


1. 柴油发电机房的选址


2. 通风

柴油发电机房的通风问题是机房设计中要特别注意解决的问题,特别是机房位于地下室时更要处理好,否则会直接影响柴油机发电机组的运行。机组的排风一般应设热风管道有组织地进行,不宜让柴油机散热器把热量散在机房内,再由排风机抽出。机房内要有足够的新风补充。柴油机在运行时,机房的换气量应等于或大于柴油机燃烧所需新风量与维持机房室温所需新风量之和。维持室温所需新风量由下式计算: C= 0.078P T

式中: C——需要的新风量(m3/s)


T——机房温升( °C)。



S1≥1.5S S2≥1.8S

式中: S——柴油机散热面积;




3. 排烟



4. 基础




5. 机房接地


6. 燃油的存放


V=G· γ · A ·τ

式中: V——日用油箱容积(m 3);


γ棗燃油重度(kg/m 3),轻柴油为810~860kg/m 3;



当机房设在高层建筑内时,日用油箱应设专用房间,用防火墙与柴油发电机隔开。 根据《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》(GB 50045 -95, 2005 年版) , 高层建筑自备柴油发电机房可布置在建筑物的地下一、二层, 不应布置在地下三层及以下。为了方便电缆管线的进出、便于就近控制、减少值班人员, 建议柴油发电机房宜尽量与变配电所贴邻布置, 同时应有一侧靠外墙布置。柴油发电机房应预留排烟、通风、冷却通道, 冷却方式以风冷最为简便。柴油发电机房应设置不超过8 小时用油量的柴油储油间, 若储油量超过规范规定的储油量时, 应增设室外储油罐。柴油发电机组通常需整体搬运, 设计时应预留足够的搬运通道。

Diesel generator room design

Room design

The location of a diesel generator room

Taking into account the diesel generator set air intake, exhaust, smoke and other, if the conditions when the best room on the first floor. However, the expensive high-rise buildings, especially the first floor is typically used for business, is the gold zone, so the engine room are generally located in the basement. Basement access should not be the natural ventilation is poor people room design a series of adverse factors, designed to handle. The engine room location should note the following: (1) should not be located around the external walls of the room, create the conditions for export outdoor hot air pipes and exhaust pipes; the ② try to avoid the main entrance of the building facade and other parts to avoid smoke, exhaust its cause; (3) pay attention to the noise impact on the environment; ④ should be close to the building of the substation, so ease of wiring, reducing power consumption, easy operation and management.

2 Ventilation

The diesel generator room ventilation room design, paying particular attention to solve problems, especially the engine room in the basement properly handle, otherwise it will directly affect the operation of the diesel generator set. The exhaust of the unit should normally be set up hot air pipe to carry out organized, not diesel radiator heat scattered in the engine room, and then drawn by the exhaust fan. Have enough fresh air in the engine room supplement. Diesel engine at runtime, the engine room ventilation should be equal

to or greater than the diesel engine combustion and fresh air and to maintain the room at room temperature required for fresh air and Maintain the required fresh air at room temperature by the following formula: C = 0.078PT

Where: C - need fresh air (m3 / s)

P - diesel engine rated power (kW)

T - the engine room temperature rise (° C).

Maintain the diesel engine combustion and fresh air to the manufacturers of the unit obtained in the absence of information, per kilowatt brake power needs 0.1m3/min operator (diesel engine braking power with generator power output kW number of 1.1 times). The diesel generator room ventilation is generally taken to exhaust to set the air pipe, into the wind into the wind as a natural way. Air pipe with the diesel engine radiator together, and its connections with flexible connector, the hot air pipe should be straight, if you want to turn, the turning radius is as large as possible and internal to be smooth, the outlet as close as possible and is directly stretched out on the radiator hot air management outside the tube can be difficult to set pipe to export. Air inlet and outlet should be arranged at both ends of the unit, so as to prevent the air short circuit, affecting the cooling effect.

Outlet of the engine room, the air inlet area should meet the requirement below: S1 is ≥ 1.5S S2, ≥ 1.8S

Where: S - diesel engine cooling area;

S1 - outlet area;

S2 - air inlet area;

In cold areas should be noted that the air inlet and exhaust port is usually room temperature to avoid the low room temperature affect the unit's start. Outlet and outdoor connections can be set throttle, usually turned off and automatically turn on when the unit operation.

3. Smoke

The exhaust system of emissions in the cylinder to the outside. Exhaust system should minimize back pressure will result in diesel engines contribute to the decline and increase in temperature rise because the increase of exhaust resistance. Exhaust pipe laying methods used there are two kinds: ① the level of overhead installation, the advantage is less turn, the resistance is small, the drawback is to increase the indoor heat dissipation, so that the room temperature; ② The trench laying the advantage of the indoor heat a small amount of drawback The exhaust pipes turn, the resistance is relatively large. Commonly used in high-rise building is the level of overhead installation. The exhaust pipe should be separate leads, and to minimize the elbow. Exhaust gas temperature 350 ~ 5500C, in order to prevent burns and reduce radiant heat, the exhaust pipe should be insulated processing. Exhaust noise in the unit total noise be

The strongest one, should be set to the muffler to reduce noise.

4 basic

Based primarily used to support the full weight of the diesel generator sets and the base of the base is located on the basis of the unit installed in the base, the base generally take damping measures.

Commonly used in high-rise building high-speed diesel generator sets, when the unit is

installed on the floor that is not the lowest, Note by heavy concrete foundation, so as not to base too heavy and increase the floor load design when the unit load plant to provide to the structure of professional . When the unit at the the bottom of the building shall be the unit to set the concrete foundation. Bottom corner screws embedded, can also crew arrive in the electric drill to install.

(5) Grounding

General application of the diesel generator room three ground: ① The work of ground: the generator neutral grounding; ② protective earth: the grounding of electrical equipment normally uncharged metal shell; (3) anti-static grounding: the fuel system equipment and piping ground. A variety of ground with high-rise building ground shared grounding device, the joint ground.

6 fuel oil storage

The equipment room is set to 8 hours of daily fuel tank, its volume can be calculated as follows:

V = G • γ • A • τ is

Where: V - daily fuel tank volume (m 3);

G - diesel fuel consumption (kg / h) by the sample to detect;

γ-date fuel weight (kg / m 3), light diesel oil to 810 ~ 860kg / m 3;

A - tank full of the coefficient, 0.90 general admission;

τ date injection time, generally three to eight hours.

When the room is located within the high-rise buildings, the daily tank should be set up rooms, separated by a firewall and diesel generators.

"Tall Buildings Design Code for Fire Protection" (GB 50045 -95, 2005), high-rise buildings owned diesel generator room can be arranged in the building the ground floor, second floor, should not be arranged in the ground three and below. Out of order to facilitate the cable pipeline, the nearest easy to control, reduce the staff on duty, it is recommended that the diesel generator room as possible should be affixed adjacent substation layout, at the same time should depend on the external walls at the side of layout. Diesel generator room should be reserved for the exhaust, ventilation, cooling channels, cooling method, air cooling is the most simple. Additional outdoor storage tanks, diesel generator room should be set no more than 8 hours between the fuel consumption of diesel oil storage, oil reserves more than the specification of the oil reserves. The diesel generator sets usually takes the overall handling, the design should be reserved for the removal channel.



1. 柴油发电机房的选址


2. 通风

柴油发电机房的通风问题是机房设计中要特别注意解决的问题,特别是机房位于地下室时更要处理好,否则会直接影响柴油机发电机组的运行。机组的排风一般应设热风管道有组织地进行,不宜让柴油机散热器把热量散在机房内,再由排风机抽出。机房内要有足够的新风补充。柴油机在运行时,机房的换气量应等于或大于柴油机燃烧所需新风量与维持机房室温所需新风量之和。维持室温所需新风量由下式计算: C= 0.078P T

式中: C——需要的新风量(m3/s)


T——机房温升( °C)。



S1≥1.5S S2≥1.8S

式中: S——柴油机散热面积;




3. 排烟



4. 基础




5. 机房接地


6. 燃油的存放


V=G· γ · A ·τ

式中: V——日用油箱容积(m 3);


γ棗燃油重度(kg/m 3),轻柴油为810~860kg/m 3;



当机房设在高层建筑内时,日用油箱应设专用房间,用防火墙与柴油发电机隔开。 根据《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》(GB 50045 -95, 2005 年版) , 高层建筑自备柴油发电机房可布置在建筑物的地下一、二层, 不应布置在地下三层及以下。为了方便电缆管线的进出、便于就近控制、减少值班人员, 建议柴油发电机房宜尽量与变配电所贴邻布置, 同时应有一侧靠外墙布置。柴油发电机房应预留排烟、通风、冷却通道, 冷却方式以风冷最为简便。柴油发电机房应设置不超过8 小时用油量的柴油储油间, 若储油量超过规范规定的储油量时, 应增设室外储油罐。柴油发电机组通常需整体搬运, 设计时应预留足够的搬运通道。

Diesel generator room design

Room design

The location of a diesel generator room

Taking into account the diesel generator set air intake, exhaust, smoke and other, if the conditions when the best room on the first floor. However, the expensive high-rise buildings, especially the first floor is typically used for business, is the gold zone, so the engine room are generally located in the basement. Basement access should not be the natural ventilation is poor people room design a series of adverse factors, designed to handle. The engine room location should note the following: (1) should not be located around the external walls of the room, create the conditions for export outdoor hot air pipes and exhaust pipes; the ② try to avoid the main entrance of the building facade and other parts to avoid smoke, exhaust its cause; (3) pay attention to the noise impact on the environment; ④ should be close to the building of the substation, so ease of wiring, reducing power consumption, easy operation and management.

2 Ventilation

The diesel generator room ventilation room design, paying particular attention to solve problems, especially the engine room in the basement properly handle, otherwise it will directly affect the operation of the diesel generator set. The exhaust of the unit should normally be set up hot air pipe to carry out organized, not diesel radiator heat scattered in the engine room, and then drawn by the exhaust fan. Have enough fresh air in the engine room supplement. Diesel engine at runtime, the engine room ventilation should be equal

to or greater than the diesel engine combustion and fresh air and to maintain the room at room temperature required for fresh air and Maintain the required fresh air at room temperature by the following formula: C = 0.078PT

Where: C - need fresh air (m3 / s)

P - diesel engine rated power (kW)

T - the engine room temperature rise (° C).

Maintain the diesel engine combustion and fresh air to the manufacturers of the unit obtained in the absence of information, per kilowatt brake power needs 0.1m3/min operator (diesel engine braking power with generator power output kW number of 1.1 times). The diesel generator room ventilation is generally taken to exhaust to set the air pipe, into the wind into the wind as a natural way. Air pipe with the diesel engine radiator together, and its connections with flexible connector, the hot air pipe should be straight, if you want to turn, the turning radius is as large as possible and internal to be smooth, the outlet as close as possible and is directly stretched out on the radiator hot air management outside the tube can be difficult to set pipe to export. Air inlet and outlet should be arranged at both ends of the unit, so as to prevent the air short circuit, affecting the cooling effect.

Outlet of the engine room, the air inlet area should meet the requirement below: S1 is ≥ 1.5S S2, ≥ 1.8S

Where: S - diesel engine cooling area;

S1 - outlet area;

S2 - air inlet area;

In cold areas should be noted that the air inlet and exhaust port is usually room temperature to avoid the low room temperature affect the unit's start. Outlet and outdoor connections can be set throttle, usually turned off and automatically turn on when the unit operation.

3. Smoke

The exhaust system of emissions in the cylinder to the outside. Exhaust system should minimize back pressure will result in diesel engines contribute to the decline and increase in temperature rise because the increase of exhaust resistance. Exhaust pipe laying methods used there are two kinds: ① the level of overhead installation, the advantage is less turn, the resistance is small, the drawback is to increase the indoor heat dissipation, so that the room temperature; ② The trench laying the advantage of the indoor heat a small amount of drawback The exhaust pipes turn, the resistance is relatively large. Commonly used in high-rise building is the level of overhead installation. The exhaust pipe should be separate leads, and to minimize the elbow. Exhaust gas temperature 350 ~ 5500C, in order to prevent burns and reduce radiant heat, the exhaust pipe should be insulated processing. Exhaust noise in the unit total noise be

The strongest one, should be set to the muffler to reduce noise.

4 basic

Based primarily used to support the full weight of the diesel generator sets and the base of the base is located on the basis of the unit installed in the base, the base generally take damping measures.

Commonly used in high-rise building high-speed diesel generator sets, when the unit is

installed on the floor that is not the lowest, Note by heavy concrete foundation, so as not to base too heavy and increase the floor load design when the unit load plant to provide to the structure of professional . When the unit at the the bottom of the building shall be the unit to set the concrete foundation. Bottom corner screws embedded, can also crew arrive in the electric drill to install.

(5) Grounding

General application of the diesel generator room three ground: ① The work of ground: the generator neutral grounding; ② protective earth: the grounding of electrical equipment normally uncharged metal shell; (3) anti-static grounding: the fuel system equipment and piping ground. A variety of ground with high-rise building ground shared grounding device, the joint ground.

6 fuel oil storage

The equipment room is set to 8 hours of daily fuel tank, its volume can be calculated as follows:

V = G • γ • A • τ is

Where: V - daily fuel tank volume (m 3);

G - diesel fuel consumption (kg / h) by the sample to detect;

γ-date fuel weight (kg / m 3), light diesel oil to 810 ~ 860kg / m 3;

A - tank full of the coefficient, 0.90 general admission;

τ date injection time, generally three to eight hours.

When the room is located within the high-rise buildings, the daily tank should be set up rooms, separated by a firewall and diesel generators.

"Tall Buildings Design Code for Fire Protection" (GB 50045 -95, 2005), high-rise buildings owned diesel generator room can be arranged in the building the ground floor, second floor, should not be arranged in the ground three and below. Out of order to facilitate the cable pipeline, the nearest easy to control, reduce the staff on duty, it is recommended that the diesel generator room as possible should be affixed adjacent substation layout, at the same time should depend on the external walls at the side of layout. Diesel generator room should be reserved for the exhaust, ventilation, cooling channels, cooling method, air cooling is the most simple. Additional outdoor storage tanks, diesel generator room should be set no more than 8 hours between the fuel consumption of diesel oil storage, oil reserves more than the specification of the oil reserves. The diesel generator sets usually takes the overall handling, the design should be reserved for the removal channel.


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