



1. hospital cinema 2. Left right

( ) ( )

3. near museum 4. where turn

( ) ( )

5. science park

( )


1. A. post office a. 医院

2. B. hospital b. 书店

3. C. science museum c. 邮局

4. D. cinema d. 科学博物馆

5. E. bookstore e. 电影院


1. A talking robot. A. 我知道一家很棒的意大利饭馆。

2. What an interesting film. B. 一个说话的机器人。

3. I know a great Italia restaurant. C. 我想买张明信片。

4. I want to buy a post card. D. 多么有意义的一场电影啊!

5. Excuse me. E. 打扰一下。


( )1. Excuse me,________there a library near here?

A. are B. is C. am

( ) 2.—________ is the bookstore,please?

—It's near the cinema

A. Where B. How C. When

( ) 3. —________.—You're welcome.

A. Goodbye B. Hello C. Thank you

( ) 4. I want to see a film. I can go to the ________.

A. hospital B. post office C. cinema

( )5. —Excuse me, where is the library?—It's ________ the cinema.

A. next B. next to C. at

五、读句子, 圈出正确的单词。(10分)

1. Turn right (on / at )the school. You’ll see it.

2. I want to (buy / by) a pair of shoes.

3.It's(next / near ) the hospital.

4.(What/How) can I get to the hospital?

5. I want to(send/sending) a post card.


( )1. ---How can I get there? ---Go straight, then

turn left.

( )2. There is a cinema near here

( )3. Turn left ,please

( )4. What a great museum.


__It’s next to the hospital.


( )1.Is there a cinema near here? A. OK

( )2.Where is the hospital? B. Yes, there is.

( )3.Let ’s go. C. It's in front of the museum.

( )4.How can I get to the hospital? D. Go straight, then turn right.


1. It's n_________ to the library.

2. I’m going to the b_________ to buy some books this weekend

3. I usually go to the h___________ to see a doctor.

4. ---Excuse me, w_________ is the cinema?

---Walk straight for three minutes.

5. Go s___________ for 5 minutes. You can see it.

九、阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。 (15分

) )5. ) 5. -- __Where is the cinema?

First, you can see the science museum. It’s next to the bookstore and the post office. The

bookstore is behind the cinema. The hospital is in front of the cinema. The library is in front of the science museum. There is a park next to the hospital. The school is next to the park and the library. It’s in front of the post office. Let’ s finish the map. Let’s go!

1. the cinema is in front of the bookstore.( )

2. The park is next to the hospital.( )

3. The school is next to the library.( )

4.The school is behind the post office.( )


Chen Jie的生日快到了,她要在周日晚上7:00举行生日party, 不过她的生日邀请卡还没写好,你能帮帮她吗?

Chen Jie家路线提示:

1. 从学校向左转,然后直着走3分钟。

2. 在医院向左转再向右转,你会在你的左侧看见科学博物馆,Chen Jie家就在科学博物馆的旁边。这是她给Amy 的邀请卡,开头结尾已写好,请把正文补充完整。

Dear Amy,

Please come to my birthday party at 7:00 on Sunday. Now I’ll tell you how to come:



Chen Jie




1. hospital cinema 2. Left right

( ) ( )

3. near museum 4. where turn

( ) ( )

5. science park

( )


1. A. post office a. 医院

2. B. hospital b. 书店

3. C. science museum c. 邮局

4. D. cinema d. 科学博物馆

5. E. bookstore e. 电影院


1. A talking robot. A. 我知道一家很棒的意大利饭馆。

2. What an interesting film. B. 一个说话的机器人。

3. I know a great Italia restaurant. C. 我想买张明信片。

4. I want to buy a post card. D. 多么有意义的一场电影啊!

5. Excuse me. E. 打扰一下。


( )1. Excuse me,________there a library near here?

A. are B. is C. am

( ) 2.—________ is the bookstore,please?

—It's near the cinema

A. Where B. How C. When

( ) 3. —________.—You're welcome.

A. Goodbye B. Hello C. Thank you

( ) 4. I want to see a film. I can go to the ________.

A. hospital B. post office C. cinema

( )5. —Excuse me, where is the library?—It's ________ the cinema.

A. next B. next to C. at

五、读句子, 圈出正确的单词。(10分)

1. Turn right (on / at )the school. You’ll see it.

2. I want to (buy / by) a pair of shoes.

3.It's(next / near ) the hospital.

4.(What/How) can I get to the hospital?

5. I want to(send/sending) a post card.


( )1. ---How can I get there? ---Go straight, then

turn left.

( )2. There is a cinema near here

( )3. Turn left ,please

( )4. What a great museum.


__It’s next to the hospital.


( )1.Is there a cinema near here? A. OK

( )2.Where is the hospital? B. Yes, there is.

( )3.Let ’s go. C. It's in front of the museum.

( )4.How can I get to the hospital? D. Go straight, then turn right.


1. It's n_________ to the library.

2. I’m going to the b_________ to buy some books this weekend

3. I usually go to the h___________ to see a doctor.

4. ---Excuse me, w_________ is the cinema?

---Walk straight for three minutes.

5. Go s___________ for 5 minutes. You can see it.

九、阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。 (15分

) )5. ) 5. -- __Where is the cinema?

First, you can see the science museum. It’s next to the bookstore and the post office. The

bookstore is behind the cinema. The hospital is in front of the cinema. The library is in front of the science museum. There is a park next to the hospital. The school is next to the park and the library. It’s in front of the post office. Let’ s finish the map. Let’s go!

1. the cinema is in front of the bookstore.( )

2. The park is next to the hospital.( )

3. The school is next to the library.( )

4.The school is behind the post office.( )


Chen Jie的生日快到了,她要在周日晚上7:00举行生日party, 不过她的生日邀请卡还没写好,你能帮帮她吗?

Chen Jie家路线提示:

1. 从学校向左转,然后直着走3分钟。

2. 在医院向左转再向右转,你会在你的左侧看见科学博物馆,Chen Jie家就在科学博物馆的旁边。这是她给Amy 的邀请卡,开头结尾已写好,请把正文补充完整。

Dear Amy,

Please come to my birthday party at 7:00 on Sunday. Now I’ll tell you how to come:



Chen Jie


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