


Linear Algebra determinant row column element diagonal principal diagona auxiliary diagonal transposed determinant triangular determinants the number of inversions even permutation odd permutation parity interchange absolute value identity

n-order determinants evaluation of determinant Laplace’sexpansion theorem cofactor Algebra cofactor

the Vandermonde determinant bordered determinant

reduction of the order of a determinant method of Recursion relation induction Cramer’srule matrix rectangular the zero matrix

中线性代数行列式行列元素对角线主对角线次对角线转置行列式三角行列式逆序数奇排列偶排列奇偶性互换绝对值恒等式n 阶行列式行列式的求值拉普拉斯展开定理余子式代数余子式范德蒙行列式加边行列式降阶法递推法归纳法克莱姆法则矩阵矩形的零矩阵


the identity matrix symmetric skew-symmetric commutative law square Matrix


a matrix of order m ×n the determinant of matrix A operations on Matrices a transposed matrix an inverse matrix an conjugate matrix an diagonal matrix an adjoint matrix singular matrix nonsingular matrix elementary transformations vectors components linearly combination space of arithmetical vectors subspace dimension basis

canonical basis coordinates decomposition transformation matrix linearly independent linearly dependent the minor of the k th order rank of a Matrix row vectors

方阵A 的行列式矩阵的运算转置矩阵逆矩阵共轭矩阵对角矩阵伴随矩阵奇异矩阵非奇异矩阵初等变换向量分量线性组合向量空间子空间维基规范基坐标分解过渡矩阵线性无关线性相关k 阶子式矩阵的秩行向量


column vectors


the maximal linearly independent subsystem Euclidean space Unitary space

systems of linear equations elimination method homogenous nonhomogenous equivalent component-wise

necessary and sufficient condition incompatiable unique solution

the matrix of the coefficients augmented matrix general solution particular solution trivial solution nontrivial solution

the fundamental system of solutions eigenvalue eigenvector

characteristic polynomial characteristic equation scalar product normed vector orthogonal orthogonalization the Gram-Schmidt process

reducing a matrix to the diagonal form orthonormal basis orthogonal transformation



quadratic forms canonical form

linear transformation


the canonical form of a quadratic form the method of separating perfect squares the second-order curve coordinate transformation




Linear Algebra determinant row column element diagonal principal diagona auxiliary diagonal transposed determinant triangular determinants the number of inversions even permutation odd permutation parity interchange absolute value identity

n-order determinants evaluation of determinant Laplace’sexpansion theorem cofactor Algebra cofactor

the Vandermonde determinant bordered determinant

reduction of the order of a determinant method of Recursion relation induction Cramer’srule matrix rectangular the zero matrix

中线性代数行列式行列元素对角线主对角线次对角线转置行列式三角行列式逆序数奇排列偶排列奇偶性互换绝对值恒等式n 阶行列式行列式的求值拉普拉斯展开定理余子式代数余子式范德蒙行列式加边行列式降阶法递推法归纳法克莱姆法则矩阵矩形的零矩阵


the identity matrix symmetric skew-symmetric commutative law square Matrix


a matrix of order m ×n the determinant of matrix A operations on Matrices a transposed matrix an inverse matrix an conjugate matrix an diagonal matrix an adjoint matrix singular matrix nonsingular matrix elementary transformations vectors components linearly combination space of arithmetical vectors subspace dimension basis

canonical basis coordinates decomposition transformation matrix linearly independent linearly dependent the minor of the k th order rank of a Matrix row vectors

方阵A 的行列式矩阵的运算转置矩阵逆矩阵共轭矩阵对角矩阵伴随矩阵奇异矩阵非奇异矩阵初等变换向量分量线性组合向量空间子空间维基规范基坐标分解过渡矩阵线性无关线性相关k 阶子式矩阵的秩行向量


column vectors


the maximal linearly independent subsystem Euclidean space Unitary space

systems of linear equations elimination method homogenous nonhomogenous equivalent component-wise

necessary and sufficient condition incompatiable unique solution

the matrix of the coefficients augmented matrix general solution particular solution trivial solution nontrivial solution

the fundamental system of solutions eigenvalue eigenvector

characteristic polynomial characteristic equation scalar product normed vector orthogonal orthogonalization the Gram-Schmidt process

reducing a matrix to the diagonal form orthonormal basis orthogonal transformation



quadratic forms canonical form

linear transformation


the canonical form of a quadratic form the method of separating perfect squares the second-order curve coordinate transformation



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