死亡诗社经典台词 1



、I went1 t tho woods because Ie antwd te oile vdliebretelya I …antwed t olie deve pnd ascku uo tal thelm rrowa fo lfi!e o Tptut oort all tuhta wsa nt olfie… Adn on wthe Incam eto d e,i disocervt at h Iadh ont lied…


 我步 入丛,因林我希为活得有意望 … 义我希望活深得刻,取汲生命有的所精!髓 把非命生一的全切都击 溃 以免…我生在命终时结发现,自从来己没有过 活

  、W2e do'n tera dnd awrit eoptey rbecauesi 'tsc uet. W erea dad writnepo erty ecbuasewe are membesr fothe hmau ranc.e nd thAe huan rmcaei sfil el dwth passion. inA demdicnie l,wa,b usiess, engineering,nth see ae noble prursius andtn ecseary ts suostin aifl. Beutp eotr, yeabtuyroma,cne, ovle,t ehs aee rwht wa esayt aivl efor

. 我们读诗写 ,诗为它的灵巧非。们我读诗写诗,为因我们是人类一员。而人类的满充热情了医。,法律,药商业,程工,些都这是贵的高理,并想且是生的必需条维。但件诗,是,浪漫美爱,,些这是才们生存我原因。

  3J、us whte yon uhink touykno wsmoehtign yo,uhav et oolo ak itt ni anoteh wra.



 4、vEne tohug hti am ysem siell yo wrrngo,y o umust tr!

 y 使即那来似看乎愚笨或误错你,都必们须试。试

  5Now、,w eh ynu roed, doant'j uts consiedr,wht ateh auhot rhitnk,csnoside rhwt youath ni.


当你阅 时,读别只到想者的作见,解想想你的见。解


6、B yos ,ou must ytsriv eto ifnd yuro wn oovice.


  、B7ecaue ths loegner you awi tto ebginth, elsse ilely koyuare to ifdn it a atll

 . 因为你候起等的步时愈间,长愈便可能不到它。

  8、Thor找aue sid,a “osMtm nele dal ievso f quei tdepsertaoin”.



 中 、9on'Dt b eesigrednto th at. rBekaout

!  听任别事此生发。要破!


、R0borte rFst soai, tdworo da dsivegrd in eaw oo dna Id ootkt he oe nels trsveale by, dndat htah sama eda l thl differeecen.



  11、I yfou otnicd, evereyoe stnrtae dffowi htthe ir on stwride,the r iow pnca.

e 你 们是注若,意个每人都以是自己步幅的走行


2、Nw,oI iddn' tbrign htme uphe er otri icdleu the.


我叫 他上前不们为是了嘲弄他们

  31I、 robghu themt p hure eo iltlusratte hte piontof cnformoti:y




 41、Th defifiuclytin amitnaiinng oyur wonbe ielf is nth efaceof o thesr

 .在他 人前坚面护自己信念困难所的。在


 15、Iw oludve' alwkeddi fef



 1 、W6 ale lhav a ergea neted fr oacecpance.t



  7、1uB tyuo mus trust thtaty uo rbelies afr euiquen ,oyu orw




8、E1vnet ohug hothersm a thinyk tem ohddo r upopnlua



  19、入Eve nhtoug hheth re day gmo t,aht'sb a.d



To、s rtggue alaignstg erato ds,dto emt enemiees udauntnd


 与逆境不屈抗 争以无畏,气的面对敌势人

。 2 1To b、 ea asilro of htew ord bolnu fodr llapo tr.s



2 、O2h I l,vei t oe the rbleur f lioe, fntoa salv.e

 我 做生活的要主,而宰奴隶。


3To、 omntu th escffaldos .o Tdvaane toc th mezzues lofgu ns it wepferctnon haclnca.




2、4O, to hahevl ifeh necfoert thh peem oo newf jyos.

 让 后今生命如的喜的悦诗

 2 、5Le ittfi l lyor suulo.



2、6 sIondu …my arbarbic…y aw…ovpe rth reofoopsto ft eh owlrd.

 我听见我 野那原蛮的呐始喊越世过界的脊屋。


27、  Ilocesmy eey, asdn thi siamg floaetsb sidee m.e

 我闭 眼睛上,的影他在像身边我飘。动


2 8、Bcaeusewe raefoo d ofr owmrslads. Be cusa, beeielev r ono,t aehc noe o us finth isr oom s oni eday goig tnosto pb raehtig, tnrnu clod ad dnie

. 因为我们都 是凡人孩子,。因们信不信由你为,这房子里间的每个人总一天有要停都止呼吸僵,,死冷亡。

 2 9I、w olduli e kouyto ste pfoward ovrre hre, aednp euse sroe om tfe fahes cromfthe p ats.Yo 'uev wakle dpat tseh mamny times, ut Ibd n'ott inkh oy've ueraly llokeo adtthe .mT hy'er ent toha dtiferefntfr o myo,uare tey?hS ae mahriucs…t…ull Ffoh rmonoes J.ut lski yoeu I.nincvilbeju ts lie ykuo f ll. ehe Torwdli s thieroy ter. sTehy blieve thee'yredes inetdfo rgrea thitgnsj stu ilkem nay of yo.u hTie eyrse ae frlulof hop e,ju t likseyou .




3 0Di、 thde wyai utntl iti wsa ot olta te moae krfom heitrl vei esvn eonei oatof wh atthe ywre ecaable? pBcaueesyou s ee ,gntleemn, teeshe obysa e now frreiltizignd ffadoisl.B t ufiy u lisoetnr al ecose, ylo cuan eah rhemt whsiperthe r legiac yotyou. Go no, lanei .nLi tesn,yo ueahr i?t arCephe…a ir? tC…apr,eCa perd emi s.iez eth edya ,ob

ys ,makeyo ru ilev sxteaordrinry.


  们是他否虚时度光到,最一后无成所因?各位所为见的到……这些男现孩都在已化尘为土,了如你们果仔倾细,便听能听他见在低们声耳语附耳,去,过仔听,细听了?C见RPEA听…了见吗CAR?EP CARPE… IED 及时行M乐孩子们,,你的让生命超脱凡俗。



、I went1 t tho woods because Ie antwd te oile vdliebretelya I …antwed t olie deve pnd ascku uo tal thelm rrowa fo lfi!e o Tptut oort all tuhta wsa nt olfie… Adn on wthe Incam eto d e,i disocervt at h Iadh ont lied…


 我步 入丛,因林我希为活得有意望 … 义我希望活深得刻,取汲生命有的所精!髓 把非命生一的全切都击 溃 以免…我生在命终时结发现,自从来己没有过 活

  、W2e do'n tera dnd awrit eoptey rbecauesi 'tsc uet. W erea dad writnepo erty ecbuasewe are membesr fothe hmau ranc.e nd thAe huan rmcaei sfil el dwth passion. inA demdicnie l,wa,b usiess, engineering,nth see ae noble prursius andtn ecseary ts suostin aifl. Beutp eotr, yeabtuyroma,cne, ovle,t ehs aee rwht wa esayt aivl efor

. 我们读诗写 ,诗为它的灵巧非。们我读诗写诗,为因我们是人类一员。而人类的满充热情了医。,法律,药商业,程工,些都这是贵的高理,并想且是生的必需条维。但件诗,是,浪漫美爱,,些这是才们生存我原因。

  3J、us whte yon uhink touykno wsmoehtign yo,uhav et oolo ak itt ni anoteh wra.



 4、vEne tohug hti am ysem siell yo wrrngo,y o umust tr!

 y 使即那来似看乎愚笨或误错你,都必们须试。试

  5Now、,w eh ynu roed, doant'j uts consiedr,wht ateh auhot rhitnk,csnoside rhwt youath ni.


当你阅 时,读别只到想者的作见,解想想你的见。解


6、B yos ,ou must ytsriv eto ifnd yuro wn oovice.


  、B7ecaue ths loegner you awi tto ebginth, elsse ilely koyuare to ifdn it a atll

 . 因为你候起等的步时愈间,长愈便可能不到它。

  8、Thor找aue sid,a “osMtm nele dal ievso f quei tdepsertaoin”.



 中 、9on'Dt b eesigrednto th at. rBekaout

!  听任别事此生发。要破!


、R0borte rFst soai, tdworo da dsivegrd in eaw oo dna Id ootkt he oe nels trsveale by, dndat htah sama eda l thl differeecen.



  11、I yfou otnicd, evereyoe stnrtae dffowi htthe ir on stwride,the r iow pnca.

e 你 们是注若,意个每人都以是自己步幅的走行


2、Nw,oI iddn' tbrign htme uphe er otri icdleu the.


我叫 他上前不们为是了嘲弄他们

  31I、 robghu themt p hure eo iltlusratte hte piontof cnformoti:y




 41、Th defifiuclytin amitnaiinng oyur wonbe ielf is nth efaceof o thesr

 .在他 人前坚面护自己信念困难所的。在


 15、Iw oludve' alwkeddi fef



 1 、W6 ale lhav a ergea neted fr oacecpance.t



  7、1uB tyuo mus trust thtaty uo rbelies afr euiquen ,oyu orw




8、E1vnet ohug hothersm a thinyk tem ohddo r upopnlua



  19、入Eve nhtoug hheth re day gmo t,aht'sb a.d



To、s rtggue alaignstg erato ds,dto emt enemiees udauntnd


 与逆境不屈抗 争以无畏,气的面对敌势人

。 2 1To b、 ea asilro of htew ord bolnu fodr llapo tr.s



2 、O2h I l,vei t oe the rbleur f lioe, fntoa salv.e

 我 做生活的要主,而宰奴隶。


3To、 omntu th escffaldos .o Tdvaane toc th mezzues lofgu ns it wepferctnon haclnca.




2、4O, to hahevl ifeh necfoert thh peem oo newf jyos.

 让 后今生命如的喜的悦诗

 2 、5Le ittfi l lyor suulo.



2、6 sIondu …my arbarbic…y aw…ovpe rth reofoopsto ft eh owlrd.

 我听见我 野那原蛮的呐始喊越世过界的脊屋。


27、  Ilocesmy eey, asdn thi siamg floaetsb sidee m.e

 我闭 眼睛上,的影他在像身边我飘。动


2 8、Bcaeusewe raefoo d ofr owmrslads. Be cusa, beeielev r ono,t aehc noe o us finth isr oom s oni eday goig tnosto pb raehtig, tnrnu clod ad dnie

. 因为我们都 是凡人孩子,。因们信不信由你为,这房子里间的每个人总一天有要停都止呼吸僵,,死冷亡。

 2 9I、w olduli e kouyto ste pfoward ovrre hre, aednp euse sroe om tfe fahes cromfthe p ats.Yo 'uev wakle dpat tseh mamny times, ut Ibd n'ott inkh oy've ueraly llokeo adtthe .mT hy'er ent toha dtiferefntfr o myo,uare tey?hS ae mahriucs…t…ull Ffoh rmonoes J.ut lski yoeu I.nincvilbeju ts lie ykuo f ll. ehe Torwdli s thieroy ter. sTehy blieve thee'yredes inetdfo rgrea thitgnsj stu ilkem nay of yo.u hTie eyrse ae frlulof hop e,ju t likseyou .




3 0Di、 thde wyai utntl iti wsa ot olta te moae krfom heitrl vei esvn eonei oatof wh atthe ywre ecaable? pBcaueesyou s ee ,gntleemn, teeshe obysa e now frreiltizignd ffadoisl.B t ufiy u lisoetnr al ecose, ylo cuan eah rhemt whsiperthe r legiac yotyou. Go no, lanei .nLi tesn,yo ueahr i?t arCephe…a ir? tC…apr,eCa perd emi s.iez eth edya ,ob

ys ,makeyo ru ilev sxteaordrinry.


  们是他否虚时度光到,最一后无成所因?各位所为见的到……这些男现孩都在已化尘为土,了如你们果仔倾细,便听能听他见在低们声耳语附耳,去,过仔听,细听了?C见RPEA听…了见吗CAR?EP CARPE… IED 及时行M乐孩子们,,你的让生命超脱凡俗。


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