
Ji Lin University is a leading national univerisity under the direct jurisdiction of China ’s Ministry of Education.Located in Changchun,the captial city of Jilin Province in Northeastern China,the Univerisity has eight campuses in five districts which are home thirtynine colleges covering eleven academic disciplines,including philosophy, economics,law,literature,education,history,science,engineering,agriculture,medicine,a n-d management.The University boasts sixteen disciplinary areas,five national key laboratories,and eight national bases for the development of basic science.Other resources include five research bases for humanities and social sciences,seven key laboratories sponsored by the Ministry of Education and eleven by other ministries of Chinese government.JLU offers a variety of degree programs.It has 115 undergraduate programs,192 master ’s degree programs,105 doctoral degree programs,and 17 postdoctoral proframs.

Ji Lin University is a leading national univerisity under the direct jurisdiction of China ’s Ministry of Education.Located in Changchun,the captial city of Jilin Province in Northeastern China,the Univerisity has eight campuses in five districts which are home thirtynine colleges covering eleven academic disciplines,including philosophy, economics,law,literature,education,history,science,engineering,agriculture,medicine,a n-d management.The University boasts sixteen disciplinary areas,five national key laboratories,and eight national bases for the development of basic science.Other resources include five research bases for humanities and social sciences,seven key laboratories sponsored by the Ministry of Education and eleven by other ministries of Chinese government.JLU offers a variety of degree programs.It has 115 undergraduate programs,192 master ’s degree programs,105 doctoral degree programs,and 17 postdoctoral proframs.


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