院 系_______________________
姓 名_______________________
学 号_______________________
年 月 日(华文中宋3号居中)
作者签名: 年 月 日
本学位论文属于 1、保密囗,在 年解密后适用本授权书
2、不保密囗 。
作者签名: 年 月 日
导师签名: 年 月 日
摘□□要 (黑体小2号加粗居中)
Abstract (Time New Roman小2号加粗居中)
(Time New Roman小4号,行间距固定1.5倍行距,字符间距为标准)
Key Words:××××; ××××; ××××; ××××
(Time New Roman 4号加粗) (Time New Roman小4号)
摘要 ..................................................................... Ⅰ Abstract .................................................................. Ⅱ 1□□□绪论 . ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1□□×××××× .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2□□×××××× .................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.1□□×××××× ............................................................................................................... 7
1.3□□×××××× ................................................................................................................ 10
3□□□××××××................................................................................................................ 20
3.1□□×××××× ................................................................................................................ 20
3.2□□×××××× ................................................................................................................ 23
3.2.1□□×××××× ............................................................................................................. 25
3.3□□×××××× ................................................................................................................ 30
4□□□结论 . ............................................................................................................................... 40
致谢 ............................................................................................................................................ 42
参考文献 .................................................................................................................................... 44 附录□××××××................................................................................................................. 45 (章为宋体小4号加粗,其余宋体小4号,字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman小4号)
1.1□××××××(黑体4号加粗, 字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman4号加粗)
××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××, ××××××××××××××××××××××××× (宋体小4号,行间距固定1.5倍行距,字符间距为标准)
1.2.1□××××××(黑体小4号加粗, 字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman 小4号加粗)□××××××(黑体小4号加粗, 字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman小4号加粗)
(黑体小2加粗居中, 字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman小2号加粗)
3.1□××××××(黑体4号加粗, 字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman4号加粗)
E 1=A 1sin(2πf 1t +ϕ01+ϕpath 1) (3-1)
E 2=A 2sin(2πf 2t +ϕ02+ϕpath 2) (3-2)
×××××××××××××××××××××××××××× (如表3-1所示)
××××× ××× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××× ×× ×× ×× ××
(表标题:位于表格上方,黑体小4号,字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman小4号,表内容:宋体5号,字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman 5号)
××××××××××××××××××××××××××× (如图3-1所示
(图标题:位于图下方,黑体小4号,字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman小4号)
参考文献 (黑体小2号加粗居中)
[1]□王静康, 张凤宝, 夏淑倩等. 论化工本科专业国际认证与国内认证的“实质性”. 高等工程教育研究,2014,5:1-4
[2]□Stone J A, Howard L P. A simple technique for observing periodic nonlinearities in Michelson interferometers. Precision Engineering,1998,22(4):220-232
[3]□朱印红, 袁衍明.Dreamweaver 完美网页设计——技术入门篇.(第一版). 北京:中国电力出版社,2006:19~20
[4]□Lewis S L. Physics and chemistry of the solar system.北京:北京大学出版社,2014.1~2
[5]□陈剑. 上博简《民之父母》“而得既塞於四海矣”句解释[EB/OL]. 简帛研究网站,http://www.bamboosilk.org/Wssf/2003/chenjian03.htm.2003-01-18
[1] 薛殿华. 空气调节[M].北京:清华大学出版社.2004.
[2] 李越铭, 吴静怡与盐地纯夫, 水冷(热) 变频多联空调系统的全年能耗模拟和分析. 太阳能学报, 2011. 32(7): 第1040-1045页.
[3] 赵伟,周德海,石文星. 多联机空调系统的性能域[J]. 暖通空调,2010(7).
[4] 马一太,王洪利. 多联机空调系统极其能效标准进展[J]机械工业标准化与质量.2008,(2):21-23
[5] 陈武,蔡振雄,周兴禧.一拖三变频空调系统建模方法及控制研究[J].系统仿真学报,2004,16(10):2123—2127.
[6] 武永强,周兴禧,夏清,等.一拖三变频空调(VRV)系统运行特性的仿真研究
[7] Zhou, Y.P., et al., Simulation and experimental validation of the variable-refrigerant-volume (VRV) air-conditioning system in EnergyPlus. Energy and Buildings, 2008. 40(6): p. 1041-1047.
[8] 潘毅群, 吴刚与V. Hartkopf, 建筑全能耗分析软件EnergyPlus 及其应用. 暖通空调, 2004. 34(9): 第2-7页.
[9] 刘晓男,EnergyPlus 能耗分析软件在空调系统节能改造中的应用. 施工技术,2012.41:增刊.
[10] Fumo, N., P. Mago and R. Luck, Methodology to estimate building energy consumption using EnergyPlus Benchmark Models. Energy and Buildings, 2010. 42(12): p. 2331-2337.
[11] Jiang, Y., T. Ge and R. Wang, Performance simulation of a joint solid desiccant heat pump and variable refrigerant flow air conditioning system in EnergyPlus. Energy and Buildings, 2013. 65: p. 220-230
[12] 周宴平, 吴静怡与王如竹, EnergyPlus 中变频多联空调的模块开发和能耗仿真分析. 系统仿真学报, 2007. 19(20): 第4808-4811页.
[13] 邵双全,石文星,李先庭,等.多元变频空调系统物理模型研究[J].系统仿真学报,2002,14(6):690—694.
[14] 周宴平, 吴静怡与王如竹, EnergyPlus 中变频空调制热工况模块的开发与实验验证.
[15] 周宴平,吴静怡与王如竹,变频多联空调与屋顶整体机组的能耗仿真对比研究. 中国工程热物理学会2006年丁程热力学与能源利用学术会议论文集(上册) ,2006.428—432.
[16] Hu Yunpeng ,Chen Huanxin ,Zhou Cheng,Yang xiaoshuang, Xu rongji.Analysis of sensor fault detection in chiller based on PCA method[J].CIESC Journal(化工学报).2012,63(S2):85-88
[17] Li Guannan ,Hu Yunpeng ,Chen Huanxin, Li Haorong, Li Jiong, Hu Wenju.SVDD-based chiller sensor fault detection method and its detection efficiency[J].CIESC Journal(化工学报).2015,1
[18] Hu Y, Chen H, Xie J, et al. Chiller sensor fault detection using a self-Adaptive Principal Component Analysis method[J]. Energy and Buildings. 2012, 54: 252-258.
[19] Katipamula S, Brambleya M R. Review Article: Methods for Fault Detection, Diagnostics, and Prognostics for Building Systems—A Review, Part I[J]. HVAC&R Research. 2005, 11(1): 3-25.
[20] Katipamula S, Brambleya M R. Review Article: Methods for Fault Detection, Diagnostics, and Prognostics for Building Systems—A Review, Part II[J]. HVAC&R Research. 2005, 11(2): 169-187.
[21] Fan C, Xiao F, Wang S. Development of prediction models for next-day building energy consumption and peak power demand using data Mining techniques[Z]. THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND: 2014: 127, 1-10.
[22] Cheung H, Braun J E. Performance comparisons for variable-speed ductless and single-speed ducted residential heat pumps[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2014, 47: 15-25.
[23] Ritchie N, Briant M. Variable speed drives cuts 20% energy costs[J]. World Pumps. 2014, 2014(10): 18-19.
[24] Braun J E. Automated fault detection and diagnostics for vapor compression cooling equipment[J]. JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 2003, 125(3): 266-274.
[25] Kao J Y, Pierce E T. Sensor Errors: Their Effects on building energy consumption[J]. ASHRAE Journal. 1983, 25(12): 42-45.
[26] Wang S, Xiao F. AHU sensor fault diagnosis using principal component analysis method[J]. Energy and Buildings. 2004, 36(2): 147-160.
[27] Wang S, Zhou Q, Xiao F. A system-level faultdetection and diagnosis strategy for HVAC systems involving sensor faults[J]. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS. 2010, 42(4): 477-490.
[28] Lee S H, Yik F W H. A study on the energy penalty of various air-side system faults in buildings[J]. Energy and Buildings. 2010, 42(1): 2-10.
[29] Lee S H, Yik F W H, Lai J H K. Performance modelling of air-cooled twin-circuit screw chiller[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2010, 30(10): 1179-1187.
[30] Ma Z, Wang S. Online fault detection and robust control of condenser cooling water systems in building central chiller plants[J]. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS. 2011, 43(1): 153-165.
[31] Ma Z, Wang S. Fault-tolerant supervisory control of building condenser cooling water systems for energy efficiency[J]. HVAC&R RESEARCH. 2012, 18(1-2): 126-146.
[32] Zhenjun M. Online Supervisory and Optimal Control of Complex Building Central Chilling Systems[D]. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2008. [33] Crawley D B, Lawrie L K, Winkelmann F C, et al. EnergyPlus: creating a new-generation building energy simulation program[J]. Energy and Buildings. 2001, 33(4): 319-331.
[34] Crawley D, Lawrie L, Winkelmann F. EnergyPlus: new capabilities in a whole-building energy simulation program//Seventh International IBPSA Conference[C].
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附录 (黑体小2号加粗居中)
( 宋体小4号)
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院 系_______________________
姓 名_______________________
学 号_______________________
年 月 日(华文中宋3号居中)
作者签名: 年 月 日
本学位论文属于 1、保密囗,在 年解密后适用本授权书
2、不保密囗 。
作者签名: 年 月 日
导师签名: 年 月 日
摘□□要 (黑体小2号加粗居中)
Abstract (Time New Roman小2号加粗居中)
(Time New Roman小4号,行间距固定1.5倍行距,字符间距为标准)
Key Words:××××; ××××; ××××; ××××
(Time New Roman 4号加粗) (Time New Roman小4号)
摘要 ..................................................................... Ⅰ Abstract .................................................................. Ⅱ 1□□□绪论 . ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1□□×××××× .................................................................................................................. 1
1.2□□×××××× .................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.1□□×××××× ............................................................................................................... 7
1.3□□×××××× ................................................................................................................ 10
3□□□××××××................................................................................................................ 20
3.1□□×××××× ................................................................................................................ 20
3.2□□×××××× ................................................................................................................ 23
3.2.1□□×××××× ............................................................................................................. 25
3.3□□×××××× ................................................................................................................ 30
4□□□结论 . ............................................................................................................................... 40
致谢 ............................................................................................................................................ 42
参考文献 .................................................................................................................................... 44 附录□××××××................................................................................................................. 45 (章为宋体小4号加粗,其余宋体小4号,字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman小4号)
1.1□××××××(黑体4号加粗, 字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman4号加粗)
××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××, ××××××××××××××××××××××××× (宋体小4号,行间距固定1.5倍行距,字符间距为标准)
1.2.1□××××××(黑体小4号加粗, 字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman 小4号加粗)□××××××(黑体小4号加粗, 字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman小4号加粗)
(黑体小2加粗居中, 字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman小2号加粗)
3.1□××××××(黑体4号加粗, 字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman4号加粗)
E 1=A 1sin(2πf 1t +ϕ01+ϕpath 1) (3-1)
E 2=A 2sin(2πf 2t +ϕ02+ϕpath 2) (3-2)
×××××××××××××××××××××××××××× (如表3-1所示)
××××× ××× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××× ×× ×× ×× ××
(表标题:位于表格上方,黑体小4号,字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman小4号,表内容:宋体5号,字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman 5号)
××××××××××××××××××××××××××× (如图3-1所示
(图标题:位于图下方,黑体小4号,字母、阿拉伯数字为Time New Roman小4号)
参考文献 (黑体小2号加粗居中)
[1]□王静康, 张凤宝, 夏淑倩等. 论化工本科专业国际认证与国内认证的“实质性”. 高等工程教育研究,2014,5:1-4
[2]□Stone J A, Howard L P. A simple technique for observing periodic nonlinearities in Michelson interferometers. Precision Engineering,1998,22(4):220-232
[3]□朱印红, 袁衍明.Dreamweaver 完美网页设计——技术入门篇.(第一版). 北京:中国电力出版社,2006:19~20
[4]□Lewis S L. Physics and chemistry of the solar system.北京:北京大学出版社,2014.1~2
[5]□陈剑. 上博简《民之父母》“而得既塞於四海矣”句解释[EB/OL]. 简帛研究网站,http://www.bamboosilk.org/Wssf/2003/chenjian03.htm.2003-01-18
[1] 薛殿华. 空气调节[M].北京:清华大学出版社.2004.
[2] 李越铭, 吴静怡与盐地纯夫, 水冷(热) 变频多联空调系统的全年能耗模拟和分析. 太阳能学报, 2011. 32(7): 第1040-1045页.
[3] 赵伟,周德海,石文星. 多联机空调系统的性能域[J]. 暖通空调,2010(7).
[4] 马一太,王洪利. 多联机空调系统极其能效标准进展[J]机械工业标准化与质量.2008,(2):21-23
[5] 陈武,蔡振雄,周兴禧.一拖三变频空调系统建模方法及控制研究[J].系统仿真学报,2004,16(10):2123—2127.
[6] 武永强,周兴禧,夏清,等.一拖三变频空调(VRV)系统运行特性的仿真研究
[7] Zhou, Y.P., et al., Simulation and experimental validation of the variable-refrigerant-volume (VRV) air-conditioning system in EnergyPlus. Energy and Buildings, 2008. 40(6): p. 1041-1047.
[8] 潘毅群, 吴刚与V. Hartkopf, 建筑全能耗分析软件EnergyPlus 及其应用. 暖通空调, 2004. 34(9): 第2-7页.
[9] 刘晓男,EnergyPlus 能耗分析软件在空调系统节能改造中的应用. 施工技术,2012.41:增刊.
[10] Fumo, N., P. Mago and R. Luck, Methodology to estimate building energy consumption using EnergyPlus Benchmark Models. Energy and Buildings, 2010. 42(12): p. 2331-2337.
[11] Jiang, Y., T. Ge and R. Wang, Performance simulation of a joint solid desiccant heat pump and variable refrigerant flow air conditioning system in EnergyPlus. Energy and Buildings, 2013. 65: p. 220-230
[12] 周宴平, 吴静怡与王如竹, EnergyPlus 中变频多联空调的模块开发和能耗仿真分析. 系统仿真学报, 2007. 19(20): 第4808-4811页.
[13] 邵双全,石文星,李先庭,等.多元变频空调系统物理模型研究[J].系统仿真学报,2002,14(6):690—694.
[14] 周宴平, 吴静怡与王如竹, EnergyPlus 中变频空调制热工况模块的开发与实验验证.
[15] 周宴平,吴静怡与王如竹,变频多联空调与屋顶整体机组的能耗仿真对比研究. 中国工程热物理学会2006年丁程热力学与能源利用学术会议论文集(上册) ,2006.428—432.
[16] Hu Yunpeng ,Chen Huanxin ,Zhou Cheng,Yang xiaoshuang, Xu rongji.Analysis of sensor fault detection in chiller based on PCA method[J].CIESC Journal(化工学报).2012,63(S2):85-88
[17] Li Guannan ,Hu Yunpeng ,Chen Huanxin, Li Haorong, Li Jiong, Hu Wenju.SVDD-based chiller sensor fault detection method and its detection efficiency[J].CIESC Journal(化工学报).2015,1
[18] Hu Y, Chen H, Xie J, et al. Chiller sensor fault detection using a self-Adaptive Principal Component Analysis method[J]. Energy and Buildings. 2012, 54: 252-258.
[19] Katipamula S, Brambleya M R. Review Article: Methods for Fault Detection, Diagnostics, and Prognostics for Building Systems—A Review, Part I[J]. HVAC&R Research. 2005, 11(1): 3-25.
[20] Katipamula S, Brambleya M R. Review Article: Methods for Fault Detection, Diagnostics, and Prognostics for Building Systems—A Review, Part II[J]. HVAC&R Research. 2005, 11(2): 169-187.
[21] Fan C, Xiao F, Wang S. Development of prediction models for next-day building energy consumption and peak power demand using data Mining techniques[Z]. THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND: 2014: 127, 1-10.
[22] Cheung H, Braun J E. Performance comparisons for variable-speed ductless and single-speed ducted residential heat pumps[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2014, 47: 15-25.
[23] Ritchie N, Briant M. Variable speed drives cuts 20% energy costs[J]. World Pumps. 2014, 2014(10): 18-19.
[24] Braun J E. Automated fault detection and diagnostics for vapor compression cooling equipment[J]. JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 2003, 125(3): 266-274.
[25] Kao J Y, Pierce E T. Sensor Errors: Their Effects on building energy consumption[J]. ASHRAE Journal. 1983, 25(12): 42-45.
[26] Wang S, Xiao F. AHU sensor fault diagnosis using principal component analysis method[J]. Energy and Buildings. 2004, 36(2): 147-160.
[27] Wang S, Zhou Q, Xiao F. A system-level faultdetection and diagnosis strategy for HVAC systems involving sensor faults[J]. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS. 2010, 42(4): 477-490.
[28] Lee S H, Yik F W H. A study on the energy penalty of various air-side system faults in buildings[J]. Energy and Buildings. 2010, 42(1): 2-10.
[29] Lee S H, Yik F W H, Lai J H K. Performance modelling of air-cooled twin-circuit screw chiller[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2010, 30(10): 1179-1187.
[30] Ma Z, Wang S. Online fault detection and robust control of condenser cooling water systems in building central chiller plants[J]. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS. 2011, 43(1): 153-165.
[31] Ma Z, Wang S. Fault-tolerant supervisory control of building condenser cooling water systems for energy efficiency[J]. HVAC&R RESEARCH. 2012, 18(1-2): 126-146.
[32] Zhenjun M. Online Supervisory and Optimal Control of Complex Building Central Chilling Systems[D]. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2008. [33] Crawley D B, Lawrie L K, Winkelmann F C, et al. EnergyPlus: creating a new-generation building energy simulation program[J]. Energy and Buildings. 2001, 33(4): 319-331.
[34] Crawley D, Lawrie L, Winkelmann F. EnergyPlus: new capabilities in a whole-building energy simulation program//Seventh International IBPSA Conference[C].
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