


(时间90分钟 总分100分)



Ff Kk

Mm Ss

Vv 三、单项选择(15分)

1. -------Good evening, Yang Hui! --------__________, Wang Fang!

A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D. Good night 2.--------How are you ?


A. Fine, thanks B. Hi C. Hello D. Good 3. ---------What’s this?


A. It’s map B. It’s a map C. Its map D. Its a map 4. This is ______ orange and that is _________ map.

A. a; a B. an; a C. a; an D. an; a 5. ---------___________________________ ---------O-R-A-N-G-E.

A. What’s this? B. What’s this in English? C. Spell it ,please. D. What’s it? 6. “I ” ______ a letter(字母).

A. is B. are C. am D. it’s

7. 下列字母中含有相同因素的一组是_________.

A. C U B. M K C. Y I D. H F 8. “say ”与_________ 含有相同的元音音素.

A. s B. a C. m D. x 9. “不明飞行物” 的英文缩写是__________________.


10.---------What ’s this?

-----------It ’s _______key. _______key is red.

A. a, The B. a, A C. the, A D. the, the 11. 英语字母中,有两个可以独立成单词,它们分别是________. A. I, A B. I, O C. U, E D. I, E 12.Jim is 45________.

A. kl B. kg C. km D. ki 13. 下列字母在四线三格中占上两格的是__________. A. X B. y C. j D. n 14. 下列字母所含音素与字母B 相同的一组是________.

A. ACD B. EFH C. CEG D. DFG 15.--------____________ is the cup? --------It ’s yellow.

A. What B. What’s C. What color D. What’s color 四、完形填空(10分) A: Good morning, Bob! A: How are you? B: I’m fine, thanks.

B: It’ B: It’s black.

A: Oh, no. It’’s this ? B: It’s green. It’1. A. afternoon B. morning C. evening D. noon 2. A. what B. What C. what’s D. What’s 3. A. orange B. jacket C. quilt D. ruler 4. A. Can B. Say C. See D. Spell 5. A. A B. L C. E D. O 6. A. English B. it C. white D. color

7. A. black B. brown C. black color D. brown color 8. A. I’m B. It’s C. That’s D. This is 9. A. a B. an C. the D. in 10.A. a B. the C. an D. on 五、阅读理解(10分)

1. Cindy likes(喜欢)___________.

A. green and white B. blue and yellow C. yellow and red D. blue and white 2. _________ likes the color white.

A. Grace and Alice B. Alice and Dale C. Dale and Grace D. Eric and Dale 3. Alice’s favorite things are ___________.

A. maps and books B. maps and CDs C. maps and rulers D. pens and rulers 4. ____________ likes green sweaters.

A. Cindy B. Dale C. Grace D. Eric 5. Cindy and Eric both(都) like _________.

A. books B. maps C. CDs D. pens 六、把下列单词按在字典中的顺序排序(10分)。

( )color ( ) yes ( ) purple ( ) brown ( ) her

( ) zero ( ) no ( ) and ( ) she ( ) this 七、连词成句(10分)

1. English, in, this, what’s

2.ruler , a, it’s

3. fine,thanks, I’m

4. evening, Eric, good

5. color, is, it, what


A: B: Good afternoon, Frank. A: What’s this in English? B:

A: B: R-U-L-E-R.

B: It’s white. 九、选词填空(10分)

Good morning! I Tina. This is my on my bed(在我的床). What ’s white and blue. Oh, this is my cup. It’’cup. I like it very much. Do you like my cup ? 十、书面表达

早晨Tom 见Bill ,互相问好,Bill 指着一件绿色夹克问Tom ,夹克用英语怎么说,如何拼写并且问夹克是什么颜色。请就此情景用英语编写一段对话 。(至少写8句话)



班级__________ 姓名__________


二、写出相邻字母的大小写形式(10分) Kk Ff Mm Ss

Vv ( )color ( ) yes ( ) purple ( ) brown ( ) her ( ) zero ( ) no ( ) and ( ) she ( ) this 七、连词成句(10分)





5. 八、补全对话(10分)

1.__________ 2. ___________ 3. ____________ 4. ______________ 5. ____________ 十、书面表达



(时间90分钟 总分100分)



Ff Kk

Mm Ss

Vv 三、单项选择(15分)

1. -------Good evening, Yang Hui! --------__________, Wang Fang!

A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D. Good night 2.--------How are you ?


A. Fine, thanks B. Hi C. Hello D. Good 3. ---------What’s this?


A. It’s map B. It’s a map C. Its map D. Its a map 4. This is ______ orange and that is _________ map.

A. a; a B. an; a C. a; an D. an; a 5. ---------___________________________ ---------O-R-A-N-G-E.

A. What’s this? B. What’s this in English? C. Spell it ,please. D. What’s it? 6. “I ” ______ a letter(字母).

A. is B. are C. am D. it’s

7. 下列字母中含有相同因素的一组是_________.

A. C U B. M K C. Y I D. H F 8. “say ”与_________ 含有相同的元音音素.

A. s B. a C. m D. x 9. “不明飞行物” 的英文缩写是__________________.


10.---------What ’s this?

-----------It ’s _______key. _______key is red.

A. a, The B. a, A C. the, A D. the, the 11. 英语字母中,有两个可以独立成单词,它们分别是________. A. I, A B. I, O C. U, E D. I, E 12.Jim is 45________.

A. kl B. kg C. km D. ki 13. 下列字母在四线三格中占上两格的是__________. A. X B. y C. j D. n 14. 下列字母所含音素与字母B 相同的一组是________.

A. ACD B. EFH C. CEG D. DFG 15.--------____________ is the cup? --------It ’s yellow.

A. What B. What’s C. What color D. What’s color 四、完形填空(10分) A: Good morning, Bob! A: How are you? B: I’m fine, thanks.

B: It’ B: It’s black.

A: Oh, no. It’’s this ? B: It’s green. It’1. A. afternoon B. morning C. evening D. noon 2. A. what B. What C. what’s D. What’s 3. A. orange B. jacket C. quilt D. ruler 4. A. Can B. Say C. See D. Spell 5. A. A B. L C. E D. O 6. A. English B. it C. white D. color

7. A. black B. brown C. black color D. brown color 8. A. I’m B. It’s C. That’s D. This is 9. A. a B. an C. the D. in 10.A. a B. the C. an D. on 五、阅读理解(10分)

1. Cindy likes(喜欢)___________.

A. green and white B. blue and yellow C. yellow and red D. blue and white 2. _________ likes the color white.

A. Grace and Alice B. Alice and Dale C. Dale and Grace D. Eric and Dale 3. Alice’s favorite things are ___________.

A. maps and books B. maps and CDs C. maps and rulers D. pens and rulers 4. ____________ likes green sweaters.

A. Cindy B. Dale C. Grace D. Eric 5. Cindy and Eric both(都) like _________.

A. books B. maps C. CDs D. pens 六、把下列单词按在字典中的顺序排序(10分)。

( )color ( ) yes ( ) purple ( ) brown ( ) her

( ) zero ( ) no ( ) and ( ) she ( ) this 七、连词成句(10分)

1. English, in, this, what’s

2.ruler , a, it’s

3. fine,thanks, I’m

4. evening, Eric, good

5. color, is, it, what


A: B: Good afternoon, Frank. A: What’s this in English? B:

A: B: R-U-L-E-R.

B: It’s white. 九、选词填空(10分)

Good morning! I Tina. This is my on my bed(在我的床). What ’s white and blue. Oh, this is my cup. It’’cup. I like it very much. Do you like my cup ? 十、书面表达

早晨Tom 见Bill ,互相问好,Bill 指着一件绿色夹克问Tom ,夹克用英语怎么说,如何拼写并且问夹克是什么颜色。请就此情景用英语编写一段对话 。(至少写8句话)



班级__________ 姓名__________


二、写出相邻字母的大小写形式(10分) Kk Ff Mm Ss

Vv ( )color ( ) yes ( ) purple ( ) brown ( ) her ( ) zero ( ) no ( ) and ( ) she ( ) this 七、连词成句(10分)





5. 八、补全对话(10分)

1.__________ 2. ___________ 3. ____________ 4. ______________ 5. ____________ 十、书面表达


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