

1. 翻译词组和句子:









2. 改错


3. 单选题

( )The book is colourful, it ’s really helpful.

A.and B so C but D.or

4. 填空


Is your brother computer games?Yes,he is. 那个男孩非常乐于助人,我们都很喜欢他。

The boy

1.( )The young for the old man every day.A.carry B. bring C . takes D.carries

2.( )Army often ___________after school.

A.walks to home B.walks home C.take bus home D.takes bus home

3.I ’m good at swimming.She is a good 4.( )I always talk A.to;to B.with ;to Cto,at Dwith;to

5.( )She is a good girl.She A,all likes B.is like all C.is all like D.likes all

6.( )Amy usually after school everyday.

A.walk to home B.goes to home C.go home D.walks home

7.This pair of blue too big for me.I don ’t want to buy B.are it Cis ,it D is ,them

8.He hopes __________”the tennis match”.

A.him to win B he is win .C.he to win D.he will win


1,Let Li Lei 2.Does Sandy enjoy 翻译


1. 翻译:文涛是跑步俱乐部的一名成员。

2. 用动词的适当形式填空

I don’t know who _______(talk)with,

It is great fun_________(swim)in summer.

3. 翻译词组,步行去某地:

4. 填空:The bag isn’t mine.It must be someone _____(别人)

5.He spend as much time as he can______(swim)at the weekend.

6. 翻译词组




7. 单选

__________today ,Millie?---Let me see .It’s September 30th .

A.What day is it B.When is it C.What ’s the date D.What date


1.__________the parents ’ meeting_________(begin)at two in the morning.

2. 翻译句子:杰克擅长踢足球________________________ 明天是我们学校的开放日。_______________________







3. 单选

A.both B.all C.each D.every

4. 填空

Look!The new school________(look)nice.

How long___________it take Jim _________(get)to school by bike every day?

The girl like keeping__________(日记)every day.



1.Does Shirly like playing tennis _____(good)?Yes,it’s her favorite.

2.John with his brother and _____(I)goes to the Science Museum


3.There are many tall_________(build)in Beijing Sunshine Town.

4.The words are so difficult in this book that ____(少数)students can understand them

5. 家长会于今天下午两点开始。_____________________________________________

6. 从我家坐公交车到学校要花我半个小时。_____________________________________________

7. 我的同学每次从学校图书馆借许多书。_____________________________________________

8. 我家离学校有一段很长的路。____________________________________________

9. 感谢你告诉我有关新学校的情况。_____________________________________________


1. ( )MrLi teaches_______English.He teaches____very well.

A.our us B.us our C.our our D.us us

2.( )Mr W u asks Simon and _____to help him.He wants ___to stay here today.

A.me ,us B.I ,we C.me me D.I ,us

3.Mr Xu is _____English teacher ,He teachies__________English.

A.they ,them B.their,them C.their ,their D.them,their

4.Mum_______at 6:30am.every morning.

A.wakes up me B.wakes me up C.wake up me D.wake me up

5.My English is very poor.I need ______(speak )more to my classmates.

6.It begins__________(rain).


1. 踢完足球后我需要好好休息一下。

After ____________,I need a good rest.

2. 是进行课外文体活动的时候了吗?

Is it time __________________________________?

3.Some students must do some ___________in the classroom.The floor isn ’t clean.

4.She often helps me with my English,and I thank _________.

A.she helps me B.her for helping C.her to help D.her for her help

5.That boy often plays_______(trick )on his classmates.

6.We knock on all our _____________neighbour)doors at Helloween,

7.Tom _______ (not be)late for school in the morning .

8. 一些学生喜欢捉弄老师。

Some students __________________________________.

9. 母亲节在五月,西方人用许多方式庆祝它。

Mother ’s Day is in May.People in the __________it_______many ways.

10. 谢谢你用美味的食物来招待我们。

Thank you for___________________as a treat.


11.Peter often ______________LionKing on the ____________day. 他喜欢告诉父母他班里的情况。

12.He likes_____________________the things in the class.


1. 翻译词组和句子:









2. 改错


3. 单选题

( )The book is colourful, it ’s really helpful.

A.and B so C but D.or

4. 填空


Is your brother computer games?Yes,he is. 那个男孩非常乐于助人,我们都很喜欢他。

The boy

1.( )The young for the old man every day.A.carry B. bring C . takes D.carries

2.( )Army often ___________after school.

A.walks to home B.walks home C.take bus home D.takes bus home

3.I ’m good at swimming.She is a good 4.( )I always talk A.to;to B.with ;to Cto,at Dwith;to

5.( )She is a good girl.She A,all likes B.is like all C.is all like D.likes all

6.( )Amy usually after school everyday.

A.walk to home B.goes to home C.go home D.walks home

7.This pair of blue too big for me.I don ’t want to buy B.are it Cis ,it D is ,them

8.He hopes __________”the tennis match”.

A.him to win B he is win .C.he to win D.he will win


1,Let Li Lei 2.Does Sandy enjoy 翻译


1. 翻译:文涛是跑步俱乐部的一名成员。

2. 用动词的适当形式填空

I don’t know who _______(talk)with,

It is great fun_________(swim)in summer.

3. 翻译词组,步行去某地:

4. 填空:The bag isn’t mine.It must be someone _____(别人)

5.He spend as much time as he can______(swim)at the weekend.

6. 翻译词组




7. 单选

__________today ,Millie?---Let me see .It’s September 30th .

A.What day is it B.When is it C.What ’s the date D.What date


1.__________the parents ’ meeting_________(begin)at two in the morning.

2. 翻译句子:杰克擅长踢足球________________________ 明天是我们学校的开放日。_______________________







3. 单选

A.both B.all C.each D.every

4. 填空

Look!The new school________(look)nice.

How long___________it take Jim _________(get)to school by bike every day?

The girl like keeping__________(日记)every day.



1.Does Shirly like playing tennis _____(good)?Yes,it’s her favorite.

2.John with his brother and _____(I)goes to the Science Museum


3.There are many tall_________(build)in Beijing Sunshine Town.

4.The words are so difficult in this book that ____(少数)students can understand them

5. 家长会于今天下午两点开始。_____________________________________________

6. 从我家坐公交车到学校要花我半个小时。_____________________________________________

7. 我的同学每次从学校图书馆借许多书。_____________________________________________

8. 我家离学校有一段很长的路。____________________________________________

9. 感谢你告诉我有关新学校的情况。_____________________________________________


1. ( )MrLi teaches_______English.He teaches____very well.

A.our us B.us our C.our our D.us us

2.( )Mr W u asks Simon and _____to help him.He wants ___to stay here today.

A.me ,us B.I ,we C.me me D.I ,us

3.Mr Xu is _____English teacher ,He teachies__________English.

A.they ,them B.their,them C.their ,their D.them,their

4.Mum_______at 6:30am.every morning.

A.wakes up me B.wakes me up C.wake up me D.wake me up

5.My English is very poor.I need ______(speak )more to my classmates.

6.It begins__________(rain).


1. 踢完足球后我需要好好休息一下。

After ____________,I need a good rest.

2. 是进行课外文体活动的时候了吗?

Is it time __________________________________?

3.Some students must do some ___________in the classroom.The floor isn ’t clean.

4.She often helps me with my English,and I thank _________.

A.she helps me B.her for helping C.her to help D.her for her help

5.That boy often plays_______(trick )on his classmates.

6.We knock on all our _____________neighbour)doors at Helloween,

7.Tom _______ (not be)late for school in the morning .

8. 一些学生喜欢捉弄老师。

Some students __________________________________.

9. 母亲节在五月,西方人用许多方式庆祝它。

Mother ’s Day is in May.People in the __________it_______many ways.

10. 谢谢你用美味的食物来招待我们。

Thank you for___________________as a treat.


11.Peter often ______________LionKing on the ____________day. 他喜欢告诉父母他班里的情况。

12.He likes_____________________the things in the class.


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