


1. A:What ’s your name? B :My name is…

2. A:Which class are you in? B :I am in Class…

3. A:Do you like English? B :Yes, I do.\No,I don’t.

4. A:What do you want? B :I want a hamburger, please.

5. A:What do you want to eat? B :I want a hot dog, please.

6. A:What do you want to drink? B :I want a cola, please.

7. A:What are you going to do today\this afternoon\tonight?

B :I ’m going to play football.\go to the park\play chess.

8. A:Who can help me? B :I can help you.| Sorry, I can’t.

9. A:Who gave it to you? B :My mother\My sister gave it to me.





What do you want?

I want a hamburger \a cola \ a hot dog,please.

How much is it?

It ’s three dollars and seventy-five cents.\ one dollar and twenty-five cents. \ two dollars.

2. 书上第五页活动5

watermelon sandwich pears oranges apples

bananas biscuits eggs hamburger ice cream

A:What do you want? B: I want…

3. 书上第七页活动3

(1). A:When are we going to go to the park?

B:We are going to go at eleven.

(2). A:When are we going to go to school?

B:We are going to go at eight.

(3). A:When are we going to go home?

B:We are going to go at half past four.

(4). A:When are we going to have a party?

B:We are going to have a party at half past six

4. 书上第九页活动5

It ’s going to be windy on Monday. It ’s going to snow on Tuesday. It ’s going to be cold on Wednesday. It ’s going to rain on Thursday. It ’s going to be sunny on Friday.

5. 书上第13页活动4

(2)There are lots of desks and chairs. There is a TV in the classroom. There is a blackboard in the class.

(3)There is a pinao. There is a violin . There are lots of sofas.

There are lots of windows.


There are lots of noodles shops. There are lots of cars. There are lots of bus. There are lots of trees. There is a library. There is a railway station. There is supermarket. There is a hospital. There is a bus station.


These stamps are from China. This one has got a picture of the Great Wall on it. This one has got a picture of a flower. This one has got a picture of a panda. This one has got a picture of the West Lake.

(2) These stamps are from Mexico. This one has got a picture of a boy. This one has got a picture of a bird. This one has got a picture of noodles.

(3). These stamps are from America. This one has got a picture of a man. This one has got a picture of New York.

(4) These stamps are from Canada. This one has got a picture of flag. This one has got a picture of a bridge.

(5) These stamps are from England. This one has got a picture of a woman. This one has got a picture Big Ben.


He gives presents to the children. They sing songs.

They have a special meal.\big family dinner. They have a Christmas tree.


Daming wants to take a photo. Simon wants to show Daming the present from China. Simon and Daming wants to visit the UN building. They wants to bring peace to the world.


1. 写一封信:介绍自己

Dear Daming,

My name is I ’m eleven. I like apples and bananas. I don ’t like pears and oranges. I like monkeys and dogs. I don’t like cats. I can run fast. But I can’t jump high. I have got a football . My hobby is playing football.I want to be your friend.

Love from,

2. 谈论爱好及所拥有的物品。

I have got a kite\football\bike.My hobby is flying kites.\playing football.\riding a bike.

3. 介绍唐人街的景象或明信片。

There is a Chinatown in New York. It ’s very big and very famous. There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. And there is Chinese dancing. I want to go to Chinatown.

4. 讲述奇妙的动物世界。

I love animals. They are very useful. Snakes love the sun. Cats like fish. Pandas love bamboo. Elephants like water. Bears sleep in the winter. Dogs play with children.

5. 讲述你喜欢的中外节日。

My favourite festival is Spring Festival. At Spring Festival, We have a big family dinner. We have gift money. We eat dumplings.We say ”Happy New Year”.We watch TV at home. We visit my grandma and grandpa.

* My favourite festival is Thanksgiving Day. On Thanksgiving Day, We always have a specal meal. It’s a big family dinner.We say “Thank you” for our food, family and friends.And after Thanksgiving dinner,we watch a big football game on TV.



1. A:What ’s your name? B :My name is…

2. A:Which class are you in? B :I am in Class…

3. A:Do you like English? B :Yes, I do.\No,I don’t.

4. A:What do you want? B :I want a hamburger, please.

5. A:What do you want to eat? B :I want a hot dog, please.

6. A:What do you want to drink? B :I want a cola, please.

7. A:What are you going to do today\this afternoon\tonight?

B :I ’m going to play football.\go to the park\play chess.

8. A:Who can help me? B :I can help you.| Sorry, I can’t.

9. A:Who gave it to you? B :My mother\My sister gave it to me.





What do you want?

I want a hamburger \a cola \ a hot dog,please.

How much is it?

It ’s three dollars and seventy-five cents.\ one dollar and twenty-five cents. \ two dollars.

2. 书上第五页活动5

watermelon sandwich pears oranges apples

bananas biscuits eggs hamburger ice cream

A:What do you want? B: I want…

3. 书上第七页活动3

(1). A:When are we going to go to the park?

B:We are going to go at eleven.

(2). A:When are we going to go to school?

B:We are going to go at eight.

(3). A:When are we going to go home?

B:We are going to go at half past four.

(4). A:When are we going to have a party?

B:We are going to have a party at half past six

4. 书上第九页活动5

It ’s going to be windy on Monday. It ’s going to snow on Tuesday. It ’s going to be cold on Wednesday. It ’s going to rain on Thursday. It ’s going to be sunny on Friday.

5. 书上第13页活动4

(2)There are lots of desks and chairs. There is a TV in the classroom. There is a blackboard in the class.

(3)There is a pinao. There is a violin . There are lots of sofas.

There are lots of windows.


There are lots of noodles shops. There are lots of cars. There are lots of bus. There are lots of trees. There is a library. There is a railway station. There is supermarket. There is a hospital. There is a bus station.


These stamps are from China. This one has got a picture of the Great Wall on it. This one has got a picture of a flower. This one has got a picture of a panda. This one has got a picture of the West Lake.

(2) These stamps are from Mexico. This one has got a picture of a boy. This one has got a picture of a bird. This one has got a picture of noodles.

(3). These stamps are from America. This one has got a picture of a man. This one has got a picture of New York.

(4) These stamps are from Canada. This one has got a picture of flag. This one has got a picture of a bridge.

(5) These stamps are from England. This one has got a picture of a woman. This one has got a picture Big Ben.


He gives presents to the children. They sing songs.

They have a special meal.\big family dinner. They have a Christmas tree.


Daming wants to take a photo. Simon wants to show Daming the present from China. Simon and Daming wants to visit the UN building. They wants to bring peace to the world.


1. 写一封信:介绍自己

Dear Daming,

My name is I ’m eleven. I like apples and bananas. I don ’t like pears and oranges. I like monkeys and dogs. I don’t like cats. I can run fast. But I can’t jump high. I have got a football . My hobby is playing football.I want to be your friend.

Love from,

2. 谈论爱好及所拥有的物品。

I have got a kite\football\bike.My hobby is flying kites.\playing football.\riding a bike.

3. 介绍唐人街的景象或明信片。

There is a Chinatown in New York. It ’s very big and very famous. There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. And there is Chinese dancing. I want to go to Chinatown.

4. 讲述奇妙的动物世界。

I love animals. They are very useful. Snakes love the sun. Cats like fish. Pandas love bamboo. Elephants like water. Bears sleep in the winter. Dogs play with children.

5. 讲述你喜欢的中外节日。

My favourite festival is Spring Festival. At Spring Festival, We have a big family dinner. We have gift money. We eat dumplings.We say ”Happy New Year”.We watch TV at home. We visit my grandma and grandpa.

* My favourite festival is Thanksgiving Day. On Thanksgiving Day, We always have a specal meal. It’s a big family dinner.We say “Thank you” for our food, family and friends.And after Thanksgiving dinner,we watch a big football game on TV.


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