
laden ship满载船 ensign 国旗

propeller blade 螺旋桨桨叶/轮叶、叶片 Bosun 水手长 Carpenter 木匠

Beaufort scale蒲氏风级

mariner's handbook海员手册 revolution 转数,旋转,革命 innovation 创新,革新,改革 fishing gears捕捞设备

Aldis lamp爱尔迪斯信号灯,手提式信号灯 Morse code莫尔斯码 veering 风向顺转 backing 风向逆转

well-found ship舾装完好船,设备完善的船舶 foundered (船)沉没 clockwise 顺时针 anti-clockwise 逆时针 sextant 六分仪

lying at anchor锚泊

lying at the outer anchorage在外锚地锚泊 cadet 实习生,卡带 hatch coaming舱口围板 painter 艇首缆,系艇索 self-righted 自动扶正 U-bolt U 型螺栓 hunting gear追随装置 bare steerageway舵效航速 twin screws双螺旋桨 cargo surveyor验货师

accommodation ladder居住舱舷梯,舷梯 hogging 中拱(用平均吃水与船中吃水比) sagging 中垂(用平均吃水与船中吃水比) after range light后桅航行灯,后叠标灯 Bonded Stores免税船上用品 give a wide berth to宽让 high sea公海 dayshape 号型

trolling (line)曳绳钓

nylon line has more strength than manila line gooseneck 鹅颈管,吊杆弯头 become due到期 be available to do sth. be available for sth.

justify in doing sth.有理由做某事 Rhumb line恒向线 meridian 子午线,经线

the prime meridian本初子午线 能见度等级

2nm poor(2—4km)

5nm moderate(4—10km) good(10—20km)

very good(20—50km)

fathom line等深线 Bulbous bow球鼻首 iron ore铁矿石

The Fresh Water Allowance淡水修正量,淡水吃水余量 Marine Meteorology航海气象学 barometer 气压计

block and tackle滑轮组 movable block动滑轮 standing block定滑轮

Mediterranean moor船尾系泊法 Mediterranean Sea地中海 snatch block开口滑车

Length overall(LOA)船舶总长

Length between perpendiculars(LBP)垂线间长 Moulded breadth型宽 Tsunami 海啸

right-hand/left-hand propeller右旋/左旋螺旋桨 single propeller/twin propellers单螺旋桨/双螺旋桨 bow thruster/stern thruster首侧推器/尾侧推器 turn inward/outward内旋/外旋 leeway 偏航,风压差 leeward 下风的,顺风的

IMDG code = International Maritime Dangerous Goods code《国际海运危险货物规则》 IBC code = International Bulk Code《国际散装化学品运输规则》 BC code = Bulk Cargo code《固体散装货物安全操作规则》

IGC code = International Gas Carrier Code《国际散装运输液化气船规则》 船舶六运动: Pitching 纵摇 Rolling 横摇

Surging 纵荡(船先向前动,再向后动) Swaying 横荡(船先向左移动,再向右动) Yawing 偏荡(船头先向左动,再向右动) Heaving 垂荡

bowline 船首缆,单套结/死结

standing rigging静索,稳索,固定支索,定索 group occulting联明暗光

composite group flashing混联闪光 stowage factor积载因数 measurement cargo容积货 weight cargo重量货

hygroscopic cargo吸湿性货物 celestial body天体 declination 【天】赤纬 pelorus 哑罗经

Nautical Almanac航海天文历 stud link有档链环

connecting link连接连环

detachable link=Kenter link可拆链环 flame screen防火网 Doppler log:

Bottom return 海底反射(海底混响)→speed over the ground Volume reverberation 体积混响(水声)→speed through the water pelican hook滑钩,速脱钩 conical 圆锥形的 hygrometer 湿度表

hygroscopic cargo吸湿性货物 Kort nozzle rudder科氏导流管舵

neutral equilibrium position 随遇平衡位置(稳心等于重心,M 与G 重合,重力W 与浮力△作用在同一垂线上);

stable equilibrium稳定平衡(稳心比重心高); unstable equilibrium不稳定平衡(稳心低于重心) sea protest海事声明,海事报告 solar time太阳时

aneroid barometer气压测高计,无液气压计,空盒气压计 microbarograph 微(气)压计

Arc 圆弧

Parabola 抛物线 Hyperbola 双曲线 Cardinal buoy方位标

Psychrometer 干湿计,干湿球温度计 binnacle 罗经柜

CPR=Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation心脏复苏术 blind flange = blank flange封口法兰,死法兰 spectacle flange双环法兰 Spring lay钢麻

slight sea轻浪0.5~1.25m moderate sea中浪1.25~2.5m rough sea大浪2.5~4.0m very rough sea巨浪4~6m high sea狂狼6~9m splice 拼接

fid (解绳索用的)硬木钉

A spark arrestor prevents sparks from getting out of an engine’s exhaust system.火花熄灭器 riding pawl锚爪(锚泊) buckler (plate)锚链孔盖板 chafing gear防擦装置 diurnal tide全日潮

semi-diurnal tide半日潮 lunar day太阴日 spring tide大潮 neap tide小潮 gusty wind阵风

power weight ratio功率重量比 wind vane风向标

apparent wind/relative wind视风,相对风 wire rope钢丝绳,钢索 riveting 铆接

caulking 捻缝,填缝,铆合加工 flue gas烟道气,烟道排气,废气

make a safe [forced] landing安全[强迫]降落 orthographic projection等角投影,正形投影 gnomonic projection心射投影,球心投影 containment booms围油栏 cereals 谷物 put forward提出 anemometer 风速计 Rendez-vous 集结地

messenger 导拉索,抛索,引绳 Coral atoll珊瑚环礁 isotherm 等温线

blowout (油井等)井喷 Argon 氩

occulting light明暗灯——the period of light exceeds the period of darkness backstay 桅杆后支索,前索,后拉索 vein 静脉 artery 动脉

Calibration Station校准台~ give special transmissions for the calibration of ship’s DF .(测向仪) Contaminate 弄脏,污染

Lack of due diligence缺乏必要的谨慎

Casualty 伤亡人员

Centrifugal pump离心泵

Reciprocating pump往复泵,活塞泵 Chain sling吊货链

Tumblehome 内倾,舷缘内倾 Camber 梁拱 Sheer 舷弧

Quayside 码头区,码头边,码头前沿 ullage 空档, 膨胀余位, 液舱膨胀余位 sighting port观察窗

jibing 使帆改变方向,使帆船顺风行驶

tacking 变换航向,抢风行驶,顶风转向,迎风转向 reefing 缩帆

chart legend海图标题栏 alkalies 碱金属,强碱 compatibility 兼容性 convection 对流

coral atolls珊瑚环礁 beam width波束宽度 isobar 等压线

date line国际日期变更线 chain locker锚链舱 volatile 挥发性

daylight savings time夏令时 drift net流网 fishing stake渔栅

pedestal crane基座式起重机 spontaneous combustion自燃 frapping line止荡绳

deadweight scale载重量标尺 freeboard assignment核定干舷

galvanize 电镀,镀锌(stays 需要电镀) heat exhaustion中暑

Luminous range光达距离,光度视程,照明距离,光照距离 Geographic range地理能见距离

Nominal range额定光力射程,额定光达距离(气象能见距离为10海里时的光达距离) Isogonic line等磁偏线

skip zone(电波) 跳跃地带,静区 blackout zone停电区域 diffraction zone衍射区 shadow zone盲区,阴影区

BANDS ————horizontal marking

Stripes ————vertical or diagonal对角线的,斜纹的

Walk back the chain倒转锚机松锚链 clamp 螺丝钳, 夹子 doldrums 赤道无风带

garboard strake(贴近龙骨的)龙骨翼板 odd numbers奇数 even numbers偶数

lumber 木材,木料timber limber 污水沟,污水孔 lubricating oil润滑油 compass rose(s)罗经花 lubber's line船首基线 Monsoon (南亚的)季风 mooring bollards双柱系缆桩 manganese bronze猛青铜 optional cargo选港货

seaworthiness 适航性,适航能力,耐波性 oil slick浮油 frostbite 冻伤 slack water平潮 solvents 溶剂

SMCP=Standard Marine Communication Phrases标准航海通信用语 Mousing hook防脱钩

Plain language明语,明码(电报)

Priming of the tides occurs when the Moon is between new and first quarter and between full and third quarter.

注意:new moon新月,朔;full moon满月,望;first quarter上弦月;third quarter下弦月 Roundline 三股右旋绳 reserve buoyancy储备浮力 serving 卷缠

sweep intensity扫描线亮度

PPI=Plane Position Idicator平面位置显示器 specification 详细说明,规格,说明书 agonic line零磁偏线 square knot平结

The carburetor (化油器,汽化器) is placed on the engine to mix the fuel and air. The carrick bend(大绳接结) is used to join two hawsers. follow-up gear随动装置

electro-hydraulic steering gear电动液压操舵装置 heaving line撇缆,引缆 monkey ’s fist撇缆绳头结

wind rose风花,风向风力图,风力玫瑰图(指明某地区风情况的图) idle time停工时间 bilge well污水井 remote control遥控

scupper (船舷上的)排水孔 radiation fog辐射雾 frontal fog锋面雾

advection fog平流雾 steam fog蒸汽雾

butted joint对接,平接 lap joint搭接

strap joint覆板对接,覆接 thread joint螺纹接 grip joint套接,插接 rivet 铆钉,铆接

riveted construction铆接结构 joggled construction啮合结构 lapped construction搭接结构 strapped construction覆接结构 belted construction带型结构

fake down盘绳(使松出时不发生绞缠) butt weld对接焊缝

seam weld缝焊,线焊缝 fillet weld角焊缝

continuous weld连续焊接, 连续焊缝

LFG=Liquefied Flammable Gas液化可燃气(LPG+LNG) trough 低压槽 ridge 高压脊 quadrant 象限

ultrasonic testing超声波检查,超声波探伤 isophase 等明暗(灯光),等相线 flame arrester阻火器,防焰器 backfire flame arrester回火阻火器 prohibit sb from doing sth exclusively 专门地 oil dispersant消油剂 saw dust锯屑, 木屑 Booms 围油栏

ride at anchor锚泊;roadstead 锚地 ruptured appendix盲肠破裂 cofferdam 隔离舱

traunatic shock创伤性休克 mesh 网孔

SHP=Shaft Horse Power轴马力 topping off平舱作业

check valve止回阀,单向阀 tachometer 转速表

exhaust pyrometer排气高温计 shaft bearing轴承

drift lead测走锚的铅锤 water flinger隔水环

shaft seal轴封 sanitary 卫生

middle body船中平行体 tack welding点焊

extratropical cyclone温带气旋 easterly wave东风波

crest 波峰 trough 波谷,槽 frapping line止荡绳,放艇稳绳

When lowering lifeboats in heavy seas, a good practice is to rig frapping lines with a lead of about 45 degrees to the boat.

parbuckle screw松紧螺丝(用以收紧舱面木材货) turnbuckle soft iron sphere软铁球(磁罗经象限自差校正器)

Flinders bar垂直软铁, 弗林德斯铁, 弗氏铁(纠正由船磁引起的自差)

heeling magnet(罗经) 倾斜自差校正磁铁(即纠正感应磁性,也纠正永久磁性) French bowline水手结,双套结 Vis major不可抗力 fatigue 疲劳 tagline 牵线

apogean tide远地点潮

hawser laid正搓绳,三股索

NA V AREA 航行警告区(航行警告海区无线电航行警告海区,简称航行警告区) epileptic seizure癫痫发作 whitecap(s)白浪花

official number船舶(登记) 编号 matches 火柴

bilge keels舭龙骨

The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately 12 hours.

If you are transmitting a distress message by radiotelephone you should use English language. Nylon line is NOT suitable for A.towing B.lashings C.stopper D.mooring lines

What is important to remember when using AIS for collision avoidance?(A ) A.AIS may not give a complete picture of the traffic situation B.AIS is more accurate than ARPA C.AIS is not as accurate as ARPA

D.AIS is not allowed to be used for collision avoidance

Cumulonimbus clouds A.high pressure system B.cold front C.warm front D.occluded front Fog is most commonly

A.warm front at night B.low pressure area C.anticyclone D.lack of frontal activity All entries in LogbookA.once B.whether C.while D.just

The compass deviation changes as the vessel changes A.geographical position B.speed C.heading D.longitude

It ’s that the cargo was damaged by your stevedores.

A.bright B.distinct C.plain D.evident

A large navigational buoy(LNB) is painted .

Aboard a survival craft, ether can be used to Cribbing (甲板货)垫料

The American Petroleum Institute recommends that and be inspected using The command MEET HER means the helmsman should 注:MEET HER.=meet the ship用舵校正航向 Magnetic dip磁倾角 rudder palms舵法令 Splint 夹板 Fillet weld角焊 bench hook缝帆钩

laden ship满载船 ensign 国旗

propeller blade 螺旋桨桨叶/轮叶、叶片 Bosun 水手长 Carpenter 木匠

Beaufort scale蒲氏风级

mariner's handbook海员手册 revolution 转数,旋转,革命 innovation 创新,革新,改革 fishing gears捕捞设备

Aldis lamp爱尔迪斯信号灯,手提式信号灯 Morse code莫尔斯码 veering 风向顺转 backing 风向逆转

well-found ship舾装完好船,设备完善的船舶 foundered (船)沉没 clockwise 顺时针 anti-clockwise 逆时针 sextant 六分仪

lying at anchor锚泊

lying at the outer anchorage在外锚地锚泊 cadet 实习生,卡带 hatch coaming舱口围板 painter 艇首缆,系艇索 self-righted 自动扶正 U-bolt U 型螺栓 hunting gear追随装置 bare steerageway舵效航速 twin screws双螺旋桨 cargo surveyor验货师

accommodation ladder居住舱舷梯,舷梯 hogging 中拱(用平均吃水与船中吃水比) sagging 中垂(用平均吃水与船中吃水比) after range light后桅航行灯,后叠标灯 Bonded Stores免税船上用品 give a wide berth to宽让 high sea公海 dayshape 号型

trolling (line)曳绳钓

nylon line has more strength than manila line gooseneck 鹅颈管,吊杆弯头 become due到期 be available to do sth. be available for sth.

justify in doing sth.有理由做某事 Rhumb line恒向线 meridian 子午线,经线

the prime meridian本初子午线 能见度等级

2nm poor(2—4km)

5nm moderate(4—10km) good(10—20km)

very good(20—50km)

fathom line等深线 Bulbous bow球鼻首 iron ore铁矿石

The Fresh Water Allowance淡水修正量,淡水吃水余量 Marine Meteorology航海气象学 barometer 气压计

block and tackle滑轮组 movable block动滑轮 standing block定滑轮

Mediterranean moor船尾系泊法 Mediterranean Sea地中海 snatch block开口滑车

Length overall(LOA)船舶总长

Length between perpendiculars(LBP)垂线间长 Moulded breadth型宽 Tsunami 海啸

right-hand/left-hand propeller右旋/左旋螺旋桨 single propeller/twin propellers单螺旋桨/双螺旋桨 bow thruster/stern thruster首侧推器/尾侧推器 turn inward/outward内旋/外旋 leeway 偏航,风压差 leeward 下风的,顺风的

IMDG code = International Maritime Dangerous Goods code《国际海运危险货物规则》 IBC code = International Bulk Code《国际散装化学品运输规则》 BC code = Bulk Cargo code《固体散装货物安全操作规则》

IGC code = International Gas Carrier Code《国际散装运输液化气船规则》 船舶六运动: Pitching 纵摇 Rolling 横摇

Surging 纵荡(船先向前动,再向后动) Swaying 横荡(船先向左移动,再向右动) Yawing 偏荡(船头先向左动,再向右动) Heaving 垂荡

bowline 船首缆,单套结/死结

standing rigging静索,稳索,固定支索,定索 group occulting联明暗光

composite group flashing混联闪光 stowage factor积载因数 measurement cargo容积货 weight cargo重量货

hygroscopic cargo吸湿性货物 celestial body天体 declination 【天】赤纬 pelorus 哑罗经

Nautical Almanac航海天文历 stud link有档链环

connecting link连接连环

detachable link=Kenter link可拆链环 flame screen防火网 Doppler log:

Bottom return 海底反射(海底混响)→speed over the ground Volume reverberation 体积混响(水声)→speed through the water pelican hook滑钩,速脱钩 conical 圆锥形的 hygrometer 湿度表

hygroscopic cargo吸湿性货物 Kort nozzle rudder科氏导流管舵

neutral equilibrium position 随遇平衡位置(稳心等于重心,M 与G 重合,重力W 与浮力△作用在同一垂线上);

stable equilibrium稳定平衡(稳心比重心高); unstable equilibrium不稳定平衡(稳心低于重心) sea protest海事声明,海事报告 solar time太阳时

aneroid barometer气压测高计,无液气压计,空盒气压计 microbarograph 微(气)压计

Arc 圆弧

Parabola 抛物线 Hyperbola 双曲线 Cardinal buoy方位标

Psychrometer 干湿计,干湿球温度计 binnacle 罗经柜

CPR=Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation心脏复苏术 blind flange = blank flange封口法兰,死法兰 spectacle flange双环法兰 Spring lay钢麻

slight sea轻浪0.5~1.25m moderate sea中浪1.25~2.5m rough sea大浪2.5~4.0m very rough sea巨浪4~6m high sea狂狼6~9m splice 拼接

fid (解绳索用的)硬木钉

A spark arrestor prevents sparks from getting out of an engine’s exhaust system.火花熄灭器 riding pawl锚爪(锚泊) buckler (plate)锚链孔盖板 chafing gear防擦装置 diurnal tide全日潮

semi-diurnal tide半日潮 lunar day太阴日 spring tide大潮 neap tide小潮 gusty wind阵风

power weight ratio功率重量比 wind vane风向标

apparent wind/relative wind视风,相对风 wire rope钢丝绳,钢索 riveting 铆接

caulking 捻缝,填缝,铆合加工 flue gas烟道气,烟道排气,废气

make a safe [forced] landing安全[强迫]降落 orthographic projection等角投影,正形投影 gnomonic projection心射投影,球心投影 containment booms围油栏 cereals 谷物 put forward提出 anemometer 风速计 Rendez-vous 集结地

messenger 导拉索,抛索,引绳 Coral atoll珊瑚环礁 isotherm 等温线

blowout (油井等)井喷 Argon 氩

occulting light明暗灯——the period of light exceeds the period of darkness backstay 桅杆后支索,前索,后拉索 vein 静脉 artery 动脉

Calibration Station校准台~ give special transmissions for the calibration of ship’s DF .(测向仪) Contaminate 弄脏,污染

Lack of due diligence缺乏必要的谨慎

Casualty 伤亡人员

Centrifugal pump离心泵

Reciprocating pump往复泵,活塞泵 Chain sling吊货链

Tumblehome 内倾,舷缘内倾 Camber 梁拱 Sheer 舷弧

Quayside 码头区,码头边,码头前沿 ullage 空档, 膨胀余位, 液舱膨胀余位 sighting port观察窗

jibing 使帆改变方向,使帆船顺风行驶

tacking 变换航向,抢风行驶,顶风转向,迎风转向 reefing 缩帆

chart legend海图标题栏 alkalies 碱金属,强碱 compatibility 兼容性 convection 对流

coral atolls珊瑚环礁 beam width波束宽度 isobar 等压线

date line国际日期变更线 chain locker锚链舱 volatile 挥发性

daylight savings time夏令时 drift net流网 fishing stake渔栅

pedestal crane基座式起重机 spontaneous combustion自燃 frapping line止荡绳

deadweight scale载重量标尺 freeboard assignment核定干舷

galvanize 电镀,镀锌(stays 需要电镀) heat exhaustion中暑

Luminous range光达距离,光度视程,照明距离,光照距离 Geographic range地理能见距离

Nominal range额定光力射程,额定光达距离(气象能见距离为10海里时的光达距离) Isogonic line等磁偏线

skip zone(电波) 跳跃地带,静区 blackout zone停电区域 diffraction zone衍射区 shadow zone盲区,阴影区

BANDS ————horizontal marking

Stripes ————vertical or diagonal对角线的,斜纹的

Walk back the chain倒转锚机松锚链 clamp 螺丝钳, 夹子 doldrums 赤道无风带

garboard strake(贴近龙骨的)龙骨翼板 odd numbers奇数 even numbers偶数

lumber 木材,木料timber limber 污水沟,污水孔 lubricating oil润滑油 compass rose(s)罗经花 lubber's line船首基线 Monsoon (南亚的)季风 mooring bollards双柱系缆桩 manganese bronze猛青铜 optional cargo选港货

seaworthiness 适航性,适航能力,耐波性 oil slick浮油 frostbite 冻伤 slack water平潮 solvents 溶剂

SMCP=Standard Marine Communication Phrases标准航海通信用语 Mousing hook防脱钩

Plain language明语,明码(电报)

Priming of the tides occurs when the Moon is between new and first quarter and between full and third quarter.

注意:new moon新月,朔;full moon满月,望;first quarter上弦月;third quarter下弦月 Roundline 三股右旋绳 reserve buoyancy储备浮力 serving 卷缠

sweep intensity扫描线亮度

PPI=Plane Position Idicator平面位置显示器 specification 详细说明,规格,说明书 agonic line零磁偏线 square knot平结

The carburetor (化油器,汽化器) is placed on the engine to mix the fuel and air. The carrick bend(大绳接结) is used to join two hawsers. follow-up gear随动装置

electro-hydraulic steering gear电动液压操舵装置 heaving line撇缆,引缆 monkey ’s fist撇缆绳头结

wind rose风花,风向风力图,风力玫瑰图(指明某地区风情况的图) idle time停工时间 bilge well污水井 remote control遥控

scupper (船舷上的)排水孔 radiation fog辐射雾 frontal fog锋面雾

advection fog平流雾 steam fog蒸汽雾

butted joint对接,平接 lap joint搭接

strap joint覆板对接,覆接 thread joint螺纹接 grip joint套接,插接 rivet 铆钉,铆接

riveted construction铆接结构 joggled construction啮合结构 lapped construction搭接结构 strapped construction覆接结构 belted construction带型结构

fake down盘绳(使松出时不发生绞缠) butt weld对接焊缝

seam weld缝焊,线焊缝 fillet weld角焊缝

continuous weld连续焊接, 连续焊缝

LFG=Liquefied Flammable Gas液化可燃气(LPG+LNG) trough 低压槽 ridge 高压脊 quadrant 象限

ultrasonic testing超声波检查,超声波探伤 isophase 等明暗(灯光),等相线 flame arrester阻火器,防焰器 backfire flame arrester回火阻火器 prohibit sb from doing sth exclusively 专门地 oil dispersant消油剂 saw dust锯屑, 木屑 Booms 围油栏

ride at anchor锚泊;roadstead 锚地 ruptured appendix盲肠破裂 cofferdam 隔离舱

traunatic shock创伤性休克 mesh 网孔

SHP=Shaft Horse Power轴马力 topping off平舱作业

check valve止回阀,单向阀 tachometer 转速表

exhaust pyrometer排气高温计 shaft bearing轴承

drift lead测走锚的铅锤 water flinger隔水环

shaft seal轴封 sanitary 卫生

middle body船中平行体 tack welding点焊

extratropical cyclone温带气旋 easterly wave东风波

crest 波峰 trough 波谷,槽 frapping line止荡绳,放艇稳绳

When lowering lifeboats in heavy seas, a good practice is to rig frapping lines with a lead of about 45 degrees to the boat.

parbuckle screw松紧螺丝(用以收紧舱面木材货) turnbuckle soft iron sphere软铁球(磁罗经象限自差校正器)

Flinders bar垂直软铁, 弗林德斯铁, 弗氏铁(纠正由船磁引起的自差)

heeling magnet(罗经) 倾斜自差校正磁铁(即纠正感应磁性,也纠正永久磁性) French bowline水手结,双套结 Vis major不可抗力 fatigue 疲劳 tagline 牵线

apogean tide远地点潮

hawser laid正搓绳,三股索

NA V AREA 航行警告区(航行警告海区无线电航行警告海区,简称航行警告区) epileptic seizure癫痫发作 whitecap(s)白浪花

official number船舶(登记) 编号 matches 火柴

bilge keels舭龙骨

The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately 12 hours.

If you are transmitting a distress message by radiotelephone you should use English language. Nylon line is NOT suitable for A.towing B.lashings C.stopper D.mooring lines

What is important to remember when using AIS for collision avoidance?(A ) A.AIS may not give a complete picture of the traffic situation B.AIS is more accurate than ARPA C.AIS is not as accurate as ARPA

D.AIS is not allowed to be used for collision avoidance

Cumulonimbus clouds A.high pressure system B.cold front C.warm front D.occluded front Fog is most commonly

A.warm front at night B.low pressure area C.anticyclone D.lack of frontal activity All entries in LogbookA.once B.whether C.while D.just

The compass deviation changes as the vessel changes A.geographical position B.speed C.heading D.longitude

It ’s that the cargo was damaged by your stevedores.

A.bright B.distinct C.plain D.evident

A large navigational buoy(LNB) is painted .

Aboard a survival craft, ether can be used to Cribbing (甲板货)垫料

The American Petroleum Institute recommends that and be inspected using The command MEET HER means the helmsman should 注:MEET HER.=meet the ship用舵校正航向 Magnetic dip磁倾角 rudder palms舵法令 Splint 夹板 Fillet weld角焊 bench hook缝帆钩


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