

Marx moved to London in 1849 and his wife Jenny 1. and their 7 children.They had very few money.For 2. six years they lived two small rooms ,often eating 3. only bread and potatoes.Several of their child 4. died.However,Engels,Marx's closest friend continue 5. to support the family with money. Befort he arrived 6. in England,Marx worked hardly to improve his English. 7. In 1851 he started writing articles about a newspaper

in the United States. By the1862, Marx had written

about 500 articles on politics and social problems

all over the world.


I am worker at the tap water company . I find that

people were becoming more and more careful about

health. If the tap water appear a little bit unclear

or muddy, the telephone will ring again and again.

Fortunately, people do not pay equal attention to the

protection of water resources. For the sake of our

health, we should take good care our water resources

and environment.There is a saying,"Whether we do

not careful protect our environmeng, the last drops

of water which we will see them be our own tears."


My father is teacher with short black hair.

He is forty year old,1.80 meters tall.

He has teaches English in this school for

more than twenty years.He is good at play

table tennis.He is very strict with his work.

He goes to work early and comes home very lately.

He is kind-hearted and always ready to help other.

He is a good teacher and cares of his students more

than anything else.He is regarded as for one of

the best teachers.I love him very much.

8. 9. 10. 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____ 6____ 7____ 8____ 9____ 10____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Marx moved to London in 1849 and his wife Jenny 1. and their 7 children.They had very few money.For 2. six years they lived two small rooms ,often eating 3. only bread and potatoes.Several of their child 4. died.However,Engels,Marx's closest friend continue 5. to support the family with money. Befort he arrived 6. in England,Marx worked hardly to improve his English. 7. In 1851 he started writing articles about a newspaper

in the United States. By the1862, Marx had written

about 500 articles on politics and social problems

all over the world.


I am worker at the tap water company . I find that

people were becoming more and more careful about

health. If the tap water appear a little bit unclear

or muddy, the telephone will ring again and again.

Fortunately, people do not pay equal attention to the

protection of water resources. For the sake of our

health, we should take good care our water resources

and environment.There is a saying,"Whether we do

not careful protect our environmeng, the last drops

of water which we will see them be our own tears."


My father is teacher with short black hair.

He is forty year old,1.80 meters tall.

He has teaches English in this school for

more than twenty years.He is good at play

table tennis.He is very strict with his work.

He goes to work early and comes home very lately.

He is kind-hearted and always ready to help other.

He is a good teacher and cares of his students more

than anything else.He is regarded as for one of

the best teachers.I love him very much.

8. 9. 10. 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____ 6____ 7____ 8____ 9____ 10____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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