No one can have failed to notice the fact has become
a grave problem with which we are confronted. Taking a look
around, we can find examples too numerous to list. has become so widespread that it has severely hindered the development of the nation's economy. 问题已经成为我们不得不直接面对的严重问题,而且任何人都不能视而不见。只要我们向周边看一看,发现的例子真是枚不胜举。更重
A number of factors could be responsible for this phenomenon,
but the following are the most critical ones. First and foremost , Last but not least, .(上述三个划线处要自己写)
In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective
measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that pertinent laws and regulations be worked out and rigidly enforced to ban . Meanwhile, a deep-going, widespread and everlasting campaign should be launched to enhance people's awareness of With these measures taken, we have reasons to believe that the problem can be solved in the near future. (翻译:鉴于这个问题的严重性,我们应该采
规,并严格执行。同时,要深入、普遍、持久地提高人们的对 问题的意识。我们有理由相信,只要这些措施采取得当,这个问题在不久的将来一定能够得到有效解决。)
No one can have failed to notice the fact has become
a grave problem with which we are confronted. Taking a look
around, we can find examples too numerous to list. has become so widespread that it has severely hindered the development of the nation's economy. 问题已经成为我们不得不直接面对的严重问题,而且任何人都不能视而不见。只要我们向周边看一看,发现的例子真是枚不胜举。更重
A number of factors could be responsible for this phenomenon,
but the following are the most critical ones. First and foremost , Last but not least, .(上述三个划线处要自己写)
In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective
measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that pertinent laws and regulations be worked out and rigidly enforced to ban . Meanwhile, a deep-going, widespread and everlasting campaign should be launched to enhance people's awareness of With these measures taken, we have reasons to believe that the problem can be solved in the near future. (翻译:鉴于这个问题的严重性,我们应该采
规,并严格执行。同时,要深入、普遍、持久地提高人们的对 问题的意识。我们有理由相信,只要这些措施采取得当,这个问题在不久的将来一定能够得到有效解决。)