
PEP 小学四年级上册知识点

Unit 1


1. --- What's in the classroom? --- ____. 2. This is Zhang Peng, our new classmate.

3. I / We have _______. 4. --- Where's my_____? --- It's near the______.

5. This is my classroom. The wall is white. 6. Let's / Let me ….


P4 (Clean the … / Open … / Close … / Turn on … / Sweep…)

Good idea. / All right. / Good job. / Well done.


Unit 2


1. --- How many ______ do you have? --- I have _______.

2. ---How many books can you see? ---I can see twenty.

3.--- What colour is it? --- It's ______.

4. --- My schoolbag is heavy. --- What's in it?---_______.

5. 复习感叹句


Put your pen under your bag. (操练

put 与 in on under 等动作组合)

Unit 3

日晟英语 个性化辅导中心 为您的英语腾飞插上翅膀


1. My friend is a boy. He's thin. He has a small nose and two big eyes.

2. --- What's his / her name? --- His / Her name is _______.

3. I have a friend. He's ________. He likes ________.

4. ---Who is ____? ---_____.

5. 人称代词与形容词性物主代词(I you he she it / my your his her its)


P31 Listen to music. / Do sports. / Paint. / Make friends. / Play computer games. You ’re right.

Unit 4


1. This is my home. It’s nice. You can see … in my …. I like my ….

2. --- Is this your ______? --- Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.

3. Where is ______? / Where are ______?

4. --- Is she / he / it in the ______? --- Yes, _____ is. / No, it isn't.

5. Welcome to my home / school.

6. --- Are they on / in / ... the ______?

--- Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.

7. --- What can you see in my room? --- I can see______.


P46 (房间+动作) / P49

日晟英语 个性化辅导中心 为您的英语腾飞插上翅膀

Unit 5


1. --- Can I have some ______? --- Sure. Here you are.

2. --- What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner? --- I'd like some _____.

3. Pass me a ______, please. Give me a ______.

4. Oops, sorry.

5. Let me show you.



What ’s for dinner? / Everything/Dinner’s ready. / Wait and see.

What a big breakfast! / Mom, can I help? / Help yourself. / We had a good time.

Unit 6


1. --- How many people are there in your family? --- __. My family has ___ members.

2. --- Who are they? --- They are ____.

3. --- What's your father / mother ... ? --- He / she is a __. He's ___. (tall / strong) He likes ____.

4. --- Is this your _____? --- Yes, she / he is. (No, she / he isn't.)

5. He / She / they look(s) ______.


日晟英语 个性化辅导中心 为您的英语腾飞插上翅膀

PEP 小学四年级上册知识点

Unit 1


1. --- What's in the classroom? --- ____. 2. This is Zhang Peng, our new classmate.

3. I / We have _______. 4. --- Where's my_____? --- It's near the______.

5. This is my classroom. The wall is white. 6. Let's / Let me ….


P4 (Clean the … / Open … / Close … / Turn on … / Sweep…)

Good idea. / All right. / Good job. / Well done.


Unit 2


1. --- How many ______ do you have? --- I have _______.

2. ---How many books can you see? ---I can see twenty.

3.--- What colour is it? --- It's ______.

4. --- My schoolbag is heavy. --- What's in it?---_______.

5. 复习感叹句


Put your pen under your bag. (操练

put 与 in on under 等动作组合)

Unit 3

日晟英语 个性化辅导中心 为您的英语腾飞插上翅膀


1. My friend is a boy. He's thin. He has a small nose and two big eyes.

2. --- What's his / her name? --- His / Her name is _______.

3. I have a friend. He's ________. He likes ________.

4. ---Who is ____? ---_____.

5. 人称代词与形容词性物主代词(I you he she it / my your his her its)


P31 Listen to music. / Do sports. / Paint. / Make friends. / Play computer games. You ’re right.

Unit 4


1. This is my home. It’s nice. You can see … in my …. I like my ….

2. --- Is this your ______? --- Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.

3. Where is ______? / Where are ______?

4. --- Is she / he / it in the ______? --- Yes, _____ is. / No, it isn't.

5. Welcome to my home / school.

6. --- Are they on / in / ... the ______?

--- Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.

7. --- What can you see in my room? --- I can see______.


P46 (房间+动作) / P49

日晟英语 个性化辅导中心 为您的英语腾飞插上翅膀

Unit 5


1. --- Can I have some ______? --- Sure. Here you are.

2. --- What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner? --- I'd like some _____.

3. Pass me a ______, please. Give me a ______.

4. Oops, sorry.

5. Let me show you.



What ’s for dinner? / Everything/Dinner’s ready. / Wait and see.

What a big breakfast! / Mom, can I help? / Help yourself. / We had a good time.

Unit 6


1. --- How many people are there in your family? --- __. My family has ___ members.

2. --- Who are they? --- They are ____.

3. --- What's your father / mother ... ? --- He / she is a __. He's ___. (tall / strong) He likes ____.

4. --- Is this your _____? --- Yes, she / he is. (No, she / he isn't.)

5. He / She / they look(s) ______.


日晟英语 个性化辅导中心 为您的英语腾飞插上翅膀


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