

How do I get room service? 怎么叫客房送餐服务?

How do I get a wake-up call? 如何请人早上叫醒我?

Could you tidy up the bathroom? 请收拾一下浴室好吗?

The water fountain is out of water. 饮水机没水了。

We would like order breakfast for tomorrow. 我们想定明天的早餐。

I would like to make an overseas call to china. 我想打国际长途到中国。

Do you offer laundry service? 你们提供洗衣服务吗?



Do you know how often the No.2 bus runs?

Is this the bus to the library?

Could you let me know when we get to Davis Street?

Is anyone sitting here?

Please move over. 请挪过去一点、


Watch your step.

Do you have change for the machine?

Swipe your card or drop the change in the box here. 请刷卡或将零钱投到这个盒子里。 I cannot make change.

Could you please move to the rear?

Keep your arms and head inside the bus.

Please exit from through the rear door. 请从后门下车。


Is there a underground station nearby?

Sir, is it the right tube to central park?

Which line goes downtown?

Where am I supposed to change?

Which is the interchange station? (British English)

Is this the interchange station for the loop line?

Which exit is for the library?


Take me to the airport.

Please take me to this address.

Could you help me put the luggage to the trunk/back?

Could you please put on the air conditioner?

Can you speed up a little bit? I’m in a hurry.

How much does the meter read?

=what’s the fare?

I’ll get off here. / Drop me here.

I need a receipt

Keep the change.


Can you show me this pair of earrings?

Would you please wrap it up for me?

Could this come down a bit?

Can you give me a discount?

Do you have anything less expensive?

I like it. It’s exquisite / cute. How much is it?




Men ’s / women’s clothing department 男(女)装部,lady ’s wear 女装,children ’s clothes 童装,escalator 自动扶梯,


Where is *** OR where can I find ***?

Is there a lift / elevator /escalator here please?

What are your hours?

Are you open on weekends?

This is the first time I’ve ever come here, so I don’t really know my way around your store. 选购

I’m just looking around.

Excuse me, I’d like a tie.

Do you have this in blue?


Is it available in size XL?

I want to try this on.

Where ’s the fitting room?

I’ll have to keep looking for what I want.

It ’s too small /big /long /tight/ loose for me.

Does the color fade easily?

Is this price negotiable or is there any discount?

I’ll take it.

Could you make out an invoice for me?

Can you wrap it?

Is there a charge for gift-wrapping?


How do I get room service? 怎么叫客房送餐服务?

How do I get a wake-up call? 如何请人早上叫醒我?

Could you tidy up the bathroom? 请收拾一下浴室好吗?

The water fountain is out of water. 饮水机没水了。

We would like order breakfast for tomorrow. 我们想定明天的早餐。

I would like to make an overseas call to china. 我想打国际长途到中国。

Do you offer laundry service? 你们提供洗衣服务吗?



Do you know how often the No.2 bus runs?

Is this the bus to the library?

Could you let me know when we get to Davis Street?

Is anyone sitting here?

Please move over. 请挪过去一点、


Watch your step.

Do you have change for the machine?

Swipe your card or drop the change in the box here. 请刷卡或将零钱投到这个盒子里。 I cannot make change.

Could you please move to the rear?

Keep your arms and head inside the bus.

Please exit from through the rear door. 请从后门下车。


Is there a underground station nearby?

Sir, is it the right tube to central park?

Which line goes downtown?

Where am I supposed to change?

Which is the interchange station? (British English)

Is this the interchange station for the loop line?

Which exit is for the library?


Take me to the airport.

Please take me to this address.

Could you help me put the luggage to the trunk/back?

Could you please put on the air conditioner?

Can you speed up a little bit? I’m in a hurry.

How much does the meter read?

=what’s the fare?

I’ll get off here. / Drop me here.

I need a receipt

Keep the change.


Can you show me this pair of earrings?

Would you please wrap it up for me?

Could this come down a bit?

Can you give me a discount?

Do you have anything less expensive?

I like it. It’s exquisite / cute. How much is it?




Men ’s / women’s clothing department 男(女)装部,lady ’s wear 女装,children ’s clothes 童装,escalator 自动扶梯,


Where is *** OR where can I find ***?

Is there a lift / elevator /escalator here please?

What are your hours?

Are you open on weekends?

This is the first time I’ve ever come here, so I don’t really know my way around your store. 选购

I’m just looking around.

Excuse me, I’d like a tie.

Do you have this in blue?


Is it available in size XL?

I want to try this on.

Where ’s the fitting room?

I’ll have to keep looking for what I want.

It ’s too small /big /long /tight/ loose for me.

Does the color fade easily?

Is this price negotiable or is there any discount?

I’ll take it.

Could you make out an invoice for me?

Can you wrap it?

Is there a charge for gift-wrapping?


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