

One morning, the warm sun shone down on the earth, the little apple trees and the old apple trees were singing happily together. Suddenly, the old apple said sadly: "ouch, my stomach ache." The little apple tree is very anxious,

一天早晨,温暖的阳光照耀着大地,小苹果树和老苹果树在一起欢乐地唱着歌。突然,老苹果难过地说:“哎呦,我的肚子好疼呀。”小苹果树焦急万分, Young apple tree and find a doctor when flying a magpie, a young apple tree pleading tone of magpie said: "magpie aunt, you can can't help my mother-in-law cure?" Magpie said: "I'm sorry, I can only catch insects on the leaves, will catch the worm in the trunk, but will not do surgery." The Magpies fly away.


At this time, another owl, the little apple tree sad to say: "the owl Grandpa, can you help my mother in law?"" "I am sorry to say:" I will catch the mouse, this kind of small animal, I will not give the tree." The owl grandfather also flew away.


At that moment, a bird flew in and picked up the old apple tree. The little apple tree said angrily, "go away, my mother will be more painful." Woodpecker said: "just now I saw your mother is very sad, it is estimated that the insects inside the stomach, I am to help your mother-in-law surgery." The little apple tree is very happy.

这时,飞来了一只啄木鸟,在老苹果树上啄呀啄。小苹果 树生气地说;“快走开,我婆婆会更加疼的。”啄木鸟说:“刚才我看到你婆婆很难过,估计肚子里面有虫子,我是来帮你婆婆动手术的。”小苹果树高兴极了

The doctor, who had been on the old apple tree trunk to peck at the trunk, examined the body, and when he heard the empty sound, it said that the trunk had been eaten by worms. It's the bark of the tree, there are

a lot of worms! A peck of birds, one of the insects is pecking at one, until all the insects are destroyed.


Apple tree and the tree granny with gratitude for the woodpecker said; "woodpecker doctor, thank you, you sit down and take a rest." The bird said, "no, I will treat other trees!" Said to the distance flew away. 小苹果树和树婆婆感激地对啄木鸟说;“啄木鸟医生,谢谢您,您坐下歇会吧。”啄木鸟拍着翅膀说:“不用啦,我还要给别的树治病呢!”说着向远方飞走了。

The little apple tree and the old apple tree sang a happy song again. 小苹果树和老苹果树又唱起了欢快的歌。


One morning, the warm sun shone down on the earth, the little apple trees and the old apple trees were singing happily together. Suddenly, the old apple said sadly: "ouch, my stomach ache." The little apple tree is very anxious,

一天早晨,温暖的阳光照耀着大地,小苹果树和老苹果树在一起欢乐地唱着歌。突然,老苹果难过地说:“哎呦,我的肚子好疼呀。”小苹果树焦急万分, Young apple tree and find a doctor when flying a magpie, a young apple tree pleading tone of magpie said: "magpie aunt, you can can't help my mother-in-law cure?" Magpie said: "I'm sorry, I can only catch insects on the leaves, will catch the worm in the trunk, but will not do surgery." The Magpies fly away.


At this time, another owl, the little apple tree sad to say: "the owl Grandpa, can you help my mother in law?"" "I am sorry to say:" I will catch the mouse, this kind of small animal, I will not give the tree." The owl grandfather also flew away.


At that moment, a bird flew in and picked up the old apple tree. The little apple tree said angrily, "go away, my mother will be more painful." Woodpecker said: "just now I saw your mother is very sad, it is estimated that the insects inside the stomach, I am to help your mother-in-law surgery." The little apple tree is very happy.

这时,飞来了一只啄木鸟,在老苹果树上啄呀啄。小苹果 树生气地说;“快走开,我婆婆会更加疼的。”啄木鸟说:“刚才我看到你婆婆很难过,估计肚子里面有虫子,我是来帮你婆婆动手术的。”小苹果树高兴极了

The doctor, who had been on the old apple tree trunk to peck at the trunk, examined the body, and when he heard the empty sound, it said that the trunk had been eaten by worms. It's the bark of the tree, there are

a lot of worms! A peck of birds, one of the insects is pecking at one, until all the insects are destroyed.


Apple tree and the tree granny with gratitude for the woodpecker said; "woodpecker doctor, thank you, you sit down and take a rest." The bird said, "no, I will treat other trees!" Said to the distance flew away. 小苹果树和树婆婆感激地对啄木鸟说;“啄木鸟医生,谢谢您,您坐下歇会吧。”啄木鸟拍着翅膀说:“不用啦,我还要给别的树治病呢!”说着向远方飞走了。

The little apple tree and the old apple tree sang a happy song again. 小苹果树和老苹果树又唱起了欢快的歌。


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