彭萍安, 秦明照
1.Savi P.Chong BH.Greinacher A Effect of fondaparinux on platelet activation in the presence of heparin-dependent antibodies:ablinded comparative multicenter study with unfractionated heparin[外文期刊] 2005
2.Warkentin TE.Cook RJ.Marder VJ Anti-platelet factor 4/heparin antibodies in orthopedic surgery patients receivingantithrombotic prophylaxis with fondaparinux or enoxaparin[外文期刊] 2005
3.Schiele F Fondaparinux and acute coronary syndromes:update on the OASIS 5-6 studies 2010
4.Smogorzewska A.Brandt JT.Chandler WL Effect of Fondaparinux on Coagulation Assays:Results of College of American PathologistsProficiency esting 2006
5.Calatzis A.Peetz D.Haas S Prothrombinase-Induced Clotting Time Assay for Determination of the Anticoagulant Effects ofUnfractionated and Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins,Fondaparinux,and Thrombin Inhibitors[外文期刊] 2008(3)
6.Mega JL.Braunwald E.Mohanavelu S Rivaroxaban versus placebo in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ATLAS ACS-TIMI 46):arandomised,double-blind,phase II trial 2009
7.Turpie AG.Lassen ML.Davidson BL Rivaroxaban versus enoxaparin for thromboprophylaxis after total knee arthroplasty(RECORD4):a randomised trial[外文期刊] 2009(9676)
8.Kubitza D.Becka M.Mueck W Safety,tolerability,pharmacodynamics,and pharmacokinetics of rivaroxaban-an oral,direct Factor Xainhibitor-are not affected by aspirin 2006
9.Lindhoff-Last E.Samama MM.Ortel TL Assays for Measuring Rivaroxaban:Their Suitability and Limitations[外文期刊] 201010.Samama MM.Le Flem L.Guinet C Effects of rivaroxaban,a novel,oral,direct Factor Xa inhibitor,on coagulation assays[外文期刊]2009(4)
11.Samama M.Amiral J.Guinet C Specific and rapid measurement of rivaroxaban in plasma using a new,dedicated chromogenic assay2010
12.Dager WE.White RH Pharmacotherapy of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia[外文期刊] 2003
13.Eriksson BI.Dahl OE.Rosencher N Dabigatran etexilate versus enoxaparin for prevention of venous thromboembolism after totalhip replacement:a randomised,double-blind,non-inferiority trial[外文期刊] 2007
14.Gjin N.Stefanie S.Dritan K Bleeding After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Bivalirudin or Unfractionated Heparin andOne-Year Mortality 2010
15.Greinacher A.Eichler P.Lubenow N Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia with thromboembolic complications:meta-analysis 2prospective trials to assess the value of parenteral treatment with lepirudin an its therapeutic aPTT range 2000
16.Stangier J.Rathgen K.Stahle H The pharmacokinetics,pharmacodynamics and tolerability of dabigatran etexilate,a new oraldirect thrombin inhibitor,in healthy male subjects[外文期刊] 2007(3)
17.Eriksson BI.Quinlan DJ.Weitz JI Comparative pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of oral direct thrombin and factor Xainhibitors in development[外文期刊] 2009(1)
18.Robert CG.William ED.Jeffrey HK Effect of Direct Thrombin Inhibitors,Bivalirudin,Lepirudin,and Argatroban,on ProthrombinTime and INR Values 2004
19.Carroll RC.Chavez JJ.Simmons JW Measurement of Patients' Bivalirudin Plasma Levels by a Thrombelastograph? Ecarin ClottingTime Assay:A Comparison to a Standard Activated Clotting Time[外文期刊] 2006
1. 汪明杰 皮下注射低分子肝素钠不同进针方法对皮下瘀斑的影响[期刊论文]-齐齐哈尔医学院学报2008,29(7)2. 李美丽 低分子肝素钠的安全注射方法[期刊论文]-包头医学院学报2011,27(3)
3. 霍玉娥.闰奕.周金英 垂直皮下注射低分子肝素对患者疼痛反应和瘀斑发生的观察[期刊论文]-当代医学2009,15(18)
4. 林琳.黄超.王蔚然.Lin Lin.Huang Chao.Wang Weiran 经皮冠状动脉成形术病人皮下注射低分子肝素后按压方法研究[期刊论文]-护理研究2006,20(25)
5. 王莉 硝酸甘油注射液与肝素钠注射液不宜配伍[期刊论文]-华北国防医药2008,20(1)
6. 李晓红 低分子肝素钙注射后皮下淤血的原因及对策[期刊论文]-实用心脑肺血管病杂志2006,14(11)7. 韩传来 硬膜外麻醉应用于抗凝病人的安全性评价[期刊论文]-中外医疗2009,28(35)
8. 闫逸生.张秀英.李庚.王建平 肝素钙皮下注射法不同部位对抗凝作用的影响[期刊论文]-临床军医杂志2000,28(2)9. 温澄非.姜谧.于淑艳 皮下注射低分子肝素钙致腹直肌下血肿1例报告[期刊论文]-吉林医学2010,31(4)10. 王鸿利 抗凝药物和溶栓药物的临床应用和实验监测[期刊论文]-内科急危重症杂志2001,7(4)
彭萍安, 秦明照
1.Savi P.Chong BH.Greinacher A Effect of fondaparinux on platelet activation in the presence of heparin-dependent antibodies:ablinded comparative multicenter study with unfractionated heparin[外文期刊] 2005
2.Warkentin TE.Cook RJ.Marder VJ Anti-platelet factor 4/heparin antibodies in orthopedic surgery patients receivingantithrombotic prophylaxis with fondaparinux or enoxaparin[外文期刊] 2005
3.Schiele F Fondaparinux and acute coronary syndromes:update on the OASIS 5-6 studies 2010
4.Smogorzewska A.Brandt JT.Chandler WL Effect of Fondaparinux on Coagulation Assays:Results of College of American PathologistsProficiency esting 2006
5.Calatzis A.Peetz D.Haas S Prothrombinase-Induced Clotting Time Assay for Determination of the Anticoagulant Effects ofUnfractionated and Low-Molecular-Weight Heparins,Fondaparinux,and Thrombin Inhibitors[外文期刊] 2008(3)
6.Mega JL.Braunwald E.Mohanavelu S Rivaroxaban versus placebo in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ATLAS ACS-TIMI 46):arandomised,double-blind,phase II trial 2009
7.Turpie AG.Lassen ML.Davidson BL Rivaroxaban versus enoxaparin for thromboprophylaxis after total knee arthroplasty(RECORD4):a randomised trial[外文期刊] 2009(9676)
8.Kubitza D.Becka M.Mueck W Safety,tolerability,pharmacodynamics,and pharmacokinetics of rivaroxaban-an oral,direct Factor Xainhibitor-are not affected by aspirin 2006
9.Lindhoff-Last E.Samama MM.Ortel TL Assays for Measuring Rivaroxaban:Their Suitability and Limitations[外文期刊] 201010.Samama MM.Le Flem L.Guinet C Effects of rivaroxaban,a novel,oral,direct Factor Xa inhibitor,on coagulation assays[外文期刊]2009(4)
11.Samama M.Amiral J.Guinet C Specific and rapid measurement of rivaroxaban in plasma using a new,dedicated chromogenic assay2010
12.Dager WE.White RH Pharmacotherapy of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia[外文期刊] 2003
13.Eriksson BI.Dahl OE.Rosencher N Dabigatran etexilate versus enoxaparin for prevention of venous thromboembolism after totalhip replacement:a randomised,double-blind,non-inferiority trial[外文期刊] 2007
14.Gjin N.Stefanie S.Dritan K Bleeding After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Bivalirudin or Unfractionated Heparin andOne-Year Mortality 2010
15.Greinacher A.Eichler P.Lubenow N Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia with thromboembolic complications:meta-analysis 2prospective trials to assess the value of parenteral treatment with lepirudin an its therapeutic aPTT range 2000
16.Stangier J.Rathgen K.Stahle H The pharmacokinetics,pharmacodynamics and tolerability of dabigatran etexilate,a new oraldirect thrombin inhibitor,in healthy male subjects[外文期刊] 2007(3)
17.Eriksson BI.Quinlan DJ.Weitz JI Comparative pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of oral direct thrombin and factor Xainhibitors in development[外文期刊] 2009(1)
18.Robert CG.William ED.Jeffrey HK Effect of Direct Thrombin Inhibitors,Bivalirudin,Lepirudin,and Argatroban,on ProthrombinTime and INR Values 2004
19.Carroll RC.Chavez JJ.Simmons JW Measurement of Patients' Bivalirudin Plasma Levels by a Thrombelastograph? Ecarin ClottingTime Assay:A Comparison to a Standard Activated Clotting Time[外文期刊] 2006
1. 汪明杰 皮下注射低分子肝素钠不同进针方法对皮下瘀斑的影响[期刊论文]-齐齐哈尔医学院学报2008,29(7)2. 李美丽 低分子肝素钠的安全注射方法[期刊论文]-包头医学院学报2011,27(3)
3. 霍玉娥.闰奕.周金英 垂直皮下注射低分子肝素对患者疼痛反应和瘀斑发生的观察[期刊论文]-当代医学2009,15(18)
4. 林琳.黄超.王蔚然.Lin Lin.Huang Chao.Wang Weiran 经皮冠状动脉成形术病人皮下注射低分子肝素后按压方法研究[期刊论文]-护理研究2006,20(25)
5. 王莉 硝酸甘油注射液与肝素钠注射液不宜配伍[期刊论文]-华北国防医药2008,20(1)
6. 李晓红 低分子肝素钙注射后皮下淤血的原因及对策[期刊论文]-实用心脑肺血管病杂志2006,14(11)7. 韩传来 硬膜外麻醉应用于抗凝病人的安全性评价[期刊论文]-中外医疗2009,28(35)
8. 闫逸生.张秀英.李庚.王建平 肝素钙皮下注射法不同部位对抗凝作用的影响[期刊论文]-临床军医杂志2000,28(2)9. 温澄非.姜谧.于淑艳 皮下注射低分子肝素钙致腹直肌下血肿1例报告[期刊论文]-吉林医学2010,31(4)10. 王鸿利 抗凝药物和溶栓药物的临床应用和实验监测[期刊论文]-内科急危重症杂志2001,7(4)