




The lecture completely refutes/casts doubt on/challenges the passage. It is said/contended/argued/stated/suggested in the lecture that the painting is actually/indeed a work by Rembrandt.

The professor challenges the passage by suggesting that the painting is actually a work by Rembrandt.

According to the reading passage, the portrait could not be a work by Rembrandt for several flaws in it that a master of art cannot make. However, the lecture completely

refutes/casts doubt on/challenges the passage.

The professor in the lecture completely refutes the viewpoint in the passage that the portrait could not be a work by

Rembrandt for several flaws in it that a master of art cannot make.


中间段写以下三个要素:R2 L2 L3(其中R2和L2可以根据具体题目的措辞省一个)

The passage first contends that the inconsistent fashion in which the woman in the painting is dressed suggests that the painting cannot be a work by Rembrandt. However, the professor says that the inconsistency is not from the

original painting. She says that, according X-ray analysis of the pigments in the painting, the fur collar was added to the painting 100 years after the painting was finished. Someone did this probably because they wanted to make the woman in it look more like an aristocratic (royal) lady, and thus increase the value of the painting.

According to the passage, the unrealistic light and shadow in the painting also proves that it cannot be a work by

Rembrandt. The professor, however, again refutes the passage by saying that there’s nothing wrong with the light and

shadow in the original painting. When the added fur collar is removed from the painting, she says, we can see that the woman in the portrait is wearing a simple collar of light-colored cloth that reflects light to illuminate part of the woman’s face. It is natural, therefore, that we see the face illuminated by light reflected from below.

The last point in the reading is that the painting was painted on a panel made of several pieces of wood glued together and thus cannot be a work by Rembrandt who would

only use a single piece of wood as a panel. Nevertheless, the professor believes to the contrary and says that after the fur collar was added, extra wood pieces were then glued to the sides and the top of the wood panel to make it larger, so that it could look grander and more valuable. Besides, the wood panel used for this painting is from the very same tree as the wood panel used for his self-portrait with a hat.


1. 按照这个TPO3的综合写作范文去写,句型可以模仿;

2. 阅读的细节坚决不写,阅读一定要写得很简略,每段都是;

3. 听力的细节(L3)尽量一个不漏,尽量全部写下来。





The lecture completely refutes/casts doubt on/challenges the passage. It is said/contended/argued/stated/suggested in the lecture that the painting is actually/indeed a work by Rembrandt.

The professor challenges the passage by suggesting that the painting is actually a work by Rembrandt.

According to the reading passage, the portrait could not be a work by Rembrandt for several flaws in it that a master of art cannot make. However, the lecture completely

refutes/casts doubt on/challenges the passage.

The professor in the lecture completely refutes the viewpoint in the passage that the portrait could not be a work by

Rembrandt for several flaws in it that a master of art cannot make.


中间段写以下三个要素:R2 L2 L3(其中R2和L2可以根据具体题目的措辞省一个)

The passage first contends that the inconsistent fashion in which the woman in the painting is dressed suggests that the painting cannot be a work by Rembrandt. However, the professor says that the inconsistency is not from the

original painting. She says that, according X-ray analysis of the pigments in the painting, the fur collar was added to the painting 100 years after the painting was finished. Someone did this probably because they wanted to make the woman in it look more like an aristocratic (royal) lady, and thus increase the value of the painting.

According to the passage, the unrealistic light and shadow in the painting also proves that it cannot be a work by

Rembrandt. The professor, however, again refutes the passage by saying that there’s nothing wrong with the light and

shadow in the original painting. When the added fur collar is removed from the painting, she says, we can see that the woman in the portrait is wearing a simple collar of light-colored cloth that reflects light to illuminate part of the woman’s face. It is natural, therefore, that we see the face illuminated by light reflected from below.

The last point in the reading is that the painting was painted on a panel made of several pieces of wood glued together and thus cannot be a work by Rembrandt who would

only use a single piece of wood as a panel. Nevertheless, the professor believes to the contrary and says that after the fur collar was added, extra wood pieces were then glued to the sides and the top of the wood panel to make it larger, so that it could look grander and more valuable. Besides, the wood panel used for this painting is from the very same tree as the wood panel used for his self-portrait with a hat.


1. 按照这个TPO3的综合写作范文去写,句型可以模仿;

2. 阅读的细节坚决不写,阅读一定要写得很简略,每段都是;

3. 听力的细节(L3)尽量一个不漏,尽量全部写下来。


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