


请学员用简单的英文进行自我介绍,消除其陌生感,缓解首堂课的紧张气氛。用“What’s your name?”等简单问题提问,请学员用英语回答,借此了解学生的英语水平,对表现好的学员给予不干胶奖励。

2. 老师自我介绍:


1. 用卡通玩偶引入自我介绍。(适合小班)

2. 在手指上画小人头老师配音增加自我介绍的趣味性。

3. 唱英文歌。如《Hello song》

4. 讲个小故事或者小笑话,但时间不能太长。

3. 介绍不干胶:




4. 介绍四步教学法:




才能收到更好的效果。听Let’s listen有习题,要求同座学生相







鼓励自由发挥,而不是死记硬背,老师给出key words,用日常生活的方式进行表演,并及时纠正学生的发音错误。


5. 介绍并操练课堂口令及基本用语:

“One two three, are you ready?” “Ready!”

“Go, go, fighting!”

“Eyes on me!” “See see sit!”等。


Book 1 Unit 1 Hello!

一、Teaching aims 教学目标

1. 会用Hello和同伴打招呼

2. 会用I am …介绍自己的名字; 用“某某is a ____”介绍他人.

3. 学会几个小动物的英语单词:cat, dog.

二、Key points 重点

1. Words:Hello, I, am, Spot, Kitty, a, dog, cat, is

2. Sentences:Hello, hello, I am Spot/Kitty. Hello, hello, I’m a dog/cat.

3. Song:Hello.

4. Letters:Aa, Bb, Cc

三、Teaching aids 教具


四、Games-introduction 游戏介

Games 1、Touch and say /Jump and say

Aims:单词输出,Let the students open their mouths。Built links between the sound and spelling of the words.

Rules:Teacher chooses one word, the students should touch it and speak out the word.

2、High and low voice

Aims:Words input,Imitating the teacher,correcting the pronunciation。

Rules:Teacher speaks loudly, then the students repeat it softly.

3、Flash cards

Aims:Review the words.

Rules:Teacher shows the cards quickly, then the students should speak out the words quickly.

4、Sentence Solitaire

Aims:Speak out the sentences.

Rules:One student speaks the first word, then another student speaks the next one as quickly as possible.

5、Jump to the cards.

Aims:Review the words.

Rules:Teacher puts the cards on the floor. Teacher speaks one word, then the student jumps to the word and speaks it out.

6、What’s missing?

Aims:Speak out the words.

Rules:Teacher hides one of the card, then the students should tell the teacher which one is missing.

Period 1: Let’s Look(40’)

一、Pre –preparation:

1. 了解学生的知识水平,有没有英语基础。

2. 了解学员的性格特点。

3. 这节课上完后学生可以说出自己的英语名字和几个动物单词。

二、Teaching aids:单词卡、Spot和Kitty的头饰。

三、Key points:Hello, I, am, Spot, Kitty, a, dog, cat, is单词的学习。

四、Teaching Procedures:

Teaching Procedures 家长会

发名卡教学生自己的英文名 ( 10’) 提前起好学生英文名,制作名卡。

Step 1: Greeting ( 2’)

Say “Hello” and introduce yourself to the students.

热情的和学生打招呼:“Hello, boys and girls. Good morning!”等等问候语。老师介绍自己:I am … 板书自己的名字,并在与学生打招呼时,让学生加上老师的名字做回答。 教师给学生打招呼时要热情,充满激情,并且不失亲和力。让学生记住老师的名字。

Step 2: Warming-up (3’)

T: “Now, let’s do a warming up”

I say Hello, you say Hi.

Hello, hello, hello

Hi, hi, hi! (twice)

第一遍示范,第二遍教,第三遍一起做 教师一定要做示范;时间不能占用很多。

Step 3: Presentation (5’)

T: “What is this? Listen to me, woof woof./ meow meow.”

教师模仿动物的声音和动作引出单词dog, cat 。

T: “Hello, I am Spot/Kitty.”

教师用头饰扮演,引出这两个名字。 教师表演到位,具有吸引力,在模仿小动物dog/cat的声音和动作时要生动有趣。

Step 4: Practice ( 5’)

通过游戏Touch and say/Jump and say/High and low voice操练单词 每呈现一个单词即用一种形式操练,检查学生发音。

Step 5: Game:What’s missing? ( 10’)

1. 把卡片贴在黑板上,带学生复习。

2. 让学生闭上眼睛:“Close your eyes, please. ”


3. 老师拿走其中一张:“Open your eyes.”老师可以用中文提示。

4. 提问:“What’s missing? ”少了哪一张

5. 拿出卡片,奖励最快回答出来的学生。带读单词 在介绍游戏规则时,老师要运用肢体语言做好演示,必要时可用中文提示。及时奖励第一个配合游戏的学生。

Step 6: Revision ( 5’)

Flash cards:老师通过快速闪示卡片检验学生对单词的掌握情况。 顾及到全班学生。

Period 2: Let’s Listen &Let’s Check & Let’s follow(40’)

一、Pre –preparation:

1. 了解学生单词掌握情况。

2. 能否正确辨别英语名字。

二、Teaching aids:单词卡、DVD、something can easily pass.

三、Key points:Finish the listening practice; Learning the dialogue.

四、Teaching Procedures:

Let’s listen;

Let’s check

Teaching Procedures Step 1: pre-listening (3’)

T:“ Open your books and turn to page 3.” Look at the picture and explain it:

“There is a cat and a dog, do you remember their names? Let’s listen to the video” 结合背景图进行,用中文解释问题,让学生仔细听。

Step 2: Let’s listen (10’)

1. 第一遍播放后,要求学生听出Spot 和 Kitty两个名字:“What are their names?”

2. 提问:“Who is a dog? Who is a cat? ”运用表情和TPR.

3. 老师在黑板上写出两个名字,强调问题:“Who is a dog? Who is a cat? Let’s listen again.” 让学生再听一遍,回答问题。

4. 老师在黑板上把名字与卡片对应,板书:Spot is a dog..

Kitty is a cat. 老师可以在听到的关键位置停下来,把句子重复给学生听。

Step 3: Practice (2’)

教师结合TPR讲解句子: “Follow me! Do the action! Spot is a dog. Kitty is a cat.”让学生完全明白句子意思。 学生一起做动作重复句子

Step 4: Post-listening (5’)

1. 最后放一遍听力,按照老师的板书完成第三页Let’s check的书写内容。

2. 老师纠正书写。 在播放听力时老师巡视学生的书写情况,及时纠正。

Let’s follow

Teaching Procedures Step 1: Lead-in (3’)

Ask question before watching the DVD: 课文里出现了两只小动物,它们是怎样介绍自己的名字呢?小朋友要仔细听。 让学生带着问题看DVD

Step 2: Presentation (5’)

1. 看完后,老师再次强调问题,请学生回答,回答对的学生及时给与奖励。

2. 再听一遍,呈现板书:I am _____.

3. 老师引导学生用I am ____做自我介绍:

“Please stand up and say I am_____.” 学生加强对自己名字的印象。

Step 3: Game (12’)

击鼓传花:被传到的同学起立,向其它同学说:Hello, hello! I am _____. 其它同学:Hello! ____(该同学名字).


Period 3:Let’s Act(40’)

一、Pre –preparation:

1. 了解学生是否完全明白对话含义。

2. 了解学生能否正确说出对话内容。

二、Teaching aids:单词卡、Spot和Kitty的头饰、挂图。

三、Key points:Practice the dialogue.

四、Teaching Procedures:

Teaching Procedures

Step 1: Presentation (5’)

T writes the key words on the board:

e.g. Hello, …… Spot.等。

让学生结合板书熟悉对话。 注意板书的安排,要有效辅助学生表演。

Step 2: Demonstration (10’)

1. 教师先用头饰扮演角色进行对话示范,或者播放DVD跟画面配音:“Now, look at me and listen to me carefully.”

2. 找一学生作为搭档进行对话示范,加上表情和动作,表演要生动.

T:“Who wants to be Spot/ Kitty?”

3. 找两名学生为画面配音。

Step 3: Practice in pairs (10’)

1. 把学生分成两两的小组:“Now, please work in pairs.”

2. 给学生5-10分钟根据提示准备表演的内容:“You have 10 minutes to prepare for the dialogue.”

3. 老师辅导需要帮助的学生,5-10分钟后老师问学生:“Are you ready?” 如果学生准备好了课文,可接下来让学生上台表演,如果学生还不能表演所准备的内容,可以追加部分时间。

Step 4: Let’s act (15’)

Show time for students.

T:“Big hands for A and B.”

教师做好引导工作并且对学生的表演给予建议和鼓励。 班上学生都要有机会上台表演。

Period 4:Let’s write& Substitute Exercises& let’s sing(40’)

一、Pre –preparation:


二、Teaching aids:单词卡、头饰。

三、Key points:learning letters A-C; Finish the Substitute Exercises. Learn the song Hello

四、Teaching Procedures:

Let’s write

Teaching Procedures

Substitute exercise

Teaching Procedures Step 1: Learn the letters (7’)

T: “Look here, we are going to learn these letters, Repeat after me.”依次出示字母卡片。Teach the letters with TPR.

1.T does and says, Ss follow

T:“Stand up, follow me and say”

2.T says, Ss do and say

T:“Now, listen to me, you do and say.”

3. T does, Ss say.

T: “Look at me. I do, you say.

Let me see who is fast” 老师要及时纠正发音不准确的学生,带动学生边做动作边说字母

Step 2: Let’s write (8’)

T: :“Open your books and turn to page 5. Finish Let’s write.”

老师按四线三格的格式进行板书,学生在书本上模仿书写,完成Let’s write 部分的字母及句子。 教师要清楚字母占格和笔顺。

Step 1: Substitute exercise (5’)

T:“Turn to page 6”

板书:Hello, I am _______.(your name)教师

用自己的名字做示范,然后引导学生将自己的名字用到这句话里并在横线上写自己的名字。 对于能够正确书写自己名字的学生要给予及时的奖励。

Step 2: extension (10’)


A: Hello, I am Nancy. I am a girl.

B: Hello, I am Harry. I am a boy.

2.TPR教授 girl 、boy

“Nancy is a girl. Harry is a boy.”

3. Game: T: “I will divide you in to two groups. You are group 1 and you are group 2. Group one come here, hand in hand make a circle, Group 2 circle the group one.”

让学生们站成两个圆圈(内圈和外圈),听老师的口令走动。当老师说stop时,内圈和外圈正对应的两个学生要相互介绍:I am _____(名字),I am a boy/girl. 一般的学生能用I am ____做自我介绍即可,延伸内容是为有基础的学生准备。游戏过程中老师要关注学生说的过程。

Let’s sing

Teaching Procedures Step 1: Let’s sing (3’)

Teacher teaches the song with actions.

1. T sings and dances.

2. 分解歌曲和动作,学生模仿老师。

3. Repeat several times. 唱的时候把中文意思告诉学生,不要求逐字教。

Step 2: Revision (5’)

T: “Look at the blackboard. Let’s review.”

复习黑板上的重点内容。老师检验学生的掌握情况。 老师通过对整体及个人的检验,把握学生学习成果。

Step 3: Good bye song. (2’)

Tune: Good morning

T: “It’s time to say goodbye, Let’s sing a song together.”

Lyrics: Say bye-bye; say bye-bye to you, to you and to you. (twice)


练习册答案:Part1 1.A 2. B 3. A 4. A

Part 2

Picture 1------dog

Picture 2------cat

Picture 3------hello

Part3 1. × 2. √ 3. √ 4. ×

Part4 1. a 2. a, a 3. c





请学员用简单的英文进行自我介绍,消除其陌生感,缓解首堂课的紧张气氛。用“What’s your name?”等简单问题提问,请学员用英语回答,借此了解学生的英语水平,对表现好的学员给予不干胶奖励。

2. 老师自我介绍:


1. 用卡通玩偶引入自我介绍。(适合小班)

2. 在手指上画小人头老师配音增加自我介绍的趣味性。

3. 唱英文歌。如《Hello song》

4. 讲个小故事或者小笑话,但时间不能太长。

3. 介绍不干胶:




4. 介绍四步教学法:




才能收到更好的效果。听Let’s listen有习题,要求同座学生相







鼓励自由发挥,而不是死记硬背,老师给出key words,用日常生活的方式进行表演,并及时纠正学生的发音错误。


5. 介绍并操练课堂口令及基本用语:

“One two three, are you ready?” “Ready!”

“Go, go, fighting!”

“Eyes on me!” “See see sit!”等。


Book 1 Unit 1 Hello!

一、Teaching aims 教学目标

1. 会用Hello和同伴打招呼

2. 会用I am …介绍自己的名字; 用“某某is a ____”介绍他人.

3. 学会几个小动物的英语单词:cat, dog.

二、Key points 重点

1. Words:Hello, I, am, Spot, Kitty, a, dog, cat, is

2. Sentences:Hello, hello, I am Spot/Kitty. Hello, hello, I’m a dog/cat.

3. Song:Hello.

4. Letters:Aa, Bb, Cc

三、Teaching aids 教具


四、Games-introduction 游戏介

Games 1、Touch and say /Jump and say

Aims:单词输出,Let the students open their mouths。Built links between the sound and spelling of the words.

Rules:Teacher chooses one word, the students should touch it and speak out the word.

2、High and low voice

Aims:Words input,Imitating the teacher,correcting the pronunciation。

Rules:Teacher speaks loudly, then the students repeat it softly.

3、Flash cards

Aims:Review the words.

Rules:Teacher shows the cards quickly, then the students should speak out the words quickly.

4、Sentence Solitaire

Aims:Speak out the sentences.

Rules:One student speaks the first word, then another student speaks the next one as quickly as possible.

5、Jump to the cards.

Aims:Review the words.

Rules:Teacher puts the cards on the floor. Teacher speaks one word, then the student jumps to the word and speaks it out.

6、What’s missing?

Aims:Speak out the words.

Rules:Teacher hides one of the card, then the students should tell the teacher which one is missing.

Period 1: Let’s Look(40’)

一、Pre –preparation:

1. 了解学生的知识水平,有没有英语基础。

2. 了解学员的性格特点。

3. 这节课上完后学生可以说出自己的英语名字和几个动物单词。

二、Teaching aids:单词卡、Spot和Kitty的头饰。

三、Key points:Hello, I, am, Spot, Kitty, a, dog, cat, is单词的学习。

四、Teaching Procedures:

Teaching Procedures 家长会

发名卡教学生自己的英文名 ( 10’) 提前起好学生英文名,制作名卡。

Step 1: Greeting ( 2’)

Say “Hello” and introduce yourself to the students.

热情的和学生打招呼:“Hello, boys and girls. Good morning!”等等问候语。老师介绍自己:I am … 板书自己的名字,并在与学生打招呼时,让学生加上老师的名字做回答。 教师给学生打招呼时要热情,充满激情,并且不失亲和力。让学生记住老师的名字。

Step 2: Warming-up (3’)

T: “Now, let’s do a warming up”

I say Hello, you say Hi.

Hello, hello, hello

Hi, hi, hi! (twice)

第一遍示范,第二遍教,第三遍一起做 教师一定要做示范;时间不能占用很多。

Step 3: Presentation (5’)

T: “What is this? Listen to me, woof woof./ meow meow.”

教师模仿动物的声音和动作引出单词dog, cat 。

T: “Hello, I am Spot/Kitty.”

教师用头饰扮演,引出这两个名字。 教师表演到位,具有吸引力,在模仿小动物dog/cat的声音和动作时要生动有趣。

Step 4: Practice ( 5’)

通过游戏Touch and say/Jump and say/High and low voice操练单词 每呈现一个单词即用一种形式操练,检查学生发音。

Step 5: Game:What’s missing? ( 10’)

1. 把卡片贴在黑板上,带学生复习。

2. 让学生闭上眼睛:“Close your eyes, please. ”


3. 老师拿走其中一张:“Open your eyes.”老师可以用中文提示。

4. 提问:“What’s missing? ”少了哪一张

5. 拿出卡片,奖励最快回答出来的学生。带读单词 在介绍游戏规则时,老师要运用肢体语言做好演示,必要时可用中文提示。及时奖励第一个配合游戏的学生。

Step 6: Revision ( 5’)

Flash cards:老师通过快速闪示卡片检验学生对单词的掌握情况。 顾及到全班学生。

Period 2: Let’s Listen &Let’s Check & Let’s follow(40’)

一、Pre –preparation:

1. 了解学生单词掌握情况。

2. 能否正确辨别英语名字。

二、Teaching aids:单词卡、DVD、something can easily pass.

三、Key points:Finish the listening practice; Learning the dialogue.

四、Teaching Procedures:

Let’s listen;

Let’s check

Teaching Procedures Step 1: pre-listening (3’)

T:“ Open your books and turn to page 3.” Look at the picture and explain it:

“There is a cat and a dog, do you remember their names? Let’s listen to the video” 结合背景图进行,用中文解释问题,让学生仔细听。

Step 2: Let’s listen (10’)

1. 第一遍播放后,要求学生听出Spot 和 Kitty两个名字:“What are their names?”

2. 提问:“Who is a dog? Who is a cat? ”运用表情和TPR.

3. 老师在黑板上写出两个名字,强调问题:“Who is a dog? Who is a cat? Let’s listen again.” 让学生再听一遍,回答问题。

4. 老师在黑板上把名字与卡片对应,板书:Spot is a dog..

Kitty is a cat. 老师可以在听到的关键位置停下来,把句子重复给学生听。

Step 3: Practice (2’)

教师结合TPR讲解句子: “Follow me! Do the action! Spot is a dog. Kitty is a cat.”让学生完全明白句子意思。 学生一起做动作重复句子

Step 4: Post-listening (5’)

1. 最后放一遍听力,按照老师的板书完成第三页Let’s check的书写内容。

2. 老师纠正书写。 在播放听力时老师巡视学生的书写情况,及时纠正。

Let’s follow

Teaching Procedures Step 1: Lead-in (3’)

Ask question before watching the DVD: 课文里出现了两只小动物,它们是怎样介绍自己的名字呢?小朋友要仔细听。 让学生带着问题看DVD

Step 2: Presentation (5’)

1. 看完后,老师再次强调问题,请学生回答,回答对的学生及时给与奖励。

2. 再听一遍,呈现板书:I am _____.

3. 老师引导学生用I am ____做自我介绍:

“Please stand up and say I am_____.” 学生加强对自己名字的印象。

Step 3: Game (12’)

击鼓传花:被传到的同学起立,向其它同学说:Hello, hello! I am _____. 其它同学:Hello! ____(该同学名字).


Period 3:Let’s Act(40’)

一、Pre –preparation:

1. 了解学生是否完全明白对话含义。

2. 了解学生能否正确说出对话内容。

二、Teaching aids:单词卡、Spot和Kitty的头饰、挂图。

三、Key points:Practice the dialogue.

四、Teaching Procedures:

Teaching Procedures

Step 1: Presentation (5’)

T writes the key words on the board:

e.g. Hello, …… Spot.等。

让学生结合板书熟悉对话。 注意板书的安排,要有效辅助学生表演。

Step 2: Demonstration (10’)

1. 教师先用头饰扮演角色进行对话示范,或者播放DVD跟画面配音:“Now, look at me and listen to me carefully.”

2. 找一学生作为搭档进行对话示范,加上表情和动作,表演要生动.

T:“Who wants to be Spot/ Kitty?”

3. 找两名学生为画面配音。

Step 3: Practice in pairs (10’)

1. 把学生分成两两的小组:“Now, please work in pairs.”

2. 给学生5-10分钟根据提示准备表演的内容:“You have 10 minutes to prepare for the dialogue.”

3. 老师辅导需要帮助的学生,5-10分钟后老师问学生:“Are you ready?” 如果学生准备好了课文,可接下来让学生上台表演,如果学生还不能表演所准备的内容,可以追加部分时间。

Step 4: Let’s act (15’)

Show time for students.

T:“Big hands for A and B.”

教师做好引导工作并且对学生的表演给予建议和鼓励。 班上学生都要有机会上台表演。

Period 4:Let’s write& Substitute Exercises& let’s sing(40’)

一、Pre –preparation:


二、Teaching aids:单词卡、头饰。

三、Key points:learning letters A-C; Finish the Substitute Exercises. Learn the song Hello

四、Teaching Procedures:

Let’s write

Teaching Procedures

Substitute exercise

Teaching Procedures Step 1: Learn the letters (7’)

T: “Look here, we are going to learn these letters, Repeat after me.”依次出示字母卡片。Teach the letters with TPR.

1.T does and says, Ss follow

T:“Stand up, follow me and say”

2.T says, Ss do and say

T:“Now, listen to me, you do and say.”

3. T does, Ss say.

T: “Look at me. I do, you say.

Let me see who is fast” 老师要及时纠正发音不准确的学生,带动学生边做动作边说字母

Step 2: Let’s write (8’)

T: :“Open your books and turn to page 5. Finish Let’s write.”

老师按四线三格的格式进行板书,学生在书本上模仿书写,完成Let’s write 部分的字母及句子。 教师要清楚字母占格和笔顺。

Step 1: Substitute exercise (5’)

T:“Turn to page 6”

板书:Hello, I am _______.(your name)教师

用自己的名字做示范,然后引导学生将自己的名字用到这句话里并在横线上写自己的名字。 对于能够正确书写自己名字的学生要给予及时的奖励。

Step 2: extension (10’)


A: Hello, I am Nancy. I am a girl.

B: Hello, I am Harry. I am a boy.

2.TPR教授 girl 、boy

“Nancy is a girl. Harry is a boy.”

3. Game: T: “I will divide you in to two groups. You are group 1 and you are group 2. Group one come here, hand in hand make a circle, Group 2 circle the group one.”

让学生们站成两个圆圈(内圈和外圈),听老师的口令走动。当老师说stop时,内圈和外圈正对应的两个学生要相互介绍:I am _____(名字),I am a boy/girl. 一般的学生能用I am ____做自我介绍即可,延伸内容是为有基础的学生准备。游戏过程中老师要关注学生说的过程。

Let’s sing

Teaching Procedures Step 1: Let’s sing (3’)

Teacher teaches the song with actions.

1. T sings and dances.

2. 分解歌曲和动作,学生模仿老师。

3. Repeat several times. 唱的时候把中文意思告诉学生,不要求逐字教。

Step 2: Revision (5’)

T: “Look at the blackboard. Let’s review.”

复习黑板上的重点内容。老师检验学生的掌握情况。 老师通过对整体及个人的检验,把握学生学习成果。

Step 3: Good bye song. (2’)

Tune: Good morning

T: “It’s time to say goodbye, Let’s sing a song together.”

Lyrics: Say bye-bye; say bye-bye to you, to you and to you. (twice)


练习册答案:Part1 1.A 2. B 3. A 4. A

Part 2

Picture 1------dog

Picture 2------cat

Picture 3------hello

Part3 1. × 2. √ 3. √ 4. ×

Part4 1. a 2. a, a 3. c




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