


take good care of


That lost monkey was taken good care of by the villagers.


out of expectation

选举结果出乎意料,这令大多数人颇为失望。(which )

The outcome/result of the election was out of expectation, which made most people feel disappointed.

有朝一日 if one day


How great it is if one day the students can choose the style of the school uniform by themselves.

自主选择 choose…by oneself


How great it is if one day the students can choose the style of the school uniform by themselves.

低碳经济 low-carbon economy


Citizens are encouraged to buy electronic cars, which, in the long run,will help to promote the low-carbon economy.

长远来看 in the long run


Citizens are encouraged to buy electronic cars, which, in the long run,will help to promote the low-carbon economy.

意外伤害 unexpected injuries

学生应该学会如何保护自己以防止意外伤害的建议是很有用的。(suggestion ) Everyone should be responsible for his decision ,because life is a series of choices.

坚持不懈 keep on working hard

无论遇到什么困难, 只要你坚持不懈地努力,你所有的梦想都会实现。(Whatever )

Whatever difficulty you may /might meet (with), all your dreams will come true, as long as you keep on working hard.

有待观察 it remains to be seen

这个项目启动以来,已经消耗了相当多的时间和资金,但所有的任务能否按时完成还有待进一步观察。(but )

Much time and fund has been spent since the project started, but it remains to be seen whether all the tasks can be finished on time.

感动人心 touch sb.

基于真实故事的小说往往更能感动人心。(base )

Novels based on true stories are more likely to touch readers.

毫无疑问 There is no doubt that

毫无疑问在如今这个充满竞争的社会,保持幽默有助于减少压力并促进创造性思维。(contribute )

There is no doubt that in such a competitive society, keeping a sense of humor contributes to reducing pressure and promoting creative thinking.

艰难险阻 all the difficulties

正是我国宇航员的精神才使我们克服了所有的艰难险阻。(enabl e )

It was the spirit of astronauts/ the astronauts’ spirit of our country that enabled us to overcome all the difficulties.

掌握之中 under control


I can assure you that everything is under control at present.

突如其来 unexpected

措手不及 completely unprepared


The country is completely unprepared to face the unexpected disaster Facing the sudden disaster,the country is totally unprepared.

随时随地 anytime and anywhere

智能手机(smartphone )不仅让你了解世界上发生的事情,而且可以让你随时

随地上网购物。(not only)

Not only do smartphones inform you of what is happening in the world, but also they enable you to do online shopping anytime and anywhere.

一致认为 It is thought that


It is thought that whoever has a sense of responsibility and perseverance/persistence is qualified to apply for the position.

印象深刻 impressive/greatly impress


Never has Mary’s performance been so impressive.

重男轻女 value sons over daughters


In many parts of the world, the phenomenon of valuing sons over daughters has put many women at a disadvantage in education and employment.

物美价廉 buy high-quality goods at low prices


The annual spending holiday produced by merchants provides common people with a chance to buy high-quality goods at low prices.

固执己见 stubborn/ opinioned

我认为就此问题与那些固执己见的人争论下去没有意义了。 ( point n . )

I think there is/would be no point (in) keeping arguing about this question/issue with those who are stubborn/ who are opinioned.

映入眼帘 came into view/met our eyes

进入丛林不远,只见一条清澈的小溪映入了我们的眼帘。 ( before )

A (little/small) clear stream came into view/met our eyes before we had traveled/gone far into the woods.

普遍认为 It is widely acknowledged that

1. 人们普遍认为丰富的想象力可以在很大程度上弥补材料的缺乏。

(acknowl edge )

It is widely acknowledged that rich imagination can to a great extent make up for the lack of materials.

抵制诱惑 resist the temptation of

要不了多久我的同学们定能学会抵制网络游戏的诱惑。(It )

It won’t be long before my classmates (fellow students) can learn to resist the temptation of (playing) online games.

职业规划 personal career planning

期望尽可能多的学生参与到“个人职业生涯规划”的主题活动中来。(participate ) As many students as possible are expected to participate in the theme activities of “personal career planning”.

challenge the limits


Risk-taking is a way of life for those who repeatedly challenge the limits.

更不用说 not to mention


Only by reciting words is it impossible for anyone to get a good grade in the exam, not to mention the ability to communicate with foreigners.



take good care of


That lost monkey was taken good care of by the villagers.


out of expectation

选举结果出乎意料,这令大多数人颇为失望。(which )

The outcome/result of the election was out of expectation, which made most people feel disappointed.

有朝一日 if one day


How great it is if one day the students can choose the style of the school uniform by themselves.

自主选择 choose…by oneself


How great it is if one day the students can choose the style of the school uniform by themselves.

低碳经济 low-carbon economy


Citizens are encouraged to buy electronic cars, which, in the long run,will help to promote the low-carbon economy.

长远来看 in the long run


Citizens are encouraged to buy electronic cars, which, in the long run,will help to promote the low-carbon economy.

意外伤害 unexpected injuries

学生应该学会如何保护自己以防止意外伤害的建议是很有用的。(suggestion ) Everyone should be responsible for his decision ,because life is a series of choices.

坚持不懈 keep on working hard

无论遇到什么困难, 只要你坚持不懈地努力,你所有的梦想都会实现。(Whatever )

Whatever difficulty you may /might meet (with), all your dreams will come true, as long as you keep on working hard.

有待观察 it remains to be seen

这个项目启动以来,已经消耗了相当多的时间和资金,但所有的任务能否按时完成还有待进一步观察。(but )

Much time and fund has been spent since the project started, but it remains to be seen whether all the tasks can be finished on time.

感动人心 touch sb.

基于真实故事的小说往往更能感动人心。(base )

Novels based on true stories are more likely to touch readers.

毫无疑问 There is no doubt that

毫无疑问在如今这个充满竞争的社会,保持幽默有助于减少压力并促进创造性思维。(contribute )

There is no doubt that in such a competitive society, keeping a sense of humor contributes to reducing pressure and promoting creative thinking.

艰难险阻 all the difficulties

正是我国宇航员的精神才使我们克服了所有的艰难险阻。(enabl e )

It was the spirit of astronauts/ the astronauts’ spirit of our country that enabled us to overcome all the difficulties.

掌握之中 under control


I can assure you that everything is under control at present.

突如其来 unexpected

措手不及 completely unprepared


The country is completely unprepared to face the unexpected disaster Facing the sudden disaster,the country is totally unprepared.

随时随地 anytime and anywhere

智能手机(smartphone )不仅让你了解世界上发生的事情,而且可以让你随时

随地上网购物。(not only)

Not only do smartphones inform you of what is happening in the world, but also they enable you to do online shopping anytime and anywhere.

一致认为 It is thought that


It is thought that whoever has a sense of responsibility and perseverance/persistence is qualified to apply for the position.

印象深刻 impressive/greatly impress


Never has Mary’s performance been so impressive.

重男轻女 value sons over daughters


In many parts of the world, the phenomenon of valuing sons over daughters has put many women at a disadvantage in education and employment.

物美价廉 buy high-quality goods at low prices


The annual spending holiday produced by merchants provides common people with a chance to buy high-quality goods at low prices.

固执己见 stubborn/ opinioned

我认为就此问题与那些固执己见的人争论下去没有意义了。 ( point n . )

I think there is/would be no point (in) keeping arguing about this question/issue with those who are stubborn/ who are opinioned.

映入眼帘 came into view/met our eyes

进入丛林不远,只见一条清澈的小溪映入了我们的眼帘。 ( before )

A (little/small) clear stream came into view/met our eyes before we had traveled/gone far into the woods.

普遍认为 It is widely acknowledged that

1. 人们普遍认为丰富的想象力可以在很大程度上弥补材料的缺乏。

(acknowl edge )

It is widely acknowledged that rich imagination can to a great extent make up for the lack of materials.

抵制诱惑 resist the temptation of

要不了多久我的同学们定能学会抵制网络游戏的诱惑。(It )

It won’t be long before my classmates (fellow students) can learn to resist the temptation of (playing) online games.

职业规划 personal career planning

期望尽可能多的学生参与到“个人职业生涯规划”的主题活动中来。(participate ) As many students as possible are expected to participate in the theme activities of “personal career planning”.

challenge the limits


Risk-taking is a way of life for those who repeatedly challenge the limits.

更不用说 not to mention


Only by reciting words is it impossible for anyone to get a good grade in the exam, not to mention the ability to communicate with foreigners.


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