
常用句型:A.投诉信中的常用句型1. I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next term. I would prefer asingle room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.2. I am regretted to inform you that the heating system in the house stopped working a few daysago.3. I request you to arrange to replace this Walkman with another one, which must be in perfectworking order. Failing that, you must have a full refund.4. It is hard for me to understand…5. I am afraid that I have a complaint to make.6. I hate to bring this up, but…7. I am not at all satisfied with… 8. I want to complain in the strongest term about…9. I am really annoyed about it.10. I am regretted to say that sth. was incorrect.B. 回复投诉信的常用句型1. I feel terribly sorry to hear what you said.2. sth. must be done about it.3. I will immediately attend to it so that I can give you a satisfactory response.4. Please forgive what we did to you and accept our sincere apology.5. There are three ways we can handle this situation.6. We do wish you could be satisfied with what we have compensate for the trouble we made.7. We have communicated with the concerned person, confirmed what you had complained, andpunished him.8. We will have him apologize to you on the day you appoint.9. We do value your business and friendship.10. We would have refund and hope that you could accept our sincere apology for the mess wemade.

常用句型:A.投诉信中的常用句型1. I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next term. I would prefer asingle room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.2. I am regretted to inform you that the heating system in the house stopped working a few daysago.3. I request you to arrange to replace this Walkman with another one, which must be in perfectworking order. Failing that, you must have a full refund.4. It is hard for me to understand…5. I am afraid that I have a complaint to make.6. I hate to bring this up, but…7. I am not at all satisfied with… 8. I want to complain in the strongest term about…9. I am really annoyed about it.10. I am regretted to say that sth. was incorrect.B. 回复投诉信的常用句型1. I feel terribly sorry to hear what you said.2. sth. must be done about it.3. I will immediately attend to it so that I can give you a satisfactory response.4. Please forgive what we did to you and accept our sincere apology.5. There are three ways we can handle this situation.6. We do wish you could be satisfied with what we have compensate for the trouble we made.7. We have communicated with the concerned person, confirmed what you had complained, andpunished him.8. We will have him apologize to you on the day you appoint.9. We do value your business and friendship.10. We would have refund and hope that you could accept our sincere apology for the mess wemade.


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