

I. Translate the following English signs into Chinese. (20%)

1. Dangerous Bend 弯路危险

2. Entry to Motorway


3. No Parking Except for Loading


4. Free Prize Draw免费抽奖

5. Please Join the Main Queue 请排队

6. Private 私人(住宅/车道…禁止入内)

7. Do Not Speak to the Driver While Bus Is in Motion


8. Open All Year Round 全年开放

9. Fewer Lanes Ahead 前方并线

10. No Goods Vehicles Over Maximum Gross Weight Shown


11. Keep Upright / Stand On End


12. Dogs Must Be Leashes


13. Leisure Time Bowling Center


14. In Case of Fire, Use Stairways /

Do Not Use Elevators



15. Abusive Language Prohibited on Campus校园禁止粗话

16. Please Vacate This Seat for a Disabled Person If Required残疾人专座

17. Used Car Dealer 二手车行/旧车市场

18. Hairdressing Salon


19. Locksmith 修锁/锁匠

20. Hours for Opening and Closing


21. Leave Nothing but Footprints



22. Closing Down Sale 清仓大甩卖

23. Commit No Nuisance


24. Repair in Progress 修理中

25. Reserved for the Elderly, Infirm, Sick, Disabled, and Pregnant


26. Do Not Touch the Exhibits / Objects


27. No Admittance 请勿入内

28. No Visitors 旅客止步

29. Passport Control 入境检验

30. This Work will Be Completed by the End of This Year. Thank You for Your Patience During the Inevitable Disruption 此工程将于年底竣工,感谢您施工期间的理解。

II. Translate the following Chinese organizations into English. (15%)

1. China International Capital Corporation Limited

2. Beijing International Power Development

3. The People Insurance Company of China

4. China Export Credit Insurance Corporation

5. China Oriental Scientific Instruments Import & export Corporation

6. China Agricultural Machinery Import and Expert Joint Company

7. Beijing International Power Development & Investment Corporation

8. Guangdong Foreign Trade Industry E????

9. China Export Credit Insurance Corporation

10. Changzhou Jinyuan Copper Co, Ltd.

11. American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange

12. Allied Food Industries Corporation

13.World Intelligent Property Organization

14. West State Agricultural Investment Corporation

15. China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

1. 中国国际金融有限公司

2. 北京国际电力开发投资公司

3. 中国人民保险公司

4. 中国出口信用保险公司

5. 中国东方科学仪器进出口公司

6. 中国农业机械进出口联合公司

7. 北京国际电力开发投资公司

8. 广东省外贸实业公司

9. 中国出口信用保险公司

10. 常州金源铜业有限公司

11. 美国制造进出口信用保险公司

12. 联合食品工业公司




III. Translate the following English sentences into Chinese. (15%)

1. Be through with the discussion about all the details before the contract is signed.

2. The economic indexes showed the 30-year or so reform has been a success.

3. A continuous increase in the trade volume of China’s export has led to a continuous demand from some major developed countries of the increase in the value of China’s currency

4.The economic environment is characterized by buyers, sellers, and competitors.

5. The strategy targets a specific segment of buying public by carrying products only in a specific price range.

6. According to “Financial times”, this group was ranked the second most competitive steel producer globally.

7. NISCO is located in the Northern suburb of Nanjing City, Jangsu Province, covering an area of

3.54 million square meters, with Yangtze river in the south, Ning Yang.

8. Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation (Baosteel), the largest steel producer in China, sets foot in diversified industries such as trade, finance, equipment manufacturing, information, chemical industry etc.

9. The core of Sunshine’s development is study, innovation and pursuit of the first-class of the world.

10. The Crankshaft Company is the biggest crank shaft manufacturer in the North-East region and the products are marketed in America, Japan and Singapore etc. and more than 30 cities in the country.

1. 在合同签约之前,务必要把全部细节导论完毕。

2. 经济指数显示,30余年的改革至今是成功的。

3. 中国出口贸易额度持续增长,已导致了一些主要发达国家不断要求中国货币/RMB升值。

4. 经济环境的特点是买卖和竞争。

5. 该策略以消费群体中的某一特定阶层为目标,只允许经营特定价格范围之内的商品。

6. 在金融时报的排名中,该集团名列最具竞争的钢铁公司第二位。

7. 南京钢铁集团位于江苏省南京市北郊,占地面积354万平方米,南临长江,


8. 上海宝钢集团公司(以下简称宝钢)是中国最大的钢铁公司。宝钢发展了多

元产业包括贸易、金融 、设备制造、信息和化工等。

9. 阳光集团的发展核心是学习、创新、争创世界一流。

10. 曲轴公司为东北地区最大的曲轴生产厂家,其产品远销美国、日本、新加坡 等国家以及国内30多个城市。

IV. Complete the following English passage with the reference to the Chinese version. (20%)


V. Translate the following Chinese passage into English. (30%)


gift giving 赠送礼物, an insult侮辱, offensive冒犯别人, Business executives商务管理人员, initial visit or afterwards首次拜访还是以后拜访, in public or private公开的还是私下, gifts are exchanged互换礼物,

Belgium比利时 In sharp contrast与此形成鲜明对比, not appropriate不合适,


I. Translate the following English signs into Chinese. (20%)

1. Dangerous Bend 弯路危险

2. Entry to Motorway


3. No Parking Except for Loading


4. Free Prize Draw免费抽奖

5. Please Join the Main Queue 请排队

6. Private 私人(住宅/车道…禁止入内)

7. Do Not Speak to the Driver While Bus Is in Motion


8. Open All Year Round 全年开放

9. Fewer Lanes Ahead 前方并线

10. No Goods Vehicles Over Maximum Gross Weight Shown


11. Keep Upright / Stand On End


12. Dogs Must Be Leashes


13. Leisure Time Bowling Center


14. In Case of Fire, Use Stairways /

Do Not Use Elevators



15. Abusive Language Prohibited on Campus校园禁止粗话

16. Please Vacate This Seat for a Disabled Person If Required残疾人专座

17. Used Car Dealer 二手车行/旧车市场

18. Hairdressing Salon


19. Locksmith 修锁/锁匠

20. Hours for Opening and Closing


21. Leave Nothing but Footprints



22. Closing Down Sale 清仓大甩卖

23. Commit No Nuisance


24. Repair in Progress 修理中

25. Reserved for the Elderly, Infirm, Sick, Disabled, and Pregnant


26. Do Not Touch the Exhibits / Objects


27. No Admittance 请勿入内

28. No Visitors 旅客止步

29. Passport Control 入境检验

30. This Work will Be Completed by the End of This Year. Thank You for Your Patience During the Inevitable Disruption 此工程将于年底竣工,感谢您施工期间的理解。

II. Translate the following Chinese organizations into English. (15%)

1. China International Capital Corporation Limited

2. Beijing International Power Development

3. The People Insurance Company of China

4. China Export Credit Insurance Corporation

5. China Oriental Scientific Instruments Import & export Corporation

6. China Agricultural Machinery Import and Expert Joint Company

7. Beijing International Power Development & Investment Corporation

8. Guangdong Foreign Trade Industry E????

9. China Export Credit Insurance Corporation

10. Changzhou Jinyuan Copper Co, Ltd.

11. American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange

12. Allied Food Industries Corporation

13.World Intelligent Property Organization

14. West State Agricultural Investment Corporation

15. China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission

1. 中国国际金融有限公司

2. 北京国际电力开发投资公司

3. 中国人民保险公司

4. 中国出口信用保险公司

5. 中国东方科学仪器进出口公司

6. 中国农业机械进出口联合公司

7. 北京国际电力开发投资公司

8. 广东省外贸实业公司

9. 中国出口信用保险公司

10. 常州金源铜业有限公司

11. 美国制造进出口信用保险公司

12. 联合食品工业公司




III. Translate the following English sentences into Chinese. (15%)

1. Be through with the discussion about all the details before the contract is signed.

2. The economic indexes showed the 30-year or so reform has been a success.

3. A continuous increase in the trade volume of China’s export has led to a continuous demand from some major developed countries of the increase in the value of China’s currency

4.The economic environment is characterized by buyers, sellers, and competitors.

5. The strategy targets a specific segment of buying public by carrying products only in a specific price range.

6. According to “Financial times”, this group was ranked the second most competitive steel producer globally.

7. NISCO is located in the Northern suburb of Nanjing City, Jangsu Province, covering an area of

3.54 million square meters, with Yangtze river in the south, Ning Yang.

8. Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation (Baosteel), the largest steel producer in China, sets foot in diversified industries such as trade, finance, equipment manufacturing, information, chemical industry etc.

9. The core of Sunshine’s development is study, innovation and pursuit of the first-class of the world.

10. The Crankshaft Company is the biggest crank shaft manufacturer in the North-East region and the products are marketed in America, Japan and Singapore etc. and more than 30 cities in the country.

1. 在合同签约之前,务必要把全部细节导论完毕。

2. 经济指数显示,30余年的改革至今是成功的。

3. 中国出口贸易额度持续增长,已导致了一些主要发达国家不断要求中国货币/RMB升值。

4. 经济环境的特点是买卖和竞争。

5. 该策略以消费群体中的某一特定阶层为目标,只允许经营特定价格范围之内的商品。

6. 在金融时报的排名中,该集团名列最具竞争的钢铁公司第二位。

7. 南京钢铁集团位于江苏省南京市北郊,占地面积354万平方米,南临长江,


8. 上海宝钢集团公司(以下简称宝钢)是中国最大的钢铁公司。宝钢发展了多

元产业包括贸易、金融 、设备制造、信息和化工等。

9. 阳光集团的发展核心是学习、创新、争创世界一流。

10. 曲轴公司为东北地区最大的曲轴生产厂家,其产品远销美国、日本、新加坡 等国家以及国内30多个城市。

IV. Complete the following English passage with the reference to the Chinese version. (20%)


V. Translate the following Chinese passage into English. (30%)


gift giving 赠送礼物, an insult侮辱, offensive冒犯别人, Business executives商务管理人员, initial visit or afterwards首次拜访还是以后拜访, in public or private公开的还是私下, gifts are exchanged互换礼物,

Belgium比利时 In sharp contrast与此形成鲜明对比, not appropriate不合适,


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