
The survey of questionnaire of computer


The propose of this report is to collect information from college student, our company is a new company, we want to know what college student think and let us know the demand of computer. And this information will help us to improve our quality of service. And make us know about what college student like.

In this survey, our team was composed by ZhangYanming (team leader),HuangZiqing and Linyuyang. We distributed our questionnaires to student who is studying in this college and receive them when they filled them out. And this report is written by ZhangYanming.

Our targets of this survey are students who study in this school, so we can make sure that the result of this survey is suitable for us. We send 200 pieces of questionnaire and received 190 pieces valid after we check the questionnaire strictly. There are 11questions including basic information about computer, hobbies of students.


As shown in this chart, there are 75 males and 115 females in our survey. As the girl is more than boys in this school, this result is acceptable.

In this chart, we can see that the junior is the most and the freshman is the latest.

Q3.Do you have a computer and do you want to buy it during your college life?

According to these two charts, we can know that most of students in this school have their

own computer and most of students who haven’t computer are willing to buy a computer

during their college life. It is a large potential market. If we sell computers when they come to this school, it will be a large number.

Q4.if you want to buy a computer, which type of computer do you want to buy? Q5.if you want to buy a computer, which brand do you want to buy?

Q8.if you want to buy a computer, which platform would you like to use?

We can know that most of students would like to buy a computer like IPAD or Laptop; I think that it is a trend that students more and more like computer becoming easy to carry. And DELL is the most popular computer in college. There are a lot of students would like to buy their computer on internet, however, more students want to buy computer in Store, maybe they think this way is more safety, but we can’t ignore the number of students who would like to buy their computer on internet.

Q7. How much can you afford? (RMB)

It shows that 37% of students can spend 3000-5000 RMB buying a computer, they think that the computer in this price is not only useful, but also not so expensive that they can’t afford, they don’t think it worthy to use more money to buy a computer.

focus on configuration, quality and others such as memory etc.

can do something from this situation, and we can use professional stuff in customer service or sales, when girls buy computer, they can give girls professional opinion. It can make female customer satisfied with our brand.

Q11.Are you satisfied with your computer?

It shows that a large percent of students don’t satisfied with their computer, I think they will consider change a new computer if there is a chance on their front.


Depend on the data we get from students in this school, we found that there is a large potential market in youngth area. We will make a period of strategies that suits for young people such as improve our computer size, configuration etc. And provide some new

packages to cater to young people. We will develop a new kind of computer like IPAD to suit young people, also we will continue concentrate on young people demand and internet; try our best to product new things to suit young people.


The questionnaire is to survey the university students’ demand of computers. We hope you can answer these questions if you are not busy.

1. Your gender?

A. Male B. Female

2. Your grade?

A. Grade one B. Grade Two C. Grade three D. Grade four

3. Do you have a computer?

A. Yes B. No

Extra 3. If you do not have a computer, do you want to buy one during your college life?

A. Yes B. No

4. If you want to buy a computer, which type of computer do you want to buy?

A. IPAD B. PC C. Laptop C. Others ____

5. If you want to buy a computer, which brand do you want to buy?

A DELL B. ASUS C. ACER D. Others____

6. The reason why you buy this computer?

A. Most of my friends or classmates buy this computer’

B. Know by surfing the internet.

C. Introduced by friends.

7. How much can you afford? (RMB)

A. less than 3000 B. 3000-5000 C. more than 5000 D. Others_____

8. If you want to buy a computer, which platform would like to choose?

A. ordered by internet B. ordered by store C. Others______

9. Which factors do you consider most when you buy a computer?

A. Configuration B. Outlook C. Quality D. Price E. CPU F. customer service G . Others_____

10. How do you know about computer?

A. clear B. not clear at all

11. Are you satisfied with your computer?

A. more than 90% B. 90%-60% C.^0%-30% D. less than 30% E. Others____

Thank you for answering this questionnaire, we will analyze your answer to improve our computer. Thank you very much.

The survey of questionnaire of computer


The propose of this report is to collect information from college student, our company is a new company, we want to know what college student think and let us know the demand of computer. And this information will help us to improve our quality of service. And make us know about what college student like.

In this survey, our team was composed by ZhangYanming (team leader),HuangZiqing and Linyuyang. We distributed our questionnaires to student who is studying in this college and receive them when they filled them out. And this report is written by ZhangYanming.

Our targets of this survey are students who study in this school, so we can make sure that the result of this survey is suitable for us. We send 200 pieces of questionnaire and received 190 pieces valid after we check the questionnaire strictly. There are 11questions including basic information about computer, hobbies of students.


As shown in this chart, there are 75 males and 115 females in our survey. As the girl is more than boys in this school, this result is acceptable.

In this chart, we can see that the junior is the most and the freshman is the latest.

Q3.Do you have a computer and do you want to buy it during your college life?

According to these two charts, we can know that most of students in this school have their

own computer and most of students who haven’t computer are willing to buy a computer

during their college life. It is a large potential market. If we sell computers when they come to this school, it will be a large number.

Q4.if you want to buy a computer, which type of computer do you want to buy? Q5.if you want to buy a computer, which brand do you want to buy?

Q8.if you want to buy a computer, which platform would you like to use?

We can know that most of students would like to buy a computer like IPAD or Laptop; I think that it is a trend that students more and more like computer becoming easy to carry. And DELL is the most popular computer in college. There are a lot of students would like to buy their computer on internet, however, more students want to buy computer in Store, maybe they think this way is more safety, but we can’t ignore the number of students who would like to buy their computer on internet.

Q7. How much can you afford? (RMB)

It shows that 37% of students can spend 3000-5000 RMB buying a computer, they think that the computer in this price is not only useful, but also not so expensive that they can’t afford, they don’t think it worthy to use more money to buy a computer.

focus on configuration, quality and others such as memory etc.

can do something from this situation, and we can use professional stuff in customer service or sales, when girls buy computer, they can give girls professional opinion. It can make female customer satisfied with our brand.

Q11.Are you satisfied with your computer?

It shows that a large percent of students don’t satisfied with their computer, I think they will consider change a new computer if there is a chance on their front.


Depend on the data we get from students in this school, we found that there is a large potential market in youngth area. We will make a period of strategies that suits for young people such as improve our computer size, configuration etc. And provide some new

packages to cater to young people. We will develop a new kind of computer like IPAD to suit young people, also we will continue concentrate on young people demand and internet; try our best to product new things to suit young people.


The questionnaire is to survey the university students’ demand of computers. We hope you can answer these questions if you are not busy.

1. Your gender?

A. Male B. Female

2. Your grade?

A. Grade one B. Grade Two C. Grade three D. Grade four

3. Do you have a computer?

A. Yes B. No

Extra 3. If you do not have a computer, do you want to buy one during your college life?

A. Yes B. No

4. If you want to buy a computer, which type of computer do you want to buy?

A. IPAD B. PC C. Laptop C. Others ____

5. If you want to buy a computer, which brand do you want to buy?

A DELL B. ASUS C. ACER D. Others____

6. The reason why you buy this computer?

A. Most of my friends or classmates buy this computer’

B. Know by surfing the internet.

C. Introduced by friends.

7. How much can you afford? (RMB)

A. less than 3000 B. 3000-5000 C. more than 5000 D. Others_____

8. If you want to buy a computer, which platform would like to choose?

A. ordered by internet B. ordered by store C. Others______

9. Which factors do you consider most when you buy a computer?

A. Configuration B. Outlook C. Quality D. Price E. CPU F. customer service G . Others_____

10. How do you know about computer?

A. clear B. not clear at all

11. Are you satisfied with your computer?

A. more than 90% B. 90%-60% C.^0%-30% D. less than 30% E. Others____

Thank you for answering this questionnaire, we will analyze your answer to improve our computer. Thank you very much.


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