
  自2003年中国-东盟经济合作协议签署以来,尤其是中泰之间水果、蔬菜的进口实行零关税以来,中泰之间的贸易额有了突破性的增长。2004年,中泰之间的贸易额达到173.4亿美元,增长率达到37%,其中,中国出口到泰国58亿美元,泰国出口到中国115亿美元,增长率分别是51.5%和31.7%。2005年1至4月份,中泰贸易额达到了62亿美元,增长率29.2%,其中,中国出口到泰国25.4亿美元,泰国出口到中国40.8亿美元。在水果蔬菜贸易方面,2004年为1.8亿美元,增长率为118%,其中泰国出口到中国比中国出口到泰国多了两倍。但是,中泰贸易还是遇到一些问题。比如,泰国的水果出口到中国,还是碰到检验检疫的问题,希望中国政府在检验检疫方面对泰国的水果提供方便。   泰国在东南亚有比较重要的地位,是亚洲的门户。是亚洲和湄公河区域的枢纽,也是东南亚各国经济合作的中心,有5条重要的贸易通道,直接关系到泰国经济的发展。泰国的政治比较稳定。泰国是属于君主立宪制的国家,有很多中国的企业家到泰国投资,非常成功,我们也希望新的企业家能到泰国找到新的合作伙伴。   泰王国有非常完善的基础设施,现代化的交通,通畅发达的通讯和IT网络,能够为国外的投资者提供一流的投资环境和服务。对于那些技术含量高的项目,我们泰国会给予一个优惠的税率。   泰国还有新老工业并存的格局,新工业主要是汽车、电子、电讯、服装、食品和珠宝,还包括旅游业。泰国的教育质量得到国际机构的认可,有一批世界一流的国际学校和大学。   今年是中泰建交30周年,中泰贸易会达到新的水平,最后,我希望中泰贸易到2010年能达到300亿美元。       Since the signing of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China and ASEAN, particularly since the introduction of zero tariff in importing fruits and vegetables between China and Thailand, Sino-Thailand bilateral trade has witnessed great breakthroughs. In 2004, their bilateral trade reached US$17.34 billion, an increase of 37%, among which export from China to Thailand came up to US$5.8 billion, and export from Thailand to China was US$11.5 billion, a rise of 51.5% and 31.7% respectively. From January to April 2005, bilateral trade amounted to 6.2 billion US dollars, increasing by 29.2%, among which China's export to Thailand was US$2.54 billion while its import from Thailand US$4.08 billion. As far as fruits and vegetables are concerned, the bilateral trade volume in 2004 was US$180 million with a growth rate of 118%, among which Thailand's export to China was twice more than its import from China.      At the same time, Sino-Thailand trade has encountered some obstacles. For instance, fruits of Thailand, when exported to China, have to go through inspection and quarantine. We wish that the Chinese government can make its markets more accessible for Thailand fruits by relaxing its inspection and quarantine. In addition, China imposes an added-value tax of 13% on fruits imported from Thailand while Thailand does not do the same to China's fruits. We wish the Chinese government can take this into reconsideration.      Being the passageway of Asia, the hub of Asia and the Great Mekong Area, the center for economic cooperation among Southeast Asian nations, Thailand enjoys a pivotal status in Southeast Asia and has five important trade routes which have direct bearings on Thailand's economic development. Moreover, a country with constitutional monarchy, Thailand enjoys stable political environment. Many Chinese entrepreneurs have invested in Thailand and achieved great success. We hope more businessmen can find new cooperative partners in Thailand.      Thailand has complete infrastructure, modernized transportation and advanced communication and IT network, which can provide top-rate investment climate and services to foreign investors. We will grant a more favorable taxation rate to those technology-intensive projects.      In Thailand, newly developed industries coexist side by side with old industries, the former of which include automobiles, electronics, telecommunication, apparels, jewelry, and tourism. What's more, with a group of world-class international schools and universities, Thailand has won approval of international organizations in terms of its educational quality.      This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Thailand, and the bilateral trade will amount to a new height. In closing, I wish the bilateral trade would reach us$30 billion by the year 2010.

  自2003年中国-东盟经济合作协议签署以来,尤其是中泰之间水果、蔬菜的进口实行零关税以来,中泰之间的贸易额有了突破性的增长。2004年,中泰之间的贸易额达到173.4亿美元,增长率达到37%,其中,中国出口到泰国58亿美元,泰国出口到中国115亿美元,增长率分别是51.5%和31.7%。2005年1至4月份,中泰贸易额达到了62亿美元,增长率29.2%,其中,中国出口到泰国25.4亿美元,泰国出口到中国40.8亿美元。在水果蔬菜贸易方面,2004年为1.8亿美元,增长率为118%,其中泰国出口到中国比中国出口到泰国多了两倍。但是,中泰贸易还是遇到一些问题。比如,泰国的水果出口到中国,还是碰到检验检疫的问题,希望中国政府在检验检疫方面对泰国的水果提供方便。   泰国在东南亚有比较重要的地位,是亚洲的门户。是亚洲和湄公河区域的枢纽,也是东南亚各国经济合作的中心,有5条重要的贸易通道,直接关系到泰国经济的发展。泰国的政治比较稳定。泰国是属于君主立宪制的国家,有很多中国的企业家到泰国投资,非常成功,我们也希望新的企业家能到泰国找到新的合作伙伴。   泰王国有非常完善的基础设施,现代化的交通,通畅发达的通讯和IT网络,能够为国外的投资者提供一流的投资环境和服务。对于那些技术含量高的项目,我们泰国会给予一个优惠的税率。   泰国还有新老工业并存的格局,新工业主要是汽车、电子、电讯、服装、食品和珠宝,还包括旅游业。泰国的教育质量得到国际机构的认可,有一批世界一流的国际学校和大学。   今年是中泰建交30周年,中泰贸易会达到新的水平,最后,我希望中泰贸易到2010年能达到300亿美元。       Since the signing of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China and ASEAN, particularly since the introduction of zero tariff in importing fruits and vegetables between China and Thailand, Sino-Thailand bilateral trade has witnessed great breakthroughs. In 2004, their bilateral trade reached US$17.34 billion, an increase of 37%, among which export from China to Thailand came up to US$5.8 billion, and export from Thailand to China was US$11.5 billion, a rise of 51.5% and 31.7% respectively. From January to April 2005, bilateral trade amounted to 6.2 billion US dollars, increasing by 29.2%, among which China's export to Thailand was US$2.54 billion while its import from Thailand US$4.08 billion. As far as fruits and vegetables are concerned, the bilateral trade volume in 2004 was US$180 million with a growth rate of 118%, among which Thailand's export to China was twice more than its import from China.      At the same time, Sino-Thailand trade has encountered some obstacles. For instance, fruits of Thailand, when exported to China, have to go through inspection and quarantine. We wish that the Chinese government can make its markets more accessible for Thailand fruits by relaxing its inspection and quarantine. In addition, China imposes an added-value tax of 13% on fruits imported from Thailand while Thailand does not do the same to China's fruits. We wish the Chinese government can take this into reconsideration.      Being the passageway of Asia, the hub of Asia and the Great Mekong Area, the center for economic cooperation among Southeast Asian nations, Thailand enjoys a pivotal status in Southeast Asia and has five important trade routes which have direct bearings on Thailand's economic development. Moreover, a country with constitutional monarchy, Thailand enjoys stable political environment. Many Chinese entrepreneurs have invested in Thailand and achieved great success. We hope more businessmen can find new cooperative partners in Thailand.      Thailand has complete infrastructure, modernized transportation and advanced communication and IT network, which can provide top-rate investment climate and services to foreign investors. We will grant a more favorable taxation rate to those technology-intensive projects.      In Thailand, newly developed industries coexist side by side with old industries, the former of which include automobiles, electronics, telecommunication, apparels, jewelry, and tourism. What's more, with a group of world-class international schools and universities, Thailand has won approval of international organizations in terms of its educational quality.      This year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Thailand, and the bilateral trade will amount to a new height. In closing, I wish the bilateral trade would reach us$30 billion by the year 2010.


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