1. 杨,作为中国的第一名宇航员,你对工作的感受是什么?
As China’s first astronaut, how do feel about your job?
2. 在你成为宇航员之前,你的工作是什么?
Before you became an astronaut, what did you do?
3. 你是如何成为宇航员的?你为了这次的太空飞行准备了多久?
How did you become an astronaut? And how long have you prepared for the space flight?
4. 神州五号是何时何地发射的?
When and where did the Shenzhou V lift off?
4. 当火箭升空的时候,你有什么感觉?是否觉得自己像超人?
How did you feel at the moment/when the rocket lifted off? Did you get a feeling of being a superman?
5. 当太空船脱离了火箭之后,你是否感觉好了一点?
Did you feel a little better after the spaceship separated from the rocket?
6. 在21小时的太空飞行中,你能告诉我们太空船环绕了地球多少圈吗?
How many times did the spaceship circle the earth during the 21-hour space flight?
7. 你是什么时候才能和地面控制中心取得联系?有没和家人说话?他们和你说了什么?
When were you able to speak to the ground control?Did you speak with your family?
8. 当太空船环绕地球的时候,你具体做了些什么事?你有睡觉吗?
What did you exactly do while the spaceship was circling the earth? Did you ever sleep during the flight?
9. 我知道一件关于你的有趣的事情,你在第七圈的时候,你展示了中国和联合国的国旗,为什么?
I knew something interesting about you. When the spaceship was doing its seventh circle, you showed the flags of China and the United Nations. Why? Why did you do that?
10. 回程的感觉如何,有没遇到什么特殊情况?
How about the returning journey? Did you meet any problem?
11. 飞船是何时和何地降落的?当你从太空船出来,你看到了了什么?回到地球,当时有什么感觉?
When and where did the spaceship land? What did you see after coming out of it? How did you feel at the moment you came back to the earth?
12. 老实说,在飞行过程中有没感觉到害怕?
To be honest, were you frightened during the flight?
13. 能给想当宇航员的人一些建议嘛?
Can you give the people some suggestion, who dream to be astronauts?
1. 杨,作为中国的第一名宇航员,你对工作的感受是什么?
As China’s first astronaut, how do feel about your job?
2. 在你成为宇航员之前,你的工作是什么?
Before you became an astronaut, what did you do?
3. 你是如何成为宇航员的?你为了这次的太空飞行准备了多久?
How did you become an astronaut? And how long have you prepared for the space flight?
4. 神州五号是何时何地发射的?
When and where did the Shenzhou V lift off?
4. 当火箭升空的时候,你有什么感觉?是否觉得自己像超人?
How did you feel at the moment/when the rocket lifted off? Did you get a feeling of being a superman?
5. 当太空船脱离了火箭之后,你是否感觉好了一点?
Did you feel a little better after the spaceship separated from the rocket?
6. 在21小时的太空飞行中,你能告诉我们太空船环绕了地球多少圈吗?
How many times did the spaceship circle the earth during the 21-hour space flight?
7. 你是什么时候才能和地面控制中心取得联系?有没和家人说话?他们和你说了什么?
When were you able to speak to the ground control?Did you speak with your family?
8. 当太空船环绕地球的时候,你具体做了些什么事?你有睡觉吗?
What did you exactly do while the spaceship was circling the earth? Did you ever sleep during the flight?
9. 我知道一件关于你的有趣的事情,你在第七圈的时候,你展示了中国和联合国的国旗,为什么?
I knew something interesting about you. When the spaceship was doing its seventh circle, you showed the flags of China and the United Nations. Why? Why did you do that?
10. 回程的感觉如何,有没遇到什么特殊情况?
How about the returning journey? Did you meet any problem?
11. 飞船是何时和何地降落的?当你从太空船出来,你看到了了什么?回到地球,当时有什么感觉?
When and where did the spaceship land? What did you see after coming out of it? How did you feel at the moment you came back to the earth?
12. 老实说,在飞行过程中有没感觉到害怕?
To be honest, were you frightened during the flight?
13. 能给想当宇航员的人一些建议嘛?
Can you give the people some suggestion, who dream to be astronauts?