


Adaptive Behavior Research Group Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH

Aerospace Robotics Laboratory Stanford University Palo Alto, CA Artificial Muscle Project

MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge, MA Berkeley Robotics and Human Engineering Lab

Berkeley - University of California Berkeley, CA Biologically Inspired Robotics Lab Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH

Center for Automation, Robotics, and Distributed Intelligence-Research Projects Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO

Center for Intelligent Systems, Intelligent Robotics Lab Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN Center for Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery

Carnegie Mellon Pittsburgh, PA Center for Robotics and Embedded Systems

University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA Deep Submergence Laboratory Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Woods Hole, MA

Dynamical & Evolutionary Machine Organization Brandeis University Waltham, MA

Entertainment Technology Center Projects Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA Field Robotics Center

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA Humanoid Robotics Group

MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge, MA Intelligent Systems and Robotics Center Sandia National Labs Albuquerque, NM

KISS Institute Robotics Projects KISS Institute for Practical Robotics Norman, OK

Laboratory for Human and Machine Haptics MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge, MA

Machine Intelligence Laboratory

Florida State University Gainesville FL MIT Leg Laboratory

MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge, MA Mobile Autonomous Robot

The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art New York, NY Mobile Robot Lab Georgia Tech Atlanta, GA

Mobile Robot Laboratory Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

Mobile Robotics Lab University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Mobile Robotics Program Penn State Abington Abington, PA NASA Jet Propulsion Robotics Lab - LEMUR System

California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA NASA Jet Propulsion Robotics Lab - All Terrain Exploration (ATE) California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA NASA Jet Propulsion Robotics Lab - Inflatable Rover Testbed California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA

NASA Jet Propulsion Robotics Lab - Machine Vision Group - Urban Robot California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA NASA Jet Propulsion Robotics Lab - Robot Work Crew California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA NASA Jet Propulsion Robotics Lab - Surface Inspection Robot

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena CA Palo Alto Rehabilitation Research and Engineering Laboratory Stanford University Palo Alto, CA Robot Vision Laboratory Purdue University West Lafayette, IN

Robotics Projects Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center San Diego, CA Robotics Research Group University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA Stanford Robotics Lab

Stanford University Palo Alto , The Robotics Institute - Index to Robotics Projects Underway

Carnegie Mellon Pittsburgh, PA University Research Program in Robotics

University of Michigan Ann Arbor MI

• MIT媒体实验室:最富盛名的MIT 机器人实验室

• 斯坦福人工智能实验室:斯坦福人工智能实验室

• 卡耐基*梅隆(CMU)机器人学院:卡耐基*梅隆机器人学院, 可能也是目前唯一一个以学


欧洲 AURORA - Autonomous Mobile Robot for Greenhouse Operations

University of Malaga, System Engineering and Automation Department Malaga, Spain Australian Centre for Field Robotics University of Sydney Sydney, Australia

BARt-UH Bipedal Autonomous Robot University of Hannover, Center of Mechatronics Bonn, Germany

Centre for Autonomous Systems Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden Computer Aided Surgery

Technische Universität München Munich, Germany Computer Assisted Surgery Robot

Institut für Medizinische Physik Erlangen, Germany Cooperative Navigation for Rescue Robots University of Lisbon - Institute for Systems and Robotics Lisbon, Portugal Deming Research University of Western Australia Crawiling Australia

ESPRIT III Project RoadRobot UNINOV A, Institute for the Development of New Technologies Monte da Caparica, Portugal Foundation for Rehabilitation Technology (FST) Swiss Foundation for Rehabilitation Technology (FST) Neuchatel, Switzerland

FRIEND-Functional Robot Arm with User Friendly Interface for Disabled People University of Bremen, Institute of Automation Technology Bremen, Germany HUDEM - HUmanitarian DEMining Joint Research Project Not Available Human Machine Interaction

Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm Human Sensing System for Safety Agricultural Robot Okayama University Okayama Japan Humanoid Animation Group University of Waterloo Waterloo, Canada

Institute of Robotics Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Sweden, Switzerland

Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics DLR German Aerospace Center Wessling, Germany Intelligent Autonomous System

University of Bonn Bonn, Germany Intelligent Autonomous Systems Laboratory

University of West of England London, UK

Intelligent Embedded Systems Medical University of Lübeck Lubeck, Germany

Intelligent Humanoid Walking

Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany Intelligent Mobility and Transportation Aid for Elderly People Forschungsinstitut Technologie-

Behin Intelligent Mobility and Transportation Aid for Elderly People Forschungsinstitut Technologie-

Behindertenhilfe Wetter, Germany Intelligent Robotics Research Centre Monash University Victortia, Australia

MAKRO sewer inspection robot F raunhofer Institut Informations Sankt Augustin, Germany

Mobile Robot TAURO Aachen University of Technology Aachun, Germany Mobile Robotics University of Auckland Auckland, New Zealand MOBSY Autonomous Mobile System

University of Erlangen-Nuernberg Erlangen, Germany Neural Robot Skills (NEUROS)

Ruhr-University of Bochum, Institut für Neuroinformatik Bochum, Germany Rehabilitation Robotics Bath Institute of Medical Engineering London, UK

Research and Development on Rehabilitation Bioengineering Centro INAIL RTR (INAIL RTR Centre) Viareggio, Italy Robot Sheep Shearing University of Western Australia Crawiling Australia Robotic Harvesting of Strawberries

DalTech Nova Scotia Canada Robotic Surveillance University of Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands Robotic Systems Lab (RSL) Australian National University Sydney, Australia

Robotics and Automation Projects University of Queensland Victortia, Australia Robotics Lab - Multifunctional Autonomous Climbing Robot for Inspection Applications University Carlos III Madrid Spain Robotics Laboratory

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering Haifa Robots for the Food Industry

University of Bristol Bristol, UK Skywash, Autonomous Roadsweeper Fraunhofer Institut Informations Skywash, Autonomous Roadsweeper Fraunhofer Institut

Informations Sankt Augustin Germany Skywash, Autonomous Roadsweeper

Fraunhofer Institut Informations Sankt Augustin Germany The Computer Vision and Robotics Lab

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

The MORPHA Consortium Joint Research Project Stuttgart, Germany

TOURBOT - Interactive Touring Robot Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas Greece

Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group University of Waterloo Waterloo, Canada

• Delft Biorobotics Lab 荷兰生物机器人研究实验室:研究方向有双足机器人 • 瑞士联邦工学院机器人实验室:研究方向有移动机器人,空间机器人

• 英国布里斯托大学机器人实验室:研究方向有各种仿生机器人,以及生物机械混合体

• 英国华威大学移动机器人实验室:研究方向有机器人足球,特种救灾机器人 • 英国牛津大学机器人研究组:研究方向有模式识别,人工智能,机器视觉,移动机器人


亚洲 Bio-Robotics Division, Robotics Department

Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) Tokyo, Japan Bioproduction Systems Engineering Okayama University Lab of Agricultural Systems Engineering Okayama, Japan

Furusho Laboratory - Human Machine Interaction

Osaka University Osaka, Japan Hirose and Yoneda Robotics Lab, Department of Mechano-aerospace Engineering

Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo, Japan Human Sensing System for Safety Agricultural Robot

Okayama University Okayama Japan

Intelligent Cooperative Systems Laboratory

University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan

Intelligent Systems Institute

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology I baraki Japan

JSK Laboratory - Robot Projects

University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan

Kawamura Laboratory Robotic Projects

Yokohama National University Yokahama, Japan

Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory

Ritsumeikan University Kyoto, Japan

Telerobotics and Control Laboratory

Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Daejeon Korea


Australian Centre for Field Robotics

University of Sydney Sydney, Australia

Deming Research

University of Western Australia Crawiling Australia Intelligent Robotics Research Centre

Monash University Victortia, Australia Mobile Robotics

University of Auckland Auckland, New Zealand Robot Sheep Shearing University of Western Australia Crawiling Australia

Robotic Systems Lab (RSL) Australian National University Sydney, Australia Robotics and Automation Projects

University of Queensland Victortia, Australia



Adaptive Behavior Research Group Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH

Aerospace Robotics Laboratory Stanford University Palo Alto, CA Artificial Muscle Project

MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge, MA Berkeley Robotics and Human Engineering Lab

Berkeley - University of California Berkeley, CA Biologically Inspired Robotics Lab Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH

Center for Automation, Robotics, and Distributed Intelligence-Research Projects Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO

Center for Intelligent Systems, Intelligent Robotics Lab Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN Center for Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery

Carnegie Mellon Pittsburgh, PA Center for Robotics and Embedded Systems

University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA Deep Submergence Laboratory Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Woods Hole, MA

Dynamical & Evolutionary Machine Organization Brandeis University Waltham, MA

Entertainment Technology Center Projects Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA Field Robotics Center

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA Humanoid Robotics Group

MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge, MA Intelligent Systems and Robotics Center Sandia National Labs Albuquerque, NM

KISS Institute Robotics Projects KISS Institute for Practical Robotics Norman, OK

Laboratory for Human and Machine Haptics MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge, MA

Machine Intelligence Laboratory

Florida State University Gainesville FL MIT Leg Laboratory

MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge, MA Mobile Autonomous Robot

The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art New York, NY Mobile Robot Lab Georgia Tech Atlanta, GA

Mobile Robot Laboratory Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

Mobile Robotics Lab University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Mobile Robotics Program Penn State Abington Abington, PA NASA Jet Propulsion Robotics Lab - LEMUR System

California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA NASA Jet Propulsion Robotics Lab - All Terrain Exploration (ATE) California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA NASA Jet Propulsion Robotics Lab - Inflatable Rover Testbed California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA

NASA Jet Propulsion Robotics Lab - Machine Vision Group - Urban Robot California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA NASA Jet Propulsion Robotics Lab - Robot Work Crew California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA NASA Jet Propulsion Robotics Lab - Surface Inspection Robot

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena CA Palo Alto Rehabilitation Research and Engineering Laboratory Stanford University Palo Alto, CA Robot Vision Laboratory Purdue University West Lafayette, IN

Robotics Projects Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center San Diego, CA Robotics Research Group University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA Stanford Robotics Lab

Stanford University Palo Alto , The Robotics Institute - Index to Robotics Projects Underway

Carnegie Mellon Pittsburgh, PA University Research Program in Robotics

University of Michigan Ann Arbor MI

• MIT媒体实验室:最富盛名的MIT 机器人实验室

• 斯坦福人工智能实验室:斯坦福人工智能实验室

• 卡耐基*梅隆(CMU)机器人学院:卡耐基*梅隆机器人学院, 可能也是目前唯一一个以学


欧洲 AURORA - Autonomous Mobile Robot for Greenhouse Operations

University of Malaga, System Engineering and Automation Department Malaga, Spain Australian Centre for Field Robotics University of Sydney Sydney, Australia

BARt-UH Bipedal Autonomous Robot University of Hannover, Center of Mechatronics Bonn, Germany

Centre for Autonomous Systems Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden Computer Aided Surgery

Technische Universität München Munich, Germany Computer Assisted Surgery Robot

Institut für Medizinische Physik Erlangen, Germany Cooperative Navigation for Rescue Robots University of Lisbon - Institute for Systems and Robotics Lisbon, Portugal Deming Research University of Western Australia Crawiling Australia

ESPRIT III Project RoadRobot UNINOV A, Institute for the Development of New Technologies Monte da Caparica, Portugal Foundation for Rehabilitation Technology (FST) Swiss Foundation for Rehabilitation Technology (FST) Neuchatel, Switzerland

FRIEND-Functional Robot Arm with User Friendly Interface for Disabled People University of Bremen, Institute of Automation Technology Bremen, Germany HUDEM - HUmanitarian DEMining Joint Research Project Not Available Human Machine Interaction

Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm Human Sensing System for Safety Agricultural Robot Okayama University Okayama Japan Humanoid Animation Group University of Waterloo Waterloo, Canada

Institute of Robotics Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Sweden, Switzerland

Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics DLR German Aerospace Center Wessling, Germany Intelligent Autonomous System

University of Bonn Bonn, Germany Intelligent Autonomous Systems Laboratory

University of West of England London, UK

Intelligent Embedded Systems Medical University of Lübeck Lubeck, Germany

Intelligent Humanoid Walking

Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany Intelligent Mobility and Transportation Aid for Elderly People Forschungsinstitut Technologie-

Behin Intelligent Mobility and Transportation Aid for Elderly People Forschungsinstitut Technologie-

Behindertenhilfe Wetter, Germany Intelligent Robotics Research Centre Monash University Victortia, Australia

MAKRO sewer inspection robot F raunhofer Institut Informations Sankt Augustin, Germany

Mobile Robot TAURO Aachen University of Technology Aachun, Germany Mobile Robotics University of Auckland Auckland, New Zealand MOBSY Autonomous Mobile System

University of Erlangen-Nuernberg Erlangen, Germany Neural Robot Skills (NEUROS)

Ruhr-University of Bochum, Institut für Neuroinformatik Bochum, Germany Rehabilitation Robotics Bath Institute of Medical Engineering London, UK

Research and Development on Rehabilitation Bioengineering Centro INAIL RTR (INAIL RTR Centre) Viareggio, Italy Robot Sheep Shearing University of Western Australia Crawiling Australia Robotic Harvesting of Strawberries

DalTech Nova Scotia Canada Robotic Surveillance University of Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands Robotic Systems Lab (RSL) Australian National University Sydney, Australia

Robotics and Automation Projects University of Queensland Victortia, Australia Robotics Lab - Multifunctional Autonomous Climbing Robot for Inspection Applications University Carlos III Madrid Spain Robotics Laboratory

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering Haifa Robots for the Food Industry

University of Bristol Bristol, UK Skywash, Autonomous Roadsweeper Fraunhofer Institut Informations Skywash, Autonomous Roadsweeper Fraunhofer Institut

Informations Sankt Augustin Germany Skywash, Autonomous Roadsweeper

Fraunhofer Institut Informations Sankt Augustin Germany The Computer Vision and Robotics Lab

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

The MORPHA Consortium Joint Research Project Stuttgart, Germany

TOURBOT - Interactive Touring Robot Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas Greece

Waterloo Aerial Robotics Group University of Waterloo Waterloo, Canada

• Delft Biorobotics Lab 荷兰生物机器人研究实验室:研究方向有双足机器人 • 瑞士联邦工学院机器人实验室:研究方向有移动机器人,空间机器人

• 英国布里斯托大学机器人实验室:研究方向有各种仿生机器人,以及生物机械混合体

• 英国华威大学移动机器人实验室:研究方向有机器人足球,特种救灾机器人 • 英国牛津大学机器人研究组:研究方向有模式识别,人工智能,机器视觉,移动机器人


亚洲 Bio-Robotics Division, Robotics Department

Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) Tokyo, Japan Bioproduction Systems Engineering Okayama University Lab of Agricultural Systems Engineering Okayama, Japan

Furusho Laboratory - Human Machine Interaction

Osaka University Osaka, Japan Hirose and Yoneda Robotics Lab, Department of Mechano-aerospace Engineering

Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo, Japan Human Sensing System for Safety Agricultural Robot

Okayama University Okayama Japan

Intelligent Cooperative Systems Laboratory

University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan

Intelligent Systems Institute

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology I baraki Japan

JSK Laboratory - Robot Projects

University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan

Kawamura Laboratory Robotic Projects

Yokohama National University Yokahama, Japan

Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory

Ritsumeikan University Kyoto, Japan

Telerobotics and Control Laboratory

Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Daejeon Korea


Australian Centre for Field Robotics

University of Sydney Sydney, Australia

Deming Research

University of Western Australia Crawiling Australia Intelligent Robotics Research Centre

Monash University Victortia, Australia Mobile Robotics

University of Auckland Auckland, New Zealand Robot Sheep Shearing University of Western Australia Crawiling Australia

Robotic Systems Lab (RSL) Australian National University Sydney, Australia Robotics and Automation Projects

University of Queensland Victortia, Australia


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