

一刻钟:quarter;quarter hour;quarter-hour


1. 又过了一刻钟时光了。

There goes another quarter hour.

2. 他们说了再见,凯特放下电话,哭泣了一刻钟。

They said goodbye, and she put down the phone and wept for a quarter of an hour.

3. 研究人员宣称,即使在高压环境中,溜达一刻钟的人也可比其他员工少吃一半巧克力。

A 15-minute stroll can halve the amount of chocolate that workers eat, researchers claim, even in stressful situations.

4. 起初,白鲸每一刻钟一起潜到水下约5分钟。

At first, the belugas would dive together for about five minutes every quarter of an hour.

5. 任何时候,那些以前不花一刻钟在游戏厅或者从不正眼瞧xbox360的消费者们现在也随身带着一个游戏机在他们的口袋或者钱包里面。

Consumers who never would have put a quarter into an arcade or even set eyes on an xbox 360 were now carrying asophisticated game console with them, all the time, in their pockets or their purses.

6. 还不到一刻钟。

It isn't the quarter yet.

7. 在一刻钟的时间里只用了9分钟。

Just over nine minutes to go in the quarter.

8. 你看你能否在一刻钟内把我送到联合车站?

Do you think you can get me to union station by quarter after?

9. 或者恩你们从我眼前消失一刻钟之后?

Or maybe, uh, I don't know, quarter after stab out my eyes?

10. 不到一刻钟,在巴黎二十个不同的地方就几乎同时发生了这些事:

A quarter of an hour had not elapsed when this is what was taking place at twenty different spots in paris at once.


一刻钟:quarter;quarter hour;quarter-hour


1. 又过了一刻钟时光了。

There goes another quarter hour.

2. 他们说了再见,凯特放下电话,哭泣了一刻钟。

They said goodbye, and she put down the phone and wept for a quarter of an hour.

3. 研究人员宣称,即使在高压环境中,溜达一刻钟的人也可比其他员工少吃一半巧克力。

A 15-minute stroll can halve the amount of chocolate that workers eat, researchers claim, even in stressful situations.

4. 起初,白鲸每一刻钟一起潜到水下约5分钟。

At first, the belugas would dive together for about five minutes every quarter of an hour.

5. 任何时候,那些以前不花一刻钟在游戏厅或者从不正眼瞧xbox360的消费者们现在也随身带着一个游戏机在他们的口袋或者钱包里面。

Consumers who never would have put a quarter into an arcade or even set eyes on an xbox 360 were now carrying asophisticated game console with them, all the time, in their pockets or their purses.

6. 还不到一刻钟。

It isn't the quarter yet.

7. 在一刻钟的时间里只用了9分钟。

Just over nine minutes to go in the quarter.

8. 你看你能否在一刻钟内把我送到联合车站?

Do you think you can get me to union station by quarter after?

9. 或者恩你们从我眼前消失一刻钟之后?

Or maybe, uh, I don't know, quarter after stab out my eyes?

10. 不到一刻钟,在巴黎二十个不同的地方就几乎同时发生了这些事:

A quarter of an hour had not elapsed when this is what was taking place at twenty different spots in paris at once.


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