









1 When it comes to _____________, people’s opinions differ. 2 Many people believe that ________________. 3 For one thing, ______________. 4 For another, ________.

5 Some people, however, take a different attitude. 6 They regard ___________. 7 In their views, ____________________. 8 Furthermore, ____________________.

9 As far as I am concerned, _________________. 10 On the one hand, _____________.11 On the other hand, _______________. 12 So _______________.

填充内容:1.文章主题2.一些人的观点3.理由一4.理由二 5. 另一些人反对 6. 另一些人的观点 7. 理由一 8. 理由二 9. 作者自己的观点、看法10. 观点一 11. 观点二 12. 总结上文


① When asked _____________________, people have different opinions.②Many people believe that _____________________.③On the one hand,___________.④on the other hand, ____________________. ⑤ All these point to the indispensability of _________________.

⑥However, others claim that ___________.⑦As far as they are concerned, _________________. ⑧Moreover,______________________.

⑨As for me, ___________.⑩Because _____________________.11 What’s more, ________________.12 Therefore,--_________________.

填充内容:1.文章主题2.一些人的观点3.理由一4.理由二5.主题词6.另外一些人的观点 8. 理由一 9. 理由二9 作者自己的观点、看法10. 论点一 11. 论点二 12. 总结全文



1 There is no c

onsensus of opinions among people as to _______________.2.Some people who are in favor of the idea of _____________hold that ___________. 3 For one thing, ____________. For another,________________.5. Therefore,__________.

6.However, those who insist on _______________ argue that _______________.7.In their opinions, ________________.8.In addition, _____________________.9 In addition,_________________. 9 Thus_____________________.

10 In my viewpoint, __________________.11 That is to say,_____________.12 In a word, _____________________________.

填充内容:1.文章主题2.一些人的观点3.理由一4.理由二5.总结上文6.另外一些人的观点 8. 理由一 9.总结上文10. 作者自己的观点、看法 11. 进一步解释说明作者的观点 12. 总结全文


1 There is a heated debate over _____________. 2 It is commonly accepted that _____________. 3 In contrast, others think _____________.

4 Those who hold the first opinion suggest that __________.5 In their view, _______________. 6 However, others think _________. 7 They argue that________.

8 Considering one after another, I stand on the side of ___________. 9 First of all,_______________. 10 Furthermore, _____________. 11 Thirdly, _____________. 12 Therefore, _________________.

填充内容:1. 文章主题 2. 一些人的观点 3.另一些人的观点 4. 揭示支持第一种观点的理由 5. 进一步解释说明第一种观点 6. 揭示支持第二种观点的理由 7.进一步解释说明第二种观点 8.作者自己的观点、看法 9. 论点一 10. 论点二 论点三 12.总结全文


Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled A Good Major or a Good University. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:

1. 学生在报考大学时面临两种选择—— 选好专业还是好大学。有人认为应该选择好专业

2. 也有人认为应该选择一所好大学

3. 我的看法


A Good Major or a Good University

When asked to choose between a good major and a good university before college enrollment, people have different opinions. Many people believe that a good university means great advantage for job application after graduation. On the one hand, a good university has good reputations, which adds credits for its graduates. On the other hand, a good university has all sorts of channels to help graduates get a good job. All these point to the indispensability of a good university.

However, others claim that a good major is all that counts. As far as they are concerned, excellent teaching staff of a good major makes sure that the student are sufficiently trained in the chosen field. Moreover, if one chooses a major that is most needed by the society, not only will he/she find a

job easily, but they will contribute much to the society.


for me, such choice should be made according to our academic interest. Because whether a major or a university is good depends on how we look at it. If certain major or university fits our interest, it will be considered good. What’s more, interest is the best teacher, so a choice of our own interest can help us overcome difficulties in the study. Therefore, let our interest decide for us.


A Good Major or a Good University

There is no consensus of opinion among people as to the choice between a good major or a good university before college enrollment. Some people who are in favor of the idea of having a good major hold that it can ensure one’s future success. For one thing, a good major, even in a common university, can help its students become rare talents, thus gaining in advantages for future competition. For another, a good major boasts various exclusive learning recourses which makes it highly possible for students to further their education. Therefore, a good major is more important.

However, those who insist on choosing a good university argue that graduates from famous universities are popular in talent market. In their opinions, a good university can give students confidence, which is very helpful in their study and future work. In addition, a good university has a set of educating system, incomparable with common university. Thus it is wiser to choose a good university.

In my viewpoint, a good university should be my only choice. If there is a chance, who doesn’t want to enter Bejing or Qinghua, Harvard or Yale? That is to say, a good university is worthy of every effort. In a word, a good university is of great importance in one’s future development.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life. You should write at least 120 works following the outline given below:





The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life

When it comes to whether university authorities should require students to live in dormitory, people’s opinions differ. Many people believe that there are great advantages of dormitory life. For one thing, students have the chance of enjoying the friendship of their roommates. This can be the most precious memory they have later in life. For another, university dormitories do not cost much, while live off campus can be very expensive. Let alone the issue of security.

Some people, however, take a different attitude. They regard dormitory as an undesirable place. In their view, since 4 to 8 people live in one dormitory, there is not enough privacy. Furthe

rmore, dormitory is troublesome because it is very likely that one could have clashes with his dorm mates.

As far as I am concerned, students benefit greatly from dormitory life. On the one hand, dormitory life provides precious lessons on how to communicate with others. On the other hand, students do not feel lonely. There are always people of the same age around. And when they have trouble, there are always helping hands in the dormitory. So why live off campus while there is good life right in here? Come and enjoy dormitory life.


The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life

There is a heated debate over whether students should be required to live in dormitory. It is commonly accepted that dormitory life is a very important part of college life, so students should live in dormitory. In contrast, others think that students have the right to choose other places for accommodation.

Those who hold the first opinion suggest that dormitory life is colorful and interesting. In their view, when young people live in one dormitory, they tend to create and enjoy a culture of their own. However, others think dormitory life can be annoying. They argue that dormitory is always crowded and one can hardly feel convenient and comfortable.

Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the first group. First of all, I am interested in living with students from different places so that I can contact with special cultures. Furthermore, I can learn how to get along with other people from dormitory life. Thirdly, I like making friends and dormitory life gives me such chance. Therefore, I think dormitory life is worthy of living.


Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30minuttes to write a composition on the topic Marks or Abilities? You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below.





Mark or Abilities?

When it comes to the task of college students, students’ opinions differ. Many students believe that marks are very important. For one thing, they think that their primary task is to study and learn from teachers and textbooks. For another, they seldom take part in other activities, for they are afraid that those activities will affect their study.

Some students, however, take a different attitude. They regard it is more important to develop one’s own practical ability. In their views, college students should not learn from the textbook knowledge, they should also learn from outside the textbook. Furthermore, one’s own practical ability is of primary importance.

As far as I am concerned, we should first study hard, then try to develop our abilities at the same time. On the one hand, s

tudy is our primary task. On the other hand, we shouldn’t neglect our own practical abilities, for when we enter the society, we need va

rious abilities. So the sound foundation of knowledge along with practical abilities is essential for us to be useful for the society.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Electronic Dictionaries Are not Good. You should write at least 120 works following the outline given below.




Electronic Dictionaries Are not Good

There is a heated debate over electronic dictionaries. It is commonly accepted that using the electronic dictionaries has many advantages. In contrast, others think using electronic dictionaries has more disadvantages.

Those who hold the first opinion suggest that it is more convenient to press some keys on the machine. In their views, they should catch up with the new development of the science and technology. However, others think electronic dictionaries are not good. They argue that constant use of such electronic device may cause side effects.

Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the latter. First of all, electronic dictionaries do not contain as much information as a qualified dictionary compiled by authorities of the field. Furthermore, some explanations in them are so simple that they cam certainly cause misunderstanding. Thirdly, a lazy attitude towards language learning is always most inefficient in the long run. Therefore, a learner should have a good dictionary on hand and treat the electronic dictionary as a makeshift.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topic Going Out to See the World. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:

1.The benefits of traveling.

2.The disadvantages of traveling.

3.Your comments.

Going Out to See the World

When it comes to traveling, people’s opinions differ. Many people believe that traveling has many benefits. For one thing, by this instructive activity people can broaden their horizons, enrich their experience of life, and expand their scope of knowledge, especially of geography and history. For another, traveling offers challenge and opportunities of cultivating good character, such as independence, courage, and strong-mindedness.

Some people, however, take a different attitude. They regard travelers as those who ask for trouble. In their views, traveling wastes money and energy. Furthermore, it causes a lot of inconvenience if you leave your home even a day.

As far as I am concerned, traveling does more good than harm. On the one hand, the so-called disadvantages described above can be regarded as good conditions in which the travelers

can build up both physical strength and willpower. On the other hand, an exotic atmosphere and charming scenes will help you get rid of tiredness after work. So traveling is be

neficial in more than one way.



(1)Should / what…? Opinions of / Attitude toward … vary widely / greatly from person to person. Some think of / regard / view … as …. Others argue / believe / claim ….

(2)When being asked about …, different people have different views / perspectives on …

(3)There is an argument / much disagreement / no consensus of opinions among people concerning / over / as to / on …

(4)Nowadays, people are divided on the question as to whether …

(5)The issue / question of whether or not … has been widely argued / debated currently.

(6)Nowadays the rapid development of … has given rise to the issue of whether …

(7)… is a common occurrence in our daily life, but different people hold different attitudes towards it.

(8)… has become a heated topic among people today. Opinions vary from person to person.


(1)Some people suggest (/ maintain / think / believe / argue / feel / hold the opinion) that …

(2)Some people are inclined to / tend to think that …

(3)Those who criticize / object to / oppose … maintain that …

(4)Those who hold / advocate / are in favor of … believe that …

(5)To the general public / to the majority of people / to the general mind / to most people, …

(6)Many people prefer to think that …


(1)However / But / Yet / Nevertheless / While other people hold a different point of view. They insist that …

(2)On the contrary / In contrast , there are still many people who do not agree, and they claim / argue / believe that

(3)However, other people prefer …

(4)While others think … is a better choice.

(5)However, not everyone shares the opinion.

“我的观点“ 部分常用句型:

(1)For my part / As to me / As far as I am concerned, I’d like to agree to the former / later opinion.

(2)I am in favor of … / I am on the side of …

(3)In my opinion, both sides are partly right / there is some truth in both sides.

(4)Only after we have taken into consideration all aspects of the problem can we make the right decision.

(5)From my point of view, I think …

(6)In case of myself, I prefer…

(7)To me, the former opinion is more attractive in that …











Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports

Sports do us good in many ways.(优点的主题句) It does without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength.(优点1) In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation.(优点2) While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse in ourselves the competitive spirit.(优点3)

Every coin has two sides, and sports are no exception.(缺点的主题句) We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities.(缺点1) And again, excessive or severe training can also do harm to our health, which is just the opposite to what we expect.(缺点2)

Generally speaking, I love sports.(提出个人看法) I feel that sports make me healthy both physically and psychologically.(理由1) And I have also made many friends and derive much pleasure from taking part in sports.(理由2)


1. 陈述事物优点的常用句型

1)There are several advantages in…. The first /biggest advantage is that…

2) The advantages of … can be seen as follow. Fist … besides …

3) …is playing an increasing important role in people’s lives. For one thing … For another …

4) As is often / frequently pointed out that …, it certainly help people to solve / benefit … For all the advantages, it also brings other content that ….

5) For all / In spite of / Despite the disadvantages / side(/adverse) effects, it has its compensating advantages / beneficial effects

6) Nothing / Few things / There is hardly anything can equal / match with / be compared with … in terms of …

7) … has a positive impact / influence / effect on people’s lives.

2. 陈述事物的缺点的常用句型

1)However,…, just like anything else, has its negative side as well.

2) In the meantime, we can not ignore the disadvantages of …

3) However, the negative aspects of … are also apparent / obvious / evident. To begin with,… To make matter worse,

… Worst of all, ….

4) Like anything else, it has also its faults / shortcomings /disadvantages / weakness / problems / harmful effects.

5) However … just like anything else, it is not without limits / weakness / problems / fault

s / defects. The principal one is / For one thing, … Besides / For another, …

6) However, just as everything has two sides, … also has many disadvantages.

7) As the proverb goes, every coin has its two side / no garden without its weeds / every medal has its reverse, … is no exception.


1)In my case, the advantages overweigh / carry more weight than the disadvantages.

2)Anyway, I still hold … has more advantages than disadvantages.

3)But for me, I think what is more important is its positive side.

4)With the problems and the benefits …has exerted on us, I think what is more important is its positive side.

5)However, I still believe … has more advantages than disadvantages.

6)In fact, the advantages of / gained in / derived from … far outweigh / are much greater than the disadvantages / problems … entails.

7)Serious / High / Great as the problem / cost / difficulty mat be, it almost pales / disappears into insignificance before / beside / by comparison to / compared with ….

(一) 写作要领:

此类作文的重点在于如何解决问题,因此在简单地提出问题和分析问题之后,应该将文章的中心定为于解决问题方法上。其次考生在列举对策时,不仅要使问题的原因和问题的解决对应起来,而且要通过firstly, secondly, what’s more, finally等连接词的使用来确保文章的连贯性和条理性,从而使结构紧凑有序、论证有理有据。





英语范文: Improving the Chinese People’s English Level

English is most popular language in the world.No one can deny that English possesses considerable value nowadays.Therefore,we should improving the Chinese people's English level.

Many reasons contribute to this argument.First of all,most valuable books,newspapers and magazine are written in English.And many good movies and sings in English,too.what's more,if you like traveling,you want to make a trip round the world,English is your friend.Finally,we want to knowledge the world,English is good for us.

So far as I know,though study English is extremely monotonous,many people try hard to adapt ourselves to it.Because English

really an important international language.In the future,it will help us about work and life.










1 When it comes to _____________, people’s opinions differ. 2 Many people believe that ________________. 3 For one thing, ______________. 4 For another, ________.

5 Some people, however, take a different attitude. 6 They regard ___________. 7 In their views, ____________________. 8 Furthermore, ____________________.

9 As far as I am concerned, _________________. 10 On the one hand, _____________.11 On the other hand, _______________. 12 So _______________.

填充内容:1.文章主题2.一些人的观点3.理由一4.理由二 5. 另一些人反对 6. 另一些人的观点 7. 理由一 8. 理由二 9. 作者自己的观点、看法10. 观点一 11. 观点二 12. 总结上文


① When asked _____________________, people have different opinions.②Many people believe that _____________________.③On the one hand,___________.④on the other hand, ____________________. ⑤ All these point to the indispensability of _________________.

⑥However, others claim that ___________.⑦As far as they are concerned, _________________. ⑧Moreover,______________________.

⑨As for me, ___________.⑩Because _____________________.11 What’s more, ________________.12 Therefore,--_________________.

填充内容:1.文章主题2.一些人的观点3.理由一4.理由二5.主题词6.另外一些人的观点 8. 理由一 9. 理由二9 作者自己的观点、看法10. 论点一 11. 论点二 12. 总结全文



1 There is no c

onsensus of opinions among people as to _______________.2.Some people who are in favor of the idea of _____________hold that ___________. 3 For one thing, ____________. For another,________________.5. Therefore,__________.

6.However, those who insist on _______________ argue that _______________.7.In their opinions, ________________.8.In addition, _____________________.9 In addition,_________________. 9 Thus_____________________.

10 In my viewpoint, __________________.11 That is to say,_____________.12 In a word, _____________________________.

填充内容:1.文章主题2.一些人的观点3.理由一4.理由二5.总结上文6.另外一些人的观点 8. 理由一 9.总结上文10. 作者自己的观点、看法 11. 进一步解释说明作者的观点 12. 总结全文


1 There is a heated debate over _____________. 2 It is commonly accepted that _____________. 3 In contrast, others think _____________.

4 Those who hold the first opinion suggest that __________.5 In their view, _______________. 6 However, others think _________. 7 They argue that________.

8 Considering one after another, I stand on the side of ___________. 9 First of all,_______________. 10 Furthermore, _____________. 11 Thirdly, _____________. 12 Therefore, _________________.

填充内容:1. 文章主题 2. 一些人的观点 3.另一些人的观点 4. 揭示支持第一种观点的理由 5. 进一步解释说明第一种观点 6. 揭示支持第二种观点的理由 7.进一步解释说明第二种观点 8.作者自己的观点、看法 9. 论点一 10. 论点二 论点三 12.总结全文


Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled A Good Major or a Good University. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:

1. 学生在报考大学时面临两种选择—— 选好专业还是好大学。有人认为应该选择好专业

2. 也有人认为应该选择一所好大学

3. 我的看法


A Good Major or a Good University

When asked to choose between a good major and a good university before college enrollment, people have different opinions. Many people believe that a good university means great advantage for job application after graduation. On the one hand, a good university has good reputations, which adds credits for its graduates. On the other hand, a good university has all sorts of channels to help graduates get a good job. All these point to the indispensability of a good university.

However, others claim that a good major is all that counts. As far as they are concerned, excellent teaching staff of a good major makes sure that the student are sufficiently trained in the chosen field. Moreover, if one chooses a major that is most needed by the society, not only will he/she find a

job easily, but they will contribute much to the society.


for me, such choice should be made according to our academic interest. Because whether a major or a university is good depends on how we look at it. If certain major or university fits our interest, it will be considered good. What’s more, interest is the best teacher, so a choice of our own interest can help us overcome difficulties in the study. Therefore, let our interest decide for us.


A Good Major or a Good University

There is no consensus of opinion among people as to the choice between a good major or a good university before college enrollment. Some people who are in favor of the idea of having a good major hold that it can ensure one’s future success. For one thing, a good major, even in a common university, can help its students become rare talents, thus gaining in advantages for future competition. For another, a good major boasts various exclusive learning recourses which makes it highly possible for students to further their education. Therefore, a good major is more important.

However, those who insist on choosing a good university argue that graduates from famous universities are popular in talent market. In their opinions, a good university can give students confidence, which is very helpful in their study and future work. In addition, a good university has a set of educating system, incomparable with common university. Thus it is wiser to choose a good university.

In my viewpoint, a good university should be my only choice. If there is a chance, who doesn’t want to enter Bejing or Qinghua, Harvard or Yale? That is to say, a good university is worthy of every effort. In a word, a good university is of great importance in one’s future development.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life. You should write at least 120 works following the outline given below:





The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life

When it comes to whether university authorities should require students to live in dormitory, people’s opinions differ. Many people believe that there are great advantages of dormitory life. For one thing, students have the chance of enjoying the friendship of their roommates. This can be the most precious memory they have later in life. For another, university dormitories do not cost much, while live off campus can be very expensive. Let alone the issue of security.

Some people, however, take a different attitude. They regard dormitory as an undesirable place. In their view, since 4 to 8 people live in one dormitory, there is not enough privacy. Furthe

rmore, dormitory is troublesome because it is very likely that one could have clashes with his dorm mates.

As far as I am concerned, students benefit greatly from dormitory life. On the one hand, dormitory life provides precious lessons on how to communicate with others. On the other hand, students do not feel lonely. There are always people of the same age around. And when they have trouble, there are always helping hands in the dormitory. So why live off campus while there is good life right in here? Come and enjoy dormitory life.


The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life

There is a heated debate over whether students should be required to live in dormitory. It is commonly accepted that dormitory life is a very important part of college life, so students should live in dormitory. In contrast, others think that students have the right to choose other places for accommodation.

Those who hold the first opinion suggest that dormitory life is colorful and interesting. In their view, when young people live in one dormitory, they tend to create and enjoy a culture of their own. However, others think dormitory life can be annoying. They argue that dormitory is always crowded and one can hardly feel convenient and comfortable.

Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the first group. First of all, I am interested in living with students from different places so that I can contact with special cultures. Furthermore, I can learn how to get along with other people from dormitory life. Thirdly, I like making friends and dormitory life gives me such chance. Therefore, I think dormitory life is worthy of living.


Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30minuttes to write a composition on the topic Marks or Abilities? You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below.





Mark or Abilities?

When it comes to the task of college students, students’ opinions differ. Many students believe that marks are very important. For one thing, they think that their primary task is to study and learn from teachers and textbooks. For another, they seldom take part in other activities, for they are afraid that those activities will affect their study.

Some students, however, take a different attitude. They regard it is more important to develop one’s own practical ability. In their views, college students should not learn from the textbook knowledge, they should also learn from outside the textbook. Furthermore, one’s own practical ability is of primary importance.

As far as I am concerned, we should first study hard, then try to develop our abilities at the same time. On the one hand, s

tudy is our primary task. On the other hand, we shouldn’t neglect our own practical abilities, for when we enter the society, we need va

rious abilities. So the sound foundation of knowledge along with practical abilities is essential for us to be useful for the society.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Electronic Dictionaries Are not Good. You should write at least 120 works following the outline given below.




Electronic Dictionaries Are not Good

There is a heated debate over electronic dictionaries. It is commonly accepted that using the electronic dictionaries has many advantages. In contrast, others think using electronic dictionaries has more disadvantages.

Those who hold the first opinion suggest that it is more convenient to press some keys on the machine. In their views, they should catch up with the new development of the science and technology. However, others think electronic dictionaries are not good. They argue that constant use of such electronic device may cause side effects.

Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the latter. First of all, electronic dictionaries do not contain as much information as a qualified dictionary compiled by authorities of the field. Furthermore, some explanations in them are so simple that they cam certainly cause misunderstanding. Thirdly, a lazy attitude towards language learning is always most inefficient in the long run. Therefore, a learner should have a good dictionary on hand and treat the electronic dictionary as a makeshift.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topic Going Out to See the World. You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline below:

1.The benefits of traveling.

2.The disadvantages of traveling.

3.Your comments.

Going Out to See the World

When it comes to traveling, people’s opinions differ. Many people believe that traveling has many benefits. For one thing, by this instructive activity people can broaden their horizons, enrich their experience of life, and expand their scope of knowledge, especially of geography and history. For another, traveling offers challenge and opportunities of cultivating good character, such as independence, courage, and strong-mindedness.

Some people, however, take a different attitude. They regard travelers as those who ask for trouble. In their views, traveling wastes money and energy. Furthermore, it causes a lot of inconvenience if you leave your home even a day.

As far as I am concerned, traveling does more good than harm. On the one hand, the so-called disadvantages described above can be regarded as good conditions in which the travelers

can build up both physical strength and willpower. On the other hand, an exotic atmosphere and charming scenes will help you get rid of tiredness after work. So traveling is be

neficial in more than one way.



(1)Should / what…? Opinions of / Attitude toward … vary widely / greatly from person to person. Some think of / regard / view … as …. Others argue / believe / claim ….

(2)When being asked about …, different people have different views / perspectives on …

(3)There is an argument / much disagreement / no consensus of opinions among people concerning / over / as to / on …

(4)Nowadays, people are divided on the question as to whether …

(5)The issue / question of whether or not … has been widely argued / debated currently.

(6)Nowadays the rapid development of … has given rise to the issue of whether …

(7)… is a common occurrence in our daily life, but different people hold different attitudes towards it.

(8)… has become a heated topic among people today. Opinions vary from person to person.


(1)Some people suggest (/ maintain / think / believe / argue / feel / hold the opinion) that …

(2)Some people are inclined to / tend to think that …

(3)Those who criticize / object to / oppose … maintain that …

(4)Those who hold / advocate / are in favor of … believe that …

(5)To the general public / to the majority of people / to the general mind / to most people, …

(6)Many people prefer to think that …


(1)However / But / Yet / Nevertheless / While other people hold a different point of view. They insist that …

(2)On the contrary / In contrast , there are still many people who do not agree, and they claim / argue / believe that

(3)However, other people prefer …

(4)While others think … is a better choice.

(5)However, not everyone shares the opinion.

“我的观点“ 部分常用句型:

(1)For my part / As to me / As far as I am concerned, I’d like to agree to the former / later opinion.

(2)I am in favor of … / I am on the side of …

(3)In my opinion, both sides are partly right / there is some truth in both sides.

(4)Only after we have taken into consideration all aspects of the problem can we make the right decision.

(5)From my point of view, I think …

(6)In case of myself, I prefer…

(7)To me, the former opinion is more attractive in that …











Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports

Sports do us good in many ways.(优点的主题句) It does without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength.(优点1) In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation.(优点2) While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse in ourselves the competitive spirit.(优点3)

Every coin has two sides, and sports are no exception.(缺点的主题句) We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities.(缺点1) And again, excessive or severe training can also do harm to our health, which is just the opposite to what we expect.(缺点2)

Generally speaking, I love sports.(提出个人看法) I feel that sports make me healthy both physically and psychologically.(理由1) And I have also made many friends and derive much pleasure from taking part in sports.(理由2)


1. 陈述事物优点的常用句型

1)There are several advantages in…. The first /biggest advantage is that…

2) The advantages of … can be seen as follow. Fist … besides …

3) …is playing an increasing important role in people’s lives. For one thing … For another …

4) As is often / frequently pointed out that …, it certainly help people to solve / benefit … For all the advantages, it also brings other content that ….

5) For all / In spite of / Despite the disadvantages / side(/adverse) effects, it has its compensating advantages / beneficial effects

6) Nothing / Few things / There is hardly anything can equal / match with / be compared with … in terms of …

7) … has a positive impact / influence / effect on people’s lives.

2. 陈述事物的缺点的常用句型

1)However,…, just like anything else, has its negative side as well.

2) In the meantime, we can not ignore the disadvantages of …

3) However, the negative aspects of … are also apparent / obvious / evident. To begin with,… To make matter worse,

… Worst of all, ….

4) Like anything else, it has also its faults / shortcomings /disadvantages / weakness / problems / harmful effects.

5) However … just like anything else, it is not without limits / weakness / problems / fault

s / defects. The principal one is / For one thing, … Besides / For another, …

6) However, just as everything has two sides, … also has many disadvantages.

7) As the proverb goes, every coin has its two side / no garden without its weeds / every medal has its reverse, … is no exception.


1)In my case, the advantages overweigh / carry more weight than the disadvantages.

2)Anyway, I still hold … has more advantages than disadvantages.

3)But for me, I think what is more important is its positive side.

4)With the problems and the benefits …has exerted on us, I think what is more important is its positive side.

5)However, I still believe … has more advantages than disadvantages.

6)In fact, the advantages of / gained in / derived from … far outweigh / are much greater than the disadvantages / problems … entails.

7)Serious / High / Great as the problem / cost / difficulty mat be, it almost pales / disappears into insignificance before / beside / by comparison to / compared with ….

(一) 写作要领:

此类作文的重点在于如何解决问题,因此在简单地提出问题和分析问题之后,应该将文章的中心定为于解决问题方法上。其次考生在列举对策时,不仅要使问题的原因和问题的解决对应起来,而且要通过firstly, secondly, what’s more, finally等连接词的使用来确保文章的连贯性和条理性,从而使结构紧凑有序、论证有理有据。





英语范文: Improving the Chinese People’s English Level

English is most popular language in the world.No one can deny that English possesses considerable value nowadays.Therefore,we should improving the Chinese people's English level.

Many reasons contribute to this argument.First of all,most valuable books,newspapers and magazine are written in English.And many good movies and sings in English,too.what's more,if you like traveling,you want to make a trip round the world,English is your friend.Finally,we want to knowledge the world,English is good for us.

So far as I know,though study English is extremely monotonous,many people try hard to adapt ourselves to it.Because English

really an important international language.In the future,it will help us about work and life.


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