
牛津英语8b 教学计划

Teaching Plan for 8B Unit 5 International charities

Period 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit

Teacher: Qiao Jun Date: May 12, 2009


1. To introduce students to some international charities;

2. To prioritize needs in poor countries.

3. To make students know how to help poor people in the world or around them.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

Watch a video: The earthquake in Wenchuan

Did you do anything for people in Wenchuan?

Step 2: Discussion

Talk about what people need most?

Which is the most important/least important?

Step 3: Presentation

Help students get to know five international charities(World Vision, Oxfam, UNICEF, ORBIS, World Wide Fund for Nature) in different ways, such as, video, photos, form, etc. Step 4: Discussion

Which charity would you like to work for?

Step 5: Comic strip

Ask and answer questions and then act it out

Step 6: Production

If people around us or in the world are in trouble, what shall we do?

Step 7: Homework

Some exercises

牛津英语8B Unit 5 教学计划/苏教版8B Unit1 Main Task测试

8B Unit 5 Vocabulary

8B Unit 5 Welcome to the unit

牛津英语8B Unit 5 讲学稿

8B Unit 5 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit

牛津英语8b 教学计划

Teaching Plan for 8B Unit 5 International charities

Period 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit

Teacher: Qiao Jun Date: May 12, 2009


1. To introduce students to some international charities;

2. To prioritize needs in poor countries.

3. To make students know how to help poor people in the world or around them.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

Watch a video: The earthquake in Wenchuan

Did you do anything for people in Wenchuan?

Step 2: Discussion

Talk about what people need most?

Which is the most important/least important?

Step 3: Presentation

Help students get to know five international charities(World Vision, Oxfam, UNICEF, ORBIS, World Wide Fund for Nature) in different ways, such as, video, photos, form, etc. Step 4: Discussion

Which charity would you like to work for?

Step 5: Comic strip

Ask and answer questions and then act it out

Step 6: Production

If people around us or in the world are in trouble, what shall we do?

Step 7: Homework

Some exercises

牛津英语8B Unit 5 教学计划/苏教版8B Unit1 Main Task测试

8B Unit 5 Vocabulary

8B Unit 5 Welcome to the unit

牛津英语8B Unit 5 讲学稿

8B Unit 5 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit


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