

摘要: 软岩巷道支护技术是巷道支护过程中遇到的难题之一,巷道开挖引起应力重新分布、巷道变形,特别是在 “三软”(顶板软、底板软、煤层软)条件下巷道变形尤为严重,仅靠锚网支护很难达到预期效果。通过对软岩条件下新奥法施工工艺研究,实践证明在清水营煤矿+965m水平车场使用新奥法施工技术,有效地降低了巷道维修成本,增加了巷道施工的安全性。

abstract : soft rock roadway technology is one of the problems encountered in the process of roadway support, roadway excavation caused the stress redistribution and roadway deformation, roadway deformation is particularly severe especially in “three soft ” (roof soft , soft floor and soft coal seam), and it is difficult to achieve the desired results only by the anchor net support. through the research of construction technology of new austrian tunneling method under the conditions of the soft rock, practice has proved that it effectively reduce roadway maintenance costs , and increase the safety of the tunnel construction by using natm in qingshuiying mine+965 m level yard.

关键词: 新奥法;软岩巷道;巷道变形;安全施工

key words : natm;soft rock roadways ;roadway deformation ;safety construction


摘要: 软岩巷道支护技术是巷道支护过程中遇到的难题之一,巷道开挖引起应力重新分布、巷道变形,特别是在 “三软”(顶板软、底板软、煤层软)条件下巷道变形尤为严重,仅靠锚网支护很难达到预期效果。通过对软岩条件下新奥法施工工艺研究,实践证明在清水营煤矿+965m水平车场使用新奥法施工技术,有效地降低了巷道维修成本,增加了巷道施工的安全性。

abstract : soft rock roadway technology is one of the problems encountered in the process of roadway support, roadway excavation caused the stress redistribution and roadway deformation, roadway deformation is particularly severe especially in “three soft ” (roof soft , soft floor and soft coal seam), and it is difficult to achieve the desired results only by the anchor net support. through the research of construction technology of new austrian tunneling method under the conditions of the soft rock, practice has proved that it effectively reduce roadway maintenance costs , and increase the safety of the tunnel construction by using natm in qingshuiying mine+965 m level yard.

关键词: 新奥法;软岩巷道;巷道变形;安全施工

key words : natm;soft rock roadways ;roadway deformation ;safety construction


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