

1. 引导时间状语从句的连词

● When/as/while/whenever

When:When he comes here tomorrow, I will call you.

As:As I was leaving, the telephone rang.

As (一边)they were picking tea, the girls were singing happily.

While: He learned to speak English while he was here.

I like tea while (然而)she likes coffee.

Whenever:Please visit us whenever you can.(= no matter when)

● Since/till/until

Since: It is five years since she came back to settle down from abroad.

Till: I’ll wait till/ untill he comes.

Until: He didn’t realize the importance of health until he was ill

Not until he was ill did he realize the importance of health.

It was not until he was ill that he realized the importance of health.

● After/before/once

After: After he had left school, he joined the army.

Before: It was less than one month before they got the result.

Once:Once you begin, you should go on.

● The day/year/week

2004 is the year I graduated.

● The first/second/last time, every/each time, any time, by/from the time

The first time: I thought her nice and honest the first time I met her.

Every time: Every time/ Each time I see this picture, I think of my hometown.

Any time: You may come any time you like.

By the time:The other students had finished cleaning by the time I arrived.

From the time:


✧ As soon as:

As soon as he gets there, he’ll call me.

✧ No sooner than:

No sooner had I got home than it began to rain

✧ Hardly/scarcely/rarely…when

Hardly / Scarcely had I got home when it began to rain.

✧ The moment, the second,the minute, the instant

The engine started the minute the button was pressed.

✧ Directly, immediately, instantly

The lamp will light instantly you press the button.

I knew I had made a mistake directly I had done it.

2. 引导地点状语从句的连词


Where: Go where you want to go.

Wherever:Wherever (no matter where )you are, I shall be with you.

Everywhere :

3. 引导条件状语从句的连词

If/unless: I don’t know if he will come tomorrow.

As(so) long as (只要) You can stay here as long as you keep quiet.

In case (如果,万一)

Take this with you in case you get into trouble.

On condition that (条件是)

You can keep this book on condition that you have ID card.

Providing/ provided that (假如)

You can fly to London this evening provided you don’t mind changing planes in Paris. Providing I get good marks, I'll go!

suppose/ supposing that(假如)

Only if (只要)He ’ll go only if I go.

if only (但愿, 要是…就好了) If only I were rich.

4. 引导原因状语从句的连词

Because, since, as, for

I want to do it by myself because I like it.

Since /As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey

He must be ill, for he is absent today.

Now that(=since), seeing that(=since)

Now that you are a man, you must not do such a thing.

Considering that(考虑到)

In that(=because):

The higher income tax is harmful in that it may discourage people from trying to learn more.

5. 引导让步状语从句的连词

Even if/ even though(即使), no matter…

Even if/Even though I have to sell my house, I’ll keep my business going.

Though, although, as(尽管), while(虽然,尽管)

It was not very cold although/though it was snowing.

Young as he is, he knew a lot.( Although he is young)

No matter…, whatever, wherever, whoever, however

No matter who does it, I will not agree.

No matter what happens, don’t be discouraged.

We ’ll never give in whatever they may do or say.

Take this baggage and hang it wherever you can find enough space.

In spite of the fact that…despite the fact that…

In spite(despite) of the fact that it was snowing, it was not cold.

Granting that/ granted that (即使)

Granting that he has enough money to buy the house, it doesn't mean he's going to do so. Granted that you are correct, you may find it hard to prove your point.

6. 引导方式状语从句的连词

As (像…犹如, 依照),just as (正如…) as if/ as though (好像,仿佛), the way

He must do as the doctor advises.

She went to the beach with me just as she promised me to do. He acted as if/ as though nothing had happened.

7. 引导目的状语从句的连词

目的:so that, in order that, in case/ lest, for fear that(以防)

So that: I ’ll run slowly so that you can catch up with me.

He always studies so hard that he may make great progress. In order that: She raised her voice loud in order that she might be heard. In case:Take some money with you in case you want to buy something. 结果:so that(结果)so …that, such… that, but/ but that(要不是) So that: I opened the window so that fresh air might come in.

So …that: The weather is so nice that all of us want to go to the park. Such …that: It ’s such nice weather that all of us want to go to the park. But that: But that I saw it, I wouldn’t have believed it.


1. 引导时间状语从句的连词

● When/as/while/whenever

When:When he comes here tomorrow, I will call you.

As:As I was leaving, the telephone rang.

As (一边)they were picking tea, the girls were singing happily.

While: He learned to speak English while he was here.

I like tea while (然而)she likes coffee.

Whenever:Please visit us whenever you can.(= no matter when)

● Since/till/until

Since: It is five years since she came back to settle down from abroad.

Till: I’ll wait till/ untill he comes.

Until: He didn’t realize the importance of health until he was ill

Not until he was ill did he realize the importance of health.

It was not until he was ill that he realized the importance of health.

● After/before/once

After: After he had left school, he joined the army.

Before: It was less than one month before they got the result.

Once:Once you begin, you should go on.

● The day/year/week

2004 is the year I graduated.

● The first/second/last time, every/each time, any time, by/from the time

The first time: I thought her nice and honest the first time I met her.

Every time: Every time/ Each time I see this picture, I think of my hometown.

Any time: You may come any time you like.

By the time:The other students had finished cleaning by the time I arrived.

From the time:


✧ As soon as:

As soon as he gets there, he’ll call me.

✧ No sooner than:

No sooner had I got home than it began to rain

✧ Hardly/scarcely/rarely…when

Hardly / Scarcely had I got home when it began to rain.

✧ The moment, the second,the minute, the instant

The engine started the minute the button was pressed.

✧ Directly, immediately, instantly

The lamp will light instantly you press the button.

I knew I had made a mistake directly I had done it.

2. 引导地点状语从句的连词


Where: Go where you want to go.

Wherever:Wherever (no matter where )you are, I shall be with you.

Everywhere :

3. 引导条件状语从句的连词

If/unless: I don’t know if he will come tomorrow.

As(so) long as (只要) You can stay here as long as you keep quiet.

In case (如果,万一)

Take this with you in case you get into trouble.

On condition that (条件是)

You can keep this book on condition that you have ID card.

Providing/ provided that (假如)

You can fly to London this evening provided you don’t mind changing planes in Paris. Providing I get good marks, I'll go!

suppose/ supposing that(假如)

Only if (只要)He ’ll go only if I go.

if only (但愿, 要是…就好了) If only I were rich.

4. 引导原因状语从句的连词

Because, since, as, for

I want to do it by myself because I like it.

Since /As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey

He must be ill, for he is absent today.

Now that(=since), seeing that(=since)

Now that you are a man, you must not do such a thing.

Considering that(考虑到)

In that(=because):

The higher income tax is harmful in that it may discourage people from trying to learn more.

5. 引导让步状语从句的连词

Even if/ even though(即使), no matter…

Even if/Even though I have to sell my house, I’ll keep my business going.

Though, although, as(尽管), while(虽然,尽管)

It was not very cold although/though it was snowing.

Young as he is, he knew a lot.( Although he is young)

No matter…, whatever, wherever, whoever, however

No matter who does it, I will not agree.

No matter what happens, don’t be discouraged.

We ’ll never give in whatever they may do or say.

Take this baggage and hang it wherever you can find enough space.

In spite of the fact that…despite the fact that…

In spite(despite) of the fact that it was snowing, it was not cold.

Granting that/ granted that (即使)

Granting that he has enough money to buy the house, it doesn't mean he's going to do so. Granted that you are correct, you may find it hard to prove your point.

6. 引导方式状语从句的连词

As (像…犹如, 依照),just as (正如…) as if/ as though (好像,仿佛), the way

He must do as the doctor advises.

She went to the beach with me just as she promised me to do. He acted as if/ as though nothing had happened.

7. 引导目的状语从句的连词

目的:so that, in order that, in case/ lest, for fear that(以防)

So that: I ’ll run slowly so that you can catch up with me.

He always studies so hard that he may make great progress. In order that: She raised her voice loud in order that she might be heard. In case:Take some money with you in case you want to buy something. 结果:so that(结果)so …that, such… that, but/ but that(要不是) So that: I opened the window so that fresh air might come in.

So …that: The weather is so nice that all of us want to go to the park. Such …that: It ’s such nice weather that all of us want to go to the park. But that: But that I saw it, I wouldn’t have believed it.


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