

1、The basic idea of the IOT is that virtually every physical thing in this world can become a computer that is connected to the Internet (ITU, 2005). To be more accurate, things do not turn into computers, but they can feature tiny computers. When they do so, they are often called smart things, because they can act smarter than things that have not been tagged.


Look around you for a second and count the number of electronic

devices, machines and gadgets. All of them – light bulbs, cars, TVs, digital cameras, refrigerators, stereos, cranes, beds – will be connected to the Internet over the next 15 years。

This is the potential of the “Internet of Things”: billions and billions of devices and their components connected to one another via the Internet. The Internet of Things will radically alter our world through “smart” connectivity, save time and resources, and provide opportunities for innovation and economic growth。 3、

The things of internet have some key techniques:

The basic building block of the Internet of Things is machine-to-machine communication (M2M), devices equipped to communicate without the intervention of humans.

1. RFRD, sensors and so on could take information of things at anywhere and

anytime .

2. The mixture of internet could transmit the information accurately and quickly.

3. IPv6 address. In the internet of things, everything should have a unique address.It makes the internet of things is possible.


We should take a long-term view of the internet of things. The internet of things is a new industry. It will bring many conveniences for our daily life. The development of the internet of things is not only the development of the industry, but also the improvement of people’s life.

The industry formation stage Now we are during the formation stage of

development. As the expansion of the use of the internet of things, it will become mature and drive the development of the chain of the industry.

The standard formation stage In 3 to 5 years, there should be a mature

application standard and technology standard of the industry. The standard of the industry will begin to take shape. With the expansion of the industrial scale and the active of the application of the transducer technology, the standard system will be nascent framework.

The growing stage of the industry In 5 to 10 years, the business model of the things of internet will be more active. The person market and family market is going mature. The standard of industry will be spread quickly and be widely recognized. 5、

The development trend of the internet of things in China:It's no doubt that

Chinese government has realize the importance of the Internet of things. But now we are during the formation stage of development. Government should support the

industry and apply the technology in some area like the publish government, security management, energy saving and environment protection.



The internet of things is to combined various information sensing device with

Internet formed a huge network. Its purpose is to let all the goods and network linked together and easy to identify and management. The internet of things is not the fantasy of technology, but yet another technological revolution. Industry experts believe that things can improve economic efficiency on the one hand, significant cost savings; the other hand, the global economic recovery for the provision of technical power. So we have reasons to believe that our future will be changed because of the internet of things.


1、The basic idea of the IOT is that virtually every physical thing in this world can become a computer that is connected to the Internet (ITU, 2005). To be more accurate, things do not turn into computers, but they can feature tiny computers. When they do so, they are often called smart things, because they can act smarter than things that have not been tagged.


Look around you for a second and count the number of electronic

devices, machines and gadgets. All of them – light bulbs, cars, TVs, digital cameras, refrigerators, stereos, cranes, beds – will be connected to the Internet over the next 15 years。

This is the potential of the “Internet of Things”: billions and billions of devices and their components connected to one another via the Internet. The Internet of Things will radically alter our world through “smart” connectivity, save time and resources, and provide opportunities for innovation and economic growth。 3、

The things of internet have some key techniques:

The basic building block of the Internet of Things is machine-to-machine communication (M2M), devices equipped to communicate without the intervention of humans.

1. RFRD, sensors and so on could take information of things at anywhere and

anytime .

2. The mixture of internet could transmit the information accurately and quickly.

3. IPv6 address. In the internet of things, everything should have a unique address.It makes the internet of things is possible.


We should take a long-term view of the internet of things. The internet of things is a new industry. It will bring many conveniences for our daily life. The development of the internet of things is not only the development of the industry, but also the improvement of people’s life.

The industry formation stage Now we are during the formation stage of

development. As the expansion of the use of the internet of things, it will become mature and drive the development of the chain of the industry.

The standard formation stage In 3 to 5 years, there should be a mature

application standard and technology standard of the industry. The standard of the industry will begin to take shape. With the expansion of the industrial scale and the active of the application of the transducer technology, the standard system will be nascent framework.

The growing stage of the industry In 5 to 10 years, the business model of the things of internet will be more active. The person market and family market is going mature. The standard of industry will be spread quickly and be widely recognized. 5、

The development trend of the internet of things in China:It's no doubt that

Chinese government has realize the importance of the Internet of things. But now we are during the formation stage of development. Government should support the

industry and apply the technology in some area like the publish government, security management, energy saving and environment protection.



The internet of things is to combined various information sensing device with

Internet formed a huge network. Its purpose is to let all the goods and network linked together and easy to identify and management. The internet of things is not the fantasy of technology, but yet another technological revolution. Industry experts believe that things can improve economic efficiency on the one hand, significant cost savings; the other hand, the global economic recovery for the provision of technical power. So we have reasons to believe that our future will be changed because of the internet of things.


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