Mr Zhang:Good morning,boys and girls. ! Z. i5 {8 a" ]3 T Students:_____

A:Hello,Mr Zhang. B:Good morning,Mr Zhang! C:Thank you. (4).Mary: Hi,Miss Li.How are you? Miss: Li:______,

A:I'm fine!Thank you.How are you? B:I"m ten. C:Good afternoon. 四.碰上下列情景,你会怎样说?(9’) 1.教师节那天,你可以对老师说:——

A. Merry Christmas! B. Happy Teacher’s Day.' X& s3 K* e$ H4 C+ a 2. 当你遇到危险时,你可以大声呼喊:——# d: x0 r k$ c$ r6 U2 { A. Help! B. Come and see me. W2 {* I! p4 t9 J3 z/ y 3.当有人对你说“See you.”的时候,你可以说:—— A. Bye-bye. B. Thank you. 五.阅读。 A plan for our trip

My name is Bob. My family likes to go on a trip. We want to go to Beijing. Beijing is a big city . It has shops , restaurants and famous places. This is a plan of our trip. Monday We leave Liuzhou and arrive in Beijing. TuesdayWe go to Tian’anmen Square. Wednesday We go to the Palace Museum. Thursday We go shopping.

Friday We leave Beijing and arrive in Liuzhou. 1.回答问题(可用Yes或No作简单回答。) 1) Does Bob like to go on a trip? ( ) 2) Is Beijing a big city? ( ) 2选择正确的答案填空。

1)他们准备乘什么去北京旅游?( ) A. By bus . B. By plane. C. By bike. 2) Bob 一家计划去下面哪个地方?( ) A. Three days . B. Zoo. C. Palace Museum


1、7月3日__________ 2、拔胡萝卜 _______________ 3、玩得开心_________ 4、春节 _______________ 5、问和答_______ 6、blow out the candles _____________ 7、dress up in costumes_________

8、watch the dragon boat races______________

9、visit relatives and friends_________ 10、have a chat _________

三、选择填空 9%

()1、When’s your birthday? It’s January. What would you like _____ a birthday present? I would like a yo-yo.

A. on for B. in as C. on, with

( )2、Where you Just now? I at school. A. were was B. were ,were C. was, were

()3、What does it mean? It means you shouldn’t

A. smoking B. smok C. smoke

()4、 you your grandparents last weekend? A. Did , visited B. Did , visit C. Do, visited ()5、Last Friday ,They a race.

A. had, running B. haved , running C. had , runing ( )6、I a kite and it on the wall yesterday A. maked, puted B. made ,put C. made , puted. ()7、It is an __________day , we are all very .

A. excited, exciting B. exciting , exciting C. exciting ,excited. ( )8、we usually moon cakes ,we a lot of delicious. A. eat ,ate B. eat, eated C. ate ,ate ()9、Whose book is it ? It’s not book ,It’s A. my ,her B. mine ,hers C. My’ , hers 四、句型匹配 I

( )1、What’s your favourite holiday? A. They’re Jim’s ()2、When’s your birthday? B. She planted some trees. ()3、What did she do on the farm? C. It’s the 21st of January

( )4、Did you have a wonderful time? D. It means keep off the grass last Christmas? ( )5、Whose gloves are they? E. They’re in Jim’s desk. ()6、What date is it today? F. Halloween. ( )7、What does this sign mean? G.. Yes, we did.

()8、Where are your gloves? H. It’s on the 21st of January. 五、用所给词的适当形式填空 10% 6 ?1 y! }, L& ^/ j$ ? 1、Jim’s Parents are doctors, my parents are (farm) 2、My birthday’s on the (five) of February. 3、I (go) to parties with my friends last weekend. 4、I like (collect) stamps very much. 5、Jim always (have) a lot of questions. 6、Did you go (swim) last Sunday? 7、It means you shouldn’t (cycling) here. 8、Is this your book ? No, it’s (he)

9、Please help (they ) do some housework. 10、Look ,they are (sing and dance).

六、找出下列各句中的错误,将序号填在括号内并在横线上改正。6 % . ( )1、We sang English songs and do some Chinese dances last night. ( )2、Is it yours? No, it isn’t mine book. It’s his. ( )3、I’d like to buy a cake with a lots of strawberries . ( )4、Look, your pen is on the ground. Pick up it. ( )5、I like drinking . I drinked some tea last night. ( )6、A pair of glass are on her desk. 七、根据汉语提示,完成下列各句 10%

1、刚才你们做了什么?我们把图片贴在学校大门附近的墙上 A:What did you do a ________ _________ ? "

B:We ____ the pictures on the wall near the school ______ .

2、我爸爸的生日是在九月九日. My Father’s birthday is on the ___ of _____ . 3、杨林的叔叔居住在南京附件的一个小城镇。

Yang ling’s uncle _____ in a small ______ near Nanjing.

4、这些不是我的礼物,那些是我的 . These are not my _ .Those are ________ . 八.阅读理解:正确的“√”表示,错误的“×”表示 6% A: Yang Ling ,what did you do last Sunday? B: I visited Liu Tao’s grandparents. A: Where do they live?

B:They Live in a small town near Nanjing .They have a really nice house. I went there with Su Hai ,Su Yang , Gao Shan, Liu Tao and Ben. They were very glad to see us. Liu Tao’s grandpa showed us a lot of stamps from different countries. His grandma cooked us nice lunch. We liked the food very much. A: What did you do there?

B:In the morning,we cleaned their house.Inthe afternoon. we worked in their garden. SuHai and Su Yang watered the trees and flowers . Liu Tao and Gao Shan picked apples.Ben and I planted some trees. We worked for about two hours (小时) A: Were you tired?

B: No! I like working in the garden. We had a really good time. A: Great ! I’d like to visit them ,too. 5 判断正误,用“√”或“×”表示

( )①Wang Bing and Yang Ling visited Liu Tao’s grandparents last Sunday. ( )②On the farm ,Yang Ling planted trees. ( )③Liu Tao’s grandma cooked a nice lunch. ( )④Yang Ling and Su Hai planted flowers. ( )⑤They worked on the farm for about two hours.



一、选出你听到的字母组合或单词(每小题1分 共10分)


( )2.A dbt B、ptd C、tpd D、tdp

( )3.A lake B、late C、leg D、left

( )4.A like B、kite C、bike D、right

( )5.A four B、forty C、fifteen D、fourteen

( )6.A hat B、cap C、cat D、map

( )7.A please B、present C、picture D、plane

( )8.A many B、money C、may D、me

( )9.A ship B、shirt C、sheep D、fish

( )10.A boat B、goat C、nose D、coat


( )1.A 5237 B、5327 C、5236 D、5326

( )2.A 405 B、307 C、609 D、103

( )3.A 8556023 B、8556013 C、8556213 D、8556253

( )4.A 930567 B、532036 C、930357 D、430926

( )5.A 1380932 B、1390952 C、1350261 D、1380993

三、听录音完成完成句子(每空一词,每空1分 共10分)

Waiter: Good ! Can I you?

Girl: yes . I want a ,please.

Waiter: Which one , pink or ?

Girl: A blue one ,please.

Waiter: Here are?

Girl: How is it ?

Waiter: yuan.

Girl: OK I’ll take it . Here is the money . Waiter: Girl:


一、按英文字母顺序默写Gg — Zz (10分)


1、two (同音词) 2、small(反义词)

3、number (缩略) 4、don’t(完整形式)

5、I (宾格) 6、box(复数形式)

7、sheep (复数形式) 8、new(反义词)

9、Let’s (完整形式) 10、What is (缩略)


1、How many 2、在家

3、look after 4、在左边

5、a clever girl 6、去学校

7、get up 8、那些书

9、my teacher 10、一张中国地图


( )1.These are Chinese_______ .

A 、 stamp B、stamps C、map

( )2.What’s _______time , please ?

A 、 it B、the

( )3.______- read in the sun .

A 、 Please B、Do

( )4. I go to bed _______ten.

A 、 in B、on

( )5. Can you spell__________ name ?

A 、 you B、your

( )6. Where_________ my shoes ?

A am B、is

( )7. I’m in___________ Class One ,Grade Six .

A a B、the

( )8. Are they . teachers ? ________,they are.

A Yes . B、No.

( )9. “How do you do ? ” “ ”

A I’m fine B、Hello C、How do you do?

( )10. Is that mother ? No ,she is mother .

C、this C、Don’t C、at C、he C、are C、x C、Sorry .

A my…your . B、your … his . C、you …your.

五、按要求完成句子(每空一词,缩略为词 10分)

1、How are you ?

I’m Thank you .

2、There are five birds in the sky ? (对划线部分提问)

birds are there in the sky ?

3、is , what ,it ,time . (连词成句) ?

4、Mike is twelve .

How is he ?

5、Can you speak English ? yes , .


My family

My name is Tom . I am an American boy .I am twelve .My father is a worker . My mother is an English teacher .She is a good teacher . The students all like her . My sister Linda and I are in the same school . We are good students.

( )1. My name is Tom .

( )2. I am English .

( )3. Linda is my sister

( )4. Tom and Linda are in the same class .

( )5. My mother is a Chinese teacher .


一、1、JIR 2、tpd 3、late 4、kite 5、four

6、cap 7、plane 8、many 9、ship 10、coat

二、1、5237 2、307 3、8556023 4、930357 5、1380993

三、Waiter: Good morning ! Can I help you?

Girl: yes . I want a shirt ,please.

Waiter: Which one , pink or yellow ?

Girl: A blue one ,please.

Waiter: Here you are?

Girl: How much is it ?

Waiter: Forty-five yuan.

Girl: OK ! I’ll take it . Here is the money .

Waiter: Thank you .

Girl: Goodbye .

2008小学升初中英语试题 (4)------经典推荐 (2008-06-25 22:19:44) 标签:杂谈 分类:能力英语(词汇,语法,套题)


( )1. What’s your favourite colour? A. By car. ( )2. What time is it? B. I like yellow best.

( )3. How do you go to school? C. It’s twelve o’clock.! ( )4. What are you doing? D. It’s Saturday. ( )5. What day is it? E. I’m drawing a picture.

三. 选择正确的答案补全对话,并将相应标号写在横线上(每空2分,共10分) (1).Zhang Hua: Hello!My name is Zhang Hua. Peter: Hello!______. '

A:I'm ten. B:My name is Peter. C:Goodbye! D:/ (2).Teacher :How old are you? Li Ming:________

A:How old are you? B:Glad to meet you ! C:I'm Li Ming. D:Eight. (3).Mr Zhang:Good morning,boys and girls. ! Z. i5 {8 a" ]3 T Students:_____

A:Hello,Mr Zhang. B:Good morning,Mr Zhang! C:Thank you. (4).Mary: Hi,Miss Li.How are you? Miss: Li:______,

A:I'm fine!Thank you.How are you? B:I"m ten. C:Good afternoon. 四.碰上下列情景,你会怎样说?(9’) 1.教师节那天,你可以对老师说:——

A. Merry Christmas! B. Happy Teacher’s Day.' X& s3 K* e$ H4 C+ a 2. 当你遇到危险时,你可以大声呼喊:——# d: x0 r k$ c$ r6 U2 { A. Help! B. Come and see me. W2 {* I! p4 t9 J3 z/ y 3.当有人对你说“See you.”的时候,你可以说:—— A. Bye-bye. B. Thank you. 五.阅读。 A plan for our trip

My name is Bob. My family likes to go on a trip. We want to go to Beijing. Beijing is a big city . It has shops , restaurants and famous places. This is a plan of our trip. Monday We leave Liuzhou and arrive in Beijing. TuesdayWe go to Tian’anmen Square. Wednesday We go to the Palace Museum. Thursday We go shopping.

Friday We leave Beijing and arrive in Liuzhou. 1.回答问题(可用Yes或No作简单回答。) 1) Does Bob like to go on a trip? ( ) 2) Is Beijing a big city? ( ) 2选择正确的答案填空。

1)他们准备乘什么去北京旅游?( ) A. By bus . B. By plane. C. By bike. 2) Bob 一家计划去下面哪个地方?( ) A. Three days . B. Zoo. C. Palace Museum


1、7月3日__________ 2、拔胡萝卜 _______________ 3、玩得开心_________ 4、春节 _______________ 5、问和答_______ 6、blow out the candles _____________ 7、dress up in costumes_________

8、watch the dragon boat races______________

9、visit relatives and friends_________ 10、have a chat _________

三、选择填空 9%

()1、When’s your birthday? It’s January. What would you like _____ a birthday present? I would like a yo-yo.

A. on for B. in as C. on, with

( )2、Where you Just now? I at school. A. were was B. were ,were C. was, were

()3、What does it mean? It means you shouldn’t

A. smoking B. smok C. smoke

()4、 you your grandparents last weekend? A. Did , visited B. Did , visit C. Do, visited ()5、Last Friday ,They a race.

A. had, running B. haved , running C. had , runing ( )6、I a kite and it on the wall yesterday A. maked, puted B. made ,put C. made , puted. ()7、It is an __________day , we are all very .

A. excited, exciting B. exciting , exciting C. exciting ,excited. ( )8、we usually moon cakes ,we a lot of delicious. A. eat ,ate B. eat, eated C. ate ,ate ()9、Whose book is it ? It’s not book ,It’s A. my ,her B. mine ,hers C. My’ , hers 四、句型匹配 I

( )1、What’s your favourite holiday? A. They’re Jim’s ()2、When’s your birthday? B. She planted some trees. ()3、What did she do on the farm? C. It’s the 21st of January

( )4、Did you have a wonderful time? D. It means keep off the grass last Christmas? ( )5、Whose gloves are they? E. They’re in Jim’s desk. ()6、What date is it today? F. Halloween. ( )7、What does this sign mean? G.. Yes, we did.

()8、Where are your gloves? H. It’s on the 21st of January. 五、用所给词的适当形式填空 10% 6 ?1 y! }, L& ^/ j$ ? 1、Jim’s Parents are doctors, my parents are (farm) 2、My birthday’s on the (five) of February. 3、I (go) to parties with my friends last weekend. 4、I like (collect) stamps very much. 5、Jim always (have) a lot of questions. 6、Did you go (swim) last Sunday? 7、It means you shouldn’t (cycling) here. 8、Is this your book ? No, it’s (he)

9、Please help (they ) do some housework. 10、Look ,they are (sing and dance).

六、找出下列各句中的错误,将序号填在括号内并在横线上改正。6 % . ( )1、We sang English songs and do some Chinese dances last night. ( )2、Is it yours? No, it isn’t mine book. It’s his. ( )3、I’d like to buy a cake with a lots of strawberries . ( )4、Look, your pen is on the ground. Pick up it. ( )5、I like drinking . I drinked some tea last night. ( )6、A pair of glass are on her desk. 七、根据汉语提示,完成下列各句 10%

1、刚才你们做了什么?我们把图片贴在学校大门附近的墙上 A:What did you do a ________ _________ ? "

B:We ____ the pictures on the wall near the school ______ .

2、我爸爸的生日是在九月九日. My Father’s birthday is on the ___ of _____ . 3、杨林的叔叔居住在南京附件的一个小城镇。

Yang ling’s uncle _____ in a small ______ near Nanjing.

4、这些不是我的礼物,那些是我的 . These are not my _ .Those are ________ . 八.阅读理解:正确的“√”表示,错误的“×”表示 6% A: Yang Ling ,what did you do last Sunday? B: I visited Liu Tao’s grandparents. A: Where do they live?

B:They Live in a small town near Nanjing .They have a really nice house. I went there with Su Hai ,Su Yang , Gao Shan, Liu Tao and Ben. They were very glad to see us. Liu Tao’s grandpa showed us a lot of stamps from different countries. His grandma cooked us nice lunch. We liked the food very much. A: What did you do there?

B:In the morning,we cleaned their house.Inthe afternoon. we worked in their garden. SuHai and Su Yang watered the trees and flowers . Liu Tao and Gao Shan picked apples.Ben and I planted some trees. We worked for about two hours (小时) A: Were you tired?

B: No! I like working in the garden. We had a really good time. A: Great ! I’d like to visit them ,too. 5 判断正误,用“√”或“×”表示

( )①Wang Bing and Yang Ling visited Liu Tao’s grandparents last Sunday. ( )②On the farm ,Yang Ling planted trees. ( )③Liu Tao’s grandma cooked a nice lunch. ( )④Yang Ling and Su Hai planted flowers. ( )⑤They worked on the farm for about two hours.


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  • 2014年春一至八年级学生学业发展水平阶段性 评价监测 工作方案 目 录 一.2014年春一至八年级监测工作领导组 二.2014年春一至八年级监测试卷保密保管工作领导组 三.2014年春一至八年级监测安全工作责任书 四.2014年春一至八年 ...查看

  • 2015七年级思品试卷及答案
  • ) " ) ) ) A .对社会有所贡献 B .保护自己生命不受侵害 C .追求个人生活质量 D .尊重生命,不放弃生命 5.小刚上小学时是个学习成绩很好的学生,可进入初中以后,成绩有很大的滑坡,他父母和他自己非常着急.作为小刚的 ...查看

  • 期末工作安排
  • 天坪小学2014-2015学年度第一学期 期末工作安排 一.期末质量检测工作: 检测学科: 1.小 学:语文.数学.科学(3-6年级) 2.七年级:语文.数学.英语.政治.地理.历史.生物 3.八年级:语文.数学.英语.物理.政治.历史.地 ...查看

  • 市翠屏区教育局
  • 宜宾市翠屏区教育局 关于中学2010─2011学年下期期末教学质量目标检测的通知 各中学: 我区将于2011年6月中.下旬和7月上旬分阶段进行期末教学质量检测,6月17日和6月27--30日将对全区中学七.八年级进行部分学科结业检测和学期教 ...查看

  • 2015年上海新沪教版小学升初中数学期末统考毕业试卷
  • 上海松江区XX小学 2014学年第二学期六年级数学毕业模拟考试卷(2015.05.18) 一.计算.(56分) 1.直接写得数.(5分) 30.36 + 4 = 0 ×= 5.7 – 0.9 = 0. 5÷ 0. 25 = 4 ×÷ 4 × ...查看
