
Rabbit's birthday

旁白:There are a lot of lovely animals in the forests. They're living a happy life. Little rabbit wants to invite some friends to his birthday party. Early in the morning, the rabbits are busy.


1. 音乐起,房子,小树上场

Houses: We are houses.

Trees: We are trees.

Tree1: I'm tree.I'm a little tree.

Tree2: I'm green.

Tree3: I'm tree.I'm a beautiful tree.

Trees: We are the forest.


2. 音乐起,花上场

Flower1: I'm red flower.

Flower2: I'm yellow flower.

Flower3: I'm purple flower.

Flower4: I'm blue flower.

Flower5: I'm pink flower.

Flowers: We are flowers.

3 音乐起兔上

Rabbit: Today is my birthday. I invite a lot of friends to my birthday party. I'm waiting for them in my house.



1 、音乐起,萝卜上

Turnip: I'm a turnip. I grow and grow. I'm getting bigger and bigger. I'm ripe now.

2 、音乐起,猴子跳上场

Monkey1: I'm monkey. I can jump.

Monkey2: I'm monkey. I can jump,too.

Monkey1: Little rabbit invited us to her birthday. Let's go.

Monkey2: OK!

边跳边唱儿歌:Might as well jump. Jump !Go ahead, jump.

Might as well jump. Jump !Go ahead, jump.

3 、遇见萝卜

Turnip : Hello, monkeys! Look I'm ripe. Please pull me up.

Monkey1: Today is rabbit's birthday. We can take this turnip as a birthday present for her.

Monkey2: All right . Let's try.

Monkeys: Hi-yo! Hi-yo!One, two,three! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! One, tow,three! We can't pull you out!

4 、小猪上场

Pig : Oink-Oink! I want to go to rabbit's birthday! Oink-Oink! ~~ Monkey1: Pig! Pig! Help! Help!

Pig : What are you doing ?

Monkey2: We want to take this turnip as a birthday present for rabbit. But we can't pull it out.Please help us!

Pig& Monkeys: Hi-yo! Hi-yo!One, two,three! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! One, tow,three! We can't pull you out!

5 、 小鸟上场 [Little birds]mp3 跳舞 放音乐

Bird1: I'm bird.

Bird2: I'm bird. I can sing in the tree.

Bird3: I'm bird,too.

Birds: We're birds.

Monkey1: Birds! Birds! Help! Help!

Monkey2: We want to take this turnip as a birthday present for rabbit. But we can't pull it out. Please help us!

Animals: Hi-yo! Hi-yo!One, two,three! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! One, tow,three! We can't pull you out!

6 、狮子上场,音乐起

(看见小动物们) Lion : Roar-Roar! What are you doing?

Monkey1: We want to take this turnip as a birthday present for rabbit (声音要胆怯)

Rabbit's birthday

旁白:There are a lot of lovely animals in the forests. They're living a happy life. Little rabbit wants to invite some friends to his birthday party. Early in the morning, the rabbits are busy.


1. 音乐起,房子,小树上场

Houses: We are houses.

Trees: We are trees.

Tree1: I'm tree.I'm a little tree.

Tree2: I'm green.

Tree3: I'm tree.I'm a beautiful tree.

Trees: We are the forest.


2. 音乐起,花上场

Flower1: I'm red flower.

Flower2: I'm yellow flower.

Flower3: I'm purple flower.

Flower4: I'm blue flower.

Flower5: I'm pink flower.

Flowers: We are flowers.

3 音乐起兔上

Rabbit: Today is my birthday. I invite a lot of friends to my birthday party. I'm waiting for them in my house.



1 、音乐起,萝卜上

Turnip: I'm a turnip. I grow and grow. I'm getting bigger and bigger. I'm ripe now.

2 、音乐起,猴子跳上场

Monkey1: I'm monkey. I can jump.

Monkey2: I'm monkey. I can jump,too.

Monkey1: Little rabbit invited us to her birthday. Let's go.

Monkey2: OK!

边跳边唱儿歌:Might as well jump. Jump !Go ahead, jump.

Might as well jump. Jump !Go ahead, jump.

3 、遇见萝卜

Turnip : Hello, monkeys! Look I'm ripe. Please pull me up.

Monkey1: Today is rabbit's birthday. We can take this turnip as a birthday present for her.

Monkey2: All right . Let's try.

Monkeys: Hi-yo! Hi-yo!One, two,three! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! One, tow,three! We can't pull you out!

4 、小猪上场

Pig : Oink-Oink! I want to go to rabbit's birthday! Oink-Oink! ~~ Monkey1: Pig! Pig! Help! Help!

Pig : What are you doing ?

Monkey2: We want to take this turnip as a birthday present for rabbit. But we can't pull it out.Please help us!

Pig& Monkeys: Hi-yo! Hi-yo!One, two,three! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! One, tow,three! We can't pull you out!

5 、 小鸟上场 [Little birds]mp3 跳舞 放音乐

Bird1: I'm bird.

Bird2: I'm bird. I can sing in the tree.

Bird3: I'm bird,too.

Birds: We're birds.

Monkey1: Birds! Birds! Help! Help!

Monkey2: We want to take this turnip as a birthday present for rabbit. But we can't pull it out. Please help us!

Animals: Hi-yo! Hi-yo!One, two,three! Hi-yo! Hi-yo! One, tow,three! We can't pull you out!

6 、狮子上场,音乐起

(看见小动物们) Lion : Roar-Roar! What are you doing?

Monkey1: We want to take this turnip as a birthday present for rabbit (声音要胆怯)


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