

  When I have a sketchy look at other farm animals the writer depicts, it is simple to find more examples of cruel things humans do to animals out of ignorance. This part of the novel expanded people’s scope from only horses to all the animals and deepened the plea for animal rights and that made the novel more successful.

  Sir Oliver, the old horse, had a 20-centimeter-long tail. His beautiful long tail was cut off just because the owners thought it was fashionable. Humans never understood how pained a horse is when he can’t brush flies off his sides and back legs.

  Sky, the terrier, had had a part of her ears sheared off. Her owners wanted to make her look cute and ignored that parts of her ears were intended to protect the delicate parts from injury. “Why don’t people cut their own children ‘s ears to make them look lovely?” Asked the poor dog angrily.      Yes, why can’t we think from the animals’ perspective?

  “Black Beauty is a heartbreaking story,” I thought when my mother read it to me when I was a child. As a child I was haunted by the described cruelty to those horses. Now I deeply hope, in the future, we will be able to tell our children that because of the book, and others like it, such mistreatment of animals no longer exists. And they just need to enjoy the novel as a beautiful historical documentary recording the progress of upholding animal rights. At that time, the dream of the author will have come true and her hard work will have been rewarded.


  Black Beauty was the only book written by Anna Sewell, although its continued popularity among children, particularly girls, has justified that effort. Sewell was, remarkably, paid only twenty pounds for the book and it was published three months before her death, in 1877. However, its immediate success gave her great pleasure and she died in the knowledge that the book had indeed encouraged people to treat animals less cruelly.

  It is the autobiography of a horse, the black Beauty of the title, who narrates it. Through various owners who ask different tasks of Black Beauty, he grows and has numerous adventures. He goes from being a riding and carriage horse through being a mistreated town cab horse to eventual happiness in a secure home. Notably, the animal keeps strength and good temper throughout his suffering and the story was extremely influential as pro-animal propaganda but it is also an extremely exciting and moving children's story.

* 黑骏马读后感

* 黑骏马英文读后感

* 黑骏马英语读后感


  When I have a sketchy look at other farm animals the writer depicts, it is simple to find more examples of cruel things humans do to animals out of ignorance. This part of the novel expanded people’s scope from only horses to all the animals and deepened the plea for animal rights and that made the novel more successful.

  Sir Oliver, the old horse, had a 20-centimeter-long tail. His beautiful long tail was cut off just because the owners thought it was fashionable. Humans never understood how pained a horse is when he can’t brush flies off his sides and back legs.

  Sky, the terrier, had had a part of her ears sheared off. Her owners wanted to make her look cute and ignored that parts of her ears were intended to protect the delicate parts from injury. “Why don’t people cut their own children ‘s ears to make them look lovely?” Asked the poor dog angrily.      Yes, why can’t we think from the animals’ perspective?

  “Black Beauty is a heartbreaking story,” I thought when my mother read it to me when I was a child. As a child I was haunted by the described cruelty to those horses. Now I deeply hope, in the future, we will be able to tell our children that because of the book, and others like it, such mistreatment of animals no longer exists. And they just need to enjoy the novel as a beautiful historical documentary recording the progress of upholding animal rights. At that time, the dream of the author will have come true and her hard work will have been rewarded.


  Black Beauty was the only book written by Anna Sewell, although its continued popularity among children, particularly girls, has justified that effort. Sewell was, remarkably, paid only twenty pounds for the book and it was published three months before her death, in 1877. However, its immediate success gave her great pleasure and she died in the knowledge that the book had indeed encouraged people to treat animals less cruelly.

  It is the autobiography of a horse, the black Beauty of the title, who narrates it. Through various owners who ask different tasks of Black Beauty, he grows and has numerous adventures. He goes from being a riding and carriage horse through being a mistreated town cab horse to eventual happiness in a secure home. Notably, the animal keeps strength and good temper throughout his suffering and the story was extremely influential as pro-animal propaganda but it is also an extremely exciting and moving children's story.

* 黑骏马读后感

* 黑骏马英文读后感

* 黑骏马英语读后感


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