


A little further to the right, Tom. 再往右一点,Tom。

Is this OK? 这样可以吗?

Good. What do you think, Richard? 好。你看呢?

I like it there. 摆在那儿很好。

It's the first thing people will see when they come in. 这是人们走进来所看到的第一件东西。

It sets the tone for the whole show. 它决定了整个展览的气氛。

The next thing they'll see is 他们接着看到的

this enlargement with the words Family Album, U.S.A. Family Album, U.S.A. 这几个放大的字。

I can't believe this is really happening! 我不敢相信这一切真的发生了!

You've earned it. 这是你应得的报偿。

Years of work went into these pictures. 多年心血换来这些照片。

I know, but it's still a dream come true. 我知道,但这终究是一个梦想实现了。

Well, remember, 嗯,记住,

we're not sure 我们还不能肯定

what the critics are going to write about your show yet. 评论家们会对你的展览写些什么。

And you never know 而你永远也不知道

what the man from the New York Times is going to say about it. 纽约时报的那个人会说些什么。

Are you worried? 你担心吗?

I always worry. 我一向担心。

The reviews of this show 与这次展览有关的评论

are important for the sales of your book. 对于你这本书的销售很重要。

When do we see the reviews? 什么时候我们可以看到评论?

Soon. 很快。

One of the critics is coming over this morning for a preview. 一位评论家今天早上要来看预展。

I hope he's in a good mood. 我希望他心情不错。

So do I. 我也是。

Marilyn and I hope to use money from the sales of this book Marilyn和我希望用这本书销售的钱

to buy a new house. 来买一栋新房子。

The book will be a success. 这本书会成功的。

And the show will help promote it. 而这次展览会有利于促销它。

Speaking of promoting the book, 说起促销书的事,

do I really have to 我是不是真的有必要

autograph copies for the guests at the opening? 在展览开幕时为客人在书上签名?

It's common practice. 这是惯例。

I feel uncomfortable about it. 我对此感到满不好意思的。

A lot of people come to openings 许多人参加开幕式

just so they can get 就是为了得到

the autograph of somebody who may be famous someday. 将来有可能成名的人的签名。

Couldn't we wait until I'm famous? 难道不能等到我成名了再说?

That might be sooner than you think. 那也许比你想像的要快。

This one over here, Mr. Carlson? 这张就摆这儿吗,Carlson先生?

A little further back, Tom. 再往后一点,Tom。

It's too close to the refreshments. 它离茶点太近了。

No, I think this one belongs in the

You may be right. 也许你说的对。

Try it there, Tom. 放在那儿试试,Tom。

Right. 好。

Nervous about the opening tonight? 对今晚开幕式感到紧张?

Nervous? 紧张?

Me? 我?

No. I'm scared to death. 不。我害怕得要命。

How about guests? 来宾呢?

How many people will you be bringing? 你约了多少人来?

Well, my family, I guess. 嗯,我一家人,我想。

My wife Marilyn, my father and mother, 我太太Marilyn,我父亲和母亲。

my brother Robbie, 我弟弟Robbie,

my sister and her husband and their daughter. 我妹妹Susan和她丈夫以及他们的女儿。

And my grandfather. 还有我祖父。

Is that too many? 是不是太多了?

No such thing as

I hope they like it. 我希望他们会喜欢。

Your family or the public? 你的家人还是公众?

Everybody. 每一位。

But especially my family. 但尤其是我的家人。

They've stood by me through all this. 他们一直支持我做这件事。

I'm sure they'll like it. 我相信他们会喜欢的。

Harvey, how are you? Harvey,你好吗?

Mitchell, so nice of you to come. Mitchell,欢迎光临。

Richard, this is Mitchell Johnson. Richard,这是Mitchell Johnson。

Mitchell is Mitchell是

one of the most important syndicated reviewers in the country. 我国最重要的报团评论家之一。

Well, you're the young man who did all this. 嗯,你就是那位拍这些照片的年轻人。

I'm afraid so. 不敢当。

Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

Nice to meet you, Mr. Johnson. 很高兴见到你,Johnson先生。

Mitchell has always encouraged new talent. Mitchell总是在鼓励新人。

Well ... you mind if I look around 嗯……你们不介意我到处瞧瞧

and see what it says to me? 看它给我什么样的感受?

Be our guest. 请随意。

Mm-hmm, hmm, uh-huh. Mm-hmm,hmm,uh--huh。

Mm-hmm, hmm, uh-huh. Mm-hmm,hmm,uh--huh。

What does that mean when he goes, 他发出的声音代表什么意思,

It probably means he's clearing his throat. 也许表示他正在清嗓子。

I don't know. 我不知道。

I don't care what the critics say, Mr. Stewart. 我不管评论家怎么说,Stewart先生。

Your work is brilliant. 你的作品很好。

Thank you, Tom. 谢谢你,Tom。

Tom is studying photography at NYU. Tom正在NYU学摄影。

He's working with me during the summer months as an intern. 在夏天的这几个月到我这儿来当实习生。

Oh, really? 噢,真的?

I'd like to see your work. 我希望能看到你的作品。

It's not good enough to show. 还不值得展示。

I'm still learning. 我还在学习当中。

Oh, I'd still like to see your work. 噢,我仍然希望看到你的作品。

You may be the next Ansel Adams and not even know it. 你或许是第二个Ansel Adams而不自知呢。

If you really mean it, 假如你是说真的,

I'll bring some of my pictures into the gallery. 我就带一些我的摄影到艺廊来。

I do mean it. 我的确是说真的。

Very interesting pictures, Mr. Stewart. 你的照片很有意思,Stewart先生。

You have a most unusual eye. 你有着极为不寻常的眼光。

Thank you. 谢谢你。

I hope that's a compliment. 我希望这是赞美之词。

It is. 它是的。

Are you going to be reviewing the show, Mitchell? 你会评论这项展览吗,Mitchell?

Oh, yes. It's definitely worth reviewing. 噢,是的。它着实值得评论。

Favorably? 是好评?

Oh, you know I never answer that question, Harvey. 噢,你知道我从不回答这类的问题,Harvey。

I'd like an advance copy of the book, though, 但我想要一本新书的试印,

so I can study it. 以便我好好研究。

I have an autographed one in my office. 在我办公室,有一本签了名的。

Tom, would you give Mr. Johnson Tom,拿给Johnson先生

the copy of Richard's book on my desk? 在我桌上那本Richard的书,好吗?

Just follow me, Mr. Johnson. 请跟我来,Johnson先生。

Sure. 好的。

Do you think he liked my photographs? 你觉得他喜欢我的摄影?

We'll know when tonight's papers come out. 今晚的报纸出来的时候,我们就知道了。

Keep your fingers crossed. 希望你一切顺利。




What does that mean?

This is the job for ...

Pronunciation man.

All the sounds make sense.

Pronunciation man.

If you can hear the difference ...

Pronunciation man.

Listen. He said,

He meant,

Thank you. Pronunciation man.

Now would you like to take a look at a few paintings?


Note the interesting use of line!


Can you see the force perspective

in this painting?


This is a portrait of the artist's mother!

Huh? Ah-hah! Yuk!

This is getting ridiculous.

This is one of my favorite.

Notice the use of black and blue.


Here's one you'll like!

Ooh! This is good.

Thank you. Pronunciation man.

That's all we have.

Huh? No more pictures of me?!



Do you like the dress? 你喜欢这套衣服?

I love it. 我喜欢。

I designed it myself. 这是我自己设计的。

It's beautiful. 它很漂亮。

Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?

We're supposed to be there 我们应当先到那儿

before the guests arrive. 在客人到达之前。

I know. I know. 我知道。我知道。

Help me with this tie, will you? 帮我打领带,好吗?

Honey, I'm scared to death. 亲爱的,我害怕得要命。

But this is what you've been working for all these years. 但你多年来的工作,为的就是这个呀。

No, no. 不,不。

I worked to put together a book of photographs. 我的工作是创作出一本摄影书。

This is show business. 而今天这个却是演艺事业。

Well, it's all part of the same job. 嗯,它们都是同一项工作的一部份。

Just relax and enjoy it. 放轻松点,好好地享受它。

You're right. 说得对。

I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it. 我辛苦赢得的,我要去享受它。

As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown. 只等我从神经崩溃中恢复过来。

What are you afraid of? 你怕什么?

Everything. 每一样事情。

A critic was there this morning. 一个评论家早上去过了。

He probably hates my work. 他也许讨厌我的作品。

I have to sign copies of my book for a lot of people 我还必须为许多人在我的书上签名

I never met before. 我从未谋面过的的人。

My new shoes hurt my feet ... 我的新鞋弄痛了我的脚……

You're going to be a great success. 你会获得很大的成功的。

Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?

As soon as I get these cuff links on. 只等我将袖扣扣好。

Let me help. 我来帮忙。

Mom and Dad are already on their way down to the gallery. 妈妈和爸爸已经出发去画廊了。

There! You look very attractive. 天!你看起来真引人注目。

Thank you. 谢谢。

Well, I suppose I've run out of excuses. 噢,我想我再也找不出籍口了。

Mm-hmm. Let's go ... 嗯哼。我们走吧……

Oh, one minute. 噢,再等一分钟。

Before we go to the gallery, 在我们去画廊之前,

I just want to tell you 我想告诉你

that I never could have done this book 我不可能完成这本书

without your help and your love. 要不是你的帮助和爱。

I appreciate it. 我很感激。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Now, no more stalling. 现在,不要再拖延了。

What is it? 怎么回事?

There's nobody here! 这儿一个人都没有!

Of course not, Richard. 当然不会有,Richard。

Your show doesn't begin until eight thirty. 你的展览八点半才开始。

Oh. Right. 噢。对了。

Richard! Welcome! Good luck tonight! Richard!欢迎!祝你今天晚上好运!

Well, thanks. 噢,谢谢你。

This is my publisher, Harvey Carlson. 这是我的出版商Harvey Carlson。

You've met my wife Marilyn ... 你曾经见过我太太Marilyn…

Charmed. 荣幸见到你。

Hi. 嗨 。

My mother, Ellen Stewart. 我母亲Ellen Stewart。

Harvey Carlson. 这是Harvey Carlson。

It's good to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

It's good to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

This is my father, Dr. Philip Stewart ... 这是我父亲 Philip Stewart医生……

Nice to meet you, Mr. Carlson. 很高兴见到你,Carlson先生。

My brother Robbie ... 我弟弟Robbie……

Hi. 嗨。

Hi. 嗨。

And this is my sister Susan and her husband Harry Bennett 这是我妹妹Susan和她丈夫Harry Bennett

and his daughter Michelle. 以及他女儿Michelle。

It's nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

And this gentleman is my grandfather, Malcolm Stewart. 这位绅士是我祖父Malcolm Stewart。

Welcome, Mr. Stewart. 欢迎你,Stewart先生。

Well, make yourselves comfortable. 噢,请大家自便。

There are hors d'oeuvres at the table, fruit punch at the bar. 在桌子上有小吃,有水果调味饮品。

Help yourselves. 请随便用。

Can I get you something, Mr. Stewart? 要我替你拿点什么吗,Stewart先生?

No, thank you. 不用了,谢谢你。

You can feel very proud of your grandson, Mr. Stewart. 你可以为你的孙子感到非常的骄傲,Stewart先生?

I do. 我就是啊。

I'm proud of all my grandchildren, Mr. Carlson. 我为我所有的孙子孙女感到骄傲,Carlson先生。

Of course. 当然。

Feel free to look around. 请随意到处看看。

If you need anything, just ask. 假如你需要什么,请尽管讲。

Thank you. 谢谢你。

Harvey? Harvey?

Yes? 怎么?

Did Mitchell Johnson's review come out yet? Mitchell Johnson的评论出来了没有?

Not yet. 还没有。

The newspapers don't come out till about ten o'clock. 报纸要差不多十点钟才出来。

When they come out, we'll get it. 一出来,我们就会拿到手。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Ready? 准备好了吗?

Yes. Have the people arrived? 是的。客人来了?

The guests are waiting. 客人们正等着呢。

Tom's about to open the doors. Tom准备要开门。

Good luck! And stop worrying! 祝你好运!别再担心!

They're going to love it. 他们会喜欢的。

Nervous about the opening tonight?

Nervous? Me? No. I'm scared to death.

Ooh, I'm nervous!

I'm scared to death.

My heart is pounding like a drum.

And I'm out of breath.

Ooh, I'm nervous!

I can't think straight.

My palms are sweaty, I can't relax,

and I just can't concentrate.

I've got butterflies in my stomach.

And look at my hands!

They shake!

I try to get to sleep at night.

But I lie there wide awake ...

'cause I'm nervous!

Oh, I'm just a mess. Yeah!

My mouth is dry, I can hardly speak,

and I can't even get myself dressed.

I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it.

As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown.

Ooh, I'm nervous!

It's my opening night.

I'm weak in the knees, I'm fidgety,

And I'm beside myself with fright.

I've got butterflies in my stomach.

And look at my hands!

They shake!

I try to get to sleep at night.

But I lie there wide awake ...

'cause I'm nervous!

And it's easy to see.

I'm jumpy. I'm jittery.

I'm anxious and panicky.

Ooh, I'm nervous!

Yeah, I'm nervous!



A little further to the right, Tom. 再往右一点,Tom。

Is this OK? 这样可以吗?

Good. What do you think, Richard? 好。你看呢?

I like it there. 摆在那儿很好。

It's the first thing people will see when they come in. 这是人们走进来所看到的第一件东西。

It sets the tone for the whole show. 它决定了整个展览的气氛。

The next thing they'll see is 他们接着看到的

this enlargement with the words Family Album, U.S.A. Family Album, U.S.A. 这几个放大的字。

I can't believe this is really happening! 我不敢相信这一切真的发生了!

You've earned it. 这是你应得的报偿。

Years of work went into these pictures. 多年心血换来这些照片。

I know, but it's still a dream come true. 我知道,但这终究是一个梦想实现了。

Well, remember, 嗯,记住,

we're not sure 我们还不能肯定

what the critics are going to write about your show yet. 评论家们会对你的展览写些什么。

And you never know 而你永远也不知道

what the man from the New York Times is going to say about it. 纽约时报的那个人会说些什么。

Are you worried? 你担心吗?

I always worry. 我一向担心。

The reviews of this show 与这次展览有关的评论

are important for the sales of your book. 对于你这本书的销售很重要。

When do we see the reviews? 什么时候我们可以看到评论?

Soon. 很快。

One of the critics is coming over this morning for a preview. 一位评论家今天早上要来看预展。

I hope he's in a good mood. 我希望他心情不错。

So do I. 我也是。

Marilyn and I hope to use money from the sales of this book Marilyn和我希望用这本书销售的钱

to buy a new house. 来买一栋新房子。

The book will be a success. 这本书会成功的。

And the show will help promote it. 而这次展览会有利于促销它。

Speaking of promoting the book, 说起促销书的事,

do I really have to 我是不是真的有必要

autograph copies for the guests at the opening? 在展览开幕时为客人在书上签名?

It's common practice. 这是惯例。

I feel uncomfortable about it. 我对此感到满不好意思的。

A lot of people come to openings 许多人参加开幕式

just so they can get 就是为了得到

the autograph of somebody who may be famous someday. 将来有可能成名的人的签名。

Couldn't we wait until I'm famous? 难道不能等到我成名了再说?

That might be sooner than you think. 那也许比你想像的要快。

This one over here, Mr. Carlson? 这张就摆这儿吗,Carlson先生?

A little further back, Tom. 再往后一点,Tom。

It's too close to the refreshments. 它离茶点太近了。

No, I think this one belongs in the

You may be right. 也许你说的对。

Try it there, Tom. 放在那儿试试,Tom。

Right. 好。

Nervous about the opening tonight? 对今晚开幕式感到紧张?

Nervous? 紧张?

Me? 我?

No. I'm scared to death. 不。我害怕得要命。

How about guests? 来宾呢?

How many people will you be bringing? 你约了多少人来?

Well, my family, I guess. 嗯,我一家人,我想。

My wife Marilyn, my father and mother, 我太太Marilyn,我父亲和母亲。

my brother Robbie, 我弟弟Robbie,

my sister and her husband and their daughter. 我妹妹Susan和她丈夫以及他们的女儿。

And my grandfather. 还有我祖父。

Is that too many? 是不是太多了?

No such thing as

I hope they like it. 我希望他们会喜欢。

Your family or the public? 你的家人还是公众?

Everybody. 每一位。

But especially my family. 但尤其是我的家人。

They've stood by me through all this. 他们一直支持我做这件事。

I'm sure they'll like it. 我相信他们会喜欢的。

Harvey, how are you? Harvey,你好吗?

Mitchell, so nice of you to come. Mitchell,欢迎光临。

Richard, this is Mitchell Johnson. Richard,这是Mitchell Johnson。

Mitchell is Mitchell是

one of the most important syndicated reviewers in the country. 我国最重要的报团评论家之一。

Well, you're the young man who did all this. 嗯,你就是那位拍这些照片的年轻人。

I'm afraid so. 不敢当。

Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

Nice to meet you, Mr. Johnson. 很高兴见到你,Johnson先生。

Mitchell has always encouraged new talent. Mitchell总是在鼓励新人。

Well ... you mind if I look around 嗯……你们不介意我到处瞧瞧

and see what it says to me? 看它给我什么样的感受?

Be our guest. 请随意。

Mm-hmm, hmm, uh-huh. Mm-hmm,hmm,uh--huh。

Mm-hmm, hmm, uh-huh. Mm-hmm,hmm,uh--huh。

What does that mean when he goes, 他发出的声音代表什么意思,

It probably means he's clearing his throat. 也许表示他正在清嗓子。

I don't know. 我不知道。

I don't care what the critics say, Mr. Stewart. 我不管评论家怎么说,Stewart先生。

Your work is brilliant. 你的作品很好。

Thank you, Tom. 谢谢你,Tom。

Tom is studying photography at NYU. Tom正在NYU学摄影。

He's working with me during the summer months as an intern. 在夏天的这几个月到我这儿来当实习生。

Oh, really? 噢,真的?

I'd like to see your work. 我希望能看到你的作品。

It's not good enough to show. 还不值得展示。

I'm still learning. 我还在学习当中。

Oh, I'd still like to see your work. 噢,我仍然希望看到你的作品。

You may be the next Ansel Adams and not even know it. 你或许是第二个Ansel Adams而不自知呢。

If you really mean it, 假如你是说真的,

I'll bring some of my pictures into the gallery. 我就带一些我的摄影到艺廊来。

I do mean it. 我的确是说真的。

Very interesting pictures, Mr. Stewart. 你的照片很有意思,Stewart先生。

You have a most unusual eye. 你有着极为不寻常的眼光。

Thank you. 谢谢你。

I hope that's a compliment. 我希望这是赞美之词。

It is. 它是的。

Are you going to be reviewing the show, Mitchell? 你会评论这项展览吗,Mitchell?

Oh, yes. It's definitely worth reviewing. 噢,是的。它着实值得评论。

Favorably? 是好评?

Oh, you know I never answer that question, Harvey. 噢,你知道我从不回答这类的问题,Harvey。

I'd like an advance copy of the book, though, 但我想要一本新书的试印,

so I can study it. 以便我好好研究。

I have an autographed one in my office. 在我办公室,有一本签了名的。

Tom, would you give Mr. Johnson Tom,拿给Johnson先生

the copy of Richard's book on my desk? 在我桌上那本Richard的书,好吗?

Just follow me, Mr. Johnson. 请跟我来,Johnson先生。

Sure. 好的。

Do you think he liked my photographs? 你觉得他喜欢我的摄影?

We'll know when tonight's papers come out. 今晚的报纸出来的时候,我们就知道了。

Keep your fingers crossed. 希望你一切顺利。




What does that mean?

This is the job for ...

Pronunciation man.

All the sounds make sense.

Pronunciation man.

If you can hear the difference ...

Pronunciation man.

Listen. He said,

He meant,

Thank you. Pronunciation man.

Now would you like to take a look at a few paintings?


Note the interesting use of line!


Can you see the force perspective

in this painting?


This is a portrait of the artist's mother!

Huh? Ah-hah! Yuk!

This is getting ridiculous.

This is one of my favorite.

Notice the use of black and blue.


Here's one you'll like!

Ooh! This is good.

Thank you. Pronunciation man.

That's all we have.

Huh? No more pictures of me?!



Do you like the dress? 你喜欢这套衣服?

I love it. 我喜欢。

I designed it myself. 这是我自己设计的。

It's beautiful. 它很漂亮。

Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?

We're supposed to be there 我们应当先到那儿

before the guests arrive. 在客人到达之前。

I know. I know. 我知道。我知道。

Help me with this tie, will you? 帮我打领带,好吗?

Honey, I'm scared to death. 亲爱的,我害怕得要命。

But this is what you've been working for all these years. 但你多年来的工作,为的就是这个呀。

No, no. 不,不。

I worked to put together a book of photographs. 我的工作是创作出一本摄影书。

This is show business. 而今天这个却是演艺事业。

Well, it's all part of the same job. 嗯,它们都是同一项工作的一部份。

Just relax and enjoy it. 放轻松点,好好地享受它。

You're right. 说得对。

I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it. 我辛苦赢得的,我要去享受它。

As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown. 只等我从神经崩溃中恢复过来。

What are you afraid of? 你怕什么?

Everything. 每一样事情。

A critic was there this morning. 一个评论家早上去过了。

He probably hates my work. 他也许讨厌我的作品。

I have to sign copies of my book for a lot of people 我还必须为许多人在我的书上签名

I never met before. 我从未谋面过的的人。

My new shoes hurt my feet ... 我的新鞋弄痛了我的脚……

You're going to be a great success. 你会获得很大的成功的。

Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?

As soon as I get these cuff links on. 只等我将袖扣扣好。

Let me help. 我来帮忙。

Mom and Dad are already on their way down to the gallery. 妈妈和爸爸已经出发去画廊了。

There! You look very attractive. 天!你看起来真引人注目。

Thank you. 谢谢。

Well, I suppose I've run out of excuses. 噢,我想我再也找不出籍口了。

Mm-hmm. Let's go ... 嗯哼。我们走吧……

Oh, one minute. 噢,再等一分钟。

Before we go to the gallery, 在我们去画廊之前,

I just want to tell you 我想告诉你

that I never could have done this book 我不可能完成这本书

without your help and your love. 要不是你的帮助和爱。

I appreciate it. 我很感激。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Now, no more stalling. 现在,不要再拖延了。

What is it? 怎么回事?

There's nobody here! 这儿一个人都没有!

Of course not, Richard. 当然不会有,Richard。

Your show doesn't begin until eight thirty. 你的展览八点半才开始。

Oh. Right. 噢。对了。

Richard! Welcome! Good luck tonight! Richard!欢迎!祝你今天晚上好运!

Well, thanks. 噢,谢谢你。

This is my publisher, Harvey Carlson. 这是我的出版商Harvey Carlson。

You've met my wife Marilyn ... 你曾经见过我太太Marilyn…

Charmed. 荣幸见到你。

Hi. 嗨 。

My mother, Ellen Stewart. 我母亲Ellen Stewart。

Harvey Carlson. 这是Harvey Carlson。

It's good to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

It's good to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

This is my father, Dr. Philip Stewart ... 这是我父亲 Philip Stewart医生……

Nice to meet you, Mr. Carlson. 很高兴见到你,Carlson先生。

My brother Robbie ... 我弟弟Robbie……

Hi. 嗨。

Hi. 嗨。

And this is my sister Susan and her husband Harry Bennett 这是我妹妹Susan和她丈夫Harry Bennett

and his daughter Michelle. 以及他女儿Michelle。

It's nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

And this gentleman is my grandfather, Malcolm Stewart. 这位绅士是我祖父Malcolm Stewart。

Welcome, Mr. Stewart. 欢迎你,Stewart先生。

Well, make yourselves comfortable. 噢,请大家自便。

There are hors d'oeuvres at the table, fruit punch at the bar. 在桌子上有小吃,有水果调味饮品。

Help yourselves. 请随便用。

Can I get you something, Mr. Stewart? 要我替你拿点什么吗,Stewart先生?

No, thank you. 不用了,谢谢你。

You can feel very proud of your grandson, Mr. Stewart. 你可以为你的孙子感到非常的骄傲,Stewart先生?

I do. 我就是啊。

I'm proud of all my grandchildren, Mr. Carlson. 我为我所有的孙子孙女感到骄傲,Carlson先生。

Of course. 当然。

Feel free to look around. 请随意到处看看。

If you need anything, just ask. 假如你需要什么,请尽管讲。

Thank you. 谢谢你。

Harvey? Harvey?

Yes? 怎么?

Did Mitchell Johnson's review come out yet? Mitchell Johnson的评论出来了没有?

Not yet. 还没有。

The newspapers don't come out till about ten o'clock. 报纸要差不多十点钟才出来。

When they come out, we'll get it. 一出来,我们就会拿到手。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Ready? 准备好了吗?

Yes. Have the people arrived? 是的。客人来了?

The guests are waiting. 客人们正等着呢。

Tom's about to open the doors. Tom准备要开门。

Good luck! And stop worrying! 祝你好运!别再担心!

They're going to love it. 他们会喜欢的。

Nervous about the opening tonight?

Nervous? Me? No. I'm scared to death.

Ooh, I'm nervous!

I'm scared to death.

My heart is pounding like a drum.

And I'm out of breath.

Ooh, I'm nervous!

I can't think straight.

My palms are sweaty, I can't relax,

and I just can't concentrate.

I've got butterflies in my stomach.

And look at my hands!

They shake!

I try to get to sleep at night.

But I lie there wide awake ...

'cause I'm nervous!

Oh, I'm just a mess. Yeah!

My mouth is dry, I can hardly speak,

and I can't even get myself dressed.

I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it.

As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown.

Ooh, I'm nervous!

It's my opening night.

I'm weak in the knees, I'm fidgety,

And I'm beside myself with fright.

I've got butterflies in my stomach.

And look at my hands!

They shake!

I try to get to sleep at night.

But I lie there wide awake ...

'cause I'm nervous!

And it's easy to see.

I'm jumpy. I'm jittery.

I'm anxious and panicky.

Ooh, I'm nervous!

Yeah, I'm nervous!


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